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the bro
19th July 2010, 19:57
Good quote from Milka in today's Star

"Duno, the Venezuelan backmarker who was dubbed “the 16th turn” by a colleague after the 15-turn race at Watkins Glen a week ago, was ordered into the pits after eight precarious laps on Sunday. Race officials, alertly realizing she was endangering her fellow drivers with her slow work, made the right call. But Duno was unrepentant; she insisted she had “issues” with her car. And she hit back at the drivers who have criticized her well-sponsored presence in the series.

“We don’t talk about them, because always they have an excuse. They look for excuses because they have to pass many different cars, not only one,” Duno said. “I don’t spend much time thinking about (those who criticize her) . . . Next year I will be better.”

Yah next year she will be better. Hopefully better doing something else.

Scotty G.
19th July 2010, 20:11
If only Milka was the lone problem in the Indy Car series.

While we are now running drivers out of the series for being dangerous and not-up-to-snuff, lets get rid of Sato and Moraes too. Both of those no-talent hacks, have proven over and over and over again that they have no business in Indy Cars either. And I don't give 2 rips about "their perceived speed", that they occasionaly show. They are dangerous and nobody in the league trusts to run with them.

At least Milka usually doesn't run into folks, when she is far off the pace. Moraes and Sato are laughably bad and could kill somebody the way they "race".

And Scheckter's act got tired years ago. He is probably about out of teams to run for anyway. He needs to hit the bricks too.

Hey Randy, you want to clean up this mess....Milka is not the only one you need to take a look at.

Mark in Oshawa
19th July 2010, 20:19
Milka is too slow to be safe. The other two morons out there Scotty are fast enough in theory, so it isn't going to be that easy. As long as Kalkoven figures their sponsors pay for all the cars they tear up, they keep their rides. I still think they would have been better off dumping them both, keeping Tracy and running him with no sponsor and picking them up week to week. PT, as rough as he is, doesn't tear cars up the way these two do....especially if he knows he has to keep the car out of trouble...

Easy Drifter
19th July 2010, 20:33
As I predicted the official retirement was 'handling'. Even ABC said she was pulled in by the offcials for being too slow.
At Edmonton they may leave her out as there is more room and she may not be so out of her depth.
Toronto just has too much narrow twisty area.

19th July 2010, 21:47
They need to impose a 107% qualifying rule. If they make the cut then so be it.

NASCAR doesn't seem to have a problem with their start and parkers.

20th July 2010, 00:38
Well, not any more anyway. :D :D
He used to do a pretty good job of making spare parts out of cars.

Yes PT has been hard on equipment through his career....but at the expense of winning. The same cannot be said for Sato and Moraes. I agree with Scotty to an extent. I believe these two jokers do have talent, but they are hacks and they do not have a place in Indycar if it is credibility that is being sought per Randy.

Incidentally, I read something very interesting in PT's blog. I may have taken it the wrong way but with PT having talked previous to doing more races this year with Motegi wheels, I'm not so sure KV isn't going to park Mario and put PT in the car. I can't remember the comment but I took it to possibly mean KV is re-evaluating things...or something to that effect. Fingers crossed here anyway.

Mark in Oshawa
20th July 2010, 07:52
Well, not any more anyway. :D :D
He used to do a pretty good job of making spare parts out of cars.

True..but he would win one in 5 races too. Moraes and the rest of the KV demolition crew would be lucky if they can keep it together to get top 10 races. Sato this weekend had a beef, he got taken out by his own teammate...and that is a cardinal sin..because when I watched the replay, I thought, Sato can hit enough stuff on his own, he doesn't need his idiot teammate to dump into the wall!

20th July 2010, 20:04
I love Milka to death. She's a real sweetheart. A very nice person. But no, she doesn't belong out there. Unfortunately the IRL is demonstrating weekend after weekend that it doesn't have the stones to bench her. And by doing so, it adds to the reputation it's gaining as a place for people who have a few bucks but not enough talent to race in other series.

I think she probably will get better by next year. She might be a second or so quicker per lap than she was this year. But she'll still be 5-8 seconds off the pace. I don't blame her at all. If I had the money and they'd let me race, I'd be out there too. I don't know what the entry fees are per car, but I guess things are so bad that they can't afford not to take her check.

I also think it's time to bring back my favorite driver, Shigeaki "The Shig Man!" Hattori. And bring back "Dangerous" Dan Clarke too. Hells yeah, let's have some fun!!!

Mark in Oshawa
20th July 2010, 20:59
Dan Clarke was fun stuff before he hit something. Everyone watching Milka in Toronto could be excused into thinking she was missing the top gear in her tranny and was unable to shift.

Nice lady, doesn't belong in the IRL. This isn't for people needing to get up to speed....

20th July 2010, 21:29
Milka walked into racing thinking she could "think" her way into being fast. Shes a brilliant woman but you can only learn so much about racing until your ability (or lack of in her case) overshadows intelligence.

I think you do have to be smart and tactical to drive fast but you need instinct and she just doesnt have it at these speeds.

Its a shame that no one has the guts to sit her down and simply say "you're not fast enough".

Mark in Oshawa
21st July 2010, 05:15
Milka walked into racing thinking she could "think" her way into being fast. Shes a brilliant woman but you can only learn so much about racing until your ability (or lack of in her case) overshadows intelligence.

I think you do have to be smart and tactical to drive fast but you need instinct and she just doesnt have it at these speeds.

Its a shame that no one has the guts to sit her down and simply say "you're not fast enough".

If people told her, she wouldn't listen. Milka made her mind up a long time ago, and as long as people keep giving her the money to go racing...she will...

21st July 2010, 09:51
If Milka is a fan of Lost, something tells me that her favorite character is John Locke.


And after she screamed that several times, I guess Barnhart and Bernard were afraid to say anything. :eek:

Will Rogers
23rd July 2010, 20:41
At least Dan was quick for a few laps before he hit someone or the wall.

As Justin Wilson can tell you better than anyone, having been taken out of the lead of the 2007 San Jose race when hit from behind by Dangerous Dan UNDER YELLOW, Dan didn't need to be going fast to hit something.

27th July 2010, 03:00
She has to be embarrased with herself this year.

27th July 2010, 04:58
On the other hand, she does prove that the Dallara isn't easy enough for the average joe to drive.

Yeah, I just entered a convorsation with "on the other hand".

27th July 2010, 21:02
I'm not sure what Andy Wallace is up to these days. But Milka really should take her Citgo money and go to the ALMS with a strong co-driver. There she could learn, improve and not really endanger anyone the way she is here.

I do like her as a person. But I said it when it was first announced that she was going to run in the IRL: either she's going to get hurt or she's going to hurt someone else. And since it's no big secret now that she's in WAY over her head, that blood will be on the IRL's hands... not IF, but WHEN it happens.

27th July 2010, 21:10
I'm not sure what Andy Wallace is up to these days. But Milka really should take her Citgo money and go to the ALMS with a strong co-driver. There she could learn, improve and not really endanger anyone the way she is here.

Andy's been there, done that, I'm not sure he wants to again, no matter the amount of $$$$$ she brings to the table. Also I don't think she'll learn, sure didn't in the last go-round with Andy and sports cars.

27th July 2010, 21:39
Andy's been there, done that, I'm not sure he wants to again, no matter the amount of $$$$$ she brings to the table. Also I don't think she'll learn, sure didn't in the last go-round with Andy and sports cars.

She's smart, so I believe she can learn what's the best way to get a car around a track. HOWEVER... this doesn't mean she actually has the skill to pull it off.

27th July 2010, 22:52
I'm not sure what Andy Wallace is up to these days. But Milka really should take her Citgo money and go to the ALMS with a strong co-driver. There she could learn, improve and not really endanger anyone the way she is here.

Actually, I'd be terrified of the thought of her in a GTC car with Prototypes flashing past.

28th July 2010, 12:38
She's smart, so I believe she can learn what's the best way to get a car around a track. HOWEVER... this doesn't mean she actually has the skill to pull it off.

Yeah, she's smart. I'm sure she theoretically knows how to drive fast. She just can't do it. How long does it take to prove that? I'd say it's been long enough. But that's just me I guess.

28th July 2010, 18:10
...How long does it take to prove that?...

Probably around 8 years. http://www.champcarstats.com/drivers/Matsu****aHiro.htm

28th July 2010, 20:37
Actually, I'd be terrified of the thought of her in a GTC car with Prototypes flashing past.

She doesn't have a reputation as a hot shoe anywhere. But Milka doesn't really have a rep for just wandering all over the track either.

I first met her when she was doing Panoz's Women's Global GT Series back in the late 90's. Her main problems (IMO) are that she started racing rather late in life and she hasn't stuck with any one series long enough to get a handle on things. And while this formula of IRL cars isn't much different than the GP2 formula, they're still quick and powerful enough that someone at her (current) skill level doesn't need to be out there learning as she goes. It's just too dangerous for ALL involved. But when she was racing in ALMS, she wasn't the worst driver out there. And certainly when she was in Grand Am, she wasn't the worst driver out there. In the IRL, I'm not sure that I'd say that she is the worst driver out there, but she is certainly the slowest... by a wide margin. Too wide a margin to let this farce continue.

But as someone in the IRL admitted, she's the IRL's 4th most popular driver (I know there's The Danica... but who are the other two, I wonder?), and she is quite well known and liked in the Hispanic community. She also has a dedicated sponsor (that follows her everywhere she goes) that is basically keeping a team alive. So the IRL knows that it needs to bench her. But IMO, they're too afraid to do it.

Mark in Oshawa
28th July 2010, 20:47
Milka is a nice lady who is out playing in a sport where she could get someone killed. She isn't dangerous by her actions, just her lack of speed.....

29th July 2010, 02:21
Milka seems nice until you offer criticism. Then she starts yelling and throwing stuff at you.

29th July 2010, 10:21
Milka seems nice until you offer criticism. Then she starts yelling and throwing stuff at you.

And that's based on ONE encounter with the most over-hyped, overprivileged, mouthy, spoiled brat driver in American auto racing? Danica went down to Milka's pit to do what she always does: start some ####. And THAT time, she got it. Danica's been spoiled by her encounters with the gutless male drivers in the IRL who walk on egg shells around her. I'm anxious to see how the Princess handles her first encounter in NASCAR Land. Some of them have upbringings that make them equal opportunity azz kickers... once the red mist sets in. I suggest that Danica plan her pit trolling more carefully there. I actually commend Milka on her reserve. An open handed slap to the mouth would have been a lot more effective, though that would have led to more problems, I suppose. Go to Paul Tracy's pit and start playing some chin music and I bet your dentist will be getting some business the next day.

As for Milka temperament, I was with my friends' grandson at the DC ALMS race years ago when I spotted her walking. I figured I'd get the little guy an autograph, since she was signing autographs as she walked. About the time we got to her, some redneck who'd had too many beers and too much sun (it was brutally hot that weekend) decided to share his "wisdom" with the world. Right out of the blue he said, "Man, would you look at the t##s on her!" She heard him. I heard him. The grandkid heard him. Everybody within 50 feet probably heard him. But she played it off so as not to cause a scene. In addition to myself, several of the people around us were with kids, so we appreciated her diffusing the situation.

She is not a great, or even a good driver. And while I don't know her well enough to give her a personal reference, in the dozen or so times that I've spoken with her over the past ten years or so, she's been nothing BUT nice. I would say the same about Angelle Sampey - another gracious and fan friendly racer. And in Angelle's case, she's won more championships than Danica Patrick will ever win... even if she drives til she's 100. Heck, she's won more championships than Danica will ever win races. And unlike The Danica, Angelle raced with class.

29th July 2010, 14:00
Probably around 8 years. http://www.champcarstats.com/drivers/Matsu****aHiro.htm

LOL The link didn't work because the bad word filter censored some key letters. Gotta love censorship filters. But I remember King Hiro. He sucked for sure.

Mark in Oshawa
29th July 2010, 15:12
Milka seems nice until you offer criticism. Then she starts yelling and throwing stuff at you.

You base this on??????

The only footage I saw of Milka being a B!tch was when Danica got in her grill. Frankly, Danica brings that out of me every time she does her stomping down to straighten someone out. The reason? Usually Danica is in the wrong when she does it....

I am waiting for a NW race where mean Mr. Harvick does something to her and she goes after Happy. That oughta be fun....if Happy doesn't die of laughing, Delana will rip her a new one!

30th July 2010, 04:30
And that's based on ONE encounter with the most over-hyped, overprivileged, mouthy, spoiled brat driver in American auto racing? Danica went down to Milka's pit to do what she always does: start some ####. And THAT time, she got it. Danica's been spoiled by her encounters with the gutless male drivers in the IRL who walk on egg shells around her. I'm anxious to see how the Princess handles her first encounter in NASCAR Land. Some of them have upbringings that make them equal opportunity azz kickers... once the red mist sets in. I suggest that Danica plan her pit trolling more carefully there. I actually commend Milka on her reserve. An open handed slap to the mouth would have been a lot more effective, though that would have led to more problems, I suppose. Go to Paul Tracy's pit and start playing some chin music and I bet your dentist will be getting some business the next day.

First encounter in NASCAR Land? It's July (almost August)! Her first encounter was several months ago.

I don't think Danica is a great driver, but when visiting Milka's pit, Danica never raised her voice until after Milka starting to throw things. That's what makes Danica "reasonable."

30th July 2010, 09:51
First encounter in NASCAR Land? It's July (almost August)! Her first encounter was several months ago.

Not even. The first time she does the Danica Stomp down to Kyle Busch's pit, we'll talk again.

I don't think Danica is a great driver, but when visiting Milka's pit, Danica never raised her voice until after Milka starting to throw things. That's what makes Danica "reasonable."

You can name ONE tirade involving Milka. Without even trying I can think of at least half a dozen involving Princess Lapped-a-Lot.

I was going to suggest that Danica wouldn't have reacted as well as Milka if that guy had said something like that to her. But in Danica's case, there's really nothing to talk about. ;)

2nd August 2010, 05:53
Milka takes the garbage for Danica the ALSORAN. She gets some decent results alright but that is mostly due to hanging back and letting it all happen up front. Going almost nude was what made her. Not her driving. At least Milka tries and it sickens me that she gets the flack she does because a few right wingers in here bring her nationality to the fore. Ask Dale Coyne and the people he employs what he thinks.

And good for you Jag-Wrrior. You hit the nail on the head.

Another thing is that she stomps like my 5 year old and hopes that someone will stop her. What is she going to do? Another spoiled child like action similar to Castro-neves. Boy, he annoys me more by the week. Pompous little ah.

2nd August 2010, 06:35
Let's not put nationality or race in this. Milka just plain sucks and doesnt belong on the track period!!!

2nd August 2010, 12:33
Milka takes the garbage for Danica the ALSORAN. She gets some decent results alright but that is mostly due to hanging back and letting it all happen up front. Going almost nude was what made her. Not her driving. At least Milka tries and it sickens me that she gets the flack she does because a few right wingers in here bring her nationality to the fore. Ask Dale Coyne and the people he employs what he thinks.

And good for you Jag-Wrrior. You hit the nail on the head.

Another thing is that she stomps like my 5 year old and hopes that someone will stop her. What is she going to do? Another spoiled child like action similar to Castro-neves. Boy, he annoys me more by the week. Pompous little ah.

Her nationality has NOTHING to do with her driving talent. As pretty much everyone has said, her personality is great. And if our dislike of her was about nationality, then we wouldn't be saying that. She plain can't drive. Ask her crew about that. Or better yet, ask Andy Wallace about that. He had to drive with her, and carry her. How many wins in racing does she have? Now take Andy out of the equation, and how many does she have?

2nd August 2010, 15:58
Milka does not belong in the IRL if it is to be considered a "professional" league. No matter how nice She is and looks. Implement the 107% rule or whatever percent to do it, then it's not personal.
What I don't understand is CITGO must be somewhat aware of her driving reputation......this is good PR? What if they say .... sponsored PT, and still had Milka as a spoke person. PT drives and talks and delivers, and Milka talks and smiles and explains and .....everybody is happy....no.

2nd August 2010, 16:17
Her nationality has NOTHING to do with her driving talent. As pretty much everyone has said, her personality is great. And if our dislike of her was about nationality, then we wouldn't be saying that. She plain can't drive. Ask her crew about that. Or better yet, ask Andy Wallace about that. He had to drive with her, and carry her. How many wins in racing does she have? Now take Andy out of the equation, and how many does she have?

You and Danica fan must be napping if you think politics was not brought to bear in this very forum by others. Not me. The thread was closed because it was all politics. Sponsor, driver, country president.

2nd August 2010, 17:05
You and Danica fan must be napping if you think politics was not brought to bear in this very forum by others. Not me. The thread was closed because it was all politics. Sponsor, driver, country president.

I seem to recal that thread being about EJ Viso and his sponsor, not Milka. And all about their "ties" to terrorism (I didn't read enough of that to really know what was going on). That's a totally different topic, and has nothing to do with Milka Duno's driving talent. Be honest with yourself, do you really think she has one iota of driving tallent?

I can't speak for everyone, but I know my mind. I'm against her because she is plain and simple not a good driver. Nothing more, nothing less.

Honestly, if this driver's name was Mike Donaldson, and was sponsored by "milk and cookies", I think most of us would have the exact same opinion.

2nd August 2010, 17:48
Actually, she is a good driver. She pretty much stays out of people's way as much as possible. She's just not good enough for this level. Many drivers who were ok to pretty good in lower series have failed to make the transition. "King" Hiro being one. He was the Atlantic champ but pretty much couldn't cut it in the bigs. You can name a bunch of others in most any series from F1 on down. Just like some are so so in lower classes, but find a home when they move up.

I agree she stays out of people's way, and good on her for that.

But exactly what level of racing was she good at? I haven't heard of her being good at any level, but maybe I missed one?

2nd August 2010, 19:28
But exactly what level of racing was she good at? I haven't heard of her being good at any level, but maybe I missed one?

When I first met her she was racing in the Panoz Global Women's GT Series Championship. She placed third in the championship that year. Including Davina Galica and Belinda Endress, this wasn't a powder puff league just made up of part time models or bored, wealthy housewives. Most were legit racers. I think one of the women who was part of the CART Pace Car team also competed at one point. Then Milka won the championship in the Panoz GT Winter Series. And she's the only woman (AFAIK) to have ever won a Ferrari Challenge race.

I'm also not aware of any problems between Milka and Andy Wallace. While Andy did do most of the heavy lifting when they drove together, Milka didn't trash the car, or run into other cars and the wall during her stints. As a GT driver (which is about all a Daytona DP is), Milka has usually proven herself to be more than competent. The results are what they are.

But even with this "defense" of Milka, as I've stated many times before (like before she even started her first IRL race), she's not ready for this level of racing. Someone is going to get hurt or killed! But still, unless one is going to ignore the stats and basic facts, you can't portray Milka as a horrible driver (overall) anymore than you can portray Danica as a horrible IRL driver based on this season alone. Milka's problem is that she is SLOW. She was slow on Day 1 and she's slow now. It hasn't been a secret and she should have never been given a license by the IRL. This foolishness has been going on for 3 seasons now. And STILL, the IRL can't do anything more than come up with some sort of "double, super secret probation"?! What does that even mean? Hell, can you name a season in CART when Paul Tracy WASN'T on probation??? It means nothing! Barnhart is a confirmed idiot. But either Randy "Andy" Bernard grows a set and benches Milka... or this just might be an indication that he cowers down from difficult (necessary) decisions.

Easy Drifter
2nd August 2010, 21:39
They are pretty well stuck with her for the rest of the year. She normally is not such a huge problem on the ovals.
I do agree that IC needs to lift her licence for next year and do it as soon as this season ends so both she and Dale Coyne are not hung out to dry at the last moment.

3rd August 2010, 13:13
I'm also not aware of any problems between Milka and Andy Wallace. While Andy did do most of the heavy lifting when they drove together, Milka didn't trash the car, or run into other cars and the wall during her stints. As a GT driver (which is about all a Daytona DP is), Milka has usually proven herself to be more than competent. The results are what they are.

There weren't problems per-se between Milka and Andy. I think they got along just fine. The only problem was that Andy had to start every race about 3/4 of a lap down after 1 or 2 laps, and then drive the rest of the race on his own. So much so that Grand-Am put in a minimum time rule for drivers.

But even with this "defense" of Milka, as I've stated many times before (like before she even started her first IRL race), she's not ready for this level of racing. Someone is going to get hurt or killed! But still, unless one is going to ignore the stats and basic facts, you can't portray Milka as a horrible driver (overall) anymore than you can portray Danica as a horrible IRL driver based on this season alone. Milka's problem is that she is SLOW. She was slow on Day 1 and she's slow now. It hasn't been a secret and she should have never been given a license by the IRL. This foolishness has been going on for 3 seasons now. And STILL, the IRL can't do anything more than come up with some sort of "double, super secret probation"?! What does that even mean? Hell, can you name a season in CART when Paul Tracy WASN'T on probation??? It means nothing! Barnhart is a confirmed idiot. But either Randy "Andy" Bernard grows a set and benches Milka... or this just might be an indication that he cowers down from difficult (necessary) decisions.


3rd August 2010, 23:23
I seem to recal that thread being about EJ Viso and his sponsor, not Milka. And all about their "ties" to terrorism (I didn't read enough of that to really know what was going on). That's a totally different topic, and has nothing to do with Milka Duno's driving talent. Be honest with yourself, do you really think she has one iota of driving tallent?

I can't speak for everyone, but I know my mind. I'm against her because she is plain and simple not a good driver. Nothing more, nothing less.

Honestly, if this driver's name was Mike Donaldson, and was sponsored by "milk and cookies", I think most of us would have the exact same opinion.
Um, where did you get lost Chucky? Terrorism??? Nope, Citgo yes, Chavez, yes, Venezuela yes. You should have read more then you would be better informed.

Personally, I like Milka Duno. She is smart, but, alas not great behind the wheel.
There was a suggestion a little while back that she form a team with Citgo money and get a driver that can race.

I bet I would not be far off with the fact that Citgo pays more to Dale Coyne than any other single sponsor.