View Full Version : Bullfighting banned in Catalonia !

28th July 2010, 14:59

About time, now let's hope other spanish regions will do that too. I can't believe that in 2010 we still have to see such cruelty towards animals only to please people :down: :mad:

28th July 2010, 15:02
That's good news.

Dave B
28th July 2010, 15:07
Good, although I suspect it'll still carry on unlicensed and unregulated in one form or another.

28th July 2010, 16:13
Excellent news but they need to ban it all over Spain. In fact the EU should put some pressure on Spain to make it illegal everywhere.

Easy Drifter
28th July 2010, 16:26
What about Mexico?

28th July 2010, 16:35
Everywhere includes Mexico.

28th July 2010, 19:15
I'm wondering whether everyone who posted on this is a vegetarian. Not that I'm against the ban, I agree it's a good move. It just seems funny you'd mind this while eating parts of animals raised to be slaughtered in massive numbers throughout your lifetime.

28th July 2010, 19:55
I'm wondering whether everyone who posted on this is a vegetarian. Not that I'm against the ban, I agree it's a good move. It just seems funny you'd mind this while eating parts of animals raised to be slaughtered in massive numbers throughout your lifetime.
We don't play with our food before we kill it. I eat meat, but I feel sad someone has to die so that I can eat, I don't cheer for the kill on a stadium.

Mark in Oshawa
28th July 2010, 20:26
We don't play with our food before we kill it. I eat meat, but I feel sad someone has to die so that I can eat, I don't cheer for the kill on a stadium.

Every now and then Eki you have great eloquence.....

I agree whole heartedly. Bull fighting is stupidity and cruel for no reason other than machismo on display by men who haven't the skill to play real sports I guess...

28th July 2010, 20:41
men who haven't the skill to play real sports I guess...

Whatever your opinion on the morality of bullfighting I think that it is wrong to say that it's not skillful. From what I understand of it there is a huge degree of skill and the crowd appreciate a quick kill rather than something drawn out. It requires a large amount of training and practice, the men who do it deserve as much credit as other sportsmen.

28th July 2010, 21:12
It requires a large amount of training and practice, the men who do it deserve as much credit as other sportsmen.
Not more than other sportsmen who try to kill their opposition. Bullfighting should have been left to history books together with gladiator fights:


28th July 2010, 21:18
Bullfighting is one of that last, true sports.

So sad to see what has happened to the Spain of my ancestors.

28th July 2010, 21:27
From what I understand of it there is a huge degree of skill and the crowd appreciate a quick kill rather than something drawn out.

I have been once watching a bullfight, the kill might be quick, but many things happen before that, picadores, banderillas etc.
Good move that they did stop it in Catalunia, but I belive it will take time before they will do it in whole Spain.

306 Cosworth
28th July 2010, 21:32
Another historic tradition being killed off, just because it's not 'PC'

Brown, Jon Brow
28th July 2010, 21:44
I don't have an opinion on this. Is that normal? Should I have one?

28th July 2010, 22:02
Good news.

28th July 2010, 22:09
I have a strong opinion and YES it should be banned!
My grandfather and Uncle and Brother were all butchers with knacker licenses allowing them to slaughter animals,I have been to a slaughter house many times and seen animals killed,and they know what is coming,and even humane slaughter is not pleasant either.
I would love to see Halal slaughter banned too!

donKey jote
28th July 2010, 23:09
What a disgrace! The sooner Spain gains independence from those radical left wing catalans the better! :p
I bet the PP (Spanish equivalent of the tories) are up in arms at this attack on Spanish values. :laugh:

Although I can see the art in the purest form, I don't like bullfighting so I don't watch it... I accept it as part of the traditional, rancid Spain. It will die out eventually.

28th July 2010, 23:32
I have been once watching a bullfight, the kill might be quick, but many things happen before that, picadores, banderillas etc.
Good move that they did stop it in Catalunia, but I belive it will take time before they will do it in whole Spain.

I wasn't talking about whether it's moral or not, just saying that there is a great skill in killing the bull quickly rather than messing about until it's too tired to put up a fight. I just wanted to point out to Mark that he's wrong to suggest that bullfighters aren't skilled.

28th July 2010, 23:40
I wasn't talking about whether it's moral or not, just saying that there is a great skill in killing the bull quickly rather than messing about until it's too tired to put up a fight. I just wanted to point out to Mark that he's wrong to suggest that bullfighters aren't skilled.

ahh, ok, yes they are very skilled.

29th July 2010, 00:03
We don't play with our food before we kill it. I eat meat, but I feel sad someone has to die so that I can eat, I don't cheer for the kill on a stadium.

... and then, there's sport fishing. Oops, sorry to mention that. ;) :p

29th July 2010, 00:12
What a disgrace! The sooner Spain gains independence from those radical left wing catalans the better! :p
I bet the PP (Spanish equivalent of the tories) are up in arms at this attack on Spanish values. :laugh:

Although I can see the art in the purest form, I don't like bullfighting so I don't watch it... I accept it as part of the traditional, rancid Spain. It will die out eventually.

It's more of a pop at Spain and its identity rather than an animal rights matter isn't it?

I don't really have a view about bull fighting either. But I believe it's up to Spanish people (or better said, Andalucians) themselves to decide to change and not some of the people I studied Spanish with, who had already decided to try and change everybody's opinion here and in Spain about how awful it is, before they even got to Spain. Bah.

Easy Drifter
29th July 2010, 00:44
I have no strong opinion one way or the other.
There are some on this forum who are anti fishing and hunting. In Canada many people and not just the First Nations, who hunt and fish to eat and survive.
Most sport fishermen now practice catch and release. Not all but most.
Every major tournament in this area is catch and release.

29th July 2010, 07:01
What about Mexico?

They are into "Rolling Heads" nowdays

donKey jote
29th July 2010, 09:43
It's more of a pop at Spain and its identity rather than an animal rights matter isn't it?
Not sure if more, but certainly a great deal of ! :laugh:

As predicted:
"Spain is breaking", "Cultural Genocide", and It's all Zapatero's fault :laugh: :dozey:

29th July 2010, 09:51
They are into "Rolling Heads" nowdays
Rolling Heads aren't Talking Heads.

donKey jote
29th July 2010, 10:59
Just read a bit more about it:
turns out there was very little bullfighting in Catalonia anyway, so this only affects the Barcelona "Monumental" Bullring.

But it gets better:
look up "correbous" or "toros embolados", a traditional fiesta in some parts of Catalonia which is unaffected by the latest ruling, to see how much some people really care about animal rights :laugh: :dozey:

29th July 2010, 12:15
Just read a bit more about it:
turns out there was very little bullfighting in Catalonia anyway, so this only affects the Barcelona "Monumental" Bullring.

Yep, I've heard that the locals were not really that interested and the fights that were put on were mostly for the benefit of tourists. Of course tourists no longer think that bullfighting is great holiday entertainment...

29th July 2010, 19:29
MTV used to air a show called Strutter and it had a take on the subject:
"The Spanish might be a bunch of bleebing bleebs, but they sure know how to treat their bleebing animals, like bleebing animals"
And then they showed a clip of bull hitting the guy properly in the genitals. Good stuff. ;)

Hazell B
29th July 2010, 21:21
There was some moron an the radio saying bull fights are more skilled than any other sports, including Fox Hunting.

Made me smile when they said 'standing facing a half tonne bull ....' is more about skill than sitting on a half tonne horse doing 30mph over unknown, dangerous ground in a Brit winter :laugh: I'm not saying there's no skill in annoying and stabbing a bull with a pic, but there'd be a damn sight more if they then tried riding it :p :

Far more people are injured hunting on horseback than fighting bulls.

Anyway, I'm glad this small part of bull fighting has been outlawed. It'd be nice to think all versions in all areas will end, but they won't.

29th July 2010, 21:25
Bullfighting is one of that last, true sports.

So sad to see what has happened to the Spain of my ancestors.
If I were you, I'd be more worried about what will happen to the Cuba of your ancestors after Castro is gone. Will it be an exploited puppet and a holiday resort of the US again.

Garry Walker
29th July 2010, 22:37
the men who do it deserve as much credit as other sportsmen.

30th July 2010, 01:31
If I were you, I'd be more worried about what will happen to the Cuba of your ancestors after Castro is gone. Will it be an exploited puppet and a holiday resort of the US again.


Don't you have some anti-Semitic rant to write or Nazi's to defend?

30th July 2010, 08:17
It's more of a pop at Spain and its identity rather than an animal rights matter isn't it?

I don't really have a view about bull fighting either. But I believe it's up to Spanish people (or better said, Andalucians) themselves to decide to change and not some of the people I studied Spanish with, who had already decided to try and change everybody's opinion here and in Spain about how awful it is, before they even got to Spain. Bah.

Spain is a member of the EU, a net gainer in fact (gets more than pays to the EU unlike we Finns, for example) so they should take into consideration what Europeans think about treating animals in such a cruel way.

30th July 2010, 09:11
I'm not saying there's no skill in annoying and stabbing a bull with a pic, but there'd be a damn sight more if they then tried riding it :p :

That's simple not true though, Hazell :p : I've seen rodeo riders, they're idiots.

1st August 2010, 00:24
Spain is a member of the EU, a net gainer in fact (gets more than pays to the EU unlike we Finns, for example) so they should take into consideration what Europeans think about treating animals in such a cruel way.

Ok so, looking at this chart from http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8036097.stm#start click on "net per population"

The chart shows net contribution per person. So as you see Luxembourg contributes the most per person and Greece contributes the least per person and Spain contributes the third least. So just because Spain gets more than it contributes, we can force our opinion on it, boss it about and tell it what to do? Brilliant, so hypothetically speaking if Luxembourg wanted Finland to stop selling and consuming reindeer meat, that's ok because it contributes more? In that case Sweden gets to boss about Finland.

1st August 2010, 12:21
...the men who do it deserve as much credit as other sportsmen.

Ever heard about Fair Play?!

So what about fighting a bull but without the tools/weapons? Let's see how brave those matadors are!

BTW, great move Catalonia! :up:

1st August 2010, 17:41
Ever heard about Fair Play?!

So what about fighting a bull but without the tools/weapons? Let's see how brave those matadors are!

BTW, great move Catalonia! :up:

Too right!

Before a bull goes into the ring vaseline is smeared into its eyes to blur its vision, very often a sedative is administered to slow the animal down. Before it gets to have a go at the matador, it is speared several times to encourage bleeding therefore weakening it even further before the "brave" sportsman enters the arena.

Now onto EEC funding, I know of at least one bullring built with EEC money, it has never opened in the five years since it has been finished, let alone staged a bullfight. I'm delighted it isn't used, although I have heard it will be used for concerts etc in the near future, I hope that is the case.

2nd August 2010, 22:35
Too right!

Before a bull goes into the ring vaseline is smeared into its eyes to blur its vision, very often a sedative is administered to slow the animal down. Before it gets to have a go at the matador, it is speared several times to encourage bleeding therefore weakening it even further before the "brave" sportsman enters the arena.

Now onto EEC funding, I know of at least one bullring built with EEC money, it has never opened in the five years since it has been finished, let alone staged a bullfight. I'm delighted it isn't used, although I have heard it will be used for concerts etc in the near future, I hope that is the case.

Really? Do you have a link for that?

2nd August 2010, 23:00
Really? Do you have a link for that?

I can give you several links, but would you really want them?

Having faced a bull bred for fighting, albeit a young bull, one that was being tested for the ring, I know how damn quick they can be and how bloody scared I was. As a naive tourist I got caught up in a "running of the bulls" after that experience I found out a little more about this and bull fighting.

It did not make pleasant reading, also I asked around on my subsequent visits to Spain. Very few people were willing to discuss the subject, although I did get some information which suprised me, according to an opinion poll approx 70% of the Spanish population would like to see an end to bullfighting and associated "sport".

Some see this ban as an attack on the culture of Spain, but can anyone honestly see what sport is there in the torment of an animal?

3rd August 2010, 00:59
I can give you several links, but would you really want them?

If you can give me links showing where and how the EU has funded the building of a bull ring, then yes I really want to see them.

3rd August 2010, 03:13

About time, now let's hope other spanish regions will do that too. I can't believe that in 2010 we still have to see such cruelty towards animals only to please people :down: :mad:

I have always said that Catalunya is the most civilised place in Spain....
Good to hear that the Spain of my ancestors is stumbling into the civilised era.
People can go to the beach and meet beautiful women instead, have a drink, talk, relax instead of this craziness...

3rd August 2010, 03:20
If I were you, I'd be more worried about what will happen to the Cuba of your ancestors after Castro is gone. Will it be an exploited puppet and a holiday resort of the US again.

Come on Eki, be positive!
You could encourage our resident macho man to go and fight some bulls of his own rather than just complaining that others won't..
Think positive, man! ( I mean it is a good question why he's leaving all the fighting to others---is there a name for chicken-a-doros?)

Truly I've suggested in the past if the matador was armed with just 2 second hand bull horns and faced the bull with just that, then I might be impressed when the matador won...

donKey jote
3rd August 2010, 21:05
Some see this ban as an attack on the culture of Spain,
yep, that's the official line of the "Spanish Tory Party" (PP) :laugh:

I saw polls recently which would confirm your 70% "anti-bullfighting". However significantly less were in favour of a legal ban.

Btw, just to show how "civilised" the catalans can be, here's part of "their" culture which is (at least not yet) affected by the ban:

3rd August 2010, 21:46
I have always said that Catalunya is the most civilised place in Spain....
Good to hear that the Spain of my ancestors is stumbling into the civilised era.
People can go to the beach and meet beautiful women instead, have a drink, talk, relax instead of this craziness...

Catalunya isn't the Real Spain. Similar to how places like San Francisco, Seattle or Berkley aren't really the USA.

3rd August 2010, 22:06
Catalunya isn't the Real Spain. Similar to how places like San Francisco, Seattle or Berkley aren't really the USA.

Yep you could say the same thing about florida, full of boring retirees and cuban emigres....................... ho hum...............

4th August 2010, 03:22
Yep you could say the same thing about florida, full of boring retirees and cuban emigres....................... ho hum...............

It does make you wonder what the poor deluded has been tough guy Vop imagine the "real" America is like.
Perhaps with his Banana republic background he thinks that that's all there is and hence the stultifying miasma of drug money fueled speculation and corruption unequaled anywhere else in USA is somehow normal, instead of a madhouse without walls that it is..

4th August 2010, 03:25
yep, that's the official line of the "Spanish Tory Party" (PP) :laugh:

I saw polls recently which would confirm your 70% "anti-bullfighting". However significantly less were in favour of a legal ban.

Btw, just to show how "civilised" the catalans can be, here's part of "their" culture which is (at least not yet) affected by the ban:

They're probably Falangists, huh?

4th August 2010, 05:20
It does make you wonder what the poor deluded has been tough guy Vop imagine the "real" America is like.
Perhaps with his Banana republic background he thinks that that's all there is and hence the stultifying miasma of drug money fueled speculation and corruption unequaled anywhere else in USA is somehow normal, instead of a madhouse without walls that it is..

You going to the Rally Car (Rally America) awards banquet?

donKey jote
4th August 2010, 18:57
Btw, just to show how "civilised" the catalans can be, here's part of "their" culture which is not (at least not yet) affected by the ban:

duh.. I meant to write not affected. :dozey: