View Full Version : my apologies

17th July 2010, 11:24
Many of you will of read the 'Goodbye wrc' thread I started. I would like to say what a complete d*ck I was. It was stupid and overdramatic of me, and I'm sorry to I am evil Homer and all the other wrc fans.

18th July 2010, 04:57
GPryan, good on you for fronting up & admitting your mistake.

In reality, there are many others who have smothered this forum with their messages of hatred for all things, WRC, FIA, Matthew Wilson, David Richards, Conrad Rautenbach and God knows who, or what else, for years, most of whom know nothing of what they're talking about but who will never have the gumption to apologise.

The sport of rallying has enjoyed fluctuating fortunes at WRC level throughout all of the 4 decades of my involvement, and I'm sure will continue to do so into the future.
The Championship might not be all that we would wish it to be right now but it's time in the sun will come again.

Meanwhile, welcome back and I look forward to many positive & constructive posts from you.

18th July 2010, 15:34
thank you for accepting my apology sollitt, I fully intend to watch and support the wrc and participate in threads

18th July 2010, 16:30
Welcome back, everything Sollitt said is very true.

Many of us don't love the WRC because of what it is now but what it used to be, the drivers who have come and gone (both in good and unfortunate ways). The spectacular rallies that have been and gone, as well as some of the many highs and lows experienced as a fan of the sport both live on the stages and just through following the championship.

All these things combined will hold any true fan close to the sport even when it appears to be dull, although as Sollitt said, it's day in the sun will come again.

Look forward to seeing you around the forums.


18th July 2010, 16:52
thanks mate, I have high hopes for the new regs in 2011, hopefully mini and/or toyota will join and we'll have battles like the old days

18th July 2010, 18:06

18th July 2010, 23:05
I don't know what you have to apologize for as you haven't annoy me as some of the other trolls around here. One must have been quite a saint in the forum to be accepting the apology anyway.