View Full Version : Guys (and gals) want to help me out?

3rd July 2010, 12:07
At times we make duet gigs with a friend of mine. He had a passion to do a coverversion of the song Hallelujah... a song that I hate deeply. I gave up and we made about a millionth version of that song and it sucks. Now that moron put it to Youtube and doens't understand it's way below par...

Can you guys give me as harsh critic you can so I may deliver it to him and convince him that s**t isn't what we suppose to put out to public.

I'm pissed off :mad:


3rd July 2010, 12:30
Wow That does suck :down: :eek:
AFF tell them to listen to:


Then send them into a room with a pistol and a single round of amunition.
And suggest they do the right thing. :arrowed: :z :s mokin:

3rd July 2010, 14:16
Actually sounds pretty good to me....you need to copyright it and go to wealth beyond all dreams, collecting the royalties

3rd July 2010, 15:02
Markabilly, the problem with that song is that it is taken from live-act and then put into studio-form. So the sound isn't too good and the singing flows all over the place.

Second, I hate singing in english because the words won't just come out from my mouth how they suppose to come.

And third, because I hate the song, I just didn't "feel" it so it came out incomplete. I didn't go as high when I supposed to. I never thought those things in gigs, it really doesn't matter then. But when I go out to record a song, it's very important.

My friends guitar althought sounds flawless, no wonder he wants people to hear it :D That MF ;)

So, more feedback like Tazio here gave :up:

Valve Bounce
3rd July 2010, 15:24
You're not going to believe this, but I just watched Shrek again, and that song is featured in the movie near the end.

3rd July 2010, 16:31
I didn't go as high when I supposed to. :up:

Quit fussing. UB lucky. I go as high as possible even though I am not supposed to.

what bugged me was the blue screen...i think hot pink is better

Mark in Oshawa
4th July 2010, 07:27
Leonard Cohen thanks all of you...lol....

He makes more in royalties from that damn tune than he probably makes on everything else combined. Someone is always doing their own take on it!

4th July 2010, 20:50
Jeff Buckley had a good take on the song...as did Daniel Gildenlow from the band pain of salvation

4th July 2010, 21:47
Honestly, the cover sounds good, it has a more darkish tone than the original version and I really like it. As you said, the guitar sounds flawless and the voice sounds pretty good too.

Dont be ashamed of your voice......

BTW, it's nice to see the forum has people who are really into music.

5th July 2010, 13:54
You know that with that version in the Finnish x-factor you would've made Linda and that bold guy cry. :) As the others have been saying it sounds actually quite good. Let me know when you sign up for the x-factor and you'll have my vote. :)

5th July 2010, 14:25
I quite like it AFF :)

6th July 2010, 07:14
Keep singing it because after listening to it I am going drink myself into stupor then slit my own throat.

Jössus poiki, I have 2 beautiful daughters and a beautiful wifey and now I have to die...
Tell kompisen he's responsible..
Maybe I'll put my suicide on YouTube as answer....

(just joking a tiny bit)

Tell him it's not funeral march.

6th July 2010, 20:50
No one, anywhere, will ever make this song sound good since Jeff Buckley's version. Everything else, including the original, pales in comparison. His version gives me goosebumps.

10th July 2010, 16:57
That will never happen Woodeye :)

I want to apologize. I had a bad day when I started this thread and as I read it now, I have only managad to deliver quite arrogant picture of myself :mark:

Anyway, long story short, we had another gig last night and we performed Hallelujah with that arragement and the feedback in the pub was 100% good. As almost everyone regognize the song, folks there liked about the darker sound of it, just like Francis44 said earlier. :up:

So, I guess I was wrong and my pal was right....

Thanks anyway for all you who listened the song.

PS. Please John, don't do suicide ;)

10th July 2010, 17:20
That will never happen Woodeye :)

PS. Please John, don't do suicide ;)

Too late,

I have working on Ford Fucus or Few Cuss--no, wait I have been cussing a lot so that's a bad name,----- anyway I make suspension for a stinking FWD ****us and that coupled with your request to listen means as soon as I'm done and the rally car runs I'm sure the hood will fall on my neck with the @#!!%@** light-pod and break it and I will have eternal rest--no more Puke-us.

You guys do Kalinka or Katyusha like the Great Leningrad Cowboys did, that wasn't dark so make not just the thing for a pub gig, but man was it fun!