View Full Version : the WRC rally driver who smacked his co driver

18th August 2010, 00:28
can anyone remember which driver smacked his co driver round the helmet for getting the notes wrong and the co driver nearly cried afterwards. I need to find out for a bet, anyone got any idea's please?

18th August 2010, 00:46
not 100% sure but maybe it was the italian driver Paolo Rossi

18th August 2010, 00:48
Gigi Galli if I remember correctly

18th August 2010, 09:10
It was Galli, yes. I don't know about his co-driver crying though...

18th August 2010, 09:18
It was Galli who smacked his co-driver on the helmet, and i think it was the co-driver for pons on rally Germany who was crying as he got lost on the notes and pons was giving him hell and they went off!

also didnt gali throw a bottle (not in anger) but to his co-driver who missed to catch it and broke his nose

18th August 2010, 10:00
That's for public..

18th August 2010, 10:14
What about Delecour?

18th August 2010, 10:24
He didn't hit the codriver, just shouted at them!

18th August 2010, 10:38
Gb 2002..

18th August 2010, 10:49
And don't forget Pons and his poor co-driver a few years ago in Germany.

18th August 2010, 12:29
He didn't hit the codriver, just shouted at them!

"Psyko`s" outburst

I just love that he points at his codriver even before the car comes to an full stop :D

18th August 2010, 12:51
Pons was the one who went crazy at his co-driver in Germany i think.. If you were wondering who that was, his codriver did cry i think

18th August 2010, 13:30
Someone should add this moments togehter for a co-driver recruiting movie

" Is youre life getting borred? Become a rally co-driver, never a dull moment, and many social contacts with youre teamate""

18th August 2010, 13:36
Pons :)

18th August 2010, 13:52
Ok, we got to have a codriver payback also, Kaj Lindström giving driving lessons to Tobias Johansson :)


I also remember Kaj telling Thomas Radstrom once how impressed he was of his driving after a crash, but he seems to go easy on Kimi :)

18th August 2010, 13:59
Sorry it was Denis Giraudet who was Radstroms codriver coming to think of it...

18th August 2010, 14:14
He deserved one kick..

18th August 2010, 15:12
I also remember an old onboard from Armin Schwarz at the '93 RAC Rally. Peter Thul was his one-time codriver for that rally and lost his notes in the middle of the stage. He then sounded like the nerves really got to him and Armin was not amused.

But the one your looking for is Galli, as people said before, at least he's the only one I know that actually hit his codriver.

18th August 2010, 15:12
Which was the citroen driver who got angry big time with the co driver and then crashed it?

18th August 2010, 15:46
Pons I think..

18th August 2010, 16:00
Pons I think..

That's the one!

Looks like he crashed it on purpose to try and prove a point to his co driver. As the anger started way before he crashed.

18th August 2010, 16:01
But he was correct to Del Barrio and didn't fire him after that rally..

18th August 2010, 17:53
"Psyko`s" outburst

I just love that he points at his codriver even before the car comes to an full stop :D

French friends - What exactly did Delecour say, sorry, scream at the co-driver?

18th August 2010, 18:16
the last repeating sentences are

you told me the note 10 times slower
10 times slower
10 times slower
100 times slower.

18th August 2010, 18:32
the last repeating sentences are

you told me the note 10 times slower
10 times slower
10 times slower
100 times slower.

That's NOT what he said NOT, it's clear you canNOT speak French.
He said "Dix foix trop tard" and trop tard is TOO SLOW which makes perfect sense, NOT "10 times slower" which does NOT make sense at all.

Try NOT speaking things you do NOT know NOT.

(which would of course me silence and that would be trop bon!)
(dix fois trop bon)

18th August 2010, 18:33
I have given a co-driver a little wake up tap on the side of the helmet....he snivelled a bit later---

18th August 2010, 18:38
That's NOT what he said NOT, it's clear you canNOT speak French.
He said "Dix foix trop tard" and trop tard is TOO SLOW which makes perfect sense, NOT "10 times slower" which does NOT make sense at all.

Try NOT speaking things you do NOT know NOT.

(which would of course me silence and that would be trop bon!)
(dix fois trop bon)

i confused the nubers but

i think he said deux fois plus tard and then at the end cinq foix plus tard...so its 2 times slower then 5 times slower...but i maybe wrong.

18th August 2010, 18:45
well he either says dix =10 or deux in french at the start...and cinq = 5 or cent = 100 at the end...so i might be right once again. I don't speak french but i would like a clarification from a french speaker.

18th August 2010, 18:46
trop tard = too late in giving the note....

18th August 2010, 18:50
well google translate gives

" Putain de bordel!! C'était trop tard!! Tu me l'a annoncé dix fois trop tard. Dix fois trop tard. Cent fois trop tard. "

"****ing hell! It was too late! You told me about ten times too late. Ten times too late. One hundred times too late."

so i think i got it right...

18th August 2010, 19:43
well google translate gives

" Putain de bordel!! C'était trop tard!! Tu me l'a annoncé dix fois trop tard. Dix fois trop tard. Cent fois trop tard. "

"****ing hell! It was too late! You told me about ten times too late. Ten times too late. One hundred times too late."

so i think i got it right...

Yeah you still had to argue about a language you clearly do not speak.
That is so typical of you that I begin to think you're actually an American.

It should be evidence of 2 things: your have a right to an opinion, but your opinion can be flat wrong.
And you are an arrogant person that should learn some humility who you are blabbering about things you don't know...

And gimme a break putain de bordell, you cannot figure that out yourself???
Translated as f***ing *ell?

Try again.

18th August 2010, 19:49
actually i had my sister translate that for me back in the day when it happened and she spent 10 years in Paris and Grenoble so my only question was if i remembered correctly what she told me it meant.....

My arrogance feeds of people that wait in line to prove i am wrong....to this day the line is pretty big...so wait your turn please....others are infront of you..

18th August 2010, 19:49
Stéphane Prevot has also done once with Verhoestraete in Belgium . Prevot said don't cut like in the notes and Laurent Verhoestraete didn't listen and almost crasched after he had cut the corner . Prevot was FURIOS

18th August 2010, 21:13
Yeah you still had to argue about a language you clearly do not speak.
That is so typical of you that I begin to think you're actually an American.

It should be evidence of 2 things: your have a right to an opinion, but your opinion can be flat wrong.
And you are an arrogant person that should learn some humility who you are blabbering about things you don't know...

And gimme a break putain de bordell, you cannot figure that out yourself???
Translated as f***ing *ell?

Try again.
Jan, give the guy a break, he's keen and knowledgeable about rallying and doesn't go for the X Games Block is teh best!!!!111111 crap that some seem to believe. So his french isn't perfect.... who cares?

18th August 2010, 22:10
Brilliant response by everyone, Just one more, can anyone point out where I could find some footage of the Gigi Galli helmet smacking incident, I have trawled through the you tube stuff to no avail. Thanks and keep on prepping

18th August 2010, 22:46
Brilliant response by everyone, Just one more, can anyone point out where I could find some footage of the Gigi Galli helmet smacking incident, I have trawled through the you tube stuff to no avail. Thanks and keep on prepping


At 25 seconds.

18th August 2010, 22:52
He's not the sport man..

18th August 2010, 22:58
That's NOT what he said NOT, it's clear you canNOT speak French.
He said "Dix foix trop tard" and trop tard is TOO SLOW which makes perfect sense, NOT "10 times slower" which does NOT make sense at all.

Try NOT speaking things you do NOT know NOT.

(which would of course me silence and that would be trop bon!)
(dix fois trop bon)
In fact, "trop tard" doesn't mean "too slow" (="trop lent"), but "too late"

19th August 2010, 00:18
I've heard strong rumours that most likely the legendary scene where Gigi smacks D'Amore was somewhat preplanned "incident" to gain more TV air time for the crew/team. And they didn't fail, the clip has been shown hundreds of times in different occasions. :)

19th August 2010, 00:22
Yeah, he got what he deserved..

19th August 2010, 00:34
I tell you guys I don't mind these things but Pons went way over the line there, and I'll always remember him for it, SWRC champion or not :down:

If I was his co-driver I would have handed in the timecard at the stop line, undone my belts, got out of the car and walked away!!

19th August 2010, 00:45
In fact, "trop tard" doesn't mean "too slow" (="trop lent"), but "too late"

Yes yes, exactly I was though emphasising the "too"...we have the sameword, via french, in English....Tardy..

But the person i was responding to who endlessly complains and degrades and ridicules virtually every driver in the world is waht is called in English slang a "tard' so i was concentrating on the "too", see?

Idiom sometimes isn't exactly the same, and 'trop tard' could in this particlar context translate as "too late"---since he wasn't addressing if he was s-p-e-a-k-i-n-g s---l-----o-------w-------l--------------y, but "when' the instruction came.


19th August 2010, 00:49
Jan, give the guy a break, he's keen and knowledgeable about rallying and doesn't go for the X Games Block is teh best!!!!111111 crap that some seem to believe. So his french isn't perfect.... who cares?

Anybody else, sure. But since he gives every driver endless criticism and further ridicule, I guess he wants the same treatment for himself that he dishes out...

Why NOT? Only fair.

But yeah at least he's not of the Block-brigade so that's something (not too sure what, but sumpin)

19th August 2010, 00:50
Anybody else, sure. But since he gives every driver endless criticism and further ridicule, I guess he wants the same treatment for himself that he dishes out...

Why NOT? Only fair.

But yeah at least he's not of the Block-brigade so that's something (not too sure what, but sumpin)
Peace out :) Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight *shakes hand like he's up wif da kidz*

20th August 2010, 08:36
Not sure what exactly wrong Xavior did except get a bit mad for a second. Gigi didn't just punch him, he also accidentally threw a water bottle and broke his codriver nose, whom Petter was asking to be his codriver I believe. Its why for the cars they introduced a 'net' thing that separate the drivers and codrivers so they won't punch each other. If you really dig into some other onboard videos from different competition level you'll see some rare footage showing codrivers getting treated worse, like the codriver being scream at through the entire stage after he made one mistake and the driver driving erratically in public road afterward.

I'm not surprised the fact that so many people quickly assume it was Pons with the level of pre-judgment been thrown around. Also its more about what the camera caught than what really happens. I for one didn't like what Loeb said in the interview after Daniel called 'plus plus' instead of 'minus minus' in Japan 2007. Overall I like drivers/codrivers in rally, what mentioned here are certainly still not as crazy as whats going on in F1.

20th August 2010, 16:08
ahhhh... Gigi!

23rd August 2010, 11:18
'putain de bordell' for those non-francophone forum members translates literally as 'whore from a brothel' equivalent to the common UK english usage of 'you worthless tart'.
Mnsr. Ogier has been filmed this season giving Julien seven types of crap over some perceived error :)