View Full Version : G20/G8....is there a place for the super summit?

Mark in Oshawa
25th June 2010, 23:43
Well, the weekend of traffic hell, police overtime and turning a major city into a fortress has arrived. Toronto, that little town of 3 million down the road is a chaotic place as people are not downtown, the protesters are whining, the cops are waiting and the walls have been built. The G-8 leaders are at Deerhurst Resort completely walled off from the world 2 hours north, but tomorrow and Sunday, the G-20 will be meeting and whole thing climaxes.

Teleconferencing would be so much effective since it seems most of what goes on is rubber stamping agreements most nations don't hold themselves to anyhow.

1.2 billion dollars was spent hosting these two summits...and I realize a lot of the security costs are to stop the rent-a-mob anarchists from hijacking legimate protest groups and trashing the city..but my god...this is over kill.

What say you guys?

Easy Drifter
26th June 2010, 04:11
Goose Bay would have been a good place. By the time the protesters figured out where it was, how to even get there and finally did make it the meetings would be long over.

Mark in Oshawa
26th June 2010, 17:31
Goose Bay would have been a good place. By the time the protesters figured out where it was, how to even get there and finally did make it the meetings would be long over.

But then the media would say "oh, that isn't democratic, we must allow people to have a voice"...which translated is "there is only one bar in town, the hotel doesn't have a mini-bar, and this is a god forsaken wasteland!"

Easy Drifter
27th June 2010, 03:35
After what I saw today I wish there had been a Company or so of the Princess Patricias Cdn. Light Infranty just back from Afghanistan in full battle gear around to deal with the black clad terrorists. After what they have gone through there would be a few less so called anarchists around.
Two more killed in Afghanistan today by IED's and they were medics. One was a woman. :mad:

Mark in Oshawa
29th June 2010, 15:54
After what I saw today I wish there had been a Company or so of the Princess Patricias Cdn. Light Infranty just back from Afghanistan in full battle gear around to deal with the black clad terrorists. After what they have gone through there would be a few less so called anarchists around.
Two more killed in Afghanistan today by IED's and they were medics. One was a woman. :mad:

A shame Drifter... I will maybe on a bridge today if I can swing it.

The problem with the army on the streets tho Drifter is they would intimidate to the point the nanny state liberties guys would have a cornory. They hate the idea of cops in riot gear....imagine if a brick of PPCLI troopers were on Bay St?

29th June 2010, 18:44
They should hold these meetings on an aircraft carrier moored a few km from Diego Garcia.

And shame on our media. CBC spends the first 10 minutes covering the 900 idiots who got themselves arrested...which only really affects those who were arrested...then later just a minute covering the deficit reduction debates, which affects millions of us!

Easy Drifter
29th June 2010, 19:49
I know Mark. But those idiots in black wouldn't dare do a thing, or at least only once.
I listened to some of the whining from those caught up and thrown in the temp. slammer about the conditions. What did they expect? A 5 star hotel?
I do think the Sunday night round up was over the top with many totally innocent people rounded up.
The time the cops should have reacted was Sat. afternoon. It was clear later they had undercover cops in the crowd.

Bob Riebe
29th June 2010, 20:40
Well, the weekend of traffic hell, police overtime and turning a major city into a fortress has arrived. Toronto, that little town of 3 million down the road is a chaotic place as people are not downtown, the protesters are whining, the cops are waiting and the walls have been built. The G-8 leaders are at Deerhurst Resort completely walled off from the world 2 hours north, but tomorrow and Sunday, the G-20 will be meeting and whole thing climaxes.

Teleconferencing would be so much effective since it seems most of what goes on is rubber stamping agreements most nations don't hold themselves to anyhow.

1.2 billion dollars was spent hosting these two summits...and I realize a lot of the security costs are to stop the rent-a-mob anarchists from hijacking legimate protest groups and trashing the city..but my god...this is over kill.

What say you guys?SPITSBERGEN!

Mark in Oshawa
30th June 2010, 18:42
I am all for them hosting these things in places where if you protest, the cops bust your skull. Let the black Bloc run loose in Beiijing or Riyadh!