View Full Version : Nooooooooooo!

Dave B
6th March 2007, 20:48
I'm surprised nobody's posted this. Don't look if you cry easily....

Story (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/surrey/6422215.stm) | Pictures (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/6423241.stm)


6th March 2007, 21:00
Saw these five or ten minutes ago ...

... stupid, stupid man, deserves to be hung up by his testicles and tortured!

6th March 2007, 21:05
Saw these five or ten minutes ago ...

... stupid, stupid man, deserves to be hung up by his testicles and tortured!

Agreed. Obviously money can buy you a Veyron, but it can't buy you brains or the skills to drive it.

Captain VXR
6th March 2007, 22:20
It may have been accidental so don't insult the owner yet

6th March 2007, 22:48
Saw these five or ten minutes ago ...

... stupid, stupid man, deserves to be hung up by his testicles and tortured!
But not for wrecking the Veyron, hitting a another car that has people inside should be the real reason.
Veyron's just a car.

6th March 2007, 22:49
It may have been accidental so don't insult the owner yet

Oh I'm sure it was an accident... But as the article says ..

"......police have reported the Bugatti driver for driving without due care and attention."

also considering the conditions, it suggests the driver could have avoided the accident via some due car and attention.

Brown, Jon Brow
6th March 2007, 23:15
:bigcry: :bigcry:

6th March 2007, 23:31
"I told you to keep your hands to yourself"
Coyright: Chris Brightwell

7th March 2007, 12:05
If ha has the money to buy this preposterous car (IMHO) he has the money to fix it.

Better luck next time.

7th March 2007, 13:36
But not for wrecking the Veyron, hitting a another car that has people inside should be the real reason.
Veyron's just a car.

And after all, it's just a Veyron *vomit* :)

7th March 2007, 13:57
It's probably a footballer.

7th March 2007, 15:21
It's probably a footballer.

My first (uncharitable) thought exactly!

7th March 2007, 16:16
Makes me wonder why a car capable of 250mph is permited on public roads? :mark:

7th March 2007, 16:21
Makes me wonder why a car capable of 250mph is permited on public roads? :mark:

And it makes me wonder a car capable of that speed is permitted to the hands of idiots?

7th March 2007, 16:39
Read on another news site that it was the owners younger brother who drove it. The brother turned up a little after the accident and police had to keep the two apart. The owner was completely destroyed and very sad. I can understand him.... Stupid to lend the car though.. I would never lend out a Bugatti, even to my brother.

oily oaf
7th March 2007, 18:06
It's probably a footballer.

(spots irony)

And what's more he's probably a politically correct footballer gone mad :s mokin:

7th March 2007, 18:47
What is wrong with some of you guys:

"If ha has the money to buy this preposterous car (IMHO) he has the money to fix it."

"Makes me wonder why a car capable of 250mph is permitted on public roads?"

Looks like envy to me.

The car is not seriously damaged, so was not travelling at enormous speed.

Every car sold (including the Perodua) is capable of exceeding a speed limit. Where is the call to ban them?

What is so absurd about having enough money to buy a really expensive car?

I'd love to be able to buy a car like that.

lighten up a little.

It sure is a shame that there was an incident, but judge it for what it is.
Don't blow it as far out of proportion as the guys wallet is big.

Ian McC
7th March 2007, 20:09
(spots irony)

And what's more he's probably a politically correct footballer gone mad :s mokin:

Unlikely to be a West Ham player I'm afraid Oily :p :

Brown, Jon Brow
7th March 2007, 23:16

I bet just before the driver crashed he said

"Watch this!!!"

8th March 2007, 00:36
Horrible car :p As long as everyone's OK I don't really mind Veyron's being involved in accidents tbh :mark:

8th March 2007, 01:31
And it makes me wonder a car capable of that speed is permitted to the hands of idiots?

I think your name should have to be Michael Schumacher or Fernando Alonso to own one...

8th March 2007, 11:18
You've obviously never seen some historic racing - nutters in GT40s and Shelby Cobras. Many of them are good drivers, but there are some wealthy hooligans in there as well.

8th March 2007, 11:25
What is wrong with some of you guys:

"If ha has the money to buy this preposterous car (IMHO) he has the money to fix it."

"Makes me wonder why a car capable of 250mph is permitted on public roads?"

Looks like envy to me.

The car is not seriously damaged, so was not travelling at enormous speed.

Every car sold (including the Perodua) is capable of exceeding a speed limit. Where is the call to ban them?

What is so absurd about having enough money to buy a really expensive car?

I'd love to be able to buy a car like that.

lighten up a little.

It sure is a shame that there was an incident, but judge it for what it is.
Don't blow it as far out of proportion as the guys wallet is big.

My only problem is not envy (not that I would not like to have all that money :p : ) is the car itself.

I find it ugly, vain and showy, because the only reason for its existence is to brag about its 1000 BHP. Besides it is made by the same people who are proud to create that engine and then produce the most boring and dull looking cars on the road (if we don't count some Asian examples of course ;) ) The very same people who turned the Golf into a heavy car and the Beetle into what it is right now.

So yes I wish him better luck next time if he is in a similar situation and I assume that if he bought the car he should have the money to fix it.

I am not sorry for the problems of a rich person and his cars.

8th March 2007, 21:06
You've obviously never seen some historic racing - nutters in GT40s and Shelby Cobras. Many of them are good drivers, but there are some wealthy hooligans in there as well.

I think that's a huge pity. The cars should be in the hands of people who can drive them, not just those who can buy them. But, wealthy amateurs would give some interesting racing :D

8th March 2007, 22:03
Three names for you: Monaco, Lotus 49 and Takuma Sato...

8th March 2007, 23:53
I'm not surprised that a Veyron has been in a crash, it was bound to happen sooner or later. What did surprise me though was the fact that this is one of 12 in the country and the even bigger surprise that 300 of them have been sold already :s hock: This is a car that costs £800,000!!!! You could buy most of the houses in Hull for that ;)

9th March 2007, 06:38
Some people have too much money, it seems...

12th March 2007, 04:15
What is wrong with some of you guys:

"If ha has the money to buy this preposterous car (IMHO) he has the money to fix it."

"Makes me wonder why a car capable of 250mph is permitted on public roads?"

Looks like envy to me.

The car is not seriously damaged, so was not travelling at enormous speed.

Every car sold (including the Perodua) is capable of exceeding a speed limit. Where is the call to ban them?

What is so absurd about having enough money to buy a really expensive car?

I'd love to be able to buy a car like that.

lighten up a little.

It sure is a shame that there was an incident, but judge it for what it is.
Don't blow it as far out of proportion as the guys wallet is big.


If you take the cars value and persons wealth its probably proportionate to one of us crashing a ford escort. If I did that and told everyone on here Id hope for a little sympathy, not the reactions that have been posted so far.

Thankfully everyones ok.