View Full Version : My English, Scottish and Irish friends, you are all the same

6th March 2007, 19:09
It turns out you are not only the same, you are ALL basques, "Ongi Etorri", suddenly you look so much better in my eyes ;)

The study is far, Far, FAr, FAR from beeing conclusive, but imagine that in the future it turns out to be truth, wouldnīt that be fun.

I will leave the link to the story in "The New York Times", lets say that as speculation it is interesting.


oily oaf
6th March 2007, 19:58
Fascinating stuff and goes a long way towards explaining my fondness for 25 year old malt whiskey, Guinness and sheep. ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
6th March 2007, 23:10
So the people of the British Isles have similar DNA, Well there is a surprise :o hplease:

6th March 2007, 23:20
No, no, no, the premise is not that is similar, the premise is that itīs almost the same, meaning that everyone comes from the same original group (probably the Basque) and that later migration to the islands was not sufficient to change the DNA that much.

That is the premise, very different from similar DNA.

7th March 2007, 02:06
Rather than keep all your eggs in one basket, why not put all your Basques in one exit?

The problem I have with this study is that the Brythons, the Picts and Saxons were all Germanic and not Moorish. Racially the Celts are different, but it still doesn't quite adequately explain why Britain shouldn't have been populated by Gauls or Goths since they're closer geographically than Basques.

The Welsh on the other hand are like the people from New Zealand in that they're both Ovinic :D

7th March 2007, 02:44
There ain't no bit of English in me ;)

7th March 2007, 02:53
There ain't no bit of English in me ;)
Thatīs the spirit, you also donīt have a bit of Scottish or Irish in yo either.

Iīm planning to go to the Islands to start a new campaign for Basque nationalism in the Islands, is going to be call, "Greata Britain is not Great Britain" ;)

Rudy Tamasz
7th March 2007, 08:54
Theories like that are spreading in Belarus, too. Experts in genetics are saying now that most Belarusians descend from pre-Slavic ancestors. I personally think there is something to that theory but the evidence is not conslusive yet.

7th March 2007, 10:52
Surely the invasions of the Romans, the Vikings, the Saxons and the Normans have had some effect as well?

Even if "we" are all descended from the Basques, the mogration patterns could be different. The Basques may not have always lived in the same place.

7th March 2007, 11:51
And basically (and theoretically) human life started in Africa, so we are all africans.

7th March 2007, 11:59
Surely the invasions of the Romans, the Vikings, the Saxons and the Normans have had some effect as well?

And what about the Swiss invasion? :p :

And basically (and theoretically) human life started in Africa, so we are all africans.

And since animal life started in the sea, perhaps we're all fish? :p :

7th March 2007, 12:27
Following that line of argument, we're all plankton then.

7th March 2007, 13:09
Following that line of argument, we're all plankton then.

Speak for yourself. I draw the line at fish. :p :

7th March 2007, 13:22
Personally, I would prefer to be descended from a small monkey or one of those furry marsupial creatures that lives in a tree and sleeps a lot.

7th March 2007, 18:53
Hmm, some interesting points been raised here. The Basque flag is very similar to the GB union flag also. Can`t see Tonys New Labour joining forces with Herri Batasuna though. :D

7th March 2007, 19:39
The Basque flag is very similar to the GB union flag also.

That proves it! :p :

Ian McC
7th March 2007, 20:03
Following that line of argument, we're all plankton then.

:uhoh: :disturb:

7th March 2007, 20:48
Fascinating stuff and goes a long way towards explaining my fondness for 25 year old malt whiskey, Guinness and sheep. ;)

Explains a few things round here too ;)

7th March 2007, 22:13
Surely the invasions of the Romans, the Vikings, the Saxons and the Normans have had some effect as well?

Precisely: you're all Swedish :D

But that includes me - approximately 100% of my genetic heritage is from the UK, some of it via Kenya.

By the way, what does "Ovinic" mean? Oh, ovine, as in sheep. :dozey:

donKey jote
7th March 2007, 22:18
The problem I have with this study is that the Brythons, the Picts and Saxons were all Germanic and not Moorish. Racially the Celts are different, but it still doesn't quite adequately explain why Britain shouldn't have been populated by Gauls or Goths since they're closer geographically than Basques.

Go back a few tens of thousands of years, rollo, when the "basques" hung out in Gibraltar :eek: :p : with the last of the Neanderthals :)
No moors or brythons or picts or saxons or gauls or goths back then ;)

8th March 2007, 10:01
Go back a few tens of thousands of years, rollo, when the "basques" hung out in Gibraltar :eek: :p : with the last of the Neanderthals :)

Well... I say that no good could have come from keeping such dodgy company! :devil:

The Estonians, on the hand, were still with God back then, because the world hadn't been created yet. :andrea: