View Full Version : Oliver Stone says like it is

27th July 2010, 20:51
... and apologizes. We are yet to see Israel apologize the atrocities they have committed.


Easy Drifter
27th July 2010, 21:37
Talk about twisting things around to suit your own agenda. Although Stone commented about Jews in his earlier comments he did not mention Israel.
I have yet to see Hamas apoligize for their terrorism or various Arab countries for attacking Israel several times.
Even for an anti semetic like you this was a stretch Eki.

27th July 2010, 21:47
Talk about twisting things around to suit your own agenda. Although Stone commented about Jews in his earlier comments he did not mention Israel.
I have yet to see Hamas apoligize for their terrorism or various Arab countries for attacking Israel several times.
Even for an anti semetic like you this was a stretch Eki.
He said "Israel has f**ked up United States foreign policy for years", which was spot on, and I think it's about time to stop it:

Later, he complained about the “Jewish domination of the media,” saying, “there’s a major lobby in the United States. They are hard workers. They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in Washington. Israel has f**ked up United States foreign policy for years.”

Easy Drifter
27th July 2010, 23:17
Which has nothing to do with your provokative and inaccurate post heading.
It is one man possibly agreeing with your anti semetic views.
Again you are trying to make a mountain out of a dung hole.

Mark in Oshawa
28th July 2010, 01:27
I think Oliver Stone is a conceited blowhard who keeps making films which twist history around to suit his own agenda. IN short, he is full as much BS as you Eki.

But that's ok....because in the world he so criticizes, he is allowed to do so. IN places like Venezuela, where his buddy Chavez lives, criticizing the powers that be will end with you losing your media outlet and or in jail.

28th July 2010, 02:57
... and apologizes. We are yet to see Israel apologize the atrocities they have committed.

"Arbeit macht frei"?

You are right. 6 Million Jewish souls deserved to be gassed and killed. Belsen, Dachau and Buchenwald were in reality holiday fun camps like Butlins.

Sorry, but Oliver Stone's comments are digusting, horrible and are simply vile. The fact that you should choose to defend them is simply reprehensible. There are simply not enough invective words in the dictionary to express my opinion of your viewpoint on this; I refuse to apologise.

I don't know where you intend to take your next holiday but I very strongly suggest that you go to Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, only then would you begin to appreciate first hand even 1% of what went on.
It's one of the very few places I've ever been where the scale of the whole thing and the very very dark presence of the place, not only means that most people walk around in silence, but I couldn't even bring myself to take any photographs either.

28th July 2010, 08:39
"Arbeit macht frei"?

You are right. 6 Million Jewish souls deserved to be gassed and killed. Belsen, Dachau and Buchenwald were in reality holiday fun camps like Butlins.

That's of course not what I meant. I meant things like murdering 4 UN military observers in Lebanon in 2006, destructing a maternity clinic in Gaza in 2008, murdering peace activists bringing aid to Gaza in 2010, etc. And of course grabbing land from the Palestinians.

28th July 2010, 08:42
"Arbeit macht frei"?

You are right. 6 Million Jewish souls deserved to be gassed and killed. Belsen, Dachau and Buchenwald were in reality holiday fun camps like Butlins.

Sorry, but Oliver Stone's comments are digusting, horrible and are simply vile. The fact that you should choose to defend them is simply reprehensible. There are simply not enough invective words in the dictionary to express my opinion of your viewpoint on this; I refuse to apologise.

I don't know where you intend to take your next holiday but I very strongly suggest that you go to Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, only then would you begin to appreciate first hand even 1% of what went on.
It's one of the very few places I've ever been where the scale of the whole thing and the very very dark presence of the place, not only means that most people walk around in silence, but I couldn't even bring myself to take any photographs either.
Using concentration camps of the 20th century to defend Israel's actions in the 21st century is getting old and is losing its edge.

28th July 2010, 09:08
Finland apologized for handing over 8 Jews to Germany. We are not too proud to apologize. Israel could at least apologize for killing the Finnish military observer and ruining the maternity clinic built by the Finnish Lutheran church, after all it was much thanks to Finnish Lutheran ministers that not more Jews were handed over:


In November 1942, eight[5] foreign Jewish refugees were handed over to Nazi Germany[6], a fact for which Finnish prime minister Paavo Lipponen issued an official apology in 2000.[7] No further Jews were deported from Finland after protests by the Lutheran ministers, the Archbishop and The Social Democratic Party.

28th July 2010, 12:02
And of course grabbing land from the Palestinians.
... who are governed themselves by the two main splinter groups of the PLO, which was a terrorist organisation.

And since it's current news, were also in or had knowledge of the Lockerbie bombing before it happened:

Only days before last night's crash, security forces in a number of European countries, including Britain, were put on alert after warnings from the Palestine Liberation Organization that extremists might launch terrorist attacks to undermine the dialogue between the United States and the PLO.
- The Times, December 22, 1988

Using concentration camps of the 20th century to defend Israel's actions in the 21st century is getting old and is losing its edge.

No. Since you openly said in the title that "Oliver Stone says like it is" and the main thrust of the article revolved around this:
“German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support. Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people.”
then you openly have endorsed his comments.

I'm not "Using concentration camps of the 20th century to defend Israel's action", I am directly rebuking you for blatant and open racism.

This is unacceptable.

28th July 2010, 13:10
... who are governed themselves by the two main splinter groups of the PLO, which was a terrorist organisation.

And since it's current news, were also in or had knowledge of the Lockerbie bombing before it happened:

Only days before last night's crash, security forces in a number of European countries, including Britain, were put on alert after warnings from the Palestine Liberation Organization that extremists might launch terrorist attacks to undermine the dialogue between the United States and the PLO.
- The Times, December 22, 1988

No. Since you openly said in the title that "Oliver Stone says like it is" and the main thrust of the article revolved around this:
“German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support. Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people.”
then you openly have endorsed his comments.

I'm not "Using concentration camps of the 20th century to defend Israel's action", I am directly rebuking you for blatant and open racism.

This is unacceptable.

Are you saying that Hitler didn't do more damage to the Russians than the Jewish (about 24 million Soviet citizens died in WW2)?


Or that American and other industrialists like the IBM or George W Bush's grandfather didn't back the Nazis?


28th July 2010, 13:50
just a troll gone fishing

still my bet u is mark

28th July 2010, 15:11
Oliver Stone says it as it sells. That's all.

28th July 2010, 22:25
Oliver Stone says it as it sells. That's all.

He is desperate.
His last film canonizing Chavez and other Latin American Fascists has bombed big time.

After 5 weeks it has garnered a whopping $166,000 in total box office!!!!!! Even for a Documentary that is pathetic. So Stone is just going around saying things to try and drum up press.

28th July 2010, 22:31
Are you saying that Hitler didn't do more damage to the Russians than the Jewish (about 24 million Soviet citizens died in WW2)?

No. I'm saying that you making posts endorsing the holocaust is distasteful, and then denying that you've done so is devious.

What happened between Hitler and the Jews is genocide based on a racist agenda. What happened between Hitler and Russia is the results of a full scale war. Neither is agreeable, however blatant rasicm is ugly and should not be tolerated.

28th July 2010, 22:43
No. I'm saying that you making posts endorsing the holocaust is distasteful, and then denying that you've done so is devious.

What happened between Hitler and the Jews is genocide based on a racist agenda. What happened between Hitler and Russia is the results of a full scale war. Neither is agreeable, however blatant rasicm is ugly and should not be tolerated.
The Germans treated the Soviet civilians and prisoners of war more cruelly than they treated for example the Dutch, Danes and the Norwegians, or even the British prisoners of war, because they thought the Slavic race was inferior to the Germanic race.

29th July 2010, 00:55
This is directed at you and your direct agenda.

Can you not take responsibility for your own posts?

Easy Drifter
29th July 2010, 01:33
No Eki cannot.
When he gets beaten on any post or thread he just goes off topic onto another tangent.
There are more and more people onto his antics and blatant anti semitism and anti US attitude.

29th July 2010, 10:20
He is desperate.
His last film canonizing Chavez and other Latin American Fascists has bombed big time.

After 5 weeks it has garnered a whopping $166,000 in total box office!!!!!! Even for a Documentary that is pathetic. So Stone is just going around saying things to try and drum up press.

Seeing how I never saw one ad for the film on TV, one review within the MSM (not that I frequently read the fishwrapper anymore), nor one inclusion into the PPV/On-Demand rotation of TWC, perhaps it was the Jew-run media's selectivity which accounts for this lack of return, and thus validates Stone's assertion? Maybe if Oliver Stone added yet another gloomy Nazi horror flick posing as a documentary to the long list of such works his box office would have improved, or even resulted in multiple Oscar nominations if he had parroted Tarantino's gratuitous blood-n-gore techniques and applied them to a "Inglorious Basterds" knock-off (which I recall Brad Pitt's assurances on Aussie TV that accounts on people walking out of the theater before the film's conclusion did not in and of itself make it a bad movie).

But you can scroll down the list of MSM/movie house owners, directors, producers, promoters, critics, etc and see there indeed is no Jewish control of the media.

Yeah right.

Mark in Oshawa
29th July 2010, 15:57
Seeing how I never saw one ad for the film on TV, one review within the MSM (not that I frequently read the fishwrapper anymore), nor one inclusion into the PPV/On-Demand rotation of TWC, perhaps it was the Jew-run media's selectivity which accounts for this lack of return, and thus validates Stone's assertion? Maybe if Oliver Stone added yet another gloomy Nazi horror flick posing as a documentary to the long list of such works his box office would have improved, or even resulted in multiple Oscar nominations if he had parroted Tarantino's gratuitous blood-n-gore techniques and applied them to a "Inglorious Basterds" knock-off (which I recall Brad Pitt's assurances on Aussie TV that accounts on people walking out of the theater before the film's conclusion did not in and of itself make it a bad movie).

But you can scroll down the list of MSM/movie house owners, directors, producers, promoters, critics, etc and see there indeed is no Jewish control of the media.

Yeah right.

Maybe You and Eki both need a trip to Auschwitz?

I am with you Rollo, this stupidity that is being peddled here is utter nonsense. It is an insult to anyone who has a grasp of what happened in WW2. Eki's assertion that the Germans were harder on the Russians than the Jews is silly. The Germans didn't build camps to exterminate the Russians. Furthermore, while one notes 30 million Russians died in WW2, how many were shot by their own side? How many did the Russians just throw away in mass attacks? Furthermore, if there were only about 10 million Jews In Europe, killing off 60% of them would be a greater proportional loss than another nation would have taken now wouldn't it? Ah yes, facts...they bite you in the @ss when you are not paying attention.

Of course, Eki still believes that Israel is a Zionist plot to control the world and the Palestinians would all live peacefully if not for those pesky Jews. THe fact is the Palestinians have been offered everything BUT Israel at various points in the last 60 years, and never took up the offer. They don't want Israel there, and Israel isn't going to commit national suicide and hand over a modern nation state to the rabble who would rather live in tents than get on their lives...

29th July 2010, 18:19
The Germans didn't build camps to exterminate the Russians.
Oh yeah? Then why did they want even Soviet prisoners of war who the Finns had captured?


Approximately 2600 to 2800 Soviet prisoners of war were exchanged for 2100 Fennic prisoners of war from Germany. In November 2003, the Simon Wiesenthal Center submitted an official request to Finnish President Tarja Halonen for a full-scale investigation by the Finnish authorities of the prisoner exchange[5] In the subsequent study by Professor Heikki Ylikangas it turned out that about 2000 of the exchanged prisoners joined the Wehrmacht, but among the rest there were about 500 political officers or politically dangerous persons, who most likely perished in concentration camps. Based on the a list of names, there were about seventy Jews among the extradited, although they were apparently not extradited based on ethnic grouping.[6]

2nd August 2010, 14:18
I imagine I'm about to stick my neck out by posting this, but things have slipped so far I think educating the public is worth the possible consequences.

So either Oliver Stone was correct on the power of Jewish-owned media in terms of shaping and steering American politics, pop culture, and education, or he was not.

Some want to paint him as a kook in order to discredit his assertions. Personally, I think it's nuts to believe otherwise.

Here is the roll call. You be the judge.

The Jewish-run mainstream Media


2nd August 2010, 14:19

Management/Ownership (cont)

On-Screen Talent

2nd August 2010, 14:21


Converts/Wedded to

2nd August 2010, 18:11
Why wouldn't you post the source Sportscarbruce?
Ashamed of your source Sportscarbruce?
Didya get beat in High Schoolin Math class by a filthy Jew Sportscarbruce?

Then why you not showing where you got you big group of photos?

I say its cause it's a blantantly and expressly anti-semtic web site and you're too ashamed to have your source which writes crap like this exposed;

"There is evidence Jews (esp. the rabbis) ACTUALLY HELPED CREATE the German camps thing (and the gas/ovens myth) — explicitly to get the world’s sympathy, get Israel, get rid of the Jews they didn’t want — and to create a “no talk rule” that would last a long time.

And :

Click the “Continue” button and be prepared for another giant hit of media Jewry dishing out Jew Spew on America’s head!


“The reader may wonder why newspapers never mention that Bolshevism is simply a Jewish conquest of Russia. The explanation is that the international news agencies on which papers rely for foreign news are controlled by Jews.” – “All These Things,” A.N. Field; “The Rulers of Russia,” Denis Fahey, p. 37

Ask yourself this: If all these Jews had slanty eyes or green skin, do you think they could get away with all that they do? Like, HELL NO. Jews not only run the economy through their control of international banking and the Federal Reserve, but they also effectively control the media — from New York to Hollywood (and most of the rest of the Western world).

It all starts with how Jews operate: They see no problem openly practicing race nepotism, which gives each of them an easy foot in the door. It is this racial networking that’s been the true driving force of Jewish success — not because they are world’s greatest brains, as they would like for you to believe.

Jews know what’s going on and are actually gleeful about robbing America from all us PC-fooled “WASPS.” Anyone who says Jews are just another religion is plain stupid. Jews are an insular race (often not even religious), well aware of how naïve most Americans are about them. Perfidious Jews will team-up with one another to take over companies and have long targeted specific industries like the media, knowing it’s best to control such things as a race.

For everyone but White people, it always boils down to race. When the hell are you going to get it?

Pooor sportscarbruce.....his source is outed.

And his credibility shattered.

3rd August 2010, 00:09
Why wouldn't you post the source Sportscarbruce?
Ashamed of your source Sportscarbruce?
Didya get beat in High Schoolin Math class by a filthy Jew Sportscarbruce?

Then why you not showing where you got you big group of photos?

I say its cause it's a blantantly and expressly anti-semtic web site and you're too ashamed to have your source which writes crap like this exposed;

Pooor sportscarbruce.....his source is outed.

And his credibility shattered.

Was there any credibility to lose?

3rd August 2010, 11:00
Why wouldn't you post the source Sportscarbruce?
Ashamed of your source Sportscarbruce?
Didya get beat in High Schoolin Math class by a filthy Jew Sportscarbruce?

Then why you not showing where you got you big group of photos?

I say its cause it's a blantantly and expressly anti-semtic web site and you're too ashamed to have your source which writes crap like this exposed;

And :


Pooor sportscarbruce.....his source is outed.

And his credibility shattered.
Nice work.

5th August 2010, 16:56
Now Poland is being anti-Semitic. Didn't they learn anything from Auschwitz?


Mark in Oshawa
5th August 2010, 19:46
Oh yeah? Then why did they want even Soviet prisoners of war who the Finns had captured?


They treated the Russians bad...but they were not a "targeted" group....

They used the Russians as slave labour. You and I both know the truth, you just want to ignore it...

The Germans had three classes of POW/Political prisoners....the Allied POWS were given lip service treatment to the Geneva Conventions and the Red Cross, The Slavs/ and Russian were not part of that previous group and were slave labour, along with Western European civilians imprisioned for various offenses, and then there was the Jews, who committed NO crime, wore no uniform in battle, and were just rounded up to be exterminated. Period.

As for Oliver Stone, he could really kiss my @ss....

Mark in Oshawa
5th August 2010, 19:47
Nice work.

Jan and I rarely agree on much of anyting, but his dissection of the anti-Semitic and anti Jewish remarks of a poster like Bruce are spot on....

Heck, some of the people on that list are not even Jewish.....

5th August 2010, 20:01
Nice work.

No problem, friend.

5th August 2010, 22:19
Now Poland is being anti-Semitic. Didn't they learn anything from Auschwitz?


This is the opening paragraph:
An alleged Israeli agent will be extradited to Germany to be tried for spying, the Polish court of appeals press officer told CNN Thursday.

A suspect in a criminal case who goes to trial so that due process can be carried out, is hardly anti-Semitism despite the suspect being an Israeli.

5th August 2010, 22:34
This is the opening paragraph:
An alleged Israeli agent will be extradited to Germany to be tried for spying, the Polish court of appeals press officer told CNN Thursday.

A suspect in a criminal case who goes to trial so that due process can be carried out, is hardly anti-Semitism despite the suspect being an Israeli.
I was being sarcastic. Every time somebody criticizes Israel or acts against them, they are accused of being anti-Semitic.

Captain VXR
8th August 2010, 00:51
They treated the Russians bad...but they were not a "targeted" group....

They used the Russians as slave labour. You and I both know the truth, you just want to ignore it...

The Germans had three classes of POW/Political prisoners....the Allied POWS were given lip service treatment to the Geneva Conventions and the Red Cross, The Slavs/ and Russian were not part of that previous group and were slave labour, along with Western European civilians imprisioned for various offenses, and then there was the Jews, who committed NO crime, wore no uniform in battle, and were just rounded up to be exterminated. Period.

As for Oliver Stone, he could really kiss my @ss....

You're forgetting the gypsies and gays who were also brutally treated by the Nazis and STILL shunned in many parts of Europe

Captain VXR
8th August 2010, 00:56
Sportscarbruce is a, it starts with k and ends with t, rhymes with hut and is dutch for the worst word in the world. I read that site, and it is disgusting, even arguing that blacks were inferior because some black people started a riot!!! Evidently, they haven't heard of any of the major riots around the world caused by mainly white, for example, biker gangs or anarchist groups