View Full Version : LOCKERBIE BOMBER helped out by BP, and he ain't dead yet

15th July 2010, 16:22
So our good friend who was released, so he could die in the arms of his loving family, ain't dead yet and may live another ten years....

and good ole BP tried to help him get out of jail, all for some more oil????.....so what is a few passengers and Scottish civilians worth anyway???


BP signed a $900 million exploration agreement with Libya in May 2007, the same month that Britain and Libya signed an agreement that paved the way for al-Megrahi's release from a Scottish prison


And all you dumb butts, including yours truly, thought it was a misguided act of mercy and kindness,

but i got an excuse, I been reading too many Valve bounce and Eki posts.....

and just to rub it in.....he may live on for another ten years, as stated by a doc who got him free....


15th July 2010, 16:29
of course some politicans, after the horse has left the barn, are wanting to jump up and down......

Mark in Oshawa
15th July 2010, 21:31
It just proves the British justice system has been infected by the same silly notions that have populated most of the western world. Terrorists are not common criminals, they are terrorists, and need to be shown with no mercy that we are not fooling around. Christian kindness isn't appreciated by the people in the business of killing innocent civilians on behalf of dictators, religious zealots or just anarchists.

15th July 2010, 21:57
Another prime example of radical islam using the west's mercy against it. At first, they used the fact that no one believed anyone would be stupid enough to blow themselves up only to kill others. Then they used women when the men were being checked. Then they used children. Then they used cars, and then planes and shoes. The only way to stop radical islam from spreading west is to stop being so kind. You don't start reasoning with a hungry lion, and this is exactly the same. If this man really walked so BP could start digging in Libya, they should be ashamed.

Dave B
16th July 2010, 09:01
As far as one can tell the "Lockerbie bomber" was never imprisoned in the first place. A man was stitched up with flimsy evidence and then freed before his appeal could be properly heard, but that's a whole different kettle of oil-sodden fish.

16th July 2010, 14:22
And all you dumb butts, including yours truly, thought it was a misguided act of mercy and kindness,

but i got an excuse, I been reading too many Valve bounce and Eki posts...

"The Scottish government had no contact from BP in relation to Mr. al-Megrahi," the Scottish government said Thursday, before the Senate hearing was announced. "The issues being raised in the United States at present regarding BP refer to the Prisoner Transfer Agreement negotiated by the governments of the U.K. and Libya, and therefore have nothing to do with the decision on compassionate release, which is a totally different process, based on entirely different criteria," the government said.

British Ambassador to the U.S. Nigel Sheinwald rejected suggestions that the release last year of Lockerbie bomber Abdel Basset Al-Megrahi and BP Plc’s commercial interests were linked.

BP is not the British Government. BP is a publicly listed company. BP has never made a public or press release to the effect that MSNBC Claims. I think that this stems from the glaringly obvious fact that the American public (and Senators) are angry at BP for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

I think that this is a bitter accusation based on a wild conspiracy theory. Even if there's no weight behind the allegations, the Senators who made the claims will have a great deal of press and publicity so that they'll be in a favourable light when the United States Senate elections happen in November.
If you look through the list of everyone making the allegations, ALL of them are up for midterm elections.

There's nothing like trading on people's fear and stupidity if you want to be re-elected. Directing people's anger towards BP in this way is both cynical and churlish.

Mark in Oshawa
16th July 2010, 16:17
As far as one can tell the "Lockerbie bomber" was never imprisoned in the first place. A man was stitched up with flimsy evidence and then freed before his appeal could be properly heard, but that's a whole different kettle of oil-sodden fish.

And of course you were there and saw all the evidence? The Jury convicted him...by law, he is the Lockerbie Bomber.

Someone did the deed, and your government convicted him...

Dave B
20th July 2010, 08:42
And of course you were there and saw all the evidence? The Jury convicted him...by law, he is the Lockerbie Bomber.

Someone did the deed, and your government convicted him...
Yes, because in the whole history of the legal system there's never been a miscarriage of justice :rolleyes:

20th July 2010, 09:12
Yes, because in the whole history of the legal system there's never been a miscarriage of justice :rolleyes:

What do you expect from people, who talk about "no mercy" and talk about Christian kindness? It's religious war for them and a one in which you take no prisoners.
On the other hand, in BP is behind this, I wouldn't be surprised. They happily poisoned the planet for money, it is evident that they care only about their money - as privateer should, according to the ultra-right posters here. People, nature, screw them.
Oh, and BTW, lions should be protected. Lovely animals :D

20th July 2010, 12:44
What do you expect from people, who talk about "no mercy" and talk about Christian kindness? It's religious war for them and a one in which you take no prisoners.
On the other hand, in BP is behind this, I wouldn't be surprised. They happily poisoned the planet for money, it is evident that they care only about their money - as privateer should, according to the ultra-right posters here. People, nature, screw them.
Oh, and BTW, lions should be protected. Lovely animals :D

Sorry to sidetrack this conversation. But show me one post here that says BP had every right to spill whatever they wanted into the ocean.

I know I, and I would be willing to bet most other "ultra-right posters" here, say that this is BP's issue. They screwed up. They deserve to pay the price. They should pay every cent of the clean-up costs. And if the Federal Government would get out of the way, or better yet actually help instead of slowing everything down, this whole mess would be closer to being finnished.

Free markets aren't a free for all. Along with the rights afforded in a free market system come RESPONSIBILITES. You would be hard pressed to find any "ultra-right posters" that would disagree with that.

20th July 2010, 13:22
On the other hand, in BP is behind this, I wouldn't be surprised.

Why? Are you a wingnut?

“There is no suggestion that the Scottish Executive decided to release Megrahi in order to facilitate oil deals for BP,” William Hague, foreign secretary,

"There is no evidence that corroborates in any way the allegations of BP involvement in the Scottish executive's decision to release Megrahi on compassionate grounds in 2009, nor any suggestion that the Scottish executive decided to release Megrahi in order to facilitate oil deals for BP,"
- William Hague

May you'd like to also accuse ExxonMobil as well?
Since Libya re-opened for business in 2005, US oil giants such as Exxon Mobil and Chevron have been piling in to stake their claim for Africa's largest oil reserves.
More than 50 American energy companies, compared to just four from the UK, have signed contracts with Tripoli for oil exploration and invested tens of billions of pounds in the country.

Seriously, you'll swallow anything. Next you'll be accusing the Scottish Parliament for releasing all that oil as an excuse to have a giant chip fry up.

Find me a single credible news source which suggests that BP actually had anything to do with it, just ONE.

Mark in Oshawa
20th July 2010, 16:57
Yes, because in the whole history of the legal system there's never been a miscarriage of justice :rolleyes:

There may be. There likely wasn't in this case, and if you are going to look at every convicted man as if he was still innocent, well hell, just dump the whole legal system and lets have a proper free for all. I mean, they are all innocent no matter right because the Crown's are inept?

Sometimes you have to accept the truth, even if you don't like it. The truth is there was this long song and dance about how this poor wretch would be dead in weeks, and the softies who run these things in your part of the world flew this loser home where he got a hero's welcome and it now appears he can live a longer life..

I don't think anyone who lost a loved one on that plane is too impressed...

Mark in Oshawa
20th July 2010, 16:58
What do you expect from people, who talk about "no mercy" and talk about Christian kindness? It's religious war for them and a one in which you take no prisoners.
On the other hand, in BP is behind this, I wouldn't be surprised. They happily poisoned the planet for money, it is evident that they care only about their money - as privateer should, according to the ultra-right posters here. People, nature, screw them.
Oh, and BTW, lions should be protected. Lovely animals :D

You know F1Boat, I like ya, but there are times where you have no idea on what you are talking about.....

Ultra right wingers? BP causing this? Multinationals being allowed to pollute with no consequences? Man...you don't really understand any part of what all this is about....

21st July 2010, 20:55
Rumours abound that BP has played a role in getting Conrad Black released on bail in Florida.

In other breaking news, authorities in Switzerland deny that the release of Roman Polanski was due to any invovlement from the British oil company.

22nd July 2010, 19:06
I'm a proud Scot and support the decision that the Scottish Government (not the Scottish Executive, as Dave Cameron put it) given the evidence they had at the time. It's not their fault that he seems to have beaten the odds that were stacked against him :confused:

23rd July 2010, 09:02
I'm a proud Scot and support the decision that the Scottish Government (not the Scottish Executive, as Dave Cameron put it) given the evidence they had at the time. It's not their fault that he seems to have beaten the odds that were stacked against him :confused:

Well the Scottish Executive is the official name. "Scottish Government" is more of a brand name :p

30th July 2010, 05:54
Another prime example of radical islam using the west's mercy against it.

What on earth are you talking about???
This has nothing at all to do with radical islam whatsoever.
In fact, Qaddafi hates radical islamists, and deals with them in ways that the West could only dream of.

31st July 2010, 14:56
What on earth are you talking about???
This has nothing at all to do with radical islam whatsoever.
In fact, Qaddafi hates radical islamists, and deals with them in ways that the West could only dream of.
Deals with them so well he has been one of the biggest supporters of terrorism against innocent civilians in history:

Throughout the 1970s, his regime was implicated in subversion and terrorist activities in both Arab and non-Arab countries. By the mid-1980s, he was widely regarded in the West as the principal financier of international terrorism. Reportedly, Gaddafi was a major financier of the "Black September (http://www.motorsportforums.com/wiki/Black_September_(group)) Movement" which perpetrated the Munich massacre (http://www.motorsportforums.com/wiki/Munich_massacre) at the 1972 Summer Olympics, and was accused by the United States (http://www.motorsportforums.com/wiki/United_States) of being responsible for direct control of the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing (http://www.motorsportforums.com/wiki/1986_Berlin_discotheque_bombing) that killed three people and wounded more than 200, of whom a substantial number were U.S. servicemen. He is also said to have paid "Carlos the Jackal" to kidnap and then release a number of Saudi Arabian (http://www.motorsportforums.com/wiki/Saudi_Arabia) and Iranian (http://www.motorsportforums.com/wiki/Iran) oil ministers.

31st July 2010, 16:07
Deals with them so well he has been one of the biggest supporters of terrorism against innocent civilians in history:

Not all "terrorists" are radical islamists, so that proves nothing.

31st July 2010, 16:57
Not all "terrorists" are radical islamists, so that proves nothing.
Of couse not. The vast majority (if not all) of Black September members were muslims (albeit secular), though.
I probably should have phrased my original post differently, as those actions weren't carried out by a classic fundamentalist organization.

BTW, why do you use quotation marks in this case?
Do you think Lockerbie or the Munich Olympics attack weren't terrorist actions?

31st July 2010, 17:03
BTW, why do you use quotation marks in this case?
Do you think Lockerbie or the Munich Olympics attack weren't terrorist actions?
I think "terrorist" is a politically loaded word. One man's terrorist can be another man's freedom fighter or resistance fighter.

31st July 2010, 17:48
See rather than start a new war i would just send in some special ops guys and kill the mf er. Then move on and let BP clean up their mess.