View Full Version : Dear Versus:

26th July 2010, 05:59
Dear Versus:

Your IRL broadcasts-on balance- far exceed the pathetic efforts from the four-letter team of incompetents. However, as a show of good faith and support to the 100,000 or so of us who plan to stick by your channel and watch the IRL for the next nine years, please, please, please- for the love of God please- get rid of Bob Jenkins. He is so horrible- and has, I might add, been horrible for as far back as I can recall- I just.... I don't know why you hired him in the first place.

Please. I almost want to listen to Cheever more and that, ladies and gentlemen, should be all you need to know to take action.

A loyal fan

26th July 2010, 06:22
Dear Versus:

Your IRL broadcasts-on balance- far exceed the pathetic efforts from the four-letter team of incompetents. However, as a show of good faith and support to the 100,000 or so of us who plan to stick by your channel and watch the IRL for the next nine years, please, please, please- for the love of God please- get rid of Bob Jenkins. He is so horrible- and has, I might add, been horrible for as far back as I can recall- I just.... I don't know why you hired him in the first place.

Please. I almost want to listen to Cheever more and that, ladies and gentlemen, should be all you need to know to take action.

A loyal fan

I would take 100 Bob Jenkins over 1 Jack Arute.

Actually of the 3 in the Booth Jenkins is the most bearable

Mark in Oshawa
26th July 2010, 09:36
I think they need Tommy Kendall in there with someone who just oozes passion...

26th July 2010, 12:30
Nah, actually for me the trio has been rather good so far. Bob is the color commentator so his mistakes are quite tolerable given the fact the rest 2 are pretty good. In fact, the chemical reaction among the 3 has been increasingly great. I guess it's each to their own but in general terms Bob is far from being horrible.

26th July 2010, 12:34
I like Marty Reid, Scott Goodyear, Robbie Buhl myself.

26th July 2010, 12:41
I like Marty Reid, Scott Goodyear, Robbie Buhl myself.

Not sure if serious?!

26th July 2010, 13:11
I like Marty Reid, Scott Goodyear, Robbie Buhl myself.

and all this time ive thought you an intern at danicas agents office...... when your really an intern at ABC

that actually makes more sense

Mark in Oshawa
26th July 2010, 18:19
and all this time ive thought you an intern at danicas agents office...... when your really an intern at ABC

that actually makes more sense

Well we know how the 4 letter network loves Danica...so it always did make sense.

26th July 2010, 21:47
I like Marty Reid, Scott Goodyear, .. myself.

Why? Do you have trouble sleeping? :D

26th July 2010, 23:54
I'd like to see the series establish a definite set of announcers who do all the races (ala F1 coverage-not sure who actually pays those salaries). I would take Marty, Robbie, and Jon in the booth, and anyone except Jackaroo in the pits. I actually kinda like Lindy Thackston- but that may just be because she's cute. The rest of them from both sides do a nice job in the pits.

I'm tired of Bob misidentifying cars, missing passes (Tracy had been ahead of RHR for many laps when he excitedly exclaimed that PT had gotten past- duh!), losing his place mid-sentence, hacking up segues etc. It's just bad. I watch an F1 race and immediately feel informed about what's happening almost as soon as soon as Varsha starts talking. He exudes confidence. Jenkins sounds like he wishes he could be golfing or something. It's like he's not 100% focused. Perhaps it's just the awesomeness of Jon that makes him look so bad. I may be wrong, but didn't Spike give him his walking papers after 2 or 3 races back in '04?

Speaking of Jon, did anyone else think his concise explanation of the chassis issue was brilliant?

27th July 2010, 01:02
I think Jenkins is just getting old. You listen to races he broadcast from 5-10 years ago and he was great. But he's definitely lost a step or two since then. I agree that the series would benefit from a different lead announcer next season. I don't think they need to get rid of Bob altogether, and I would argue that he's no worse than Marty Reid, but maybe they could find a smaller role for him to work on the broadcast, while getting another guy like Vince from ABC to call the race. Supposedly he did exceptional in a booth test with Arute.

27th July 2010, 02:45
Bob jenkins brings a great deal of class to the broadcast, he's my favorite announcer of races ever.

As for ESPN their a joke. They don't talk NASCAR all year and then their broadcast schedule starts and it's all they talk about. ESPN as a whole is a joke, if it wasn't for ESPN radio I would flat out hate ESPN.

27th July 2010, 10:35
As long as they keep letting Jack A-root play with a block of cheese and a grater, pretend to fall down on some marbles and push his toy car across a washboard, I don't think it matters who they have in the booth... in the races... in the stands... or anything else.

Unless they figure out that the average viewer is too old to be watching Romper Room, the only thing I can say about Versus is that it's better than ESPN/ABC. And that's like saying Roseanne Barr is better looking that Joan Rivers.