View Full Version : Barefoot Alternative

9th July 2010, 04:48
Vibram FiveFingers (http://www.vibramofficial.com/) allow you to relive that sensation.Vibram FiveFingers (http://www.vibramofficial.com/) connects you to the earth and your surroundings in a way that is simply not possible in conventional shoes.Vibram FiveFingers (http://www.vibramofficial.com/) puts you in touch with the earth beneath your feet and liberates you to move in a more natural, healthy way. Because wearing Vibram FiveFingers (http://www.vibramofficial.com/) is so close to going barefoot (http://www.vibramofficial.com/), you'll enjoy the health and performance benefits of barefooting (http://www.vibramofficial.com/) without some of the risks.
http://www.vibramofficial.com/images/vibram0158.jpg (http://www.vibramofficial.com/vibram-fivefingers-classic-man-shoes-black-green-p-160.html)
Now you can choose from a variety of designs to cover the wide range of activities you would rather do barefoot; everything from fitness training and yoga, to running and trekking, to kayaking and sailing. Our customers continually discover new and creative uses for our alternative performance footwear (http://www.vibramofficial.com/).
http://www.vibramofficial.com/images/vibram0012.jpg (http://www.vibramofficial.com/vibram-fivefingers-kso-woman-shoes-greyfuschiagrey-p-16.html)

9th July 2010, 04:55
Oh my goodness, they're HIDEOUS! :eek:

These abortions of footwear rank up there with Crocs for sheer ugliness.

Thank you for alerting us to these horrors. I'll make sure that if I ever see a pair, that whoever is wearing them shall be the object of ridicule.

"Our customers continually discover new and creative uses for our alternative performance footwear."
... such as setting them on fire, blowing out of a howitzer, using them to beat up on old ladies, using them as planter boxes.

These are singlehandedly the worst pair of... shoe-like things I have seen in my life.