View Full Version : One year ann. of Michael Jackson's death

25th June 2010, 15:36
There is no doubting his influence on music and pop culture. He is one of the most famous people of all time. But how will you remember the "King of Pop"?

25th June 2010, 17:53
Great news!! Another reason to celebrate today. Whoo Hoo !! The pedophile took the long sleep !!

25th June 2010, 18:15
Who? :confused:

race aficionado
25th June 2010, 19:02
Michael Jackson

25th June 2010, 20:05
There is no doubting his influence on music and pop culture. He is one of the most famous people of all time. But how will you remember the "King of Pop"?

While I don't doubt his huge popularity I do doubt his influence. When he came about he was just another of the fame MoTown Sound and he kept on that track throughout his career. Did he create any new forms? Was his music unique?

25th June 2010, 20:19
Did he create any new forms? Was his music unique?

He sure changed the world of Music Video's.

Mark in Oshawa
25th June 2010, 20:27
While I don't doubt his huge popularity I do doubt his influence. When he came about he was just another of the fame MoTown Sound and he kept on that track throughout his career. Did he create any new forms? Was his music unique?

As usual, you are not on the same page.

YES, his music did change pop and the style of pop music we saw. He brought back dancing in the popular culture, and he raised the art form of the video to a standard that no one else did.

I couldn't stand him, but his music had an impact, and whether you like the man personally or not, his music was unique and that is reflected in the massive sales "Thriller" was able to attain.

In short, he snuck dance music and "disco" without calling it that back into popular culture...

25th June 2010, 20:46
Couldn't agree more Mark. Whatever he did in his private life his music was pretty darn good.

25th June 2010, 20:54
what he did in his private life was to horribly affect the lives of some innocent young boys. Simply unacceptable regardless of who you are. His death was far to late as far a I am concerned. This thing was a "Piece of Sh!t" and how you people can idolize him is part and fact what is wrong with the world today!

Mark in Oshawa
25th June 2010, 21:01
what he did in his private life was to horribly affect the lives of some innocent young boys. Simply unacceptable regardless of who you are. His death was far to late as far a I am concerned. This thing was a "Piece of Sh!t" and how you people can idolize him is part and fact what is wrong with the world today!

I didn't idolize the guy. I was pointing out as an artist (even one I didn't buy the records/CD's of or pay to go see) he had a big impact.

This is no different than pointing out What a great golfer Tiger Woods is while deploring his behaviour. You can separate the two and evaulate what someone does in the public sphere honestly while not having any time for them on a personal level. It is called being an objective observer...

25th June 2010, 21:31
I guess thats a question for 90% of the music industry which adore his music.



Got anything to back that up?

25th June 2010, 21:33
While I don't doubt his huge popularity I do doubt his influence. When he came about he was just another of the fame MoTown Sound and he kept on that track throughout his career. Did he create any new forms? Was his music unique?

Why was how I remembered MJ deleted?

What? You can't say that he was a Drug Addict? A possible pedophile? A sicko with racist issues?

25th June 2010, 21:49
Why was how I remembered MJ deleted?

What? You can't say that he was a Drug Addict? A possible pedophile? A sicko with racist issues?

if you have evidences such as convictions in a fair trial yes you can but
in other case no you cant because it is slander (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slander)which is illegal in most countries
which means it violates the forum rules.

Mark in Oshawa
25th June 2010, 22:21
I don't know Ghostrider. Being oversubscribed by legal drugs in the manner that he was makes him a drug addict and it killed him. THAT much IS true...

26th June 2010, 00:56
18 number one's (including J5 & We are the world)

The greatest selling album of all time (Thriller)

4 other albums among the best selling ( Off the Wall, Bad, Dangerous and

Landmark music videos including; Thriller, Beat It, Billie Jean, Bad, Smooth Criminal & Scream

The first artist to perform the Super Bowl solo.

8 Grammy's in one night.

+ The moonwalk.

Pretty good if I do say so.

26th June 2010, 04:41
if you have evidences such as convictions in a fair trial yes you can but
in other case no you cant because it is slander (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slander)which is illegal in most countries
which means it violates the forum rules.

He willingly settled with one child's family....That is admission of guilt.

He was a drug addict that is a fact.

His bleaching of his skin and multiple plastic surgeries to appear like a white woman screams race issues.

As for influence....Popularity does not mean influential.

Bob Dylan was and is extremely influential and yet he hasn't had a hit since the 60's

The Ramones started a genre called Punk and were one of the most influential bands of all time and they never were a commercial success.

Michael Jackson did not create music videos. He didn't create long form music videos. He just had bigger budgets.

He didn't create dancing. He didn't create Dancing and singing. He didn't create the Mo-town formula.

His most popular music was a product of either Barry Gordy(genius) or Quincy Jones(A real Influential genius)

The only performers who list Jackson as an influence are those who are more hype than talent....Beyonce, Lady Gaga, In-Sync.

Ask a serious R&B artist or musician who was a bigger influence MJ or Prince( A Real Genius) then listen.

Bob Riebe
26th June 2010, 06:55
He got blacks on MTV which before him were simply ignored.

All the back-stabbing vacuous innuendos, are just that back-stabbing innuendos.

26th June 2010, 12:11
It is called being an objective observer...
So you do know what that means. Then why do call me a supporter of dictators when I say Hitler wasn't all bad, he also created jobs and improved the German infrastructure, or that Saddam wasn't all bad, he kept Iraq together and protected religious minorities and women rights? I'm probably no more a fan of Hitler and Saddam than you are a fan of Michael Jackson.

26th June 2010, 12:24
what he did in his private life was to horribly affect the lives of some innocent young boys. Simply unacceptable regardless of who you are. His death was far to late as far a I am concerned. This thing was a "Piece of Sh!t" and how you people can idolize him is part and fact what is wrong with the world today!

Why was how I remembered MJ deleted?

What? You can't say that he was a Drug Addict? A possible pedophile? A sicko with racist issues?

I don't know Ghostrider. Being oversubscribed by legal drugs in the manner that he was makes him a drug addict and it killed him. THAT much IS true...

He willingly settled with one child's family....That is admission of guilt.

He was a drug addict that is a fact.

His bleaching of his skin and multiple plastic surgeries to appear like a white woman screams race issues.

As for influence....Popularity does not mean influential.

Bob Dylan was and is extremely influential and yet he hasn't had a hit since the 60's

The Ramones started a genre called Punk and were one of the most influential bands of all time and they never were a commercial success.

Michael Jackson did not create music videos. He didn't create long form music videos. He just had bigger budgets.

He didn't create dancing. He didn't create Dancing and singing. He didn't create the Mo-town formula.

His most popular music was a product of either Barry Gordy(genius) or Quincy Jones(A real Influential genius)

The only performers who list Jackson as an influence are those who are more hype than talent....Beyonce, Lady Gaga, In-Sync.

Ask a serious R&B artist or musician who was a bigger influence MJ or Prince( A Real Genius) then listen.

To answer the question......
I remember him as a sick pedo, whose fame never permitted him to grow up, whose skin color was unacceptable to him, a one hit wonder whose money kept him out of prison and who died a typical drug addict's death

26th June 2010, 12:45

To answer the question......
I remember him as a sick pedo, whose fame never permitted him to grow up, whose skin color was unacceptable to him, a one hit wonder whose money kept him out of prison and who died a typical drug addict's death
Michael Jackson's death has been ruled a murder you know........


26th June 2010, 13:35
In MJ's autopsy it was proved that he had vitiligo. If you are to ignorant to believe this then check out vitiligo & his autopsy. And tell me if I'm wrong but he was proven not guilty correct?

Mark in Oshawa
26th June 2010, 16:33
Michael Jackson's death has been ruled a murder you know........


Murder? Manslaughter perhaps. Over prescribed medications, but Mike was taking more pills in a day than most of us take in a year.....

He was a drug addict, but like Elvis, it was all legal prescriptions from an idiot doctor who was caught up in being HIS doctor rather than saying no to the spoiled addict star.

26th June 2010, 16:37
vitiligo can be treated......and there are treatments that remove pigmentation that make it appear that a person might have vitiligo when he does not.

Trial changes nothing as pedo usually offends again, and he repeated his behavior

Mark in Oshawa
26th June 2010, 16:41
Just remember Markabilly, he was never convicted as a pedo...so legally we have to say he is only alleged....lol

26th June 2010, 19:23
In MJ's autopsy it was proved that he had vitiligo. If you are to ignorant to believe this then check out vitiligo & his autopsy. And tell me if I'm wrong but he was proven not guilty correct?


Vitiligo (vit-ill-EYE-go) is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes (the cells that make pigment) in the skin are destroyed. As a result, white patches appear on the skin in different parts of the body. Similar patches also appear on both the mucous membranes (tissues that line the inside of the mouth and nose), and the retina (inner layer of the eyeball). The hair that grows on areas affected by vitiligo sometimes turns white.


Keep reading about treatments.

MJ decided to bleach his skin white for a reason. The same reason he had numerous surgeries to appear white.

26th June 2010, 19:46
Just remember Markabilly, he was never convicted as a pedo...so legally we have to say he is only alleged....lol
yes quite right, from now on i will say " Alleged Serial Pedo"

and "alleged pedo prophet", except what happens when admitted regardless of conviction

"alleged but admitted pedo"??

reminds me of the story about Farah fawcett who died about the same time...when she got to heaven, they said you lead such a good life, we will grant you one wish.
She said, she wanted all children to be safe, and seconds later, MJ was dead

26th June 2010, 22:36
reminds me of the story about Farah fawcett
Alleged story.

27th June 2010, 08:21

To answer the question......
I remember him as a sick pedo, whose fame never permitted him to grow up, whose skin color was unacceptable to him, a one hit wonder whose money kept him out of prison and who died a typical drug addict's death

:up: :up: :up:

Tony there are no cures for vitiligo. treatments do not work. bleaching is one way some people try to even the color out. But agreed the pedo had much more going on that vitiligo problems.

27th June 2010, 20:35
I am not a huge fan of hus music, but I know how many people loved him and his music and I respect him a lot. RIP Michael.

27th June 2010, 21:51
MJ > Elvis

28th June 2010, 03:07
vitiligo can be treated......and there are treatments that remove pigmentation that make it appear that a person might have vitiligo when he does not.

Trial changes nothing as pedo usually offends again, and he repeated his behavior

Well if what you're suggesting is true - he must have been on the receiving end of a lot of racism when growing up, to want to change that badly.

28th June 2010, 03:08
MJ > Elvis
If they both step onto a scale, I say Elvis would take it by 200 lbs.

28th June 2010, 03:27
vitiligo can be treated......and there are treatments that remove pigmentation that make it appear that a person might have vitiligo when he does not.

Trial changes nothing as pedo usually offends again, and he repeated his behavior

show me one repigmented person

28th June 2010, 07:49
MJ > Elvis

Both are great and amazing, I just can't say who is greater. These guys are legends...