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13th August 2010, 17:38
Item 1, dateline Arizona....


Danica’s Man Didn’t Pass On Underage Girl: A television station in Arizona is reporting that a woman claims she and physical therapist Paul Hospenthal, who is Danica Patrick’s husband, had a sexual relationship while she was his patient and just 16 years old. Thanks to the accusation and a subsequent investigation, Hospenthal recently “hit a career speed-bump and is being disciplined by the State Board of Physical Therapy.“…

More at Linkie: http://www.sportsbybrooks.com/danica-patricks-husband-paul-hospenthal-accused-of-sexual-misconduct-12113

COMMENT: When I saw "misconduct" I was afraid maybe be beat up a certain unnamed forum poster for meddling, but no, just a common statutory rape.


Item number 2, ----- datelineMichigan:::


Hot Wheels and JR Motorsports' team driver Danica Patrick debuted her "Designed by Hot Wheels" paint scheme to be featured on a NASCAR vehicle at the Michigan International Speedway. At this weekend's CARFAX 250 race, Danica is driving her #7 Chevrolet racecar with a new custom paint scheme featuring the Hot Wheels red and orange flames. …

More at linkie: http://www.shoppingblog.com/blog/812103


1. More like "COLD Wheels" based on her actual performances.

2. Notice the endorsement is all about NASCAR - not one mention of INDY in any part of this announcement.

13th August 2010, 17:55

already have one started :D

13th August 2010, 18:07

already have one started :D

Sorry its so far down the pages that I was afraid we would forget to continue to bow and genuflect

13th August 2010, 18:21
Old news from 2007 for something that happened before 2006? Here (http://sportsbybrooks.com/tag/paul_hospenthal) is an interesting article about Mr "Patrick".

13th August 2010, 18:36
Sorry its so far down the pages that I was afraid we would forget to continue to bow and genuflect

its also in the Nascar section anyways, hmmm just about the same time DF came walking in preaching about the Great Danica about her useless NAscar runs

13th August 2010, 20:15
Old news from 2007 for something that happened before 2006? Here (http://sportsbybrooks.com/tag/paul_hospenthal) is an interesting article about Mr "Patrick".

Yeah actually I used the wrong linkie and this is an update to the previous story.

Two years ago I posted about a sexual abuse allegation leveled against Danica Patrick’s husband, Paul Hospenthal.

Hospenthal, a physical therapist, was accused in 2007 of having sex with a 16-year-old patient multiple times while he was 43-years-old. KTVK-TV in Phoenix reports the complaint from the woman to the Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy was resolved when …

Hospenthal was issued a public reprimand — six months probation — where he’s stays on the job and attends classes on patient boundaries.

He did not appeal.

Patrick and Hospenthal were married in November, 2005. She first met Hospenthal when (surprise!) he was giving her physical therapy for a yoga injury. She was 24, he was 40 at the time. They were married shortly thereafter.

Recently, Liz Mellott of NATIONAL SPEED SPORT NEWS followed up on Hospenthal’s sordid professional past - which actually goes beyond his reprimand for underage sex with a patient:

Under the Pennsylvania Department of State Health Licensing Boards Disciplinary Actions in October 2007, the story continues.

“Paul E. Hospenthal, license no. PT001940E of Scottsdale, Ariz., agreed to a permanent, voluntary surrender of his license because he had a license disciplined by the proper licensing authority of another state.” (09-27-07) So, now no longer on probation, he has no license.

Then, to add more soap to the opera, “The Board then discussed ordering Mr. Hospenthal to submit to a psycho-sexual evaluation. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.” Wow, when the whole Pennsylvania State Board thinks you need a psycho-sexual evaluation, you would think it would be hard to get a date, much less marry an IRL star.

Mellott also reports that Hospenthal had another complaint lodged against him by a young patient in Arizona:

In the Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy records, there is another complaint that in 2000 he seduced another woman while she was his physical therapy patient and that they had a consensual sexual relationship for four years during which time she “periodically received physical therapy care from Mr. Hospenthal both in and out of his clinic.”

That complaint was dismissed, but I can only imagine Patrick’s reax to all of this.


13th August 2010, 20:20
its also in the Nascar section

I don't go on those boards because I like real auto racing.

14th August 2010, 04:38
Perhaps someone can explain to me just how allegations against DP's husband are relevant to a racing discussion forum.

Except as an excuse to obliquely bash her and her fans, of course.

The only thing I can think of (and I admit this is a big stretch), I'm guessing this is the "personal issue" causing Danica to not be totally focused on her racing that a couple of posters were referring to a few months ago. No one wanted to just come out and say it, but I guess this was it? :confused: BFD. Unless there are pics of her wearing a Catholic schoolgirl uniform while eating a sucker and singing "On the Good Ship Lillipop"... :s nore:

To be honest, I don't really care that Danica's old man (get it, "OLD man" - and don't laugh, he's about my age!) is a perv. But if I want juicy gossip, I'd rather reach back in time and discuss Leslie Andretti (version 1, I mean... version 2 was kind of icky) or whether or not Danny Sullivan was really "keeping time" with Christie Brinkley back in the day, right under Billy Joel's nose. You know, back when we were fab.

14th August 2010, 07:47
Perhaps someone can explain to me just how allegations against DP's husband are relevant to a racing discussion forum.

Except as an excuse to obliquely bash her and her fans, of course.
err......that "Danica’s Man Didn’t Pass....." so that the two share common traits in each of their respective professions.....


14th August 2010, 18:15
I don't go on those boards because I like real auto racing.


I'm a fan of all forms of racing

14th August 2010, 18:47
I don't go on those boards because I like real auto racing.


I'm a fan of all forms of racing

So am I so I see no reason to go to the NASCAR boards.

Chris R
14th August 2010, 20:08

I'm a fan of all forms of racing

so what's that got to do with NASCAR??? :D

just kidding - couldn't resist -

I do have to say though, a few too many "perfect" endings have happened in NASCAR over the years for me to take it too seriously as "racing" . That being said - the drivers do a great job, and you have to hand it to the France family for putting together a great form of entertainment that still has strong appeal to the motorhead in me even if I am not entirely convinced of the "purity" of the racing anymore

Lee Roy
16th August 2010, 00:55
I don't go on those boards because I like real auto racing.

Then what are you doing here?

16th August 2010, 01:10
That was from 2007.

16th August 2010, 01:16
That was from 2007.That was my point. Some people must be getting really bored to dredge up such old news.

16th August 2010, 17:20
Good to see Lee Roy is still here!

This just in:

Danica still stinks.........

Easy Drifter
16th August 2010, 17:36
Remember, you heard it here first!
The reason Danica had a bad race at Infineon was that she was driving in the Nationwide Series last and had trouble adapting to the Dallara. :vader: :p :

Mark in Oshawa
17th August 2010, 07:02
The latest? Apparently When Danica showed up at Michigan and ran in the new Nationwide car, she claimed they drive the same as the old car. I wonder if ANY other driver in the garage would say THAT? Likely not....I mean, paying attention to set up and all that engineering stuff....like that is what the boys do right?

Danica for the record was 4 laps off the lead at the end.....

17th August 2010, 11:13
The latest? Apparently When Danica showed up at Michigan and ran in the new Nationwide car, she claimed they drive the same as the old car. I wonder if ANY other driver in the garage would say THAT? Likely not....I mean, paying attention to set up and all that engineering stuff....like that is what the boys do right?

Danica for the record was 4 laps off the lead at the end.....When they are set up as tight as they need to be for her to drive and run at the pace she drives, they probably don't feel that different.

Mark in Oshawa
17th August 2010, 13:53
When they are set up as tight as they need to be for her to drive and run at the pace she drives, they probably don't feel that different.

I would think that at some point, the light bulb would come on for her wouldn't it? I am sure the have told her that the fastest way to drive one of these cars is loose? Anyone who saw Harvick driving at Michigan in Cup this weekend would have seen it...he was twitching off 4 as he hammered down and just blew by people on the front stretch at Michigan. Loose he was...right in to the win....

Danica just is trying to keep the facade going..

17th August 2010, 15:09
I would think that at some point, the light bulb would come on for her wouldn't it? I am sure the have told her that the fastest way to drive one of these cars is loose? Anyone who saw Harvick driving at Michigan in Cup this weekend would have seen it...he was twitching off 4 as he hammered down and just blew by people on the front stretch at Michigan. Loose he was...right in to the win....

Danica just is trying to keep the facade going..
True. Something most of us have realized for so long. Remember the hoopla over the great finish" she had when she was at Rahal/Letterman in the Indy 500. Well, does anyone ever bring up the fact that under yellow during that very same race she too out three or four front runners. Totally forgotten. Not mentioned then, now or will ever be.

Anytime this sulky faced excuse gets a result is when she is the beneficiary of attrition and bad luck by other drivers.

I know Milka Duno is no good. But, she is not out there bragging like DP that using Peak you win. Implication, she is also a winner.

17th August 2010, 15:48
True. Something most of us have realized for so long. Remember the hoopla over the great finish" she had when she was at Rahal/Letterman in the Indy 500. Well, does anyone ever bring up the fact that under yellow during that very same race she too out three or four front runners. Totally forgotten. Not mentioned then, now or will ever be.

Anytime this sulky faced excuse gets a result is when she is the beneficiary of attrition and bad luck by other drivers.

I know Milka Duno is no good. But, she is not out there bragging like DP that using Peak you win. Implication, she is also a winner.

Actually, I bring that fact up all the time. You're right though, a fact not often pointed out. Funny too that it was her pitting out of sequence due to that foul up that ended up putting her in the position to lead to begin with, and also why she didn't have enough fuel to run full rich.

17th August 2010, 16:20
This thread is pathetic.

Mark in Oshawa
17th August 2010, 16:35
This thread is pathetic.

Hey..it's a hobby!

17th August 2010, 16:59
This thread is pathetic.

No different from the subject matter.

17th August 2010, 17:48
No different from the subject matter.

Ba'am! Good one!!

18th August 2010, 00:37
This thread is pathetic.

no more pathetic than picking DP (now those are "some" initials) to win every race.

I'd least I'd DO milka... LOLz

This seems to be an indication of just how boring the Indycar season is.

can we get to 100 posts?

18th August 2010, 04:49
No different from the subject matter.

Very true. I suppose every sport needs it's soap operas. I just wish we were talking about something along the lines of AJ slapping Arie in the face instead of this kind of soap opera.

18th August 2010, 05:22
Very true. I suppose every sport needs it's soap operas. I just wish we were talking about something along the lines of AJ slapping Arie in the face instead of this kind of soap opera.

Back at Long Beach, I was telling my GF about AJ and his history. She's a full blown racing fan now but doesn't understand the history given that she's younger than me and had no interest until 5 years ago. She went up to AJ and asked for a picture and he obliged, while I cringed at the potential jokingly. We sat back down and I told her of the deal with Arie, and in walks Arie on cue. The two of them met up after a few minutes and shook hands like ole buddies. Couldn't have ruined my story more!

21st August 2010, 00:19
Serious question to pose...I don't follow today's version of Indy Lights the way I did in the 90's but I see the top finishers are usually from 2 or 3 teams. If somebody were to put Princess in an Indy Lights car today, assuming AA considering, where would she run? Contender? Mid-Packer? Back-Marker? Keep in mind, she was essentially a mid-packer in Atlantics with RLR and they were a pretty good team.

Just curious of the consensus here because here we are at the last roadie of the year and she's STILL running around chasing her tail and it has been that way all year, on all tracks (except Texas). I personally think she runs mid-pack simply because the field isn't very deep.

Chris R
21st August 2010, 12:49
For whatever reason, I think Danica has lost some of her motivation/fire. I honestly believe she has the talent to run well in Lights or even the full blown IRL. She has never really had the mental toughness/focus that Jackie Stewart always talks about being critical to being a consistently winning driver - kind of like Stewart always said about Jan Magnussen.

I am just not sure she has the motivation to be a winning race car driver as much as she has the motivation to be a famous person who happens to drive race cars.....

So, to answer your question, back in the day, she would have been winning in lights with a top team. She was pretty competitive (better than mid-pack, not a top runner) in Atlantics and I am not sure RLR was really a "top" team , well, ever..... Today, well its a moot point, famous people who happen to be race car drivers do not take a step down.....

Danica is not alone in this loss of motivation/ fame more important than racing syndrome. Racing history is littered with drivers who find they prefer the spoils of racing to the racing itself (and there is fundamentally nothing wrong with that).....

21st August 2010, 15:10
So, to answer your question, back in the day, she would have been winning in lights with a top team. .....

Danica is not alone in this loss of motivation/ fame more important than racing syndrome. ).....

I am not so sure, the princess WAS with a top Atlantic team (Rahal Racing) 'back in the day' and never won and was mid pack at bext. 'Back in the day' the lights field was competitive...

I agree... Princess has found it more lucrative and easier to be a "celebrity" than a "racer". IRL made a big mistake in hitching their public relations program on her.

Mr. Mister
21st August 2010, 17:50
A whole thread and no one suggesting she'll easily make the Firestone Fast Six? Come on, now! I'm disappointed. :(

21st August 2010, 18:17
I am just not sure she has the motivation to be a winning race car driver as much as she has the motivation to be a famous person who happens to drive race cars.....

I believe you have summed up Danica Patrick right there. At one time I think she did have the potential to be the elusive "real deal" that everyone always searches for. But I think those days are pretty much behind her now. Not to say that she won't trip over another lucky race win at some point (in the IRL, not Nationwide and certainly not in Sprint Cup). But IMO, whatever potential she had to be something special on the track is all but gone. As you say, I believe she's becoming increasingly content to just be famous for being famous now.

22nd August 2010, 00:50
I am not so sure, the princess WAS with a top Atlantic team (Rahal Racing) 'back in the day' and never won and was mid pack at bext.

She finished third in the points in 2004. Not exactly mid pack. Not sure what's going on now, she seems very distracted (at least she outqualified the rolling chicane today, barely). Hubby seems to have cut her off from the rest of the family. Strange situation. I hope she figures things out.

22nd August 2010, 01:08
She finished third in the points in 2004. Not exactly mid pack. Not sure what's going on now, she seems very distracted (at least she outqualified the rolling chicane today, barely). Hubby seems to have cut her off from the rest of the family. Strange situation. I hope she figures things out.

Truth is she hasn't EVER been competitive at the front. A good points finish a year or two but generally due to staying out of trouble and finishing races. It is her MO.

22nd August 2010, 01:14
Truth is she hasn't EVER been competitive at the front. A good points finish a year or two but generally due to staying out of trouble and finishing races. It is her MO.

Good point.

Dr. Krogshöj
22nd August 2010, 12:08
The thread is not pathetic. The whole forum is because some members (especiallyTurn3) are obssessed with Danica and spam each and every thread with her. The thread is actually redundant because all threads could be titles "All Danica All the Time".

22nd August 2010, 15:13
The thread is not pathetic. The whole forum is because some members (especiallyTurn3) are obssessed with Danica and spam each and every thread with her. The thread is actually redundant because all threads could be titles "All Danica All the Time".

Spam? Funny, you just added to it. I love when a select few here are complete hypocrits. I've explained before but your tiny memory apparently doesn't remember. My fav driver is on the sidelines and while I appreciate some others, rooting AGAINST the most laughable overhyped piece of garbage jammed down our throats IS my thrill in racing. Once she's out of AA and all of the NASCAR teams turn their back, racing is going to get pretty boring unless some personalities are suddenly developed.

Dr. Krogshöj
22nd August 2010, 17:11
Spam? Funny, you just added to it. I love when a select few here are complete hypocrits. I've explained before but your tiny memory apparently doesn't remember. My fav driver is on the sidelines and while I appreciate some others, rooting AGAINST the most laughable overhyped piece of garbage jammed down our throats IS my thrill in racing. Once she's out of AA and all of the NASCAR teams turn their back, racing is going to get pretty boring unless some personalities are suddenly developed.

I may have added it to it in the "All Danica" thread but I don't seem to remember to spam about Danica in other threads recently. And my tiny memory (can't really argue that one because I do tend to forget things :) ) does remember that explanation but I don't see how that has anything to do with my point above. The constant Danicking makes this forum unreadable.

22nd August 2010, 17:15
I may have added it to it in the "All Danica" thread but I don't seem to remember to spam about Danica in other threads recently. And my tiny memory (can't really argue that one because I do tend to forget things :) ) does remember that explanation but I don't see how that has anything to do with my point above. The constant Danicking makes this forum unreadable.

Then stop reading it. Difficult solution? Also note, I didn't start THIS thread. I am however happy to add to it as I am on topic and within the forum rules.

Easy Drifter
23rd August 2010, 01:54
Aye I concur.

23rd August 2010, 02:01
I'm good with that. It'll make all the justified critics of her easy to find!

23rd August 2010, 02:02

23rd August 2010, 02:32
How about the I fix the other threads going forward then?

Any post about Danica that is not specifically about the thread subject gets moved here. That would be with me as the judge and no right of appeal. I will consider a post with one sentence about the thread subject and much of the rest of it about Danica to be a prime candidate to be moved. The same goes with any new threads about her.

Who votes yes?

This is great we'll get a record number of posts eventually !!!

But you guys are missing the good news... Danica finishes 16th at Infineon after her 23rd position start - a move up of 6 positions !!!!

That is better than that ****er Will Power (yeah I know the winner...) who DID NOT MOVE UP EVEN ONE POSITION !!!!

23rd August 2010, 03:12
Count me in.

23rd August 2010, 04:58


24th August 2010, 02:46
Miss Swiss needs a thread. She can actually drive and she is only a 21 year old rookie.

24th August 2010, 05:01
Miss Swiss needs a thread. She can actually drive and she is only a 21 year old rookie.

Now, where would be the fun in that ? LOLz

24th August 2010, 13:41
You know at Sonoma last weekend, Danica captured the record for most consecutive finishes, 29 in a row!!
Or are we not allowed to post positive things in this thread??

24th August 2010, 14:14
You know at Sonoma last weekend, Danica captured the record for most consecutive finishes, 29 in a row!!
Or are we not allowed to post positive things in this thread??

Well then it is settled, she's clearly one of the greatest drivers in the world.

Mark in Oshawa
24th August 2010, 21:08
Miss Swiss needs a thread. She can actually drive and she is only a 21 year old rookie.

Be our guest....you are correct.

25th August 2010, 20:20
I blame Tony Kanaan for Danica's lack of pace. He should set her car up for her like he (apparently) used to. Danica is busy these days learning about truck arms and such, and doesn't have time for all this setup foolishness. Come on, Tony... be a good egg and set the car up. Stop being selfish! And if Kanaan won't do it, maybe Andretti Autosport could pay Simona de Slivestro to come over and teach Danica some setup basics between practice sessions. :dozey:

Chris R
25th August 2010, 20:59
So who is/was the real setup guru at Andretti anyway? i am thinking it might actually have been Bryan Herta.... He didn't have the killer instinct to be a consistent winner but the team has pretty much gone downhill since he left - yes???? If that is the case than it is really Bryan Herta's fault isn't it??? ;)

25th August 2010, 22:26
I blame Tony Kanaan for Danica's lack of pace. He should set her car up for her like he (apparently) used to. Danica is busy these days learning about truck arms and such, and doesn't have time for all this setup foolishness. Come on, Tony... be a good egg and set the car up. Stop being selfish! And if Kanaan won't do it, maybe Andretti Autosport could pay Simona de Slivestro to come over and teach Danica some setup basics between practice sessions. :dozey:

LOLz !!! I think the story is that DP has screwed TK over so many times that he is now refusing to set up her car or if forced to by Mikey, does it in a poor manner. Certainly whatever she's doing this year is vastly inferior than in the past. Maybe D Fan is doing the set up ?

So of course as with all things DP... "its somebody else's fault"

God forbid she sets up her OWN car like REAL race car drivers.

25th August 2010, 23:50
So who is/was the real setup guru at Andretti anyway? i am thinking it might actually have been Bryan Herta.... He didn't have the killer instinct to be a consistent winner but the team has pretty much gone downhill since he left - yes???? If that is the case than it is really Bryan Herta's fault isn't it??? ;)

I think you're quite correct about Bryan Herta being the set-up "guru" at AGR at the time, with Dario right behind. Rather ironic that Bryan was "moved out" to make room for Danica in 2007, is it not?

However, Danica wants, and prefers, a tight car, with the rear planted. After all these years, she has yet to realize that when you have that tight a setup, you might be comfortable but you're going to be slooooooow. So yes, when she's yelling about being slow, it IS her fault.

26th August 2010, 01:45
I think you're quite correct about Bryan Herta being the set-up "guru" at AGR at the time, with Dario right behind. Rather ironic that Bryan was "moved out" to make room for Danica in 2007, is it not?

However, Danica wants, and prefers, a tight car, with the rear planted. After all these years, she has yet to realize that when you have that tight a setup, you might be comfortable but you're going to be slooooooow. So yes, when she's yelling about being slow, it IS her fault.

Exactly my 5 year old philosophy. Take note of how well Dan Wheldon has done post Herya/Franchitti. The team hadn't had a single year of continuity during the Danica era either...and that is BECAUSE of Danica. Crew and engineers alike refuse to work with her.

Mark in Oshawa
26th August 2010, 08:02
Well...at some point I would love TK to come out in a book or an interview and dish what is going on.

I suspect he has quit setting up race cars for Danica....and I think that in the end, it is why no one will help her in NASCAR land. That aint done over there....because every driver has a different concept of what the feel should be in one of those cars. In the IRL, the numbers on the telemetry and the precise way the cars are tuned can get things pretty close to what the driver wants...but in NASCAR?? God....a hammer is still an important tool in the box for their mechanics...they are designed to be rugged and crude..and tuneable but the driver has to do it.

Loose Danica...be loose...honest..we wont tell on you....

27th August 2010, 02:26
Well...at some point I would love TK to come out in a book or an interview and dish what is going on.

Buddy Rice has indicated he will do just that someday, about his time at RLR with the Princess.

29th August 2010, 02:33
What a joke...on a track where her teammates all competed for the win and top 5's, Danica (the oval dominator), strugles to keep up with the backmarkers and gets beat by lil Bertrand Baguette and Conquest racing. Can we officially write her of as a failed gimmick at this point? She can't even keep up on the no-talent tracks now!!!

29th August 2010, 02:38
Note to Danica: See Will Power for class act lesson.

29th August 2010, 03:00
Danica dropped like a rock after the last pit stop.


Yeah, well, and this is new.. how??

29th August 2010, 03:06
Negative. She had a fast car all weekend. She was in 6th place, and she could of very well been in the top 5 or 6.

Negative, she has no courage and she's just flat slow.

The call not to take tires won the race and Baguette was able to regain the position he held on her all night long...so tell us exacty how she was a 5th or 6th place car? This and the past or 4 posts all belong in the "All Danica All the Time" thread because she is absolutel horrible...SHE SUCKS!

29th August 2010, 03:24
You guys just can never give Danica any credit.

29th August 2010, 03:28
You guys just can never give Danica any credit.

I was a fan of Danica for a few years. She's done absolutely nothing lately that deserves my props. When she puts in a great performance, makes some passes and runs up front for a podium or win, then I will give her props. I won't praise her for running midpack or worse, why should I? She is an ok driver (on ovals) but I wouldn't rank her top-5 in the series, heck she's 4th just on her own team.

29th August 2010, 03:59
You guys just can never give Danica any credit.

I'll give her the credit she deserves...she ran 14th. And a lucky 14th at that, considering Power's fuel issue and some others that were running ahead of her when they had issues. She is HORRIBLE and gets plenty of credit for it.

29th August 2010, 04:26
You guys just can never give Danica any credit.

all things considered that might be your most rediculous post ever.....

would please at least make an effort to pay attention what actually happens on race weekends

29th August 2010, 04:51
Danica.......woulda shoulda coulda.........but didn't. Again.

29th August 2010, 06:17
You guys just can never give Danica any credit.

I give her credit.

I credit her with a 14th place finish and never being a factor all night.

29th August 2010, 11:46
You guys just can never give Danica any credit.Drivers are given credit when they deserve it. However, I would give her team big credit. At every stop, they gained positions for her - which she promptly lost. In light of their work, her post race comments were a bit disgusting - the car was too slow. No Danica, the driver was too slow.

I can give Danica credit for one thing. She finishes consistently because she stays out of trouble (and has great equipment) . But that is a backhanded compliment because it means she doesn't race anyone, just circulates mostly by herself. When she was in the pack, she was all over the track, running people high, chopping them off low. It is better that she just drops back and runs by herself and collect points.

29th August 2010, 11:49
Danica deserves no credit and no mention for this race (which she got none of on the telecast). She was nowhere. Probably one of her worst performances ever on a oval, considering where her teammates ran all night.

That happens sometimes. She ran a great race at Texas. She was a nobody tonight. No need to say anything more about it.

The kind of race Danica had at Texas used to be her standard on ovals. It has now become the exception.

DF, like many others have said, your allegiance to Danica as a fan is commendable. But the comments are not realistic, and as long as they are continually posted, there will be continual criticism of the comments and the racer. The times that realistic posts have been written about her by you, nobody has criticised at all. Cause and effect?

Regarding the post-race comments - when is she ever, ever going to realize that the way she likes her car to handle (rear end planted, etc.) is the REASON she is slow. She will always be slower than the truly fast guys as long as she wants the car tight, not loose. It's not her team, it's not anything else but the way she wants her car set up. Aothery cause and effect situation. One would think after all these years that lightbulb might go on. Apparently not.

29th August 2010, 15:01
DF, like many others have said, your allegiance to Danica as a fan is commendable. .

its not.... its disturbing....

29th August 2010, 16:11
:laugh: did DF really just say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought she was the most amazing thing on the ovals, and she was so popular to fill the stands to the rafters, especially at her home race. :rolleyes:

when is this hack gonna finally be done with her racing career, yeah, she got a 2nd place finish at Texas all because Bonerhardt didnt want to black flag her blocking tactics

29th August 2010, 20:31
You guys just can never give Danica any credit.

Well, that is true. But quite a few of us don't like her. And right now, she's making it rather easy for us to take shots at her. It's one thing for people like Ryan Hunter-Reay to be beating her like a drum on road courses. But once they get to the ovals (even though Danica was "trained" on road courses), she's now unable to demonstrate meaningful speed or race craft there either. Even in a spec series, better drivers HAVE to be able to beat their teammates. And Danica now seems to be the weakest driver at Andretti Autosport, whether they're on road courses or ovals.

This is an honest question to you, since you seem to know her. Do you think that Danica's confidence level has been harmed by her problems in NASCAR or is there some other issue that we don't know about? I've never hidden the fact that I don't like her. But like with Alonso and others (who I don't like), I'm still surprised when they appear to be doing worse than normal. I think Danica has typically been an upper midpack driver. Now she seems to be slipping toward the back. Why do you think that is?

A side note: I hope Dallara sends a nice Christmas card (and maybe bonuses) to the KV Racing drivers. How one team has managed to collect the majority of the biggest clowns in the series onto one team is pretty amazing.

29th August 2010, 20:36
I thought she was the most amazing thing on the ovals, and she was so popular to fill the stands to the rafters, especially at her home race. :rolleyes:

I was working on something while the race was on and didn't pay really close attention to it. But how many people were there? Maybe it was just the camera angles that I happened to see, but the joint looked rather empty. Was that the case or did I just not see the stands where the people were?

29th August 2010, 21:01
LOLz !!! I think the story is that DP has screwed TK over so many times that he is now refusing to set up her car or if forced to by Mikey, does it in a poor manner. Certainly whatever she's doing this year is vastly inferior than in the past. Maybe D Fan is doing the set up ?

So of course as with all things DP... "its somebody else's fault"

God forbid she sets up her OWN car like REAL race car drivers.

hahaha you hit the nail on the head :s mokin:

I have a hard time believeing Mikey could "force" TK to do anything. whats Mikey gonna do, fire him? he's one of the most talented drivers in the league. he'd get snatched up in two seconds and would most likely have a hufe fire up his rear to kick AA's a$$. TK deserves better, i'd actually like to see him get canned so that he could go to a team that would consistently challenge for wins.

29th August 2010, 21:44
hahaha you hit the nail on the head :s mokin:

I have a hard time believeing Mikey could "force" TK to do anything. whats Mikey gonna do, fire him? he's one of the most talented drivers in the league. he'd get snatched up in two seconds and would most likely have a hufe fire up his rear to kick AA's a$$. TK deserves better, i'd actually like to see him get canned so that he could go to a team that would consistently challenge for wins.

Kanaan has said in interviews that he's not sorry that he returned to Andretti. But considering how Team Ganassi has done since Tony left that offer on the table, one has to wonder if Kanaan isn't saying that with some regret in his voice. Did he stay with Andretti figuring that he'd be the top dog there but at Ganassi he might become a #2???

At least Marco appears to have matured a great deal this season. That time in A1GP seems to have done him some good. And he's doing well on ovals too. He's not crashing as much and I swear, I believe his voice isn't as high as it used to be. Our little man is almost all grown up now. :D Too bad another driver didn't take up the offer to drive in A1GP (or anywhere else during the off-season). Maybe then she wouldn't be such a complete joke on the roadies and solidly mid-pack on the ovals this season.

30th August 2010, 01:20
I was working on something while the race was on and didn't pay really close attention to it. But how many people were there? Maybe it was just the camera angles that I happened to see, but the joint looked rather empty. Was that the case or did I just not see the stands where the people were?

I actually didnt watch the race, nor go to the race, but our local paper said less than 20K :mark: which is utter pathetic

Will Rogers
30th August 2010, 04:40
I was working on something while the race was on and didn't pay really close attention to it. But how many people were there? Maybe it was just the camera angles that I happened to see, but the joint looked rather empty. Was that the case or did I just not see the stands where the people were?

I was at the race, watching from the pits (facing the stands) and I think the estimate of 20k for attendance is about right.

30th August 2010, 04:40
You guys just can never give Danica any credit.

Credit for what ??? Finishing 14th ????

30th August 2010, 04:42
DANICA PATRICK (No. 7 Team GoDaddy.com, finished 14th): "I'm really disappointed with the race result. The GoDaddy car was handling well all night, I just didn't have enough speed to stay with the lead pack. It's tough to end the event like this because we were really competitive and I thought we'd have more out there tonight."

Whaaa Whaa Boo Booo ITS SOMEBODY ELSE'S FAULT !!! The Crew gave me a slow car !!!

See Post #65.. "EVEN" D . F. said she "had a fast car".

Of course this doesn't explain how she DROPPED 8 PLACES ON THE LAST LAP !!!!

30th August 2010, 04:47
Sure it didn't have any speed because it had so much downforce so the princess could feel comfortable in the car.


30th August 2010, 07:16
Look for Danica to leave AA at the end of the year due to the lack of performance from the team thus breaking her contract.

Let's face it she is an okay driver but not this bad. I believe she is trying to figure her way out of her contract with AA.

30th August 2010, 12:46
Look for Danica to leave AA at the end of the year due to the lack of performance from the team thus breaking her contract.

Let's face it she is an okay driver but not this bad. I believe she is trying to figure her way out of her contract with AA.

I think she hasn't kept her skills honed to compete with the level of competition that is now in the series. When the fields were 15-18, she could finish top 10 easy with the skill level she has, and collect those points. With very, very competitive fields of 24-28 now, not so easy, and she hasn't improved her skills to keep up.

We don't know what's going on behind the scene, or what her contract stipulates. It could also stipulate a level of performance from her, giving AA the right to terminate the contract. Who knows? Guess we'll all see when the season's over.

30th August 2010, 14:14
Let's face it she is an okay driver but not this bad.

you are 100% 1/2 correct.....she is an oky driver....and a crappy racer, she is in fact 'this' bad

30th August 2010, 14:15
Look for Danica to leave AA at the end of the year due to the lack of performance from the team thus breaking her contract.

Let's face it she is an okay driver but not this bad. I believe she is trying to figure her way out of her contract with AA.

I agree with your idea that Danica won't be at AA next year, it has been my theory since the start of the season too. But, if you or anybody else can, I'd like to know what evidence exists that she's an "okay" driver. People keep saying that and things like, she used to be better...blah...blah...blah. I don't get it.

She's never been competitive at a single junior level, let alone in Indycar. She's had a few good results but she's also had some of the best equipment each year in Indycar. I could go on and on and on with facts and observations but I think we all know what those are. I'd like to point out once again though that both teams she's been with have gotten progressively worse each year she's been with the team. Why? AA has actually made an improvement this year simply by addign RHR. It appears to me what Danica's problem is simply starts with the fact AA realizes they can't cater to her needs in the car and have the rest of the team be fast. She's on an island...and the boat she has on shore has paddles instead of an engine.

So why, for the love of God, is this lack of performance a revelation for people!!?? She's not getting worse...there are just more cars out there than there used to be. Put 5 new teams out there next year and she'll be 5 places further back.

30th August 2010, 14:44
Just wondering how Mikey will replace the bucks she brings. Maybe a three or two car effort next year?

i read a few days ago that Danica's contract gives her a share of AA revenues....

have you heard that?

30th August 2010, 15:00
Just wondering how Mikey will replace the bucks she brings. Maybe a three or two car effort next year?

We all know that is the only reason she and many others are making the grid anyway...so you're right. How does he replace those bucks? Maybe he breaks the mold he loaned to KV and hires a full-time 3rd and 4th driver? I've heard no rumors about RHR for next year but it does seem Adam Carroll (sp?) looks like he could be coming. Who really knows at this point? I do know that Mikey has to be getting sick of the soap opera and most of all NOT WINNING! To me, him leaving her pit box after last year says something.

30th August 2010, 16:39
Who really knows at this point? I do know that Mikey has to be getting sick of the soap opera and most of all NOT WINNING! To me, him leaving her pit box after last year says something.

How about Tom Anderson leaving her pit box after Indy. Tom is one of the best strategist out there and he could not deal with it.

30th August 2010, 17:10
How about Tom Anderson leaving her pit box after Indy. Tom is one of the best strategist out there and he could not deal with it.

Exactly...and that was part of the soap opera I was thinking about too. Mikey brings in Tom to basically help him rebuild the company and he leaves mid-May to another pit box. Not a good sign when the #1 guy in the company won't work with you and the #2 guy in the company can't work with you.

30th August 2010, 18:54
I agree with your idea that Danica won't be at AA next year, it has been my theory since the start of the season too. But, if you or anybody else can, I'd like to know what evidence exists that she's an "okay" driver. People keep saying that and things like, she used to be better...blah...blah...blah. I don't get it.

She's never been competitive at a single junior level, let alone in Indycar. She's had a few good results but she's also had some of the best equipment each year in Indycar. I could go on and on and on with facts and observations but I think we all know what those are. I'd like to point out once again though that both teams she's been with have gotten progressively worse each year she's been with the team. Why? AA has actually made an improvement this year simply by addign RHR. It appears to me what Danica's problem is simply starts with the fact AA realizes they can't cater to her needs in the car and have the rest of the team be fast. She's on an island...and the boat she has on shore has paddles instead of an engine.

So why, for the love of God, is this lack of performance a revelation for people!!?? She's not getting worse...there are just more cars out there than there used to be. Put 5 new teams out there next year and she'll be 5 places further back.

I think what many of us are saying is that Danica used to be more competitive, whether it was because Andretti-Green had a greater advantage in how they set up their cars, Danica was more motivated or some mixture of both. There may be some more factors that I'm not considering too. But no one is saying that at one time she was on Lewis Hamilton's level and now she's hit the wall. It's just that she did appear to be more motivated and was certainly getting better results than she is now. I think you're right that she hasn't kept up as others have gotten better. But there was no way for people to know that she'd go into a funk state four or five years ago. Whether one likes her or not (and I don't), I think you have to admit that when she was younger (and wasn't yet believing her own press releases and PR spin), she had a great deal more potential than she's showing now. When she began "considering" F1 and NASCAR (see my sig), I think that was the first real sign that she'd become delusional and was in the process of jumping the shark.

I've already stated one of the reasons I resent Danica: as much as many claim that she's done so much for women in racing, I see it a different way. She's got one (lucky) win in her entire career but the majority of the attention she's gotten is based on her willingness to show skin. She doesn't know what the switches do on her stock car, she doesn't appear to want to go the extra mile to improve as a road racer and she blames others when she fails. Personally I don't think a positive message is conveyed to little girls when this example says that you can be mediocre, but as long as you'll take your top off, you can still be successful. With limited resources and only one car to collect data from, Simona de Silvestro is showing pretty well. She may not hit any homeruns, but I have a feeling that she's out there to race... and only to race. She seems eerily calm (even when on fire :eek :) , but I bet she might throw a left jab if someone suggested she could get more sponsorship if she'd drop her top. I want to see an Angelle Sampey type woman find success in AOWR, NASCAR or whatever. She doesn't try to look like a boy and even at 40 is still more attractive (to my eyes) than Danica ever has been. But she was a pure racer and a fighter on the track. Even when sponsorship was REALLY tough to come by and she was racing hand to mouth, she was not going to go the sleazy route to get $. Whatever happens with Simona, I hope she learns from Angelle and not from Danica.

30th August 2010, 18:59
Note to Danica: See Will Power for class act lesson.


The same Will Power who threw his Teammate under the Bus after Edmonton?

30th August 2010, 19:03
Look for Danica to leave AA at the end of the year due to the lack of performance from the team thus breaking her contract.

Let's face it she is an okay driver but not this bad. I believe she is trying to figure her way out of her contract with AA.

And go where?
After Penske and Ganassi she is on the best team in the paddock. Kanaan and RHR don't seem to be complaining too much......Maybe because they actually won races this year.

30th August 2010, 19:17

The same Will Power who threw his Teammate under the Bus after Edmonton?

Yea, the same Will Power that said Helio blocked...because he did according to every single driver intereviewed. Did you see the interview post-Chicago that the comment was based on? Or are you just trolling around like the negative ou usually are?

30th August 2010, 19:24
Yea, the same Will Power that said Helio blocked...because he did according to every single driver intereviewed. Did you see the interview post-Chicago that the comment was based on? Or are you just trolling around like the negative you usually are?

No I saw it from his own lips on TV.

Helio and Power are teammates. He should have kept his mouth shut. I know for a fact that he has been instructed not to ever do it again by his bosses.

I like Will. As far as I am concerned he is the best driver on the IRL grid but if he was my driver and said that about his teammate we would have a very long and one-sided talk.

30th August 2010, 19:27
No I saw it from his own lips on TV.

Helio and Power are teammates. He should have kept his mouth shut. I know for a fact that he has been instructed not to ever do it again by his bosses.

I like Will. As far as I am concerned he is the best driver on the IRL grid but if he was my driver and said that about his teammate we would have a very long and one-sided talk.

I'll admit that I was surprised when Will admitted he felt Helio blocked. He could've side stepped the question. But in terms of brutal honesty and integrity, Will was then and was after Chicago very classy and gracious with his interviews. He has been all year, and his entire career for that matter. Which brings me back to my original point...Note to Danica: See Will Power for Lessons.

30th August 2010, 19:56
Yea, the same Will Power that said Helio blocked...because he did according to every single driver intereviewed. Did you see the interview post-Chicago that the comment was based on? Or are you just trolling around like the negative ou usually are?

Oh, I think we ALL know the answer to that question.


30th August 2010, 20:09
Note to Danica: See Will Power for Lessons.

I think we all know how that would go. He'd explain something to her, a little cloud of dust would float out of her head and she'd say (after about 10 minutes), "So uh... that's like a technique, huh?"

30th August 2010, 20:13

30th August 2010, 22:49
And go where?
After Penske and Ganassi she is on the best team in the paddock. Kanaan and RHR don't seem to be complaining too much......Maybe because they actually won races this year.

NASCAR. Cash in on the waning 'dania mania' for a year or so until they find out she's even more on an empty driving suit than Dale Jr. at which time she will fade into the backgrounds of sport, probably as an anchor on Access Hollywood.

30th August 2010, 23:11
I know for a fact that he has been instructed not to ever do it again by his bosses
Legal facts meet a certain definition, "Law . Often, facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence.",

!f you know for a fact, raised to the generally accepted standard of proof" can you share it, otherwise something which agrees with your theories is not in fact a fact. Anthony, I find you exceptionally low in credibility, and wish you would post more "facts' that meet a more stringent test than you want to believe them.


Robert Hooper

Will Rogers
30th August 2010, 23:40
Hoop, I found your post to Anthony to be interesting. I have no idea of his credibility in general, and I'm sure that people often claim as fact things that are more in conformity with their agenda.

On the other side, I have been involved in a range of things in motor racing and posted about exchanges I saw or was involved in as fact and had plenty of people tell me I was making it up and as for a "link, please", as if it couldn't have happened until there was a link to some "verification" online. I've known the truth about a few things that have been covered on these boards but had to read some real whoppers that people made up but sold as "truth" about them, so I understand the value of having some evidence or proof. But I know that you also can't provide it in acceptable form in all cases.

Personally, I'm skeptical that Will would have been told "never again" to say something about a racing incident that was true, even if it involved a teammate--maybe because I want to believe good things about the Penske organization and that it's hard to argue with the truth. Also, Will (how I've had some interactions with over the years) strikes me as someone who, if you told him not to say things that are true, might have a good bit of trouble figuring out what to say if asked a question. It's not that he wouldn't grasp the benefits of being diplomatic, he's just not the sort who's good at talking around something-he's too straightforward.

31st August 2010, 01:16
I know for a fact that he has been instructed not to ever do it again by his bosses
Legal facts meet a certain definition, "Law . Often, facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence.",

!f you know for a fact, raised to the generally accepted standard of proof" can you share it, otherwise something which agrees with your theories is not in fact a fact. Anthony, I find you exceptionally low in credibility, and wish you would post more "facts' that meet a more stringent test than you want to believe them.


Robert Hooper

Mr. Hooper,

For a man who has repeatedly used fuzzy math to back up his statements then disappear from the discussion when confronted with facts that refute your claims I find it humorous that you would try to call me out.

I owe you nothing and I stand by my claims.
If you want to use legal "Facts" then you should know that it is the burden of the prosecution to prove their case.

So go ahead and start proving!!!!

31st August 2010, 01:18
Personally, I'm skeptical that Will would have been told "never again" to say something about a racing incident that was true, even if it involved a teammate--maybe because I want to believe good things about the Penske organization and that it's hard to argue with the truth.

You are implying that I stated that the powers that be at Penske have told Will Power to lie. I did no such thing.

31st August 2010, 01:27
Mr. Hooper,

For a man who has repeatedly used fuzzy math to back up his statements then disappear from the discussion when confronted with facts that refute your claims I find it humorous that you would try to call me out.

I owe you nothing and I stand by my claims.
If you want to use legal "Facts" then you should know that it is the burden of the prosecution to prove their case.

So go ahead and start proving!!!!

I am very comfortable with our peers judging the merits of our posts. I am of the opine you are a shallow sham of merit less opinion.

Since I often get to your area I would be far more than happy to discuss my perception of your total lack of credibility as a person, poster, or self-proclaimed journalist in person at the place of your choice.

Pick a time, pick a place. I will come look you in the face, K?

Lol, I think i am calling you out!!!, if you fear physical violence i assure you my capacity for such is much diminished, but if you are as retarded as you appear here, I may thump your nose.


31st August 2010, 01:37
I am very comfortable with our peers judging the merits of our posts. I am of the opine you are a shallow sham of merit less opinion.

Since I often get to your area I would be far more than happy to discuss my perception of your total lack of credibility as a person, poster, or self-proclaimed journalist in person at the place of your choice.

Pick a time, pick a place. I will come look you in the face, K?

Lol, I think i am calling you out!!!, if you fear physical violence i assure you my capacity for such is much diminished, but if you are as retarded as you appear here, I may thump your nose.



You are threatening me physically on the internet?

What are you, 13 years old?

31st August 2010, 06:48
Hoop, I found your post to Anthony to be interesting. I have no idea of his credibility in general, and I'm sure that people often claim as fact things that are more in conformity with their agenda.

On the other side, I have been involved in a range of things in motor racing and posted about exchanges I saw or was involved in as fact and had plenty of people tell me I was making it up and as for a "link, please", as if it couldn't have happened until there was a link to some "verification" online. I've known the truth about a few things that have been covered on these boards but had to read some real whoppers that people made up but sold as "truth" about them, so I understand the value of having some evidence or proof. But I know that you also can't provide it in acceptable form in all cases.

Personally, I'm skeptical that Will would have been told "never again" to say something about a racing incident that was true, even if it involved a teammate--maybe because I want to believe good things about the Penske organization and that it's hard to argue with the truth. Also, Will (how I've had some interactions with over the years) strikes me as someone who, if you told him not to say things that are true, might have a good bit of trouble figuring out what to say if asked a question. It's not that he wouldn't grasp the benefits of being diplomatic, he's just not the sort who's good at talking around something-he's too straightforward.

Please get back to the subject of bashing, er I mean, discussing the Princess, its all about herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!!

31st August 2010, 12:11
A Danica thread specially for her, and it's gotten hijacked to talk about Power and Penske! The Princess' star is definitely fading - "her" thread doesn't even stay on topic about her anymore! Oh the irony!

Will Rogers
31st August 2010, 12:16
[quote="anthonyvop"]No I saw it from his own lips on TV.

Helio and Power are teammates. He should have kept his mouth shut. I know for a fact that he has been instructed not to ever do it again by his bosses.

You're saying Power has "bosses" outside the Penske organization?

31st August 2010, 14:26
No I saw it from his own lips on TV.

Helio and Power are teammates. He should have kept his mouth shut. I know for a fact that he has been instructed not to ever do it again by his bosses.

You're saying Power has "bosses" outside the Penske organization?

Being instructed not to criticize a teammate in the media is different that making him lie.

"It isn't my decision.", "It is up to the judges" and the ever popular "No comment" are just some of things that can be stated without lying.

31st August 2010, 17:03
There is a show on MSNBC called , To catch a Predator. Seems as though this guy according to the accusations would fit in with the perps very easily. Of course that is if all of the accusations are factual.

31st August 2010, 19:55
A Danica thread specially for her, and it's gotten hijacked to talk about Power and Penske! The Princess' star is definitely fading - "her" thread doesn't even stay on topic about her anymore! Oh the irony!

Yes, there is no joy in Mudville. The mighty Danica has struck out. :(

Easy Drifter
1st September 2010, 15:08
There is an article on thegarageblog.com about the Princess.
It is written for the casual fan or even non fan rather than racing enthusiasts like those on here.

2nd September 2010, 00:11
There is an article on thegarageblog.com about the Princess.
It is written for the casual fan or even non fan rather than racing enthusiasts like those on here.

Thanks - it's quite an interesting article. And factual.

2nd September 2010, 23:30
I figured we should bump this thread up the list a bit. I don't want to get too far removed from "Danica Bashing". I lose motivation and drive through the week when I don't hear her being trashed like a two-bit!!

2nd September 2010, 23:47
I figured we should bump this thread up the list a bit. I don't want to get too far removed from "Danica Bashing". I lose motivation and drive through the week when I don't hear her being trashed like a two-bit!!

By the way, only 23 more days until "Danica at Dover!", as the billboard near my home is screaming. That billboard has me exploring alternative ways to get from work to home every day.

DF, if you want, I can try to see what company owns the billboard, and perhaps you can negotiate to add it to your Danica Room.

Oh man, Danica on the Monster Mile. There'll be some entertainment value there, I think. That track has chewed up and spit out far better drivers than her. Although I'm sure someone here on the forum will think otherwise. Top 10 and all that.

3rd September 2010, 00:26
By the way, only 23 more days until "Danica at Dover!", as the billboard near my home is screaming. That billboard has me exploring alternative ways to get from work to home every day.

DF, if you want, I can try to see what company owns the billboard, and perhaps you can negotiate to add it to your Danica Room.

Oh man, Danica on the Monster Mile. There'll be some entertainment value there, I think. That track has chewed up and spit out far better drivers than her. Although I'm sure someone here on the forum will think otherwise. Top 10 and all that.

Thanks BG!! Exactly what I needed heading into the weekend...I feel a little better.

3rd September 2010, 01:15
Thanks BG!! Exactly what I needed heading into the weekend...I feel a little better.

Glad to help! Have a great, and safe, holiday.

3rd September 2010, 14:13
Glad to help! Have a great, and safe, holiday.

Thank You...and the same to almost everybody. Well everybody be safe anyway.

3rd September 2010, 20:38
OK now DF, avert your eyes or at the very least lie down on a comfy couch BEFORE you open this link.



3rd September 2010, 21:01
There is an article on thegarageblog.com about the Princess.
It is written for the casual fan or even non fan rather than racing enthusiasts like those on here.

Great piece! Very factual and well written.

3rd September 2010, 21:08
Great piece! Very factual and well written.

Hmm, it appears that the Garageblog piece and the one I linked to are the same but with different pictures. Looking at the bottom of the Jalopnik one it says: "This post originally appeared (http://thegarageblog.com/garage/the-danica-enigma/) at The Garage Blog (http://thegarageblog.com/). Republished with permission."



3rd September 2010, 21:32
my goodness you would think she was a six year vet or something

4th September 2010, 05:32

What a hottie!

Mark in Oshawa
4th September 2010, 17:27
my goodness you would think she was a six year vet or something
six years, hasn't learned much....

5th September 2010, 05:46
I know Turn3 will say something opposite and negative but Danica ran a good race tonight. Im proud of her.

I thought she was a top 5 driver on ovals :rolleyes: and that you predict that she will win or get a top 5 every oval.

shes a 6 year veteran now, everything is a negative, dont be made that the competition is just getting better.

oh goodie, at least I didnt bother watching the race since Helio won :s nore:

I was at the Fire MLS game and had a freakin blast of all measures

5th September 2010, 08:00
Woooo Hooo Ninth place finish (last car on lead lap) Go, Daddy !!!

5th September 2010, 15:49
Woooo Hooo Ninth place finish (last car on lead lap) Go, Daddy !!!

FYI, that is inaccurate.

5th September 2010, 18:42
FYI, that is inaccurate.


5th September 2010, 19:38

Whoops, I stand corrected. I didn't realize that some of those cars finished a lap behind Helio when it all shook out. My bad.

7th September 2010, 08:05
Funny thing about Danica is that she and Helio Casto-Patrick won the same way over a couple of seasons. Helio just before Motegi and Danica Neves a couple of years back get the same types of win. Luck, pure and simple. Gas mileage. I bet they love each other. Same types of narcissism. Time for Helio to quit climbing those fences. Really, especially since there was no one in the stands.

7th September 2010, 19:16
Time for Helio to quit climbing those fences. Really, especially since there was no one in the stands.

When he did that all I could do was :rolleyes: Is that played out or what? I wonder if he still walks around saying "Where's the beef?" and "Wassup???!!!"

Helio, buddy, that's old & tired. Really! And this coming from a guy who still owns a white Versace "Miami Vice" jacket from the '80's (but I have enough sense not to wear it out in public). Find a new gimmick. And no, don't do the Cabbage Patch in victory lane either. Just sayin'.

7th September 2010, 19:53
I wasn't sure where to post this, but since this is the "All Danica ALL the Time Thread", I figured it's as a good a place as any...

Was driving back from vacation on Saturday night and caught the end of the race on XM Satellite Radio. One of the post race interviews was with Tony Kanaan. He was asked - since Andretti Autosports cars qualified down in the field - whether the team had considered having the 4 cars work together and draft their way through the field as a team to the front?

His answer? He said that "some of the drivers discussed it" and agreed to work together. He didn't name names at first, butl his next sentence, was (paraphrased) "Ryan, Marco and I agreed..." Nice omission. Later said something to the effect of he'll have to talk to Danica later to see what's up with her.

TK must really be getting frustrated at this point if he's actually calling out a teammate in a post-race radio interview.

Did anyone else catch the interview?

7th September 2010, 20:02
I wasn't sure where to post this, but since this is the "All Danica ALL the Time Thread", I figured it's as a good a place as any...

Was driving back from vacation on Saturday night and caught the end of the race on XM Satellite Radio. One of the post race interviews was with Tony Kanaan. He was asked - since Andretti Autosports cars qualified down in the field - whether the team had considered having the 4 cars work together and draft their way through the field as a team to the front?

His answer? He said that "some of the drivers discussed it" and agreed to work together. He didn't name names at first, butl his next sentence, was (paraphrased) "Ryan, Marco and I agreed..." Nice omission. Later said something to the effect of he'll have to talk to Danica later to see what's up with her.

TK must really be getting frustrated at this point if he's actually calling out a teammate in a post-race radio interview.

Did anyone else catch the interview?

That is very telling. I don't think TK has made any secrets that she's burned the bridge between them. It isn't the first subtle hint, or not so subtle. I'm sure it won't be the last.

Mark in Oshawa
8th September 2010, 17:33
Danica doesnt' play well with others? aaah who knew!!???

8th September 2010, 17:48
OK now DF, avert your eyes or at the very least lie down on a comfy couch BEFORE you open this link.



Pretty accurate article. I was away this weekend and watched the race when I returned. It's really predictable to see what that team is doing to get her to the front.

Every time she is in a shot you see her dicing with a teammate or a back marker whom she can pass. She pits early, gets to the front by being way off the leaders and then benefits when there is a yellow. She may, as the article says be in contention and battling , but she always falls off the pace in a couple of laps.

I would love to see Simona in that car. Great personality and great driver.She is also a very smart young lady. I believe she is fluent in about five different languages. Danica is not even fluent in one let alone five. She can't use "race-speak" because as she said to a reporter on Speed "It's really difficult to let the team know what I want because the terminology is so different over here" (Nationwide). Wow, imagine having to learn that push, loose, tight or whatever term is needed would be so difficult. Good job she is not with Foyt. I hear that he is only now convinced that telemetry is the way to go.

8th September 2010, 17:49

What a hottie!

You meant to put a ? along with the ! , right?!

9th September 2010, 00:28
My sense of humor is far too subtle... :)

9th September 2010, 04:58
When he did that all I could do was :rolleyes: Is that played out or what? I wonder if he still walks around saying "Where's the beef?" and "Wassup???!!!"

Helio, buddy, that's old & tired. Really! And this coming from a guy who still owns a white Versace "Miami Vice" jacket from the '80's (but I have enough sense not to wear it out in public). Find a new gimmick. And no, don't do the Cabbage Patch in victory lane either. Just sayin'.
:D :D :s mokin:

or atleast find a fence that has one or two fans behind it.....

9th September 2010, 16:33
I have been really impressed with Dreyer and Reinbold (sic) and the way they seem to be able to get sponsors for their cars.

The problem I have with them is that they,akin to AA is not able to put a talented driver like Justin Wilson in a fast car and GoDaddy is able to put much more money into AA but are unable to get anything except a series official telling the announcers to tell the viewers (few and far between) to continue to mention Dan-i -ca.

Could you imagine if Wilson was driving that car?

Question for those that know a lot more than me: what is the incentive for Andretti to race her? Does he get to take some of that sponsorship money and put it in his pocket? Legally of course.

Scotty G.
10th September 2010, 05:16
1. I have been really impressed with Dreyer and Reinbold (sic) and the way they seem to be able to get sponsors for their cars.

2. Question for those that know a lot more than me: what is the incentive for Andretti to race her?

1. D&R's 2 cars are funded by a sponsor that Justin Wilson brought to them and the other car was funded mostly by Mike Conway's family. Like most other Indy Car teams, they have no clue how to find a sponsor on their own. Put your hand out and wait for the driver to bring you the check.

Since Conway got hurt, its been drivers bringing money for each race, to get in the #24 car. Tracy, Scheckter, Beatriz and Hildebrand all paid their way.

2. Danica has a sponsor that pays her way. Her money over the years, has also probably helped Micheal's son's operation (at least indirectly). So he has good reason to run her.... $$$$$

Mark in Oshawa
10th September 2010, 06:57
1. D&R's 2 cars are funded by a sponsor that Justin Wilson brought to them and the other car was funded mostly by Mike Conway's family. Like most other Indy Car teams, they have no clue how to find a sponsor on their own. Put your hand out and wait for the driver to bring you the check.

Since Conway got hurt, its been drivers bringing money for each race, to get in the #24 car. Tracy, Scheckter, Beatriz and Hildebrand all paid their way.

2. Danica has a sponsor that pays her way. Her money over the years, has also probably helped Micheal's son's operation (at least indirectly). So he has good reason to run her.... $$$$$

For the most part, good points....Only Quibble I have is some owners who have in the past gotten good sponsors now cannot....You gonna tell me Roger Penske doesn't know how to get good sponsors???

That said, Danica's Go Daddy money is keeping her alive now...but it could be gone tomorrow....she has had other sponsors that are no longer with her....she is only as good as her last commercial and she can keep up the fiction she knows what she is doing.....and the NW gig is proving just what a fraud she has been....

10th September 2010, 14:03
1. D&R's 2 cars are funded by a sponsor that Justin Wilson brought to them and the other car was funded mostly by Mike Conway's family. Like most other Indy Car teams, they have no clue how to find a sponsor on their own. Put your hand out and wait for the driver to bring you the check.

Since Conway got hurt, its been drivers bringing money for each race, to get in the #24 car. Tracy, Scheckter, Beatriz and Hildebrand all paid their way.

2. Danica has a sponsor that pays her way. Her money over the years, has also probably helped Micheal's son's operation (at least indirectly). So he has good reason to run her.... $$$$$

Actually, Justin didn't "bring" the Z-Line sponsorship. It was a coincidence that he moved to the same team. Justin talked about it in the pre-season, Z-Line chose DRR because they "liked the direction of the team". So based on Justin's comments, I'll give DRR a little credit...and for the simple fact they picked Justin up as a driver which was also a good decision.

I didn't know Dad's came from the Conway family but not sure what the deal is there.

Scotty G.
10th September 2010, 14:29
1. I'll give DRR a little credit...and for the simple fact they picked Justin up as a driver which was also a good decision.

2. I didn't know Dad's came from the Conway family but not sure what the deal is there.

1. I'll agree with you on that.

2. Dad's actually originally came from Jon Herb's family. Conway has no affiliation with Dad's Root Beer. You won't see any sponsor name on his car, that he brought. He just wrote them a nice, big check from the Conway family fortune. Kinda like Moraes has each year.

10th September 2010, 19:19
What Are They Buying With The Danica Hype? (http://www.frontstretch.com/ksmith/31217/)

Kurt Smith · Thursday September 9, 2010

Where I live in South Jersey, you will occasionally see billboards for upcoming races at Dover Speedway. A few days ago I drove by one with Danica’s face plastered on the billboard even larger that the words “Dover Speedway”. It’s the first time I can recall either of two things happening: a Nationwide race being advertised on a billboard, and a driver being mentioned on a billboard for an upcoming event. I’m not saying that it’s never happened, just that I haven’t seen it.
All this for a driver whose best finish in six races is 24th. Who has yet to finish a race even as much as one lap down.
Google “Danica Patrick” and the first thing that will appear on your computer screen are eight photos, or at least that’s what showed up on my screen. Two of them show her in a firesuit, one shows her undressing out of a firesuit with little on underneath, and the rest show her in various types of lingerie. It’s hard to know whether she’s a racecar driver or a supermodel posing as one.
Danica Patrick has as much right to try to make it in NASCAR as anyone. She has every right to struggle and finish poorly until she gets the hang of it, especially if she can bring in the sponsorship. You could make the same argument for John Wes Townley. Racing is not a perfect world and teams need sponsors. But what, exactly, are NASCAR and ESPN and venues trying to buy by shoving a less than mediocre driver down every racing fan’s throat?
Despite Dale Earnhardt Jr’s example that poor on-track performance is a poor way to gain fans, NASCAR and its promoters are putting the future of the sport on the assets of at best a mediocre driver.

I can’t think of an athlete in history with a higher ratio of hype to performance. Watching Danica try to race in NASCAR is like watching Michael Jordan try to play baseball. Her lack of qualification for this level is so patently obvious it’s embarrassing.
But to listen to networks and tracks, you’d think she was the next Dale Earnhardt. ESPN even went so far one race as to show that Danica had moved from 31st to 3rd place in X number of laps—when the rest of the field was cycling through pit stops. As if she had been charging through the field—and somehow a broadcast that featured a Danica update every half a lap missed it!
Are things so bad in NASCAR that instead of promoting the resurgence of Richard Childress, or the battle between Hendrick teammates to be the first to reach five championships, or the sleeper status of Jeff Burton, or the possibility of the Busch brothers battling for a title, we’re getting sensory overload of a driver whose biggest qualification is how well she fits into a skimpy bikini?
If the racing is “better than it’s ever been”, as NASCAR keeps insisting, why focus so intently on a driver who isn’t even performing well in a minor league series? What part of Danica Patrick’s appeal has anything at all to do with what she can do in a racecar?
Yes, and here I am writing an article about it. I get the irony, or hypocrisy I suppose you could call it. But trust me; I’m not going to gain anything financially from this piece, short or long term. What I don’t get is once NASCAR milks Danica for all she’s worth and then some beyond the point of fatigue, then what?
Tracks and networks fret about losing so many Little E fans due to his lack of track success. You’d think they’d learn something from that. Yet they are again willing to put all of their ratings and attendance eggs into the basket for a driver far less skilled than Junior.
Either two things are going to happen here. Patrick is going to keep putting up lousy results with the whole world watching, or she’s going to put up a top 10 finish at a place like Talladega and the presses will stop as far as Mars.
I’m betting on the former. Danica is not likely to improve much with her current commitment. Stock car racing isn’t something one dabbles in while pursuing a full time open wheel career. It’s very difficult to excel at a part-time gig. Not with something as all-consuming as racing that is competitive enough to be on television every weekend.
And at some point television and tracks are going to have to find something else to promote. And judging from the way Patrick is slobbered over, I’m guessing NASCAR is becoming a real problem child for them. Heck, even I don’t think the racing’s been that bad.
Hasn’t anyone noticed yet that you can’t see Danica’s sexy figure when she’s in the racecar?

More at Linkie: http://www.frontstretch.com/ksmith/31217

10th September 2010, 19:32
Pick to win the World Series --- Danica over the Yankees in a sweep

Pick to win the Superbowl --- Danica over the Colts, 77-3

2011 Stanley Cup --- Danica over the Flyers, in a sweep

NBA Championship --- Danica over the Heat, in a sweep

2011 Daytona 500 Champion --- Danica laps the field!

24 Hours of Le Mans --- Danica finishes the race first, in 12 hours!

F1 Championship --- Danica wins every pole, wins every race on her to a commanding championship

BCS winner --- Danica over Boise State

2011 Hot Dog eating winner --- Danica over Kobayshi by one

2011 Best Actress Oscar --- Danica

Super lottery winner, June 2011 --- Danica!

2011 US Master Champion --- Danica on top of Tiger (gigity)

The number one car sold in the world, the 2011 Dodge Danica Wagon.

Then, he awoke from his dream!

10th September 2010, 22:36
Pick to win the World Series --- Danica over the Yankees in a sweep

Pick to win the Superbowl --- Danica over the Colts, 77-3

2011 Stanley Cup --- Danica over the Flyers, in a sweep

NBA Championship --- Danica over the Heat, in a sweep

2011 Daytona 500 Champion --- Danica laps the field!

24 Hours of Le Mans --- Danica finishes the race first, in 12 hours!

F1 Championship --- Danica wins every pole, wins every race on her to a commanding championship

BCS winner --- Danica over Boise State

2011 Hot Dog eating winner --- Danica over Kobayshi by one

2011 Best Actress Oscar --- Danica

Super lottery winner, June 2011 --- Danica!

2011 US Master Champion --- Danica on top of Tiger (gigity)

The number one car sold in the world, the 2011 Dodge Danica Wagon.

Then, he awoke from his dream!


10th September 2010, 22:48
Pick to win the World Series --- Danica over the Yankees in a sweep

Pick to win the Superbowl --- Danica over the Colts, 77-3

2011 Stanley Cup --- Danica over the Flyers, in a sweep

NBA Championship --- Danica over the Heat, in a sweep

2011 Daytona 500 Champion --- Danica laps the field!

24 Hours of Le Mans --- Danica finishes the race first, in 12 hours!

F1 Championship --- Danica wins every pole, wins every race on her to a commanding championship

BCS winner --- Danica over Boise State

2011 Hot Dog eating winner --- Danica over Kobayshi by one

2011 Best Actress Oscar --- Danica

Super lottery winner, June 2011 --- Danica!

2011 US Master Champion --- Danica on top of Tiger (gigity)

The number one car sold in the world, the 2011 Dodge Danica Wagon.

Then, he awoke from his dream!


Danica over the Heat, yes of course with those p***ies wade, james and paul - BUT that implies that Danica beat my Lakers and that I just won't believe.

Frank McCourt sells Dodgers to Danica in divorce settlement, renames team the "Godaddys"

Danica for President 2012

10th September 2010, 23:57

Danica over the Heat, yes of course with those p***ies wade, james and paul - BUT that implies that Danica beat my Lakers and that I just won't believe.

Frank McCourt sells Dodgers to Danica in divorce settlement, renames team the "Godaddys"

Danica for President 2012

I thought she already was President!?

11th September 2010, 03:22
I thought she already was President!?

I thought she was elevated to Queen?

11th September 2010, 04:00
I thought she already was President!?


11th September 2010, 04:00
I thought she was elevated to Queen?


11th September 2010, 04:10
I thought she was elevated to Queen?

no, she is a spoiled Princess.

11th September 2010, 11:53
no, she is a spoiled Princess.A princess that may be losing her court and castle

GoDaddy is on the Block (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703597204575484153733196856.html)

14th September 2010, 17:50
Legitimate question. It appears that Kanaan, Hunter-Reay, and Andretti always have pit stalls together, but Danica's never assigned, or chooses, a pit stall with them. How come?

The other team members are afraid.

15th September 2010, 01:19
The other team members are afraid.

But she hasn't run over anyone for at least a year now.

15th September 2010, 03:52
But she hasn't run over anyone for at least a year now.Maybe because they moved her??

19th September 2010, 19:23
My prediction:

Danicafan will ignore all the rational and respectful questions asked of her

Prediction #2

Danica will not win the next race at homestead

19th September 2010, 20:16
Prediction #2

Danica will not win the next race at homestead

On what basis!? How could you make such a claim? Of course she will win!! She's Danica! She always wins.

19th September 2010, 20:26
My prediction:

Danicafan will ignore all the rational and respectful questions asked of her

Prediction #2

Danica will not win the next race at homestead

They're both givens aren't they. He's very "hit and run" in that regard.

I've just been looking at her stats for Homestead. I've looked at average start, average finish and positions +/- from start to finish. I'll be interested to see what sort of prediction we get and what justification we get for it, as the numbers sure as hell don't point to anything. My guess is "off the back of her great run at Motegi, I think Danica can win Homestead as she has momentum" or something similar. Like I said upthread, he'll ignore the failure of his prediction and use the "great" run as justification for another, shall we say "overly optimistic" forecast.

I'm actually tempted to do a little experiment. For every race this season, put the entry list into a hat and draw the "result" at random, then take Danica's average random "result" and see how it compares to a) the actual result and b) DF's predictions. Might be quite illuminating.

19th September 2010, 22:39
I thought we had a Danica only thread where everybody could troll?

Depends what you define as trolling. The race thread would seem to be the place to talk about the performance of a driver in the race in relation to predictions for the performance of said driver made by the originator of the thread.

19th September 2010, 23:05
I have no problem with somebody supporting their particular driver. I do have a problem with somebody posting idiotic comments non-stop for 4 years. As long as he is allowed to post the BS he posts, and everbody else stays within the personal conduct rules...he gets what he asks for. Several of us have tried to coach him into how to come across ore appropriately and adult-like but he relentlessly posts Danica banter with no regard for reality. If he can make this forum a cartoon then so can those of us that find it sickening.

That being said, it is time for this to go to the Danica tread. We have 2 weeks 'till Miami. We actually have relevant things to discuss between now and then...Will vs Dario and Silly Season (for a change, yipee!). Danica is very irrelevant.

19th September 2010, 23:30
The thing that disturbs me is he posts the exact same race threads in any number of other forums. Same format, same everything, right down to the usual "congratulations to..." post race stuff. That means it's all ready prepared and copy pasted everywhere. It really doesn't help me think of him as anything other than a slightly creepy obsessive who's only really interested in starting threads about Danica rather than having actual discussions about the racing. I think most people would stop rising to it if he just toned down the fanaticism. I know there's an ignore function, but it kills the flow of discussions, and it really shouldn't come to having to completely ignore one user to enjoy the rest of the forum.

19th September 2010, 23:58
That being said, it is time for this to go to the Danica tread. We have 2 weeks 'till Miami. We actually have relevant things to discuss between now and then...Will vs Dario and Silly Season (for a change, yipee!). Danica is very irrelevant.

But don't forget, between now and Miami, we have Danica! at Dover! That should be worth the price of admission alone.

20th September 2010, 00:50
This a discussion forum.... And it's clear df is nothing more than a troll in these race threads....

The sport is in no way better off with ridiculous unfounded statments by a assistant in some cubicle somewhere

20th September 2010, 14:02
This a discussion forum.... And it's clear df is nothing more than a troll in these race threads....

The sport is in no way better off with ridiculous unfounded statments by a assistant in some cubicle somewhere

This is increasingly the issue I have. If he were just posting here, then yes, you could perhaps just see him as a (to be charitable) dedicated fan who is more interested in the driver than the sport, but he's posting the exact same stuff (word for word) EVERYWHERE. If he isn't on the payroll and astroturfing, then he's obsessive, as it just isn't healthy behaviour. Look at the file path for the track layout jpegs he posts...

I guess we should all just ignore him, as I suspect he posts what he does because he wants to be the one starting it, as if he is somehow the only person here who can visit the official site or follow Twitter.

Mark in Oshawa
21st September 2010, 18:38
I ignore most of what he says...I comment only when he attacks something I said or something I believe in; or when he makes the really dopey comments such as calling PT a no talent hack.....

22nd September 2010, 01:51
She's usually quite good at Indy too. She's much better at the tracks where a racer doesn't really have to think too deeply - just floor the throttle and hang on.

Sophie Hart
22nd September 2010, 13:43
Guys any serious talk related to car racing or just casual chit chat… as I’m much curious about some exciting and extraordinary racing events. I’m a great fan of Dreyer and Reinbold and want to hear some interesting stuff about both guys.

23rd September 2010, 02:19


Easy Drifter
26th September 2010, 17:44
Can anyone on here who saw the Singapore F1 race imagine the Princess making a charge like Kubica did? For that matter driving as hard as any of the front runners did.
We know that all the F1 drivers train like mad with personal trainers and yet all on the podium looked beat.
I just cannot imagine her even lasting a race like that in those cars.

26th September 2010, 22:39
Just caught the tail end of NASCAR Nationwide at Dover for the interviews. Incredibly, ESPN interviewed the 35th runner, DP something like 94 laps down. It was pathetic listening to her try to explain why the car wasn't handling consistently to her liking. An objective observer would have to conclude that she is totally out of her depth in this series and to talk of getting to the front soon is utter fantasy.
One wonders at what point Go Daddy and others will weight the negatives she brings to the table against any real positive hype. It cannot be in her sponsor's interest to be finishing in 35 place, yet that is all she can really deliver.

27th September 2010, 02:44
Just caught the tail end of NASCAR Nationwide at Dover for the interviews. Incredibly, ESPN interviewed the 35th runner, DP something like 94 laps down. It was pathetic listening to her try to explain why the car wasn't handling consistently to her liking. An objective observer would have to conclude that she is totally out of her depth in this series and to talk of getting to the front soon is utter fantasy.
One wonders at what point Go Daddy and others will weight the negatives she brings to the table against any real positive hype. It cannot be in her sponsor's interest to be finishing in 35 place, yet that is all she can really deliver.

I think GoDaddy Parsons will lose interest (ONLY) when ESPN stops interviewing The Danica for finishing outside the top 20. Until then, I'd say he'll keep writing checks. The sponsor exposure value isn't affected at all by where the driver finishes, only by the number of times that in-focus views are plastered on the set.

Even if she becomes the driver that most average Joes and Jills love to hate (which is pretty much where she is on this and many other racing forums), as long as she can generate attention, it makes perfect sense for GoDaddy to fund her. Let's say GoDaddy dropped The Danica and put All American boy Graham Rahal in a top flight car. And let's say Graham came out of the gate like Will Power did this year. Let's say Graham kicked butt and took names, sort of like Will has this year. At the end of the day (or season), poor old Graham would probably still have to explain to people that he runs in the car that Danica used to drive in order to get average people to figure out who he was and what series he raced in. And unless GoDaddy Bob wrote "This Car Formerly Driven By Danica" on the sidepod, that would be no good. Right?

We just have to accept present day reality. At this point in America, a trashy, alcoholic girl from a South American family pretends to be an Italian guida and gets paid more in a month or two, to act a fool on a low class MTV show, than the average American household makes in a year of performing legitimate and productive work. So it comes as no surprise to me that a driver who has one career race win (and is pushing 30) makes more than the majority of (legitimate) racers in North America, just because she flashes her goodies and does saucy ads for a second rate internet company. Two of the most recognizable personalities in the United States today are Snooki Polizzi and Danica Patrick. Course this weekend I'm sure Lindsay Lohan beats them both. But she'll probably be cold & stiff soon enough, so I left her out of this.

Ain't that grand? Don't it just make you swell up with pride???!!! :bounce:

27th September 2010, 02:59
Can anyone on here who saw the Singapore F1 race imagine the Princess making a charge like Kubica did? For that matter driving as hard as any of the front runners did.
We know that all the F1 drivers train like mad with personal trainers and yet all on the podium looked beat.
I just cannot imagine her even lasting a race like that in those cars.

On a road or street course, I'd say Princess Lapped-a-Lot would do well to keep pace with Sakon Yamamoto... and I think he's got the flu (or $omething) right now.

Put her in Alonso's Ferrari and keep Yamamoto in that dog HRT and what would she likely say after half a dozen laps? "I'm tired." "My thumb hurts." "My nose is running." "Will someone make me a peach smoothie during the next pit stop?" :rolleyes:

27th September 2010, 05:10
Let's say GoDaddy dropped The Danica and put All American boy Graham Rahal in a top flight car. And let's say Graham came out of the gate like Will Power did this year. Let's say Graham kicked butt and took names, sort of like Will has this year. At the end of the day (or season), poor old Graham would probably still have to explain to people that he runs in the car that Danica used to drive in order to get average people to figure out who he was and what series he raced in. And unless GoDaddy Bob wrote "This Car Formerly Driven By Danica" on the sidepod, that would be no good. Right?

Interesting concept and I don't disagree with where you're going with this. I think though that if Graham Rahal were in the GoDaddy sponsored Indycar and came out next season like Power, there would be SOME crossover "the car Danica used to drive" but the majority of people would make a much more of a connection to Graham. I haven't seen Mark Martin totally misrepresented as Danica in his GoDaddy car this year. But the fact this point is able to even be made...says enough doesn't it.

Danica needs to go.

27th September 2010, 11:30
This whole charade may end if GoDaddy is actually sold - assuming the "sale" isn't another publicity stunt of Parson's. The prime suitors are Amazon and private equity firms and they don't go for such advertising, or waste money on racing. I did notice a lot of other ads with Danica! during the Dover race as sponsors tried to leverage their investments, but I can't see Peak fully funding an effort.

27th September 2010, 15:21
...but I can't see Peak fully funding an effort.

And you kno why not? Because when you PEAK you WIN! Obviously, Danica is using some other brand.

Easy Drifter
27th September 2010, 15:22
Did you see the stands at Dover? The stands for the Sprint Cup looked like Nationwide stands usually do. Empty seats everywhere and several totally empty stands!
I do not think Princess Lapped a Lot was much of a draw for the Nationwide race either.
The Taxi Cab series is in almost as much trouble as Indy Car.

27th September 2010, 16:18
Did you see the stands at Dover? The stands for the Sprint Cup looked like Nationwide stands usually do. Empty seats everywhere and several totally empty stands!
I do not think Princess Lapped a Lot was much of a draw for the Nationwide race either.
The Taxi Cab series is in almost as much trouble as Indy Car.

because the Bowyer Penalty just atleast another 5% of fans not caring anymore about Nascar. until Brian France and Mike Helton get the boot, its only gonna get worse.

but it is true, if Danica is such an attraction, why arent the seats filled. unless there truely is only one fan and he uses 1000's of different names on the internet

28th September 2010, 05:12
The Taxi Cab series is in almost as much trouble as Indy Car.

You can't be serious

Easy Drifter
28th September 2010, 05:39
I meant crowd wise, not TV or sponsor.
I think there were more empty seats at Dover than occupied.
A local newspaper took a photo from a plane at Pocono and actually counted the people. The crowd was about one half the announced crowd.
But Dover is in the flippin' chase!

28th September 2010, 12:39
She just might be in a bit of a bind sponsor-wise, assuming that Go-Daddy does actually get sold. Yesterday's headline is that Southwest is buying AirTran. AirTran is one of her "associate" sponsors, even though they haven't used her in any activation in the past few years. She doesn't quite fit Southwest's PR image.

After her current NASCAR debacle, and her drop in performance in Indycar, the Princess could possibly find herself scrambling for sponsors just like the mere mortals in either series. Or, she'll walk away to her bank account rather than do real work in order to race.

Easy Drifter
28th September 2010, 14:16
I think if or when she loses Go Daddy the major money will be gone. Her failings as a driver are becoming more apparent all the time in the taxi cabs. She still gets the odd good result in IC and that will keep interest up for a while.
I feel her foray into the taxi cabs has really hurt her although probably bringing her good money. Her lack of real skill is showing, especially her inability to adapt to the a different driving style.
She should really forget about Nationwide after this year as it is clear she just can't handle that type of car. However she will follow the dollar signs.
Running a car on some bullrings, especially on dirt would be a great learning curve but she would never stoop so low.
Go to Smoke and get in a car at Eldora with his guidance. He could arrange it quickly. He owns the joint and enough cars and is one heck of a dirt track driver as well as a top Sprint Cup driver. Just driving on dirt would teach loose in a hurry!!!!!
Might have to spend some of her own money however.

Mark in Oshawa
28th September 2010, 14:36
I am not convinced Tony would go out of his way to help her Easy...I think she alienates the drivers out there with her antics...and her attitude. How many really good people has she ticked off over the years? Bobby Rahal ( who gave her a ride in a level of racing based on her sex, NOT her talent IMO ); Tony Kanaan and her teammates? How about Mike Andretti? I suspect he isnt' happy with this business of putting a toe in the water down in NASCAR land...

Danica uses people......so to say Tony would help her by opening up the doors at Eldora might happen if she writes a check, but I suspect he wouldn't be rolling out the red carpet and giving personal lessons either...I think ole Smoke is smarter than that...

28th September 2010, 15:41
They was once an interview with Danica back when she entered FF and before the PR machine took over. It isn't to be found on the net anymore, but it did have an interesting quote. She claimed she wanted to get to F1 and become a "racing celebrity". I remember reading it with surprise and thinking that was pretty presumptuous, but now it seems it may have been an accurate statement of her goals. She has worked hard to be a celebrity, and not very hard to be a racer.

There were a number of very interesting articles about her in the early days, but most of that history has been "revised" by PR machines intent on protecting their "product". IMHO, that is all she is - a "product" to be marketed and used. When that product no longer has the same value, it will be discarded for something new.

Sadly, many of her still rabid fans just nod they heads in agreement when they hear the hype, blindly believing it must be true because they want it to be true. They never check facts, some of which are not very flattering.

But now her foray into a competitive series that requires driver skill as a much higher percentage of success has shown her weaknesses in glaring relief. She does still have great equipment, but that isn't enough to get near the front anymore. She just isn't very good as a driver, and hasn't learned much of anything about racing in almost 10 years of professional racing. To use a tired phrase, she has no "racecraft". But to her fans, the next breakout is just around the corner. Right, just as it has been "just around the corner" for over 5 years. Keep dreaming.

28th September 2010, 17:16
She just isn't very good as a driver, and hasn't learned much of anything about racing in almost 10 years of professional racing. To use a tired phrase, she has no "racecraft".

Correct. To listen to her Dover interview, it is like she is an actress quoting race jargon, explaining how her car is loose one lap, then pushes a few laps later. She is not at all convincing that she understands anything about car setup. As for having the skills to drive around problems, forget it. Her problem seems to be that she has focused more on the actress part, and not the racing part.
I still believe that once her marginal utility reaches 0 or goes negative, she will be dropped very quickly by sponsors. She may hang on a few more years in IRL, but a NASCAR career does not appear to be in the cards for her.
Unless she decides to fund her own team, or buy a ride, her future may be more in the "personality industry" then in racing.

Easy Drifter
28th September 2010, 19:36
With her attitude I very much doubt she will spend a dime of her own money. When the sponsorship well dries up she will be gone.
So will her celebrity status.

30th September 2010, 04:00
With her attitude I very much doubt she will spend a dime of her own money. When the sponsorship well dries up she will be gone.
So will her celebrity status.
Well, Easy Chiller, if that happenns, guess someday I will have to do something about my signature..... :(

Mark in Oshawa
1st October 2010, 07:25
They was once an interview with Danica back when she entered FF and before the PR machine took over. It isn't to be found on the net anymore, but it did have an interesting quote. She claimed she wanted to get to F1 and become a "racing celebrity". I remember reading it with surprise and thinking that was pretty presumptuous, but now it seems it may have been an accurate statement of her goals. She has worked hard to be a celebrity, and not very hard to be a racer.

There were a number of very interesting articles about her in the early days, but most of that history has been "revised" by PR machines intent on protecting their "product". IMHO, that is all she is - a "product" to be marketed and used. When that product no longer has the same value, it will be discarded for something new.

Sadly, many of her still rabid fans just nod they heads in agreement when they hear the hype, blindly believing it must be true because they want it to be true. They never check facts, some of which are not very flattering.

But now her foray into a competitive series that requires driver skill as a much higher percentage of success has shown her weaknesses in glaring relief. She does still have great equipment, but that isn't enough to get near the front anymore. She just isn't very good as a driver, and hasn't learned much of anything about racing in almost 10 years of professional racing. To use a tired phrase, she has no "racecraft". But to her fans, the next breakout is just around the corner. Right, just as it has been "just around the corner" for over 5 years. Keep dreaming.

For over 5 years....isn't this like the USSR and their 5 year plans? The never panned out so they kept making up new ones?

The BS around Danica in the press is the most nauseating part. Racing "journalists" will not look at the elephant in the room, and keep on pushing the machine along.......name me any of the top journo's who cover NASCAR or the IRL who will come and say what is being said on this thread. Most of the critics on HERE are not knee jerk reactionaries, nor anti woman. Many of us are Sarah Fisher fans so it puts paid to this being a sexist thing.....

Yet, I am waiting for a Gordon Kirby, Robin Miller, Jack Arute ( ok he isn't a serious journalist, just a big bag of wind) or any of the NASCAR people to call her out. I remember the hype for that first ARCA start last year....and how DW said how impressed he was....good lord DW....you impress easy!

No, critical analysis of this woman hasn't been done because some are leary of sounding harsh on a woman, or harsh on one of the few "names" the IRL has left, or willing to attack her fans who will drive ratings (in theory anyhow, I believe there is a large group of us watching her in NASCAR to see her FAIL).

I keep waiting for someone to say the Queen has no clothes (don't some of you wish right?)

1st October 2010, 19:14
Anyone else listening to practice on line at 2:00 PM EDT today. The radio guys were ragging pretty hard on the princess, saying she needs to decide if she wants to be a NASCAR or an IRL driver and pretty much saying she won't make the money in NASCAR that she does in the IRL, because the $$ there depend on RESULTS. Also hitting on the fact that she is contributing nothing to the team other than $.

Harshest words I have ever heard them have about her.

1st October 2010, 19:33
Anyone else listening to practice on line at 2:00 PM EDT today. The radio guys were ragging pretty hard on the princess, saying she needs to decide if she wants to be a NASCAR or an IRL driver and pretty much saying she won't make the money in NASCAR that she does in the IRL, because the $$ there depend on RESULTS. Also hitting on the fact that she is contributing nothing to the team other than $.

Harshest words I have ever heard them have about her.

I was actually pretty shocked - they just kept on and on for about 15 minutes. But all true. I wonder if DF was listening?

1st October 2010, 19:38
Anyone else listening to practice on line at 2:00 PM EDT today. The radio guys were ragging pretty hard on the princess, saying she needs to decide if she wants to be a NASCAR or an IRL driver and pretty much saying she won't make the money in NASCAR that she does in the IRL, because the $$ there depend on RESULTS. Also hitting on the fact that she is contributing nothing to the team other than $.

Harshest words I have ever heard them have about her.

Its about time somebody within the media start telling it how it is.

1st October 2010, 19:53
I was actually pretty shocked - they just kept on and on for about 15 minutes. But all true. I wonder if DF was listening?

Oh man I hope not, the poor boy would be apoplectic!


1st October 2010, 20:26
Like some fans, some of the media actually believed the hype and want to get on the band wagon. Without a doubt, a professional, competitive, and attractive female racer would be a huge marketing bonanza in NASCAR.


The NASCAR media in particular doesn't like being taken for fools (although some undoubtedly are). When they see it is all hype, and Danica is neither professional or competitive, they can turn like a pack of wolves. She is becoming a joke as she is clueless and uncompetitive.

2nd October 2010, 03:33
Congratulations to Danica Patrick for her excellent 11th place qualifying effort at Homestead, just over 2-mph slower than the pole position !!!!!

Mark in Oshawa
2nd October 2010, 04:38
Anyone else listening to practice on line at 2:00 PM EDT today. The radio guys were ragging pretty hard on the princess, saying she needs to decide if she wants to be a NASCAR or an IRL driver and pretty much saying she won't make the money in NASCAR that she does in the IRL, because the $$ there depend on RESULTS. Also hitting on the fact that she is contributing nothing to the team other than $.

Harshest words I have ever heard them have about her.

I think that is a sign that the IRL media are tired of this game, and have to figure Princess is going to NASCAR full time probably..and there is nothing left to lose by scorching her @ss on the way out.

I said it last year when this talk of NASCAR was going on and on that she would be killing her career to go there....the IRL would have protected her longer...but the jig is up.

She did put the car 11th at Homestead, but Hey, even Milka can stay close to the pack for a lap or two there.....This is like another Motegi...one of those tracks that may suit her limited skillset...

2nd October 2010, 04:48
huge[/b] marketing bonanza in NASCAR.

What about a professional competitive female racer that looked like Curtis Turner?
What we should be looking for is tough, determined women, evident in ski racers, hockey players,soccer players, and plenty of car racers going back to Lella Lombardi and beyond. Appearences are totally beside the point. otherwise we play into the game, and discourage many young girls and women from participating. We really need young women who will run as hard as they can, no excuses. I suspect there are plenty out there. and DP is not helping them one bit by her example.

Mark in Oshawa
2nd October 2010, 04:58
What about a professional competitive female racer that looked like Curtis Turner?
What we should be looking for is tough, determined women, evident in ski racers, hockey players,soccer players, and plenty of car racers going back to Lella Lombardi and beyond. Appearences are totally beside the point. otherwise we play into the game, and discourage many young girls and women from participating. We really need young women who will run as hard as they can, no excuses. I suspect there are plenty out there. and DP is not helping them one bit by her example.

No..I think she was probably right to cash in a little on the looks, as much as I chastised her for it. I don't like it, but to get sponsors sometimes you have to sell the sizzle....

I dislike that reality but I might learn to overlook it but Danica's bad example is where she keeps trying to make the racing world conform to her way of thinking. She wont drive a car that is "fast", she wants it her way and if it means she finishes only 10th instead of winning, that is what she wants.

The reality of it is, Danica doesn't work at her craft to the same extent I think that some of the other women in racing have. Ali Owens, Sarah Fisher, Silvia Di Silvestro....you don't see them doing modelling shoots and fashion bits and playing a huge media game, but their tweets are more about testing, driving, getting better. You never get that sense that Danica is connecting AND THAT my friend is the bad example she is giving off. She may very well be working hard, but we would never know it through her media image...

2nd October 2010, 11:46
No..I think she was probably right to cash in a little on the looks, as much as I chastised her for it. I don't like it, but to get sponsors sometimes you have to sell the sizzle....

The reality of it is, Danica doesn't work at her craft to the same extent I think that some of the other women in racing have. Good points. Even though her methods to get attention were perhaps questionable, getting attention opened doors that would not have opened otherwise. Her early racing record wasn't that impressive. She did show some potential early in the IRL, and the expectations were high. I remember watching an in car camera in 2005-2006 thinking that she had very quick hands and talent that could be developed.

But time is an unforgiving observer. She never did much with that driving talent, and instead seemed to focus on the fame and fortune and develop that instead of pushing the edge on track. Her childish, foot stomping, pouting attitude didn't help either. She didn't get the nickname "Princess" for no reason. IHMO, she way overplayed the "bimbo" card and started to act (and believe) the part. She quickly became a minor celebrity playing at racing, rather than the reverse. When the celebrity media starting calling her a swimsuit model who races, they nailed the problem.

Now we can see in NASCAR that she never developed the tools to become a good racer. She can't live off of fast reflexes and bravado as she gets older. There is no "racecraft", and now she seems to live in an much of a fantasy as her remaining fans. (By the way where is DF?")

The 15 minutes of manufactured fame is over. It is time to let serious female racers like Simona, Bia, and others take the stage. We don't need a lingerie racing league.

Mark in Oshawa
3rd October 2010, 08:00
Good points. Even though her methods to get attention were perhaps questionable, getting attention opened doors that would not have opened otherwise. Her early racing record wasn't that impressive. She did show some potential early in the IRL, and the expectations were high. I remember watching an in car camera in 2005-2006 thinking that she had very quick hands and talent that could be developed.

But time is an unforgiving observer. She never did much with that driving talent, and instead seemed to focus on the fame and fortune and develop that instead of pushing the edge on track. Her childish, foot stomping, pouting attitude didn't help either. She didn't get the nickname "Princess" for no reason. IHMO, she way overplayed the "bimbo" card and started to act (and believe) the part. She quickly became a minor celebrity playing at racing, rather than the reverse. When the celebrity media starting calling her a swimsuit model who races, they nailed the problem.

Now we can see in NASCAR that she never developed the tools to become a good racer. She can't live off of fast reflexes and bravado as she gets older. There is no "racecraft", and now she seems to live in an much of a fantasy as her remaining fans. (By the way where is DF?")

The 15 minutes of manufactured fame is over. It is time to let serious female racers like Simona, Bia, and others take the stage. We don't need a lingerie racing league.

Having said ALL THAT...she did finish 2nd tonight...not sure how she got there...and god knows she threw a block or two...but 2nd aint bad...

I am still of the opinion that had she not started down all this NASCAR stuff, she could have carved out a decent living...but she cannot do in a stock car what she gets away with in an Indycar....

3rd October 2010, 13:39
I noticed DF didnt play pick-ems this week... and she hasnt posted in about 2 weeks either..

Did She finnaly tired of folks questioning her motives?

3rd October 2010, 14:00
Perhaps Danica is one of these people that need outside stimulus to get motivation. TK has called her out a few times this season. Maybe it's a coincidence but the only races she really 'raced' was when she was going right up with TK. In other years when she was always stomping down pitlane and feeling mistreated by everybody, she performed a whole lot better then this season.

Maybe Randy should pay Power, Franchitti and Helio to talk some smack to her during the offseason. That way she can regain some motivation.

3rd October 2010, 14:14
Perhaps Danica is one of these people that need outside stimulus to get motivation. TK has called her out a few times this season. Maybe it's a coincidence but the only races she really 'raced' was when she was going right up with TK. In other years when she was always stomping down pitlane and feeling mistreated by everybody, she performed a whole lot better then this season.

Maybe Randy should pay Power, Franchitti and Helio to talk some smack to her during the offseason. That way she can regain some motivation.

I've been thinking about "how well" she did last night and at Texas. She also had pretty good races at Motegi and Kentucky. AA obviously closed back up the gap a little bit but her team was more consistent. TK and Marco weren't real good at all those races, and RHR was sort of like Marco...flashes of quickness but their cars tend to fall off throughout the race. This really isn't a knock on Danica but I'm thinking of how supposedly 3 of the AA cars failed tech at Chicago and her car wasn't one of them. Seems to me if there is any truth to that it points to several signs within the team. Its all my speculation but seems that Danica's team might have gone a different direction to solve her issues required to maintain the tightness, adding downforce and hit the setups better than the other team cars...seemingly working together and ending up outside of the specs. Again speculataion. One thing we do still know is that if they're at a "drivers" track, she's out to lunch. Flat out, no-driver skill tracks she can back into a descent performance.

6th October 2010, 00:35
Danica Patrick comic book to hit bookshelves before Christmas
http://www.catchfence.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/DANICA.jpg Fame: Danica Patrick (Comic Book)Bluewater Productions has already brought new readers to sequential storytelling with its Political Power, Female Force and Fame comic book biography series. Now the independent comics company is reaching out to the members of NASCAR nation with its latest comic: Fame: Danica Patrick. Bluewater’s latest biography comic traces Patrick’s rise through the male-dominated ranks of auto racing. It also explores the fascination that the public has with Patrick.
Writer CW Cooke, who has also penned Bluewater’s top-selling Taylor Swift biography comic, said that even the most devoted of fans will learn something new about Patrick after reading this book.
“We’ve all seen the pictures and heard the gossip about her,” Cooke said. “But digging into her story and learning about her really focused me on the fact that she’s a real person and not just a pin-up model or a one-note person.”
Cooke hasn’t created a white-washed version of Patrick’s NASCAR performances, either. The comic covers the critics who say that Patrick hasn’t had enough success on the track to deserve all the attention that she gets.
Fame: Danica Patrick will hit comic book shops and online retailers like Amazon in December. The 32-page comic will retail for $3.99.
Artist Valerio Giangiordano handled the art for Patrick’s story. Cooke, who was thrilled when he received his sample pages, said that fans won’t be disappointed in the job that Giangiordano turned in.
“I just can’t wait until you get to see this,” Cooke said. “The art was knocked out of the park on this one. One word breathless”
Darren G. Davis, publisher and founder of Bluewater Productions, said that the company’s biography comics, which have generated reams of coverage from mainstream media, have brought a new stream of readers to the world of comic-book storytelling.
Davis said he expects that to continue with the introduction of the Patrick comic.
“I don’t know how many Danica Patrick fans are already into comics, but I hope that Fame: Danica Patrick will show NASCAR nation that reading comics can be extremely entertaining,” Davis said. “I’m proud that we are helping to increase the number of comic fans. We all know that the industry needs new readers to truly thrive.”
Bluewater’s 1st sports icon to be transformed into a comic book is David Beckham which will be in stores October 13.
Bluewater Productions is one of the leading independent comics companies in the country. In addition to its line of biography comics, the company publishes a series of science-fiction, horror, superhero, young-adult and drama comics. Bluewater Productions, Inc., Press Release

GET YOURS NOW !!! (before DF buys them all up)

6th October 2010, 19:31
"Danica Patrick will show NASCAR nation that reading comics can be extremely entertaining,"

Yeah, they can read the comic book while she drones around in 30th place, 6 laps down.

Maybe Bravo (isn't that sad, silly network part of NBC?) will produce a Real Housewives of Arizona. Danica could be the star. She could get into cat-fights with whatever AZ amateur porn stars they can get to be on the show.

Jokes aside, I am VERY surprised that Danica doesn't have a reality TV show by now. Before long, I bet she gets one.

6th October 2010, 19:55
Unless she decides to fund her own team, or buy a ride, her future may be more in the "personality industry" then in racing.

I must admit, I had't considered comic books as part of that industry, but it looks like she has decided on her future career goals.

6th October 2010, 22:32
I must admit, I had't considered comic books as part of that industry, but it looks like she has decided on her future career goals.

How fitting, comic books....just like 99% of her racing is comic-al.

7th October 2010, 01:03
Tissot to Sponsor Danica Patrick’s Entry in NASCAR Nationwide Series

Published on October 4, 2010 by Official Release (http://speedwaymedia.com/index.php?p=author/press/) · No Comments http://speedwaymedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/DanicaTissotUniform.jpg (http://speedwaymedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/DanicaTissotUniform.jpg)JR Motorsports | SpeedwayMedia.com

WEEHAWKEN, N.J. (Oct. 4, 2010) — Tissot, a manufacturer of Swiss watches since 1853, announced that it has reached an agreement with JR Motorsports as a sponsor of Danica Patrick’s No. 7 NASCAR Nationwide Series entry through the 2011 season.

Tissot will be the primary sponsor on Patrick’s Chevrolet in Saturday’s (Oct. 9th) Nationwide race at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif., and will be an associate sponsor for the remainder of her 2010 Nationwide events — at Charlotte, N.C. (Oct. 15), St. Louis (Oct. 23), Fort Worth, Texas (Nov. 6), Phoenix, Ariz. (Nov. 13) and Homestead, Fla.(Nov. 20).
The arrangement for the 2011 Nationwide season includes a Tissot primary sponsorship at the Chicagoland Speedway race and an associate sponsor at all of Patrick’s other races.

Patrick, who has been a Tissot brand ambassador since 2005, continues to race full-time in the IndyCar Series. She made her much anticipated crossover to NASCAR by signing with JR Motorsports prior to the 2010 season to run a limited schedule in the Nationwide Series.

“Danica brings the racing prowess and crowd appeal she cultivated on the IndyCar circuit to the world of NASCAR,” said Sharon Buntain, president, Tissot, U.S. “We are proud to expand our association with Danica, who has been a terrific ambassador of Tissot watches. We are also excited about our new partnership with JR Motorsports, Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Kelley Earnhardt. Danica, Dale, Kelley and Tissot champion the same values of cutting edge technology, precision and innovation. It’s a great fit and we can’t wait to see the No. 7 Tissot Chevrolet in action.”

The 28-year-old Patrick said she is thrilled about Tissot becoming a sponsor of her NASCAR Nationwide program and looks forward to promoting Tissot timepieces including the Danica Patrick Limited Edition Glamsport watch.
“I have enjoyed an outstanding relationship with Tissot and am thrilled to see the company as one of the major sponsors on our No. 7 JR Motorsports Chevrolet,” said Patrick. “I love the Tissot watches — they’re sporty, sophisticated and have style. I am proud to be a Tissot ambassador and look forward to driving the Tissot Chevrolet in Southern California.”

Kelley Earnhardt, co-owner and general manager of JR Motorsports said, “We are truly excited to welcome Tissot into our partnership family. Tissot has a longstanding tradition of quality and craftsmanship, and we hope to offer them additional success with Danica Patrick on the racetrack. This is a partnership that makes a lot of sense, and one we’re extremely proud of.”
Even before taking her first competitive laps in a NASCAR stock car, Patrick had etched her name in motorsports history. With her fourth-place finish in the 2005 Indianapolis 500, she became the highest-finishing woman in the prestigious event, besting the previous record of ninth set by Janet Guthrie in 1978.

Patrick won IRL’s rookie of the year in 2005 and was named the series’ most popular driver. She changed the record books again in 2008 when she became the first woman to win an IndyCar race, taking the checkered flag in the Japan 300 at Twin Ring Motegi.

About Tissot
For Tissot, “In touch with your time” is far more than an advertising claim. This phrase expresses the brand’s DNA; its proven dedication to being perfectly in tune with the technology and tastes of each era. Tissot has been growing and developing its tradition of innovation since 1853. From the early days to the present, in its home in Le Locle in the Swiss Jura mountains, Tissot has translated craftsmanship and precision into stylish timepieces now sold in over 150 countries around the world. Special materials, advanced functionality and meticulous design detail join forces to create the luxury of accessibility. Today Tissot is a member of the Swatch Group, the world’s largest watch producer and distributor of Swiss watches, as well as official timekeeper and partner of NASCAR®, International Basketball Federation (FIBA), Australian Football League (AFL), Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), MotoGP and the World Championships of Cycling, Fencing and Ice hockey. The tradition of innovation lives on, keeping closely in touch with the times.

About JR Motorsports
JR Motorsports is the management company and racing operation for Dale Earnhardt Jr., NASCAR’s seven-time Most Popular Driver and winner of more than 40 NASCAR-sanctioned races. JR Motorsports competes in multiple racing divisions, including the NASCAR Nationwide Series. In 2008 JRM enjoyed a breakout season with four Nationwide Series victories between its two teams. The company followed suit with four more wins in 2009, and added two additional victories to its tally in 2010. The JR Motorsports facilities are based out of Mooresville, N.C., and include the JR Nation retail store, Hammerhead Entertainment, and DEJ Realty. For more information on JR Motorsports, visit www.dalejr.com (http://www.dalejr.com/).


my favorite part:

“Danica brings the racing prowess and crowd appeal she cultivated on the IndyCar circuit to the world of NASCAR,”

In other words she's gonna finish at the back of the pack in Nascar just like she did in IndyCar and one fanatical mall cop is going to buy all her merchandise.

7th October 2010, 03:15
Considering the loss of race attendees for NASCAR this year due to the economy, I really don't see NASCAR Nation leaping to buy the costly Tissot watches. Their "inexpensive" line starts around $ 300., and go up from there. I believe the Danica watch is well over $ 1,000.

Sorry, I just checked, and her Danica "regular"watches have been reduced ("on sale") for about half of the above $1,000. Guess they know their target market can't do the $ 1,000. level. But the Danica Glamsport Limited Edition is still $1,000. They're trying to sell champagne tastes to a lot of people who can only afford beer budgets, if that.

Easy Drifter
7th October 2010, 03:47
Mid/high end watches.
A Simpson's episode.
A comic book.

There must be a good joke line in here somewhere but I can't think of it.

7th October 2010, 04:03
Cheap shot. While she does not have the killer instinct of AJ Foyt or Paul Tracy she stays out of trouble and often finishes well. You want a comic? Take Milka.

How fitting, comic books....just like 99% of her racing is comic-al.

7th October 2010, 04:04
BTW, artistically that's a great photo.

7th October 2010, 11:01
BTW, artistically that's a great photo.

It's an interesting shot indeed. Definately kept me looking for more than a moment. Though I doubt she wears a watch during the race.

Easy Drifter
7th October 2010, 14:30
I do not know about IC but F1 bans all watches, rings, etc. on the hands arms during competition as a safety measure.
They put them back on before the podium though.

8th October 2010, 18:02

BBBBring it on Danica!!! You think I can't steer left better than you? :p

Scotty G.
9th October 2010, 14:30
The "myth" of Princess's "popularity" proven out again...

"Aside from the 33-percent jump in viewership of the season-opening race at Daytona, TV ratings have been either flat or down when Danica competes."

Her "popularity" has always been a farce. She is like a car wreck. People stop and gawk, stare for a few seconds, and then move on.

Its why Indy Car's ratings (aside from her initial bump) have slid and Indy 500 ratings continue to go down each year, with her as a "centerpiece" driver.

9th October 2010, 16:29
The "myth" of Princess's "popularity" proven out again...

Her "popularity" has always been a farce. She is like a car wreck. People stop and gawk, stare for a few seconds, and then move on.

Its why Indy Car's ratings (aside from her initial bump) have slid and Indy 500 ratings continue to go down each year, with her as a "centerpiece" driver.

And I do wonder how many fans will in fact come back once she's gone, for whatever reason, and she isn't constantly crammed down our throats. I personally know people who will no longer watch Indycar racing because of that very thing. I know they'll be back later - they have said so.

10th October 2010, 00:01
Was about to say Danica was having a decent Nationwide race (15th with 10 to go), but she just got turned into the wall. To be fair to her, wasn't actually her fault, as the car behind got clipped and turned into her.

Easy Drifter
15th October 2010, 13:20
It is only practice at Charlotte but some one seems to have lit a fire under the Princess' posterior. 2nd fastest in 4th session! :eek:

15th October 2010, 18:14
It is only practice at Charlotte but some one seems to have lit a fire under the Princess' posterior. 2nd fastest in 4th session! :eek:

Or someone got "the call".


15th October 2010, 21:48
Or someone got "the call".


I'm sure glad I'm not the only one thinking that. Pretty odd a driver that couldn't practice in top 25 or race less than 4 laps down is suddenly running good...coincidentally when Indycar season is over. I know it sounds foul...but I call bs. Come in NASCAR...at least try to make it look realistic.

15th October 2010, 22:26
I'm sure glad I'm not the only one thinking that. Pretty odd a driver that couldn't practice in top 25 or race less than 4 laps down is suddenly running good...coincidentally when Indycar season is over. I know it sounds foul...but I call bs. Come in NASCAR...at least try to make it look realistic.

One lap doesn't make her a heroine. Let's see how she does in a crowd.

Easy Drifter
16th October 2010, 02:13
Qualifying a little more normal for her.

16th October 2010, 03:27
Not sure if anyone saw this quote from Danica or not.

Patrick said she knows at some point next season she'll have to make a decision about her commitment to NASCAR. The race Friday night at Charlotte Motor Speedway was the ninth of 13 scheduled Nationwide races this season.

She ended the IndyCar season two weeks ago, finishing 10th in the final standings.

"We haven't made all of those decisions, 2012 is a little up in the air and it depends on the opportunities, where I could run, what Kelley is doing, what's happening at JR Motorsports, what's happening on the sponsorship side," Patrick said. "If something doesn't come together, I'd run IndyCar. There's a lot of things up in the air right now. We'll see where my heart goes and where the opportunities are."

Pretty telling about her plans post 2011 when her AA contract is up. If she can't get anything lined up in Nascar, she will resort to driving Indycar's again...

16th October 2010, 03:31
Not sure if anyone saw this quote from Danica or not.

Pretty telling about her plans post 2011 when her AA contract is up. If she can't get anything lined up in Nascar, she will resort to driving Indycar's again...Saw the quote, but can't say I care much. She seems awfully confident she would still have an Indy Car ride if she can't get sponsorship in NASCAR.

16th October 2010, 11:28
I'm sure glad I'm not the only one thinking that. Pretty odd a driver that couldn't practice in top 25 or race less than 4 laps down is suddenly running good...coincidentally when Indycar season is over. I know it sounds foul...but I call bs. Come in NASCAR...at least try to make it look realistic.Only 2 laps down this time. At this rate, in a year or 2 she might finish on the lead lap.

Easy Drifter
16th October 2010, 13:38
Yeah 21st two laps down in what usually is a top 10 car is not a great performance.
It does seem she is now at least able to turn the odd fast lap in practice with a tow but when it counts, nope.
As the race was on TSN2 up here I didn't see it.
Did anyone?

16th October 2010, 17:01
Yeah 21st two laps down in what usually is a top 10 car is not a great performance.
It does seem she is now at least able to turn the odd fast lap in practice with a tow but when it counts, nope.
As the race was on TSN2 up here I didn't see it.
Did anyone?

I was "riveted". Until about lap 20. Then I fell asleep. But my husband said that ESPN is improving ever so slightly in their broadcast. Once The Chosen One went 2 laps down, she was pretty much ignored. Finally.

16th October 2010, 17:51
I was "riveted". Until about lap 20. Then I fell asleep. But my husband said that ESPN is improving ever so slightly in their broadcast. Once The Chosen One went 2 laps down, she was pretty much ignored. Finally.

That makes sense. I didn't tune in until about 50 to go, and I can't recall a mention. I had to watch the scoring crawl to pick her position up.

She should just stick to IndyCars.

16th October 2010, 19:01
That makes sense. I didn't tune in until about 50 to go, and I can't recall a mention. I had to watch the scoring crawl to pick her position up.

She should just stick to IndyCars.

She should just disappear. She isn't any better at over half the Indycar races, considering skill is required on road courses. Heck, she isn't worth much on some of the ovals there either. The fact remains, if there is little to no throttle application involved, she might run mid-pack with an occasional good run. That sounds just like Ed Carpenter to me...but Ed drives for a team with a slightly smaller budget.

17th October 2010, 02:28
She should just disappear. She isn't any better at over half the Indycar races, considering skill is required on road courses. Heck, she isn't worth much on some of the ovals there either. The fact remains, if there is little to no throttle application involved, she might run mid-pack with an occasional good run. That sounds just like Ed Carpenter to me...but Ed drives for a team with a slightly smaller budget.

Ed also has a set of, well, guts.

17th October 2010, 21:28
Saw the quote, but can't say I care much. She seems awfully confident she would still have an Indy Car ride if she can't get sponsorship in NASCAR.

Have you heard anything else about the buyout of GoDaddy?

I watched most of the Nationwide race. I really like Charlotte but mainly to see if the ESPN gang (I used to have some respect for Brad Daugherty) would continue to fawn over the Princess. And I wasn't disappointed. :rolleyes: But I guess as long as ESPN continues to devote SO much attention to Princess Lapped-a-Lot's every move, it would make more sense for a sponsor to shell out the bucks for her to run there. It's cheaper to run/sponsor in Nationwide than the IRL and you get higher viewership. As long as the sponsors don't expect her to stay on the lead lap, she should be OK.

But if this new chassis/engine combo ever sees the light of day in the IRL, if it really is going to be a (true) driver's formula, I'm not sure how well The Brand will be able to adapt to that. Massive downforce, tight car, "foot-to-the-floor & turn the wheel left" seems to be what helps her produce respectable results. If the new formula involves heavier use of the steering wheel, accelerator, brakes AND shifter all at the same time... I think Danica's 2010 performance on the roadies says what that might do to her post 2012 results even on ovals.

I say she'll eventually get a Top 20 in Nationwide and her people will be on the phone to Maxim (or whatever cheesy magazine that still cares about her) and this silly spectacle of hype will go on for another year or two after that.

18th October 2010, 01:50
Have you heard anything else about the buyout of GoDaddy?Nothing. But considering they withdrew the IPO they were going to have a few years ago, there are some that think it was / is mostly a publicity stunt (Gee I can't see Bob Parson's doing that) :rolleyes:

I say she'll eventually get a Top 20 in Nationwide and her people will be on the phone to Maxim (or whatever cheesy magazine that still cares about her) and this silly spectacle of hype will go on for another year or two after that.Probably true. But there was an interesting article about Mark Martin running her car in testing - for 2 hours. He apparently told Eury Jr that he couldn't set a car up that tight for Danica and expect her to run well. Now I wonder why Eury had it so tight? :s

18th October 2010, 23:52
Here's her recent twitter post:

My makeup artist Carlene has an awesome body bronzer that just came out, check it out! Www.carlenekcosmetics.com (http://Www.carlenekcosmetics.com)

Just what I wanna hear from my race drivers, talk of body bronzer. ugh.

19th October 2010, 01:51
Here's her recent twitter post:

My makeup artist Carlene has an awesome body bronzer that just came out, check it out! Www.carlenekcosmetics.com (http://Www.carlenekcosmetics.com)

Just what I wanna hear from my race drivers, talk of body bronzer. ugh.

Hey, it's all about priorites, ummmmm, ya know?

Mr. Mister
19th October 2010, 02:14
Since when was it attractive to be the color of a metal alloy? Must have missed that one as I was dating human beings.

19th October 2010, 03:11

Easy Drifter
23rd October 2010, 03:21
Princess Lapped a Lot is running at Martinsville this weekend. She is doing reasonable in practice and likely will do so in qualifying.
Come race time she will get a real education about taxicabs and short tracks along with the infamous 'tradin' paint'.
Darn, I miss 'Danica Fan' and his outlandish predictions.

23rd October 2010, 11:09
Darn, I miss 'Danica Fan' and his outlandish predictions.

anyone know why she hasn't been around lately? .......did she get her feelings hurt?

23rd October 2010, 11:55
He is spending time on another forum where they just ignore him or poke fun as his predictions.

Strange woman, I wish her well

23rd October 2010, 12:04
Princess Lapped a Lot is running at Martinsville this weekend. She is doing reasonable in practice and likely will do so in qualifying.
Come race time she will get a real education about taxicabs and short tracks along with the infamous 'tradin' paint'.
Darn, I miss 'Danica Fan' and his outlandish predictions.Actually, she was mired in the mid to low 20's in practice until they did a mock qualifier at the very end and managed to get to 16th. ESPN showed part of the lap and it was very ragged. Her teammate this week, Josh Wise, was at the top of the charts all practice. ESPN "treated" the viewers to the usual dose of "isn't she doing great?" TV time during practice and she was all over the track. It didn't look like she hit the same line twice and certainly was running a different line than almost anyone else. The in-car showed the usual sawing at the wheel. She looked very uncomfortable in the car. On one lap, the back stepped out just a tiny bit, and she aborted the lap and went immediately to the pits. She had totally missed the entrance to the turn and it looked like the usual "push loose" as she tried to force it down to the line.

18 year old Johanna Long looked much smoother and faster in the trucks at Martinsville.

But there was one odd part of the ESPN coverage. Ricky Craven was announcing and kept spotlighting on all of the young drivers who were doing well and needed a break. Drew Herring, Wise, Parker Kligerman, Michael Annett, Brad Sweet, Sean Caisse, and Bobby Santos all got lots of air time. Although they are winners in other series, all have done very few Nationwide races (a lot less than Danica) and all were quicker for most of practice. In particular, Kligerman was practicing Brad Keselowski's car and looked very smooth and very fast.

Even at Martinsville, Johanna Long got a lot of complimentary air time.

Another story they were following was Kenny Wallace. Most of the year, he has been running back with Danica. He admitted he was very low budget, and even ran the same engine for a couple races. This week, Rusty put him in one of his cars, and Kenny is right near the front. A lot of the drivers back with Danica are there because of the equipment. She doesn't have that excuse.

23rd October 2010, 17:05
Just had the Nationwide qualfying on. I didn't realize The Danica was in the race, I guess she qualified early and believe it or not they didn't menion The Danica's name the entire broadcast while I had it on. Looks like she qual'd 45 of 47...in that championship capable car.

It has been unbelievable for years but it just keeps getting deeper. She raced well at the Indy Homestead (2nd time of the year) and of course it is looking more and more like she did get "the call" at Fontana. She is so insignificant to motorsports that NASCAR is ruining itself the same way Indycar did. Keep promoting a circus and you'll end up like Barnum and Baily. The worlds largest traveling circus.

23rd October 2010, 17:35
If she'd been a go-or-go homer, she'd have been going home.

I find it interesting that she will be racing in the first 4 Nationwide races in 2011. That means that she's going to have to keep it in the top 30 in points all by herself from Daytona onward. What are the odds?

23rd October 2010, 17:39
They didn't menion The Danica's name the entire broadcast while I had it on. Looks like she qual'd 45 of 47...in that championship capable car. She was the 3rd car out for qualifying. Not only was she 45th overall, but she was .36 seconds slower that the last go-or-go home car that got in. No even close. There is no way that can be polished.

Instead of getting better with seat time, she is getting worse. I call lapped by 30, assuming she gets that far. There are probably 10 start and parks, so ESPN will show how her as a big mover as she "passes" 10 people in the first 20 laps. She can't be the biggest loser as there are only 2 cars behind her. One is slower and the other is a start and park.

That means that she's going to have to keep it in the top 30 in points all by herself from Daytona onward. What are the odds?Um, ya know, with Bristol, maybe 0?

23rd October 2010, 18:10
She was the 3rd car out for qualifying. Not only was she 45th overall, but she was .36 seconds slower that the last go-or-go home car that got in. No even close. There is no way that can be polished.

Instead of getting better with seat time, she is getting worse. I call lapped by 30, assuming she gets that far. There are probably 10 start and parks, so ESPN will show how her as a big mover as she "passes" 10 people in the first 20 laps. She can't be the biggest loser as there are only 2 cars behind her. One is slower and the other is a start and park.
Um, ya know, with Bristol, maybe 0?

There are about 5 Cup drivers that will be going to the rear of the field. So even by the time the stat and parks park, her net gain through all that shouldn't be too many.

23rd October 2010, 19:07
I didn't realize The Danica was in the race, I guess she qualified early and believe it or not they didn't menion The Danica's name the entire broadcast while I had it on.

ESPN did a piece on her early in the show where she dropped a puck for some hockey game somewhere. It was typical ESPN fawning. I think it was Rusty Wallace who said, "she's just not intimidated by anything, is she?" That's right, Rusty. Everybody knows how dangerous it is to drop a hockey puck, huh? :rolleyes:

And ya know, what about the McReynolds kid (Larry's son)? This is his first time in a Nationwide series car and I think it's the first time he's ever been to Gateway. He qualified 25th. From what they said, he's not in a bad car, but it's not top shelf equipment either. And while this is also the first time The Danica has been to Gateway, I think this is her 10th or 11th race in Nationwide. She's got one of the best financed cars out there, and it's run near the front part of this season (when she's not driving it anyway). And where is she, 41st or some such? But who is ESPN going to fawn over today? Well, The Danica, of course! Why? Because "she's just not intimidated by anything." So tell Tony Eury, Jr. to bolt the back end of her car to the track and let's watch her mark a ring of fire around that track!!!

I've got the over/under on her as 4 laps down by the end. Place your bets now!

23rd October 2010, 22:47
ESPN did a piece on her early in the show where she dropped a puck for some hockey game somewhere. It was typical ESPN fawning

There's a video of the puck drop plus an interview up at nhl.com: http://video.nhl.com/videocenter/console?catid=35&id=79620

(just in case DanicaFan is still around ;) )

24th October 2010, 00:03
To borrow a phrase from PT, she hit everything out there today but the helicopter. When NASCAR gave her the call at Fontana, I figured she'd at least get past embarassing herself like this. The joke continues.

24th October 2010, 00:16
To borrow a phrase from PT, she hit everything out there today but the helicopter. When NASCAR gave her the call at Fontana, I figured she'd at least get past embarassing herself like this. The joke continues.

THAT'S for sure.

24th October 2010, 00:20
Who was that in the 66 car, Steve Wallace? You da man, Steve. You da man!!! :bounce:

That's what Princess Lapped-a-Lot gets for doing her Milka Duno impression, hogging the racing line when much faster cars need to get by. I'm not sure if he actually tapped her or just took the air off her spoiler. But either way, she wasn't hogging the line after that! :D

BTW, anybody that picked 4 on the over, pick up your winnings at the window. What was the final count? I missed it. 14+? Vinnie, Tony, Bobby and Mikey are going to have to make some adjustments to the line after this.