View Full Version : Nascar fines drivers for comments

27th July 2010, 15:08
Good ole' Big Brother Nascar at work again.....

NASCAR has fined at least two of its star drivers this season for making critical comments about the racing series, The Associated Press has learned.

People familiar with the penalties told the AP the comments were considered disparaging to the sport. The people spoke on condition of anonymity because NASCAR was not publicly identifying the drivers it fined. They say one driver was penalized as much as $50,000.

NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston on Monday night confirmed some action had been taken, but would not discuss details.

''It is the sanctioning body's obligation on behalf of the industry and our fans to protect the sport's brand,'' Poston said. ''Any action taken by NASCAR has nothing to do with the drivers expressing an opinion -- it's focused on actions or comments that materially damage the sport.

''We have specifically discussed this in meetings with teams, drivers and stakeholders.''

The decision to fine competitors for critical comments puts NASCAR in line with many other professional sports leagues. The NFL and NBA both routinely issue fines for criticism of officiating.

It also backs up NASCAR's season-long campaign to rebuild the slumping sport through an improved on-track product and off-track promotion from its drivers

27th July 2010, 15:31
I saw that...a little astonished, at that.

My little brother likened it to the NFL and NBA-but the major difference there is that the NBA and NFL would tell us when they fine someone for being critical of the sport.

The France Gestapo doesn't even have the decency to tell us what was said and by whom.

Yet, not even so much of a whisper of this by either of the nightly Nascar TV shows? Where's the outrage?

Oh that's right, the they're drinking the same spiked Kool-Aid that has the press telling us the Chase is a good thing and its what the fans want...

27th July 2010, 15:49
Not good, if NASCAR wants to start down this path there will be a lot of controversy in the future.

27th July 2010, 18:05
NASCAR lives up to the nickname I gave them several years ago - the Daytona Sopranos.

27th July 2010, 19:42
Oh come on.....If the Wally World Greeter said to the customers as they came in....."You know all this crap comes from child-labor sweat shops in China don't ya?".....How long ya think she/he would last?

It's perfectly reasonable for nascar to have a "don't bite the hand that feeds you" policy.

27th July 2010, 22:41
I got a feeling one is Logano for him slamming Nascar in the Nationwide at the end when he bluttered out and espn put it on air when.

and Hamlin could be the other for always going off on the phantom debris cautions

27th July 2010, 23:15
snip...Yet, not even so much of a whisper of this by either of the nightly Nascar TV shows? Where's the outrage? snip...

To be fair it was just a rumor until a Nascar spokesperson confirmed it Monday evening. NascarNow did cover it a few minutes ago. Don't have Speed so I don't know if they covered it.

Hard to tell if the fines were reasonable or not without knowing what was said. IMO Saying "Have at it boys" isn't the best way to handle things" should be tolerated, but "Have at it boys" is going to get someone killed and Nascar knows it" is probably over the line.

28th July 2010, 03:30
The phrase "is going to get someone killed and NASCAR knows it" made Tony Stewart a hero.

Mark in Oshawa
28th July 2010, 18:38
Oh come on.....If the Wally World Greeter said to the customers as they came in....."You know all this crap comes from child-labor sweat shops in China don't ya?".....How long ya think she/he would last?

It's perfectly reasonable for nascar to have a "don't bite the hand that feeds you" policy.

You are dead on the money man!

The only difference is here, the two drivers don't get a paycheck directly from NASCAR....

I think if they are gonna fine the boys, have the stones to tell us who...

Of course, they want this to die down and go away...

28th July 2010, 23:25
Its been announced that it was Hamlin and Newman

29th July 2010, 04:40
Its been announced that it was Hamlin and Newman

Today's NascarNow said it was Hamlin for his comment that yellow flags happened for other than real debris/accidents. Where did you hear about newman and what was the statement?

29th July 2010, 05:41
Its been announced that it was Hamlin and Newman

I thought Hamlin was one of them for sure. He did no backing off from his comments about bogus yellow flags. He was just saying what most race fans figured out a long time ago but NASCAR can't handle the truth.

What the heck did Newman say?

29th July 2010, 12:10
What the heck did Newman say?

thats what was according to espn.

but the only thing Newman really to a shot a Nascar on was at Talladega last fall when he went airborne. I reall cant see Nascar fining a driver from what they said almost a year ago :confused:

30th July 2010, 00:49
All the news agencies (Jayski, ESPN, Speed, API, etc) have it as Hamlin and Newman now, with no "on the record" source.

Bob Riebe
1st August 2010, 05:58
Oh come on.....If the Wally World Greeter said to the customers as they came in....."You know all this crap comes from child-labor sweat shops in China don't ya?".....How long ya think she/he would last?

It's perfectly reasonable for nascar to have a "don't bite the hand that feeds you" policy.
That analogy is not even remotely relevant.

This makes NASCAR look like narcissistic arrogant fools afraid of their own shadow.

1st August 2010, 07:35
The Hamlin fine came from a Twitter discussion with a blogger. Not at a racetrack at all.

1st August 2010, 17:23
So, Brian France pays lip service to having the "drivers' personalities come out" as long as that doesn't include making disparaging comments about NASCAR while they're being themselves. Brian is quite thin-skiined and a hypocrite if you ask me.

2nd August 2010, 18:32
This is NASCAR freaking out after all those Goodyear blimp shots of the empty stand at the Brickyard. They'll find a scapegoat instead of admitting that the have ruined the competition in this sport. So we'll just play the "emperors' new clothes" and continue to plug them for what a "great job they do", like they liked to hear.

Lee Roy
3rd August 2010, 13:24
That analogy is not even remotely relevant.

Yes it is. Should NASCAR tolerate their competitors telling the paying customers that their fools for watching the races?

3rd August 2010, 14:19
Very surprizing to go on the record about this.......private warnings should be enough

And the problem they could run into is the whistleblower laws that many states have that could really hurt NASCAR if they fined the wrong person, who just decided to make life even rougher....

not many would do that, but there is someone called Tony Stewart, who seems to have no problem punching anyone back

but it would have to be a fine for the right comment as "mere fussing" is not enough.....

although NASCAR did have this little problem involing a woman...I do not recall details.....

4th August 2010, 02:14
although NASCAR did have this little problem involing a woman...I do not recall details.....

Mauricia Grant sued NASCAR for $25 million citing racial discrimination. They settled out of court.