View Full Version : Wackiest thing thats ever happened to you?

17th July 2010, 23:03
I've only had a few, what I'd consider to be completely wacky, things happen to me in my life.

About 10 years ago or so.. I was stopped in a carpark waiting to pick my younger brother up from his work and had to take a 2nd take, a 3rd take at this guy walking over towards me, he was about the same height as me, the same build, gait, the way he carried himself and I remember thinking he must have had a knee op just like I'd had.. then he got closer and he actually looked like me too, same hairstyle, same taste in clothes and from the 10-15 yards away he would have passed for my identical twin brother, he glanced over to where I was sitting as he walked up to his car then he had a 2nd take, after which we both looked away awkwardly then we both looked at each other again completely bemused and confused, at that point my brother sauntered over and thinking he was I, greeted him confused as to why he/I was getting into a BMW.
My brother then spotted me and the double, tripple taking started all over again, he got into my car completely confused and after we drove off we talked about it for a while in disbelief.

I dont have a Joe Blogs face and I've never met this guy since. Did I actually meet myself come back from the future?.. maybe I should have been looking out for Doc Martin and a silver Delorean. Do I have a twin brother that no one told me about? Did my father ever donate to a local sperm bank or did he play away from home back in the days..

MY brother and I still often talk about it and we both believe there may well be a secret one of our parents are keeping from us.

Anything even remotely wacky ever happened to you?

19th July 2010, 19:03
The words, down, lead and balloon come to mind, I dont believe none of you have had such dull, uneventfull lives.
Thought the thread might allow us to hear some interesting/funny stories.

I guess not...

19th July 2010, 20:11
I was at a function once and was asked to pick the raffle. The first ticket i selected was my own. That's about as crazy or freaky thing that has happened to me. Shame I haven't picked the winning lottery numbers yet.

20th July 2010, 06:38
I've only had a few, what I'd consider to be completely wacky, things happen to me in my life.

About 10 years ago or so.. I was stopped in a carpark waiting to pick my younger brother up from his work and had to take a 2nd take, a 3rd take at this guy walking over towards me, he was about the same height as me, the same build, gait, the way he carried himself and I remember thinking he must have had a knee op just like I'd had.. then he got closer and he actually looked like me too, same hairstyle, same taste in clothes and from the 10-15 yards away he would have passed for my identical twin brother, he glanced over to where I was sitting as he walked up to his car then he had a 2nd take, after which we both looked away awkwardly then we both looked at each other again completely bemused and confused, at that point my brother sauntered over and thinking he was I, greeted him confused as to why he/I was getting into a BMW.
My brother then spotted me and the double, tripple taking started all over again, he got into my car completely confused and after we drove off we talked about it for a while in disbelief.

I dont have a Joe Blogs face and I've never met this guy since. Did I actually meet myself come back from the future?.. maybe I should have been looking out for Doc Martin and a silver Delorean. Do I have a twin brother that no one told me about? Did my father ever donate to a local sperm bank or did he play away from home back in the days..

MY brother and I still often talk about it and we both believe there may well be a secret one of our parents are keeping from us.

Anything even remotely wacky ever happened to you?

Did the Bong stay lit throughout the ordeal :p :

20th July 2010, 08:51
That's a pretty weird one. I don't think that I've had anything that bizarre happen to me, certainly not anything that I can think of off the top of my head.

20th July 2010, 10:53
There was a guy at my high school who looked like he should have been my identical twin, but he was a couple of years older, our paths crossed only once, playing football one lunchtime, very weird. Same thing as youZico, total lookalike. Not sure whether I want to ask at the school to see if I can find out who he was, but probably not.

20th July 2010, 11:19
I've only had a few, what I'd consider to be completely wacky, things happen to me in my life.

About 10 years ago or so.. I was stopped in a carpark waiting to pick my younger brother up from his work and had to take a 2nd take, a 3rd take at this guy walking over towards me, he was about the same height as me, the same build, gait, the way he carried himself and I remember thinking he must have had a knee op just like I'd had.. then he got closer and he actually looked like me too, same hairstyle, same taste in clothes and from the 10-15 yards away he would have passed for my identical twin brother, he glanced over to where I was sitting as he walked up to his car then he had a 2nd take, after which we both looked away awkwardly then we both looked at each other again completely bemused and confused, at that point my brother sauntered over and thinking he was I, greeted him confused as to why he/I was getting into a BMW.
My brother then spotted me and the double, tripple taking started all over again, he got into my car completely confused and after we drove off we talked about it for a while in disbelief.

I dont have a Joe Blogs face and I've never met this guy since. Did I actually meet myself come back from the future?.. maybe I should have been looking out for Doc Martin and a silver Delorean. Do I have a twin brother that no one told me about? Did my father ever donate to a local sperm bank or did he play away from home back in the days..

MY brother and I still often talk about it and we both believe there may well be a secret one of our parents are keeping from us.

Anything even remotely wacky ever happened to you?

Yes! Every day I shave in front of the mirror, there is this guy who...

20th July 2010, 11:33
Meeting someone on an internet forum and then moving half way across the world to live with her.

20th July 2010, 12:36
Meeting someone on an internet forum and then moving half way across the world to live with her.

Is it not all the way across the world? I mean if you'd gone any further you'd be starting to go back again?

20th July 2010, 13:54
Meeting someone on an internet forum and then moving half way across the world to live with her.

It was the best thing that's ever happened to you :p :

20th July 2010, 15:51
Well my story ain't wacky but it is a bit weird.

About 10 years ago I took a candidate to a driving test and once we'd parked up I got her to check that she had her driving licence etc. She promptly pulled out her photo card and paper counterpart and theory certificate. So we wandered inside to wait.

A couple of minutes later another instructor walked in, "Anyone lost a photo licence?" ahe asked. "Just found one lying on the floor outside." And then she read out my pupils details - dropped it in the car park minutes before her test I thought! - so I hopped up and retrieved the card.

I sat back down next to my pupil who was looking rather confused clutching her paperwork which she showed me; A counterpart, a theory test certificate AND a photocard licence with her details. She hadn't dropped it! Comparing the two licences proved they were identical - we even got the examiner to check one wasn't a fake - they were both legit.

To this day I've yet to figure out what on earth was going on, time travel? Alternate Universes?

20th July 2010, 16:27
I've experienced a couple of weird/scary situations but there is a particulary one which has happened to me.

We usually picture a girl of our dreams even when we are still young, it's funny because the image you picture on your dreams develops through time but it remains in the essence the same person.
There is nothing strange about this but I remember being in vacation and when going dowtown I almost unconscious look at the other side of the road and there she is looking straight at me with an naive look, this was pretty weird as I was not alone and we were pretty entertained. I stopped and I could see the image vanish. I didn't say anything and continued to walk as I would probably be laughed at if I told anything. Through the years my mind has been able to create seriously mindf*** moments, sometimes I'm not even sure if some things im seeing are in fact real.