View Full Version : Korean Grand Prix.

14th August 2010, 05:36
What's the deal?

There's two months to go but it's all gone suspiciously quiet... Does anyone have any updates? Pictures? anything?

Valve Bounce
14th August 2010, 06:13
What's the deal?

There's two months to go but it's all gone suspiciously quiet... Does anyone have any updates? Pictures? anything?

Hereyago: http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&=&q=Korean+F1+Grand+Prix&aq=f&aqi=g-s1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=

Knock yourself out. :)

I am just surprised that the Koreans would sacrifice that much arable land to construct a racing circuit. I remember when I was working in Korea, every square meter of usable land was planted with something. The sideslopes of highway embankments were planted with pumpkin, and where there were highway improvements, the old alignment was immediately ripped up and planted with a crop.

When you ate at restuarants in teh country areas, the rice had a 10% barley mix, the barley used to offset the slight shortage in rice production.

What an incredible country - I could tell some great stories about my stay in Korea.

You must visualize a work ethic there unlike any that most of us are used to. The only other place where I have seen construction work progress at a breakneck pace was in Hong Kong, where Li Ka Shing built a new building in Kennedy Road for the Chinese Government for their official office - they worked 24 hours a day, with any complaints about noise at night completely ignored. But then, I digress.

Azumanga Davo
14th August 2010, 07:20
"And there goes Yamamato! Let's take a look at the replay. Oh yes, spun off into the pumpkin, I see."

15th August 2010, 06:56
Korea says FIA satisfied with progress (http://www.grandprix.com/ns/ns22449.html)

Based on past planned (failed) races in Korea, I wouldn't be buying an airline ticket or booking a hotel for this year. But they do claim to be on schedule.

Saint Devote
15th August 2010, 21:10
Bernie has not commented negatively and he WILL be the first to know.

The South Koreans know that there are a list of places willing to hold grands prix - if they stuff it up again, then Bernie may not wait around.

15th August 2010, 21:38
much as i hate to admit it, as long as Bernie is still saying nothing or saying something positive it will all be ok. He has a 6th sensxe on these things and isn't shy about telling the world when he thinks its going tits up, normally to hasten the process and improve the deal for himself.

As long as Bernie is saying yes, we'll be there

Saint Devote
16th August 2010, 00:26
much as i hate to admit it, as long as Bernie is still saying nothing or saying something positive it will all be ok. He has a 6th sensxe on these things and isn't shy about telling the world when he thinks its going tits up, normally to hasten the process and improve the deal for himself.

As long as Bernie is saying yes, we'll be there

:D Tits up - for Virgin and HRT?

:rotflmao: its sad when a Virgin goes tits up!

16th August 2010, 12:15
"And there goes Yamamato! Let's take a look at the replay. Oh yes, spun off into the pumpkin, I see."

Just like the good old days at Snetterton, when a run on at Riches would see you harvesting potatoes :)

16th August 2010, 15:29
Just like the good old days at Snetterton, when a run on at Riches would see you harvesting potatoes :)

What's fun about that is how far they get into the field - you would think they were never coming back :D

You can't beat the classic BTCC tracks for character and good racing as well.

If Korea is anything like as good then I think we'll all be happy.