View Full Version : Random donkey news

donKey jote
20th July 2010, 17:23
parasailing donkeys (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-10695037)
Bunch of donkeys :dozey:

20th July 2010, 17:32
Donkeys tested positive for highly pathogenic H5N1 avian infleunza virus (aka 'bird flu') in Egypt.



20th July 2010, 20:20
That just ain't cool and it definately wouldn't make me want visit their beach. :s

Mark in Oshawa
20th July 2010, 20:55
It is obvious the Russian's are not scared of PETA. That is disgusting what they did to the poor ole Donkey...

20th July 2010, 21:22
Not funny. Disgusting.

21st July 2010, 08:32
I think it's a cover up story. This has al-Qaeda written all over it. The first operational test flight of their own unmanned drone aircraft ended in failure. It has been whispered in intelligence circles that bin Laden has been perfecting his Air to Ground Suicide Donkey but this is the first time it has been encountered operationally. An interrogation team is in training now watching old "Mr. Ed" and "Francis the Talking Mule" tapes and will meet the donkey at the Gitmo detention facility where the donkey will be offered the chance to talk or go swimming again.

The PR stunt cover story, according to an unnamed official, was necessary to avoid mass panic as the sophistication of terrorist weaponry continues to make advances.

21st July 2010, 18:40
It is obvious the Russian's are not scared of PETA. That is disgusting what they did to the poor ole Donkey...

Donkey wasn't hurt. So what is the problem?

21st July 2010, 18:46
How can you not have problem with a parasailong donkey that sounded like it was in distress and had a bad landing in the sea? :s :eek:

21st July 2010, 22:57
How can you not have problem with a parasailong donkey that sounded like it was in distress and had a bad landing in the sea? :s :eek:

War, Famine, Genocide, Terrorism, Racism, Political prisoners, the economy, those are things I have a problem with.

A donkey that was un-hurt is not on the list

22nd July 2010, 08:31
War, Famine, Genocide, Terrorism, Racism, Political prisoners, the economy, those are things I have a problem with.

A donkey that was un-hurt is not on the list

Why cause unecessary harm to an animal though? If there was actually a point to it (like animals that went into space) I could maybe understand, but this is frigging pointless and cruel.

22nd July 2010, 15:32
Cry me a river.
Maybe contributing to the debate on a subject which you care nothing about was a complete waste of your time then? Two posts too I might add. I happen to care about all the things you've listed and cruelty to animals is also something myself and other compassionate human beings have strong opinions on. The donkey had no physical injuries but the phycological injuries are something nobody here can can determin. Animals don't forget this type of trauma, much like rescue dogs don't forget the months/years of physical abuse they recieved when they are re-homed with a decent family. The mental scars are always there and this type of behaviour should be taken seriously IMO.

Why? because people who care more about animals than people disgust me.

23rd July 2010, 01:41
So whats your point?
Whats to say anybody here cares more about animals that people? Your comments on here just seem so random.. :confused:

Exactly and he must care about this because he has read the thread and made the effort to post several comments.

There is a of of thought out there among psychologists and psychiatrists that says juveniles that abuse animals go on to commit violence acts against people as they grow older.
That is a good enough reason to be concerned about people who commit cruelty against animals. It also fits in that people who unfortunately suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder are more likely to commit acts of cruelty against animals and people...... :rolleyes:

Mark in Oshawa
23rd July 2010, 04:37
Why? because people who care more about animals than people disgust me.

I don't think we are caring more for the donkey here than people. I think it is possible care about both, but I too get tired of the animals at all costs mentality some people have as if the animal kingdom was a Disney movie...

23rd July 2010, 05:43
For the most part, I hold dogs in higher regard than most people.

donKey jote
25th October 2010, 22:50
bunch of donkeys :laugh: :laugh:
defecating donkeys learn smelly lesson (http://www.odt.co.nz/regions/southland/132863/defecating-tourists-learn-smelly-lesson)

25th October 2010, 23:50
War, Famine, Genocide, Terrorism, Racism, Political prisoners, the economy, those are things I have a problem with.

A donkey that was un-hurt is not on the listlol

Not busy trolling other forums, eh?

For the most part, I hold dogs in higher regard than most people.Want a friend? Get a dog.

bunch of donkeys :laugh: :laugh:
defecating donkeys learn smelly lesson (http://www.odt.co.nz/regions/southland/132863/defecating-tourists-learn-smelly-lesson)
:dozey: Ha! Morons.

26th October 2010, 08:25
I thought it was about donkeys and not filthy swine... morons indeed!

26th October 2010, 08:30
I thought it was about donkeys and not filthy swine... morons indeed!
Random Donney news.

26th October 2010, 11:14
Random????? that's preposterous, sire!