View Full Version : Love thy neighbour?

Hazell B
1st July 2010, 23:20
I'm probably going to end up being arrested next time I see my neighbour.

A few weeks ago cars in my road started getting splashed with paint stripper during the night. Of the roughly 14 cars parked outside our homes 7 have been damaged. Mine was the last one, about three weeks ago.

During that time another seven cars have been damaged while in a Tesco car park in town. Funnily enough, they made headline news in a local paper, while the far higher damage-to-car-number ratio in our street didn't get a mention :mark:

The rubbish police weren't even linking the attacks in our street until I went in and gave them a rollocking after mine was done.

Anyway, last week a neighbour called me and said she'd heard my next door neighbour had just been hauled out of Tesco in handcuffs after yet another car had been doused in paint stripper.

Long story short, he's an idiot and I've disliked him since he moved in and started to place his tiny Corsa in such a way that it uses two parking spaces and stops me parking half the time. He has OCD's that 'make' him park with one wheel in a spcific place, so I tend to let him get on with his whacked out ways .... even his need to hang washing out in the rain then instantly take it back in again. He's known as Freaky in our house.

He's been charged with 13 car attacks and let out on bail. He came home and parked outside my door as usual :mark:

A copper called me to say my car wasn't one of the 13 charges. None of them are cars in our street. The copper was part of a team calling damaged car owners. He had 23 people to call, none of whom had cars this man was being charged with damaging.

So, he's probably done over 40 (my maths are being very, very generous here - my guess is over 70 by the way the copper talked) but he's being charged with only 13.

I wonder how much all of his damage has cost the car insurance companies, and therefore all of us who drive?

For the record, I'm not claiming on my insurance. In fact it took me two days to bother wiping the stripper off my vehicle :rolleyes: and the only reason I kicked off with the police is that they were less than interested in all this damage in one small street and frankly I enjoy shouting at them :p :

So, do you love your neighbour as much as I do? :)

donKey jote
1st July 2010, 23:37
So, do you love your neighbour as much as I do? :)
you love my neighbour? :eek: :crazy:
wotatart!!! :p :D

2nd July 2010, 00:04
My new neighbours are OK although I'm hating the unknown nearby neighbour who can't seem to get into their house without setting off the alarm. If it's that difficult to get to the box and type in the code they obviously need to spend sone money on an alarm fob. It's not hard.

My neighbour just got get a new hair cut last week with a Rhianna style shaved bit at the side which is quite fashionable right now. Now my other half isn't into fashion. My neighbour is quite a character and asked him what he though of her hair. All he could reply with was 'Errr, you look like you've been in a fight with a lawn mower.' Surprisingly she's still talking to him. :o

2nd July 2010, 00:45
Neighbors around here aren't that closely packed together so there is enough space between drives and dwellings where we can ignore each other.

I was told the neighbor lady to my north was going to complain about Sweetie "barking all night" to the homeowners association and have them do whatever it is they do to serious criminals like myself and Sweetie. After the lady made her "formal" complaint, the president of the association offered me an opportunity to defend myself. I said that usually Sweetie was in the house at night so she wasn't barking every night. In addition, on the few nights Sweetie desired to stay out all night, she didn't "bark all night". I told them Sweetie would bark between midnight and 1:00 am when Mrs. Complaining Lady's teenage daughter was sneaking out her window and would bark again between 4:00 am and 5:00 am when she snuck back in the window. Needless to say, that was the end of the issue and the complaint was withdrawn and the neighbor lady hasn't spoken to me since. Bear in mind this lady never came to me personally about Sweetie's barking. If she had, she'd have gotten the news about her daughter in private.

2nd July 2010, 03:11
To start with Hazel I think that is absurdly malicious by the perp, and the police.
I live in an upscale beach community in southern Cal. The perp’s would be charged with terrorism.
I might add that much to my dismay, there are far too many police surveillance cameras to not bust a Crumb-Bum like that!
We call it Homeland Security :dozey:

2nd July 2010, 03:56
you love my neighbour? :eek:
wotatart!!! :D
not if she knew what kind of neighbors you got.. :crazy: ...but all your neighbors luv your sweetie.....even when she gets all up on her high donkey and charges 50 cents for poker :eek:

2nd July 2010, 07:58
You certainly live in an 'interesting' area :p

We don't have too many problems, well not since the police raided the drug dealers house a few doors down.

2nd July 2010, 21:26
sounds like the car repair shops aroung your kneck of the woods are busy Hazell.the repair boys in Hull arent paying him commision are they?

2nd July 2010, 21:35
Sorry to hear that Hazel. Really lucky in our street; all our neighbours are nice, and although generally older than us by twenty odd years, we get on well.

2nd July 2010, 21:44
I'm not sure that anyone lives close enough to me to really be considered a "neighbor"... not in the sense that I've had neighbors in the past anyway. Although there is an older lady (in her 90's) who I stop by and check on and take her mail to her several times a week - she lives across the road from my property. She barely gets around, so she doesn't bother anyone. The people who own the property adjacent to me are doctors or vets or something and I've never met or spoken to them in the four years I've been here. They show up a few times a month during the summer and keep to themselves, just as I do. But other than a crazy ex-girlfriend who threatened to key my car while I was out of town (and she lived about two hours away!), I haven't had anything happen like what Hazell B. faced. In the rural area where I live, I think most people, with vandalism on their minds, assume that if they happen to get caught on someone's property late at night, they might just be found in that exact same spot the next morning...
cold & stiff. :eek:

I really (REALLY) love it here! :)

2nd July 2010, 23:07
Although there is an older lady (in her 90's) who I stop by and check on and take her mail to her several times a week - she lives across the road from my property. She barely gets around, so she doesn't bother anyone.
That's really nice from you. Neighborly, one could say.

Hazell B
7th July 2010, 21:22
the repair boys in Hull arent paying him commision are they?

Be pointless if they did. We don't live near Hull :confused:

Rudy Tamasz
8th July 2010, 09:01
In my country house I'm foes with the neighbors on one side and could as well have been foes with the folks on the other side but I just decided to keep my diplomatic situation simple.

Neignbors on one side decided it was a good idea to pasture their turkeys on my land. My mom talked to them to no avail, then complained to the local council and they stopped it but we became foes. Their granny has a special reputation and tried to practice some black wizardry on us. Fortunately, it did not work.

Folks from the other side basically did the same thing with their hens. We decided not to quarrel and just chase the stupid creatures off each time they invade.

Quiet rural life, yeah... ;)