View Full Version : Stick or Spray

9th July 2010, 22:03
So its been a while since we had an in depth and important debate; the issue at hand today - deodorant.

Which is it people? Stick or spray on? The forum needs to know. :p :

9th July 2010, 22:19
roll on

Brown, Jon Brow
9th July 2010, 23:13
Spray all the time.

10th July 2010, 00:02
Wide stick, the manly way to go.

Garry Walker
10th July 2010, 09:20
Wide stick, the manly way to go.

Considering some of the guys at my gym, it seems the manly way to go is not use a deodorant at all. Seriously, the way some people stink is quite unbelieveable.

roll-on for me.

10th July 2010, 09:51

10th July 2010, 13:58
Wide stick, the manly way to go.

that's true. Which reminds me, :idea: I need to pick up some while I'm at the supermarket. I've almost run out. :)

10th July 2010, 14:48

10th July 2010, 15:09
Both, Axe body spray and Axe stick.

10th July 2010, 16:51
Stick. Old Spice - Ever Clear

If it can hang in the middle of Kentucky with 100*F+, then it can hang anywhere.

10th July 2010, 17:04
Old Crow whiskey, sure kill

Easy Drifter
10th July 2010, 18:45
Smoke from a hardwood fire. Keeps the mosquitos away too. :D

12th July 2010, 09:10
Spray - currently Old Spice
Used a roll-on for a while (in the North American summer) and it was horrible :-(

16th July 2010, 21:42

Is there a poll? :erm:

16th July 2010, 23:00
i use spray,but should we all not use stick,as there could be a problem with the aluminium in the spray and the Lymth glands OR is that a fallacy?

Mark in Oshawa
17th July 2010, 01:50
Stick.....and I wish I didn't have to use the stuff. It is likely NOT good for you in some way to put some of those chemicals and aluminum on you...but stinking just is wrong...lol

17th July 2010, 11:43
I haven't used roll-on in a long time. I use spray but I've been trying anti-perspirant for the past few weeks. As a pushbike courier, I sweat quite a lot during the day and, sometimes, I spend my lunchtime in the pub with friends. I don't like to smell of sweat. Unfortunately, anti-perspirant will still make me sweat so it's pointless for me really. Also, I believe that it's very bad for your pores.

17th July 2010, 20:15
Good thread :up: I've been using spray for years, stick always annoyed me as whenever I had it the bloody tuff would fall out. Also it's manky if anyone else asks to borrow it :)

17th July 2010, 20:34

18th July 2010, 00:31
Spray all the time. I used to use roll on when I was a teenager, but I somehow grew out of it.

18th July 2010, 22:22

Is there a poll? :erm:

A poll! There should be a poll. We shall have a poll on if we require a poll. Yes or No. do we need a poll? What? exactly! Nurse! :p :

18th July 2010, 23:08
A poll! There should be a poll. We shall have a poll on if we require a poll. Yes or No. do we need a poll? What? exactly! Nurse! :p :

That nurse should get a pole ;)