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9th July 2010, 04:43
Mark my words here is Barry's deal

He is going to try and pass new immigration laws that will give all the illegals currently in the country amnesty. This will happen sometime late next year or 2012. Just what we need. Criminals and drug dealers. Of course no one wants listen to Jan Brewer who says secure the borders and they let people come through the front door. This way you could screen out the unwanted.

This country is in the "Sh!tter" And so deep in there this could actually be good. If we keep to our pledge and just throw out everyone we could have a brilliant recovery. Obama proves me wrong. I said there could never be a president worse than Jimmy Carter and then along comes the "Long legged Mac Daddy" The entire congress has turned into one giant "Cesspool" Time to flush!!

9th July 2010, 05:27
Maybe. I still think he wants to load the Supreme Court and continue his ridiculous policies until he finally gets some rioting going in a couple of cities due to massive benefit cuts, unemployment, forclosures and taxes. He can then declare martial law, get the Supreme Court to add their blessing to it, and Federalize the National Guard. Once the Supreme Court declares his martial law constitutional, the armed forces must, by law, obey him or revolt. They will obey. There will be no elections in 2012. They will be suspended until the "emergency" is over. Obama likes a sure thing. Its a good bet all those 30 million illegals don't want to become US citizens. They want to continue to earn good money in the US, not have to pay taxes, and go home rather wealthy men by their country's standards.

Why was fousto killed?

9th July 2010, 07:30
Maybe. I still think he wants to load the Supreme Court and continue his ridiculous policies until he finally gets some rioting going in a couple of cities due to massive benefit cuts, unemployment, forclosures and taxes. He can then declare martial law, get the Supreme Court to add their blessing to it, and Federalize the National Guard. Once the Supreme Court declares his martial law constitutional, the armed forces must, by law, obey him or revolt. They will obey. There will be no elections in 2012. They will be suspended until the "emergency" is over. Obama likes a sure thing. Its a good bet all those 30 million illegals don't want to become US citizens. They want to continue to earn good money in the US, not have to pay taxes, and go home rather wealthy men by their country's standards.

Why was fousto killed?

LFMAO! Read Apocalyptic fiction?

Mark in Oshawa
9th July 2010, 07:46
LFMAO! Read Apocalyptic fiction?

Well, Fiero usually doesn't take such flights of fancy....

The scary part is though many people who disliked Obama from word one have said a lot of things that seemed far fetched and now are reality so I laugh nervously.

People from communist nations who emigrated to the US are the ones yelling the loudest actually. They have seen this movie before....

9th July 2010, 07:52
LFMAO! Read Apocalyptic fiction?

Nope, never unless you classify world history as such. Obama is nothing new, he's just new to us. That's just the sort of thing that would appeal to him. With the Supreme Court in his pocket he wouldn't need a major justification.

Don't forget that Obama's self declared personal hero, Abraham Lincoln, did the same.

9th July 2010, 16:59
In principle, I agree with the Arizona immigration law. It does need to be tweaked, but I understand why they did what they did. There hasn't been a serious reform of immigration in this country for decades. I don't believe that someone should be able to dart across the border (illegally), have a baby and that baby automatically gains citizenship. And it then becomes kind of hard to deport mom & dad and let a newborn stay, doesn't it?

It's too bad that the race and ethnicity cards are being played (by both sides). But when Hispanics were leaning more toward the GOP, what do ya know... the GOPers were content to look the other way. From what I've heard about Bush's magic fence, if you slowly walk up to it and kick one of the sensors, it MIGHT sound an alarm. And now that Hispanics are leaning more Democrat, every effort is being made by the Dems to tread lightly too. I think that's why we don't get into this World Cup thing as much as oth ercountries. We have political football here.. and you can watch that for free. So let's not pretend that Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, or Bush II did a damn thing to get immigration straightened out. It's a big mess that's just getting bigger. And it looks like here's another fine mess that's existed for years where the federal GOPers think that maintaining the status quo is the right answer. But I understand exactly where Arizona is coming from.

Hey, that trillion $ that Dubya wasted in Iraq... hell, I bet we could have built a fence that would actually work for that kinda coin, eh? And I bet if you just took the number of dead Americans from the Iraq Adventure and put them on the border with some APV's and choppers, they could have sealed her up tight... and still be alive. Whatcha think? What are you more worried about, fellers, some guy with a towel on his head that haunts your dreams, but who you'll NEVER meet... or a guy who will gladly pimp your granddaughter out to his Zeta related gangbanger buddies when she can't pay for the coke that he got her hooked on?

As for "gettin' 'em all outta here"... yeah, let me know how that works for ya. :dozey: