View Full Version : Looks like Tony Hayward is going to "get his life back."

26th July 2010, 19:59
According to several reports, BP's CEO, Tony Hayward, has been shown the door by the BoD today. His replacement is a fellow named Robert Dudley - also a BP company man. Except for a dangerous run-in with some Russian mobsters a few years ago, Dudley has a good reputation as a diplomatic person. Interestingly enough, the same Russian mobsters who wanted to hunt down Dudley, liked Hayward. Go figure. :confused: So some think Wayward Hayward may end up working there again.

Another interesting factoid is that Dudley will be the first American to ever head British Petroleum.

Gheit Says Appointing Dudley as BP CEO Would Make Sense (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-07-26/gheit-says-appointing-dudley-as-bp-ceo-would-make-sense-video.html)

26th July 2010, 21:58
window dressing to cover up the mess, in traditional corporate tyle....personally, I preferred the old, now outmoded Japanese tradition of hari-kari

27th July 2010, 09:55
BP's chairman says that Hayward was not fired. It was simply "a mutual agreement which was in the best interest of all parties."

I love how they dress that silliness up. When the VP of my former employer was... er, "let go", he wasn't "fired" either. Security went to his office and changed the locks and moved out his file cabinets. IT locked out his computer password, blocked his access to his voicemails and canceled his employee badge so he couldn't re-enter the building (without an escort). His secretary was immediately reassigned. And about 12 Noon that day a corporate memo was sent throughout the enterprise announcing that Jack Hole FUBAR had "resigned effective immediately to pursue other options." But he wasn't "fired". No. But he did get a $750,000 golden parachute, so someday I hope to "not be fired" in that exact same fashion. Hayward is reportedly going to get something over a million pounds. And he might get to go to Siberia, or whatever hole in Russia they can find to hide him.

27th July 2010, 13:18
window dressing to cover up the mess, in traditional corporate tyle....personally, I preferred the old, now outmoded Japanese tradition of hari-kari
How so?

Was Tony Hayward directly responsible for the accident? Has he refused to pay for the damages? Tbh it's people like yourself who want this sort of window dressing, you can't simply accept that if you want oil there will be spills, you want some blood.

27th July 2010, 15:47
How so?

Was Tony Hayward directly responsible for the accident? Has he refused to pay for the damages? Tbh it's people like yourself who want this sort of window dressing, you can't simply accept that if you want oil there will be spills, you want some blood.


you have to understand that the media and politicians love to play with the people's most basic emotions. Jealousy being a primary and strong one.

28th July 2010, 03:57
How so?

Was Tony Hayward directly responsible for the accident? Has he refused to pay for the damages? Tbh it's people like yourself who want this sort of window dressing, you can't simply accept that if you want oil there will be spills, you want some blood.
Oh, I do not disagree, but the point is that if you read closely, I am saying he is the corporate scapgoat, cause the company needs to give the poloticans and the media, someone's head......and it is all window dressing to hide and distract from real responsibility

but I still like the idea of hari kari, as distinguished from all these lovely goldren parachutes and golden handshakes, et al that the real workers never get.

Might provide the big boss some encouragement not to be so flippant and whatever about going bye-bye

28th July 2010, 03:59
...... But he did get a $750,000 golden parachute, so someday I hope to "not be fired" in that exact same fashion. Hayward is reportedly going to get something over a million pounds. And he might get to go to Siberia, or whatever hole in Russia they can find to hide him.
never happen dude, but if you bend over, i am sure they might give you a little extra something as your ass goes out the door...

31st July 2010, 21:35
Was Tony Hayward directly responsible for the accident? Has he refused to pay for the damages?

But we have to remember what the job of a CEO is. It's not to get involved with the small details, but to guide the corporation overall, plan big picture strategies and put the right people into place who can execute. At any executive level, even at the VP level, one has to be rather media and PR savvy. And Hayward was anything but that. A big part of a CEO's job is to protect and enhance the company's image. That's why most large corporations have very strict policies on who is and who is not allowed to talk to the media. Most companies even have PR consultants to teach people how to better handle interviews.

Hayward is apparently a very bright guy. But putting him in front of a camera or a mic was a recipe for disaster: "I want my life back", "It's a big ocean...", being seen at a yacht race (of all things), etc. Just too many PR gaffes. If you want to see a guy who could ace an interview (while he was driving your company into a ditch), read transcripts of some of Bob Nardelli's interviews over the years. He could steal your wallet, you'd see it in his hands and he could convince you that you gave it to him.