View Full Version : Kidnapped or just home sick?

14th July 2010, 20:02
An Iranian scientist who claim he was kidnapped by Americans and taken to the US is now on his way back to Iran. The Americans claim he came voluntarily. What do you think? Was he kidnapped or was he a defector who got homesick and came up with a kidnap story in order to return to Iran? A double agent maybe?


Iran nuclear scientist Shahram Amiri 'heading home'

An Iranian nuclear scientist who claims he was abducted by CIA agents last year and taken to the US is on his way back to Tehran, Iran says.

Foreign Ministry officials, who claim they have evidence Shahram Amiri was kidnapped, told state media he had now left the US.

The US state department has insisted he was in the US of his own free will.

In June, Mr Amiri appeared in three videos giving conflicting stories about how he had arrived in the US.

He said in the first that he had been kidnapped by CIA and Saudi agents while on a pilgrimage.

In the second message he said he had gone to the US to improve his education and was living freely in Arizona.

In the third, he claimed to have escaped from US custody.

On Monday evening Mr Amiri arrived at the Iranian Interests Section of the Pakistani embassy in Washington, which handles Iranian affairs in the US capital, and asked to be repatriated.

Mark in Oshawa
15th July 2010, 22:38
Eki, we know the truth. He found his way to the US and is now saying this stuff likely because the government at home has a handle on him in some way.

The CIA doesn't run kiddnapping operations where they can then let the kidnapping victim run away holding a press conference afterwards. The CIA is about gathering intelligence, not looking stupid....

15th July 2010, 22:59
Eki, we know the truth. He found his way to the US and is now saying this stuff likely because the government at home has a handle on him in some way.

The CIA doesn't run kiddnapping operations where they can then let the kidnapping victim run away holding a press conference afterwards. The CIA is about gathering intelligence, not looking stupid....

I wouldn't be so sure. You never know with these things. Many times truth is stranger than fiction. I do wonder what the story is here.

Mark in Oshawa
16th July 2010, 01:34
Rani, I doubt it. I think he was basically trying to get out and they have his family and he realizes he cannot leave them to their fate.

The rhetoric is so false, I don't even see Eki persecuting the US for it.....

16th July 2010, 06:31
Eki, we know the truth. He found his way to the US and is now saying this stuff likely because the government at home has a handle on him in some way.

The CIA doesn't run kiddnapping operations where they can then let the kidnapping victim run away holding a press conference afterwards. The CIA is about gathering intelligence, not looking stupid....
The real story is the fool left the family back home, and nothing like a good old fashion stoning on the old family tree to make him see the world as Eki sees it....

or the alternative is:

The guy snuck in, tried to get mucho dollars, and then they figured out he did not know diddly, or any more than they already knew, so they told him NO WAY....so he goes home all broke in the pocket book

.....either way, we are not sending home some crazy terrorist

OTOH, if they really wanted to know what he know, they do have something called water boarding....except obama does not know about it when the guy never officially reaches the homeland..... :D

But the real reason Eki posted this was to distract over the lockerbie killer running loose and the role of BP......so I still think Eki is just a brit, who took too much LSD, but still tries to protect the queen and royal institutions like BP

16th July 2010, 09:19
But the real reason Eki posted this was to distract over the lockerbie killer running loose
At his age and condition, I don't think does much running.

16th July 2010, 09:22
The CIA doesn't run kiddnapping operations where they can then let the kidnapping victim run away holding a press conference afterwards. The CIA is about gathering intelligence, not looking stupid....
I wouldn't be so sure. Wouldn't be the first time the CIA looks stupid, or even kidnaps someone:


US 'disappointed' at Italian verdict on CIA kidnap

The United States said it was "disappointed" with the convictions in Italy on Wednesday of 23 Americans - most of whom were CIA agents - for the 2003 kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric from a Milan street.

Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr, also known as Abu Omar, was seized from a street in Milan by the CIA with the assistance of Italian military intelligence officers, a judge found.
He was then smuggled out of the country under the covert "extraordinary rendition" programme. He was transferred to US bases in Italy and Germany and then moved to Egypt, where he claims to have been tortured. He was released after four years in prison without being charged.

16th July 2010, 11:34
I wouldn't be so sure. Wouldn't be the first time the CIA looks stupid.

I agree. Intelligence gathering and covert operations get messed up at times, like any other operational activity. This is a given, and one which no agency, professional as it may be (be it CIA, Mossad, MI6 etc.), can be immuned to. Just a fact of life. I have no idea what the story is with this scientist, maybe we'll find out one day.

16th July 2010, 13:56
At his age and condition, I don't think does much running.
Good point....but I note you admit by your silence all the rest......