View Full Version : briscoe 2011...

26th July 2010, 19:12
with Power clearly being a lowlife who throws his temamte under the bus..... and Helio attacking officials...

silver lining is briscoe should have a ride in 2011!!!


26th July 2010, 19:25
Considering the way he's been kicking azz and taking names all season, I'd say Will Power is the King Bee on that team. Power has clearly gotten in Helio's head (whether that thing about calling him "William" was a joke or not).

If the Captain had to drop to a two car effort, the only one I'd feel safe in calling would be Will Power in the #1 car (the IRL does assign the #1 to the championship winner, I'm assuming). Helio doesn't seem to have lost a step, but he's not getting any younger. And Briscoe isn't exactly Mr. Consistency. So it would be anybody's guess who he'd choose there. I'd say Helio, but I don't know.

27th July 2010, 00:58
Briscoe is definitely the one that came out looking best on Sunday night. The guy makes mistakes here and there as a driver, but as a "Penske" driver off-track he's always been the kind of class act that Roger wants on his team. As far as Power/Helio, I saw from day-1 that Helio was threatened by Will's addition to the team, and it's certainly gotten way worse the way that Will has been performing. I think in Helio's mind, Will has possibly cost him a championship in the last season or 2. These two have never been particularly gracious to each other, and sunday's race was a clear indicator of the lack of team spirit there.

27th July 2010, 02:49
Helio is having a terrible season. He has crashed or made bonehead moves and may pay for it. As for Briscoe, I don't see him staying with penske anymore than through next year. I like the guy but I think he'll have to accept a ride with a lower team.

27th July 2010, 04:23
Helio is having a terrible season. He has crashed or made bonehead moves and may pay for it. As for Briscoe, I don't see him staying with penske anymore than through next year. I like the guy but I think he'll have to accept a ride with a lower team.

reaaly? why?

he is sitting fourth in the championship, still in the hunt...

is sitting within 15 points of the oval championship, and is the top penske driver on ovals..

has won races the last seasons as well as been in contention for the championship at the final; round the past 2 seasons...

what more could a team owner, even penske, ask for?

27th July 2010, 15:46
Wilson ang Power are two best.

27th July 2010, 15:57
Wilson ang Power are two best.

Im thinking wilson at gannassi in 2011....only a gut feeling