View Full Version : Carpenter/Vision ink deal with Panther

9th August 2010, 19:31
I think this was speculated on before, here. But today it was confirmed.



Mark in Oshawa
9th August 2010, 20:53
Glad to see Ed get a ride.....more cars mean more action...

9th August 2010, 21:28
You are late. This was fact when I posted it awhile back. It's just now officially announced. ;)

Here is the original thread..


10th August 2010, 06:17
Good to hear that there is another ride. Wouln't the world end and the series if , oh my god, a driver from one of those furriner countries like Denmark that has a socialist government (not communism to all you uneducated) and got funded for three years.

Is Fuzzy going to be the sponsor? Three years already guaranteed. The damn series may not last two more. So funny.

14th August 2010, 13:23
It's three [i]races, not three years ;) . If it was the later, then i'd agree with you 100%.

14th August 2010, 23:16
The statement I read was it was three races this year and three year deal.
I'll get the link.

15th August 2010, 14:00
The statement I read was it was three races this year and three year deal.
I'll get the link.

don't bother, its not that big of a deal. if it is three years than i'm glad. I like Ed and have always rooted for him.

15th August 2010, 19:36
I believe you're correct on the three race deal. Who in their right mind would offer a three year contract these days.

Scotty G.
15th August 2010, 21:30
Who in their right mind would offer a three year contract these days.

Blow Daddy? :p

15th August 2010, 21:33
Blow Daddy? :p

Nah, the sisters booted him out and kept the checkbook. Remember?


30th August 2010, 23:42
Ed ran a hell of a race Saturday nite..

On another rated note .... I read young Dayak has inked a deal to run the panther national
Guard car in 2010..... I think that's a nice pairing.... Mix in Ed on a handful of ovals and I think the chances of seeing panther in victory lane in 2010 are pretty good

30th August 2010, 23:44
My apologies ..posting from phone Dayak = rahal

Scotty G.
30th August 2010, 23:51
Ed ran a hell of a race Saturday nite..

On another rated note .... I read young Dayak has inked a deal to run the panther national
Guard car in 2010..... I think that's a nice pairing.... Mix in Ed on a handful of ovals and I think the chances of seeing panther in victory lane in 2010 are pretty good

Ed is a good race driver. We shouldnt' be surprised now, when he runs a good race.

The fact that it makes the "Eff Tony" crew unhappy that their boy "Special Ed" is actually a good race driver, probably makes them and their pocket protectors go haywire.

I wouldn't read too much into Gordo Kirby's rumor about Rahal and Panther. I think Wheldon is as good as gone (to save $$$ for Panther), but Rahal going there is far from a done deal.

I think Graham has just a good a chance of running the fullseason with Quik Trim and his dad's team, as he does anything else.

31st August 2010, 00:07
Ed Carpenter is bascially a male version of a slightly better than Danica. One of the biggest differences is he's improved with a mid-level team that was built around him with a mostly 1 car effort. He can't road race to save his life though.

31st August 2010, 13:03
Ed Carpenter is bascially a male version of a slightly better than Danica. One of the biggest differences is he's improved with a mid-level team that was built around him with a mostly 1 car effort. He can't road race to save his life though.

I agree he can't road race. But he's way better than Danica. He usually runs much better than her at almost every oval. And he's done it with a one car team. Which means he has to set the car up on his own. Danica takes a set up from one of her teammates and then b!tches about it all day, but can't improve it. There's a BIG difference there. Now I'm not saying that Ed is the next Rick Mears or anything. But I do think he could win a race soon, and not on fuel mileage.

31st August 2010, 14:30
Carpenter was way in over his head when he first arrived but I would be the first to admit that he did improve greatly and has redeemed himself quite well as of late.
He isn't a top tier driver but neither is he a threat to the safety of others like a few drivers out there.
Who knows? Maybe with some more time and a good team he could surprise many people.

31st August 2010, 15:05
Who knows? Maybe with some more time and a good team he could surprise many people.

id say he already has

31st August 2010, 16:53
Carpenter was way in over his head when he first arrived but I would be the first to admit that he did improve greatly and has redeemed himself quite well as of late.
He isn't a top tier driver but neither is he a threat to the safety of others like a few drivers out there.
Who knows? Maybe with some more time and a good team he could surprise many people.

He came damn close to doing that last year in Kentucky. The crowd sure was behind him. I don't think I have seen so much cheering for a driver in a very long time.


31st August 2010, 17:26
He came damn close to doing that last year in Kentucky. The crowd sure was behind him. I don't think I have seen so much cheering for a driver in a very long time.


I am talking about a road course or certain ovals. Kentucky ain't one of them.

Sorry but finishing high on a Flat out all the way around oval isn't a accurate gauge of a driver's ability but more of a team's setup ability.

31st August 2010, 18:02
I agree with you on both your points here. That said though, Ed has gained much respect and flat out no skill or not, last year at Kentucky was great. It would've been exciting if it were 2 red cars fighting but this was more like David vs Golaith. There isn't anybody that wouldn't like to see one of the smaller team knock off the big 2 on an oval like Kentucky for a change.

31st August 2010, 18:21
I am talking about a road course or certain ovals. Kentucky ain't one of them.

Sorry but finishing high on a Flat out all the way around oval isn't a accurate gauge of a driver's ability but more of a team's setup ability.

Hmmm, haven't you been among the throngs (myself included) bashing the Princess for her inability to set up the car? Your comment above is just a tad disingenuous in that light don't you think? Well duh, sure the ovals are about setup but no team can set up the car without driver input and Ed was driving on a single car team if memory serves me. So I'd say last year WAS a pretty good gauge of Ed's abilities on oval. It sure changed MY opinion of him. I called him special Ed at one time. No more. He did a fine job at KY and looked pretty damn good at Chicago last week.

He has a LONG way to go on street/road races but he'd be the first one to agree with that.


31st August 2010, 18:46
Hmmm, haven't you been among the throngs (myself included) bashing the Princess for her inability to set up the car? Your comment above is just a tad disingenuous in that light don't you think? Well duh, sure the ovals are about setup but no team can set up the car without driver input and Ed was driving on a single car team if memory serves me. So I'd say last year WAS a pretty good gauge of Ed's abilities on oval. It sure changed MY opinion of him. I called him special Ed at one time. No more. He did a fine job at KY and looked pretty damn good at Chicago last week.

He has a LONG way to go on street/road races but he'd be the first one to agree with that.


One race under those conditions does not make a driver great.

I have said he has improved and he should be commended for that.

8th September 2010, 22:03
I wouldn't read too much into Gordo Kirby's rumor about Rahal and Panther. I think Wheldon is as good as gone (to save $$$ for Panther), but Rahal going there is far from a done deal.

I think Graham has just a good a chance of running the fullseason with Quik Trim and his dad's team, as he does anything else.

Rumors are heating up