View Full Version : Ale or Lager or Stout?

Brown, Jon Brow
9th August 2010, 23:08



So which is your favourite then? (Out of any brand) :p


9th August 2010, 23:11
In the UK, I like an ale. However, when in mainland Europe a good lager or wheat beer is a splendid drink, and it's good to see some fine pubs in the UK having such as Erdinger on tap. I am currently in Berlin finishing off a Paulaner Kristallweizen. Prost!

9th August 2010, 23:18
Just been to Dublin and done the Guinness factory tour,quite a nice drink,AND managed to squeeze 3 free pints from then by blagging!!
Just a quick note ,when drinking in Dublin,be careful ,in the nightclub area 2 pints of Guinness,and 2 gin and tonics were Euro 44,50cents,our local would charge less than £10

Brown, Jon Brow
9th August 2010, 23:26
Just been to Dublin and done the Guinness factory tour,quite a nice drink,AND managed to squeeze 3 free pints from then by blagging!!
Just a quick note ,when drinking in Dublin,be careful ,in the nightclub area 2 pints of Guinness,and 2 gin and tonics were Euro 44,50cents,our local would charge less than £10

According to my mates the Guinness they had in the Dublin factory wasn't as nice as the Guinness we get in our local.

When I was in Amsterdam the Heineken I sampled was much better than what I've had in the UK.

I enjoy trying different types of traditional ale, but a nice pint of Guinness is very 'moreish'. I find most lager too gassy.

9th August 2010, 23:31
I find most lager too gassy.

Including a good German Weissbier?

Brown, Jon Brow
9th August 2010, 23:34
Including a good German Weissbier?

Unfortunately I have not been able to sample much German lager. My views are based on my experience of the normal Carling, Carlsberg, Fosters, Budeweiser etc. crap you get served in the UK.

9th August 2010, 23:37
Try some Erdinger or Franziskaner or similar. This could well be the ideal combination of beer attributes. A dark wheat beer is also very nice in certain circumstances. I had one with a goulash earlier and it was lovely.

9th August 2010, 23:38
Always go with local. Failing that go with something you've never heard of. It may not be the best, but at least it'll be a new experience.

That being said, I've never had the Spitfire in the OP. I'd love to try it. Send me some. :)

My folks went to Ireland a few months back and said that the Guinness there was MUCH better than the Guinness here in the States. If that's true, I'd love to try some.

Anyway, what would I drink? Well it depends on the day. But mostly I'll try anything with booze. .... And no, I'm not an alcoholic, they go to meetings, I'm just a drunk :)

9th August 2010, 23:38
Not a connoiseur of beers but I seem to prefer ales...

9th August 2010, 23:41
Oh yeah, as for German beers .... They are ok. But have they not discovered the wonders of the Hop? I was there for a week recently, and while I enjoyed all their beers, after a while I longed for the crisp refreshing bite of a nice hoppy beer. :(

9th August 2010, 23:42
Spitfire isn't ale, it's pish :P

I'll drink all of them, depends on the ocassion. Usually on a session I'll have a ale or two to begin, then some lager before moving to shorts. If it's just a few pints and a bit of a chat with mates then I'll probably opt for ales and stouts :)

Favourite things at the minute are Bath Gem, Otter Bright and Pure Ubu. Also had a few pints of a really good Tribute (from St Austell brewery) which I don't usually enjoy that much.

9th August 2010, 23:42
According to my mates the Guinness they had in the Dublin factory wasn't as nice as the Guinness we get in our local. .

How long ago was this? Because all Guiness sold in the UK now comes directly from Ireland, so it should taste the same as what you get at the brewery.

Anyways I only drink spirits, vodka for me, thank you.

Brown, Jon Brow
9th August 2010, 23:45
How long ago was this? Because all Guiness sold in the UK now comes directly from Ireland, so it should taste the same as what you get at the brewery.

This was only about a year ago.

9th August 2010, 23:48
Oh yeah, as for German beers .... They are ok. But have they not discovered the wonders of the Hop? I was there for a week recently, and while I enjoyed all their beers, after a while I longed for the crisp refreshing bite of a nice hoppy beer. :(

Which is exactly what a Weissbier provides. Wheaty, sometimes hoppy depending on the ingredients, and refreshing. That said, a good English ale is always hard to beat back home.

Brown, Jon Brow
9th August 2010, 23:49
Spitfire isn't ale, it's pish :P

Spitfire is lovely. Some ale can be hit and miss. I had one the other night that tasted like wax :(

9th August 2010, 23:53
Spitfire is lovely. Some ale can be hit and miss. I had one the other night that tasted like wax :(

Are you sure it wasn't wax?

donKey jote
10th August 2010, 00:19
Try some Erdinger or Franziskaner or similar. This could well be the ideal combination of beer attributes. A dark wheat beer is also very nice in certain circumstances. I had one with a goulash earlier and it was lovely.
a dunkles Erdinger :up: (or Pikantus if you can find it)
... donkey's favourite :beer: :D

not too fond of Franziskaner or Paulaner though :)

10th August 2010, 00:19
Spitfire is lovely. Some ale can be hit and miss. I had one the other night that tasted like wax :(

Spitfire is a very mediocre beer, it would be real last resort for me. Ale can vary greatly according to the pub that you're in. For example I was in a 'spoons the other day and had an ordinary pint of Otter Bright (usually fantastic stuff). I really like trying different things though, sometimes you end up with crap but other times you can find some really good stuff.

10th August 2010, 00:26
I love this thread!

Out of the three, ale, hands down.

My favorite ale? Stone - Arrogant B@stard (you are what you drink :p )


10th August 2010, 00:41
My favorite is Yuengling Lager. It is a brew from the oldest brewery in the US. It is made in Pottsville, PA so it is a relatively local brew for me. Their lite lager is pretty good too.

Brown, Jon Brow
10th August 2010, 00:41
I wish this thread was real and in a pub where we could try all of the different beers people are suggesting.

10th August 2010, 00:47
My favorite is Yuengling Lager. It is a brew from the oldest brewery in the US. It is made in Pottsville, PA so it is a relatively local brew for me. Their lite lager is pretty good too. :up:

I also like Samuel Adams' Boston Lager.

You guys on the East Coast have it down pretty well.

Mark in Oshawa
10th August 2010, 00:50
I am thirsty just reading it.

For lagers.....I drink em...but I think in the end, there isn't one that stands out for me. Maybe Moosehead or Rolling Rock if I am in the US. Lagers are light....and ok...and when cold on a hot day taste pretty decent...but if I am in a serious beer mood, it is Ale's and Guinness...

There is only one really good stout in my books and that is yes, Guinness. It always tastes the same to me, whether it is in the widget loaded can/bottle available here, or from the pub. Strange but true.

For Ales? I like Sam Adams if I am in the US....but at home here, my staple is still Alexander Keith's IPA...or Keith's Amber....

I do like some wheat beers Ben...but it is a pain to find the one I like (I cant even remember the name well enough to list it...Munchen something or other) in the stores here.

Beer is always good...and I am always eager to try microbrews and the like.

I find every region has its good ones...and even some of the more obscure Molson products are as good as some regional micro brews to me.....so it all comes down to what beer wont I drink:

Busch, American Brewed Miller, Coors regular (Coors Light in Canada is drinkable), Heineken and the like usually I avoid like the plague.

Oh yes, and 90% of the discount brews we have here in Canada are crap...anyone coming to Canada do NOT drink Lucky Lager.....stuff should be used for cleaning out Jan Yeo's carb on his sports car....

Mark in Oshawa
10th August 2010, 00:51

I also like Samuel Adams' Boston Lager.

You guys on the East Coast have it down pretty well.

I like their ale better but it is good lager...

Yuengling is pretty good...even if they are 100 years younger than Molson's...lol

Easy Drifter
10th August 2010, 01:48
I rarely drink ------beer.
I am a scotch drinker or brandy or even Rye (Cdn.)
I do take a beer to the track though, Red Baron Lime, a light 4% beer.
I am not going to drink hard stuff when I have to drive home!

10th August 2010, 07:12
Ale or Lager or Stout?

Yes, please.

Oh, I have to choose. Then Stout.

10th August 2010, 09:34
Oh yes, and 90% of the discount brews we have here in Canada are crap...anyone coming to Canada do NOT drink Lucky Lager.....stuff should be used for cleaning out Jan Yeo's carb on his sports car....

:D :D

People in Canada should drink Lakeport Honey :facelick: ;)

Easy Drifter
10th August 2010, 11:11
Lakeport has been bought out by Labatt (Interbrew) and the Hamilton plant shut with all workers losing their jobs. :mad:
Now brewed in the huge Labatt plant in London, Ont.
Look for a change in quality.

10th August 2010, 11:48
Lakeport has been bought out by Labatt (Interbrew) and the Hamilton plant shut with all workers losing their jobs. :mad:
Now brewed in the huge Labatt plant in London, Ont.
Look for a change in quality.

My brother will be livid, he lived on that stuff for about 18 months :D

10th August 2010, 11:54
I wish this thread was real and in a pub where we could try all of the different beers people are suggesting.

Have you been to a beer festival? If not, do so....., honestly, I wouldn't really call myself a lager drinker, but after trying 'proper' (not the commercial fizzy rubbish) lager, I actually liked it. Still prefer the real ale, but am quite partial to the odd dry cider.

Captain VXR
10th August 2010, 12:18
I generally prefer cider to beer, although a cold glass of Zywiec is very nice

10th August 2010, 12:23
Thatcher's Gold is a reasonable cider (in the drinkable, binge vein rather than gutrot scrumpy vein). Be careful not to order the cloudy one if you're on the lash, my mate got me that as a last drink of the night (forgot to specify that I was after Gold) and it's about 7.5%. In my already well leathered state I was soon over the edge, can't really remember getting home that night.

10th August 2010, 16:00
Which is exactly what a Weissbier provides. Wheaty, sometimes hoppy depending on the ingredients, and refreshing. That said, a good English ale is always hard to beat back home.

Maybe I wasn't drinking the right Weissbiers then. Don't get me wrong, thay were good, justt not hoppy. Now Arrogant B@stard, that's some good stuff.

If you really want a strong hoppy beer try Hopslam by Bells

10th August 2010, 16:05
It really doesn't matter what kind of beer you like....or where you're from....
A visit to Belgium is all that is needed to change your beer-love for life!

10th August 2010, 16:23
Now Arrogant B@stard, that's some good stuff.

Not personally a fan of strong ales, I prefer my brews to be below 5% so that they have good quaffing value :D Also I tend to find high alcohol content just spoils the flavour of the beer.

10th August 2010, 20:50
How long ago was this? Because all Guiness sold in the UK now comes directly from Ireland, so it should taste the same as what you get at the brewery.

Anyways I only drink spirits, vodka for me, thank you.

We found the Guinness that we tasted in Dublin was the nicest,we had ever had it,and my son in law drinks quite a lot of it,AND we were told it should be served at 6 degrees,which of course it was in the Observation Tower at the works.

10th August 2010, 21:24
I rather like drinking Kwak. Partly because I like the taste, the contraption you drink it out of and the name me smile.

Anyone here ever drank Samichlaus beer? Its the strongest lager beer in the world. I actually quite like it but one bottle is more than enough to make me giddy. :)

My favourite supermaket it Booths due to the brilliant alcohol selection available.

Brown, Jon Brow
10th August 2010, 23:02
We found the Guinness that we tasted in Dublin was the nicest,we had ever had it,and my son in law drinks quite a lot of it,AND we were told it should be served at 6 degrees,which of course it was in the Observation Tower at the works.

I don't like the extra cold Guinness. It has no flavour.

My favourite supermaket it Booths due to the brilliant alcohol selection available.

Personally I think the staff in Booths are brilliant. Some of them are really good looking :D

Captain VXR
10th August 2010, 23:07
I don't like the extra cold Guinness. It has no flavour.

Personally I think the staff in Booths are brilliant. Some of them are really good looking :D

Some are putrid, however

10th August 2010, 23:09
Personally I think the staff in Booths are brilliant. Some of them are really good looking :D

Some may say that you are biased. :p Can you get booths to start selling that Aussie raisin beer again. We miss that stuff.

Brown, Jon Brow
10th August 2010, 23:10
I generally prefer cider to beer

I find all cider is dreadful.

Brown, Jon Brow
10th August 2010, 23:15
Some may say that you are biased. :p Can you get booths to start selling that Aussie raisin beer again. We miss that stuff.

Well. I wanted them to give me a job in the marketing department (I have a marketing degree) but for the time being I'll be stuck selling meat and fish. But I agree that the alcohol section is terrific.