View Full Version : A Prayer for Rupert Murdock

14th July 2010, 12:44
From The Church of Nobody


Dear God,

May I petition you on behalf of your humble servant Rupert Murdoch? What with his tireless work in having us all hate each other (so that we might more enthusiastically fight the death cult's wars of pointless conquest and slaughter), surely he must be very tired by now? He certainly looks haggard, don't you think? I expect his bones are creaky, the blood in his veins as black as tar, and his mind like some nasty, grinding abacus of death.

Just look at him: honestly, Methuselah ain't in it. Not forgetting that he's expended so much of his clapped out jism impregnating his Chinese brood mare (in order to introduce the Sabbatean agenda into China) that he's become a rattling withered husk. It's breaking all our hearts.

And so Lord, I beseech thee, will you not take pity on the man? Why let him continue to suffer in this fashion? Wouldn't it be best for all if you just eased him into the great beyond? We humbly ask that you wheel out the heavenly screens and have the angelic steward do the necessary thing and blow his brains out with a divine double barrelled shotgun. Both barrels - just to be sure.

'Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for Rupert Murdoch'. Was that a prayer before Hemingway pinched it? It sounds about right so I'm sure you want mind if I use it. How about, 'Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!' That can either be you talking to him and then he carks it. Or him talking to you, in which case you should just kill him on principal. And divine mercy etc. etc. Otherwise may God be with you and blessed be His name, yours truly, amen and best regards, nobody.



:s mokin:

14th July 2010, 14:08

14th July 2010, 14:11
Is this supposed to be a joke? If so I don't get it.

14th July 2010, 14:14
I believe this is the lefttist liberal crap our right wing north american friends complain about

14th July 2010, 16:10
jokingly calling for the death of a great man because they disagree with them is called exercising their freedom of expression by the left. If someone from the right was to do it then the left calls it "Hate Speech."

14th July 2010, 17:22

Australia is still like "wtf".


14th July 2010, 17:37
get the guy some fu______ teeth

14th July 2010, 18:17
Well, I disapprove of his channel, but he is just a wealthy man who wants more money and blatantly uses what is popular. The Fox movie company has produced, IMO, several masterpieces.

Mark in Oshawa
14th July 2010, 18:42
People who love Murdoch love him, people who hate him, HATE him. Bruce thinks what he is saying is intelligent and witty. Most of us dismiss it..

HATE is such a miserable emotion...

14th July 2010, 18:58
May I petition you on behalf of your humble servant Rupert Murdoch? What with his tireless work in having us all hate each other (so that we might more enthusiastically fight the death cult's wars of pointless conquest and slaughter), surely he must be very tired by now?
Well, good news and peace & harmony don't sell, so to make as much money as possible, he has to stir sh!t trying to start and keep up fights that do sell.

15th July 2010, 01:57
HATE is such a miserable emotion...

Maybe, but in principle is has its uses.
Things which are bad, evil, ugly, unsporting etc etc etc should be hated.

I think that includes the Murdoch press, which has done its best to spread vile and bitter vitriol for no ither purpose than the name of profit.

Hate may be a miserable emotion, but directed at proper targets, it is both just and proper.

15th July 2010, 04:09
......... Bruce thinks what he is saying is intelligent and witty.........

Did you follow the link? Thought not.

It isn't Bruce saying these things........ Follow the link.

15th July 2010, 04:18
Did anyone actually follow the link and read the comments?

Thought not.......

All I can say is "sucked in"........

"Hey Boys and Girls, just quickly since it's the morning and I don't have much time but yes, that pic is photoshopped. Funnily enough I thought it was badly done and a bit too obvious (overcooked the desaturation on his face).

So overnight I redid it and have now reloaded it. Now it's even spookier, ha ha. Um, if anyone is curious, that's not his mouth. I found another photo of a toothless old man at the same angle and then blended it in."