View Full Version : Who is the best Bond ever?

10th July 2010, 15:22
For me as a young man Pierce Brosnan was my Bond. Now I know most people who have been around the block awhile will say Connery. So who is the best Bond ever? Please rank them in the order in which you think.

Here's mine-

1. Pierce Brosnan

2. Sean Connery

3. Daniel Craig

4. Roger Moore

5. Timothy Dalten

6. George Lazzenby

10th July 2010, 16:10
craig or connery, none others are close

10th July 2010, 19:40
I have to give the nod to Connery
But I rate Roger Moore quite highly, and though his
material was a little more contrived. I believe he was an excellent actor and funnier than Sean.
:roll: :alien:

Dave B
10th July 2010, 20:15
Bob Holness.

10th July 2010, 20:47
craig or connery, none others are close


Brown, Jon Brow
10th July 2010, 21:10


10th July 2010, 21:58
Connery, Moore and Brosnan were good the rest was :rolleyes: :erm:

11th July 2010, 00:09
I grew up watching Roger Moore in The Saint when it was in syndication here. So he was always my favorite. Connery seems to be who most people think of when they think of Bond. But I liked Pierce Brosnan very much in the role too.

1. Roger Moore

2. Sean Connery

3. Pierce Brosnan

4. Daniel Craig

5. Timothy Dalton

6. George Lazenby (I don't remember him)

11th July 2010, 00:12
1) Roger Moore
2) Sean Connery
3) Pierce Brosnan.
The rest are crap IMO

11th July 2010, 01:48
Woody Allen by far.


11th July 2010, 02:24
I am an avid reader of Fleming, so to me the best Bond is that closest to his writings:

1) George Lazenby-the best Bond in the best Bond film

2) Connery-a very, very close second. A pity he was scripted in Bonds which should never have happened (Diamonds are Forever, and the film with Basinger)

3)Brosnan a near tie for second. A bit wimpy for Bond, but he was scripted well, and as good an actor as Connery

4)Dalton was really not bad, but the films in which he starred were second rate.

The rest:

Craig is a step in the right direction. Have only seen Casino Royale. He deserves a better script than this.

Moore was a joke...

The rest I have not seen.

race aficionado
11th July 2010, 02:33
And the best Bond girl?

. . . I'll have to think about that one . . .

:s mokin:

11th July 2010, 03:03
connery was the first and the best for then,

craig is the best since

race aficionado
11th July 2010, 03:35
And the best Bond girl?

. . . I'll have to think about that one . . .

:s mokin:

The old timers:

http://api.ning.com/files/e4QG9g3mWCdAwHhPz7dYbGNDU6EYIxYRwMZiLOOTFnA1GKWyhO J4VJUgZTF70is*LYzgAhQDmWc5Hpqh1Gn5EISGHhx7Qusi/ursulaandressdrno1b.jpg

Dang! Ursula's image doesn't appear . . . .

Or the most recent:


Which knife do you prefer? ;)
:s mokin:

race aficionado
11th July 2010, 03:57
I have to give the nod to Connery
But I rate Roger Moore quite highly, and though his
material was a little more contrived. I believe he was an excellent actor and funnier than Sean.
:roll: :alien:

Yep, Sean Connery and El Santo are my favorite Bonds.

:s mokin:

11th July 2010, 04:30
And the best Bond girl?

. . . I'll have to think about that one . . .

:s mokin:

That easy! Dr. Goodhead :s mokin:


:bounce: :s ailor: :dog:

11th July 2010, 05:04
Sean Connery, absolutely no doubt about it.

Daniel Craig comes in second, I like his intense style.

Bond should always be a soldier & fighter first, constantly on edge & alert. Plus both Connery & Craig have the same kind of charm.

I thought Moore was terrible - utterly unconvincing as a fighter/specialist, and corny rather than cool.

Brosnan was too pretty & suave - like he went to law school first, then secret agent school.

11th July 2010, 12:05
Sean Connery !

11th July 2010, 15:08
Personally I think the Roger Moore bonds were the best, but he was not necessarily the best bond.. I can't decide who was.. I'm very unsure on Daniel craig though.. I watched Munich with him in last night, he is too one dimensional and he was meant to be an israeli assasin but his accent was south african lol!

Mark in Oshawa
12th July 2010, 20:17
It is simple. The first set the template.

Sean Connery was the most believable Bond until Daniel Craig came along.

That said, the humour of Moore was great.

Pierce Brosnan is a better actor than the scripts he was given but that said, he took the role and isn't as good as it was written as Craig or Moore.

Lazenby? I vaguely remember the movie, and thought it was ok...but really, I cant say I remember that much about his acting, so that is proof right there he likely wasn't much.

Dalton is the worst. Miserable man gave a miserable performance....

Mark in Oshawa
12th July 2010, 20:18
That easy! Dr. Goodhead :s mokin:


:bounce: :s ailor: :dog:

you are one sick puppy...and I laughed so hard I had coffee coming out of my nose!

12th July 2010, 20:24
1) Roger Moore
2) Sean Connery
3) Pierce Brosnan.
The rest are crap IMO


12th July 2010, 21:31
Lazenby? I vaguely remember the movie, and thought it was ok...but really, I cant say I remember that much about his acting, so that is proof right there he likely wasn't much.

Give it another go, Mark.

Its really quite a good film, and an even better novel...

Garry Walker
13th July 2010, 19:11
1) Roger Moore
2) Sean Connery

3) The rest

14th July 2010, 06:36

14th July 2010, 08:03
The best Bond? OBVIOUSLY Sean Connery. And after that, Sean Connery. :p

14th July 2010, 23:44
Sean Connery


Daniel Craig

best bond girl id say is either...

Teri Hatcher

Sophie Marceau


Famke Janssen

15th July 2010, 10:23
That easy! Dr. Goodhead :s mokin:


:bounce: :s ailor: :dog:

I need to make an appointment...about time to get a prostrate check up....

15th July 2010, 13:17
Daniel Craig is the best actor of the bunch. Unfortunately all the Bond films he's been in have been complete bilge.

Mark in Oshawa
15th July 2010, 21:36
Daniel Craig is the best actor of the bunch. Unfortunately all the Bond films he's been in have been complete bilge.

I think Connery could equal him the acting part. Anyone who has seen some of Sean's less commericial work would realize he could act.

I like Craig though, and I liked Casino Royale. I think the opening chase sequence in that movie was one of the best I have seen done in ages, BUT I don't think the scripts have been as good as they could have been. The thing is, we all expect different things from a Bond movie. I do think Craig's Bond is much darker and brooding, and that hurts him....

16th July 2010, 12:21
I think Connery could equal him the acting part. Anyone who has seen some of Sean's less commericial work would realize he could act.

I like Craig though, and I liked Casino Royale. I think the opening chase sequence in that movie was one of the best I have seen done in ages, BUT I don't think the scripts have been as good as they could have been. The thing is, we all expect different things from a Bond movie. I do think Craig's Bond is much darker and brooding, and that hurts him....

You must read the book the really understand how originally the Bond character was.. (remember Casino Royale was the first book of the series)