View Full Version : USF1 team fined, banned from F1

24th June 2010, 21:34

I hope they lose the apeal! The FIA need s to send a message to prospective (and current) teams
That they need to be on the level.
Not "Tin men"!


24th June 2010, 22:26
So a defunct, non existent entity has been fined and banned from competition. Was there much point to this?

24th June 2010, 23:13
Better off revoking Peter Windsor's media accreditation

24th June 2010, 23:37
So a defunct, non existent entity has been fined and banned from competition. Was there much point to this?
none whatsoever, the time for action was months before the season started when the spot could have been granted to another party. to me this is rather sad if the gears of the FIA move this embarrassingly slow

25th June 2010, 01:21
none whatsoever, the time for action was months before the season started when the spot could have been granted to another party. to me this is rather sad if the gears of the FIA move this embarrassingly slowSo you believe that the new FIA leadership should not have made this show of force! They should have just said even though we were powerless because Mosley was in charge, just take our word for it we don't play like that. You must have read the whole transcript before you expressed your profound opinion :rotflmao: Personally I think this is quite meaningful! However that is my opinion.

The new Judging Body of the World Motor Sport Council imposed some heavy sanctions against USF1, “a fine of 309,000 euros (a sum equivalent to the Entry Fees for the Championship); the disqualification of USF1 (which definitively deprives USF1 of the right to take part, in any way whatsoever, in any competition); and the payment of the costs incurred by the FIA within the context of this disciplinary procedure.”


25th June 2010, 01:46
Better off revoking Peter Windsor's media accreditation

25th June 2010, 02:24
How much more money do they need? Atleast it wasn't .....100million.

(Place image of Bernie doing the Dr. Evil's 100 trillion dollars gesture here.)

25th June 2010, 05:45
So you believe that the new FIA leadership should not have made this show of force! They should have just said even though we were powerless because Mosley was in charge, just take our word for it we don't play like that. You must have read the whole transcript before you expressed your profound opinion :rotflmao: Personally I think this is quite meaningful! However that is my opinion.

you are entitled to your own opinion along with silly smiley faces

but tell me, since when is the FIA powerless?
they are the governing body and as far as I can tell have made decisions in the past and told teams, media, drivers, fans to deal with it. It was painfully obvious from a long time back that USF1 was not going to make it on the grid and if the FIA had done its due diligence instead of bathing in bureaucracy they would have seen it coming a mile a way like the media and the rest of us. This is simply their attempt to look like they doing/did something when in actually they let the whole thing become a stinking mess.

btw to me the FIA is the FIA be it Max or Jean T. And to me while Max was down right crazy and dictatorial. Jean Todt and his crew seem to be living in a house of bureaucratic mirrors where simple decisions get mired down for weeks .

25th June 2010, 05:49
I think the FIA and indeed FOTA had quite a bit of influence in what happened to USF1 due to their own mass-disorganisation. Bit of a slap in the face if you ask me.

Even now they won't advise potential new entrants whether they can compete until later this year when it's too late to really push into development and sponsor packages. Basically, you need to spend the money before you are accepted. WTF? That is, the money you get from sponsors when you're accepted.

25th June 2010, 06:06
This is as close as you can get to beating a dead horse without getting a club and a dead horse.

25th June 2010, 06:56
Too late, but IMO a good decision.

25th June 2010, 07:04
I think the FIA and indeed FOTA had quite a bit of influence in what happened to USF1 due to their own mass-disorganisation. Bit of a slap in the face if you ask me.

Even now they won't advise potential new entrants whether they can compete until later this year when it's too late to really push into development and sponsor packages. Basically, you need to spend the money before you are accepted. WTF? That is, the money you get from sponsors when you're accepted.

Well said.

25th June 2010, 07:16
I think the FIA and indeed FOTA had quite a bit of influence in what happened to USF1 due to their own mass-disorganisation. Bit of a slap in the face if you ask me.

Even now they won't advise potential new entrants whether they can compete until later this year when it's too late to really push into development and sponsor packages. Basically, you need to spend the money before you are accepted. WTF? That is, the money you get from sponsors when you're accepted.

lol FOTA? I meant FOM or BBB (Bernies bunch of bozos)! :p

25th June 2010, 08:36
USF1, whose primary investor is YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley, was granted an entry for the 2010 season but withdrew in February because it was unable to develop its cars in time.

what is it withdrew in February
or applied to miss the first 3 races

Chad Hurley could have done more to save the team he was with them from Aug 21st 2009


25th June 2010, 12:39
"During the extraordinary hearing that was held in Geneva on 23 June 2010, the Judging Body of the World Motor Sport Council examined, in application of the new disciplinary procedure adopted at the beginning of 2010, the failure of the USF1 team to take part in the 2010 FIA Formula One World Championship, for which it had been selected and had registered.

Having had this disciplinary procedure submitted to it by the FIA President, who did not attend the hearing, the Judging Body of the World Motor Sport Council has found the USF1 team guilty of having infringed the FIA International Sporting Code, the sporting regulations of the 2010 FIA Formula One World Championship and the obligations resulting from its entry in this championship.

In these circumstances, the Judging Body of the World Motor Sport Council has decided to impose the following sanctions against USF1:

•A fine of €309,000 (a sum equivalent to the entry fees for the championship)

•The disqualification of USF1 (which definitively deprives USF1 of the right to take part, in any way whatsoever, in any competition)

•And the payment of the costs incurred by the FIA within the context of this disciplinary procedure

USF1 has seven days to appeal the ruling, though no appeal is anticipated – and the judgement handed down will certainly act as a salutary warning to any prospective F1 2011 entrants that they must only pledge their commitment to join the top flight if they are truly capable of doing so. The procedure to select the 13th entry for next season remains ongoing."

http://www.crash.net/f1/news/160939/1/usf1_banned_by_fia_from_f1_and_any_competition.htm l?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss

Rusty Spanner
25th June 2010, 13:39
They didn't show up so they forfeit the right to an F1 entry - thats basically the same for everyone, new or old. The fine though is a little harsh but I think ultimately fair. I'm just not sure if this is a good thing or not. After all the FIA interviewed and vetted all the teams applying for new entries and they choose to take a gamble on USF1. Virgin and Lotus were the safe(r) bets since they had backing in place at the time of getting an entry, USF1 and Campos were longer shots. At the moment it looks like Campos/HRT will work out OK but its certainly been a very rough ride for them.

Anyway the fine is a bit of a token gesture. Isn't USF1 backrupt? So the FIA will simply go to the end of the long line of creditors waiting to be paid and I doubt there will be enough money raised from the sell off of assets for them to get paid. Probably the most valuable asset USF1 had was its entry but it lost that as soon as it didn't show up in Bahrain.

25th June 2010, 21:04
So you believe that the new FIA leadership should not have made this show of force! They should have just said even though we were powerless because Mosley was in charge, just take our word for it we don't play like that. You must have read the whole transcript before you expressed your profound opinion :rotflmao: Personally I think this is quite meaningful! However that is my opinion.

What show of force? As I said before they have just finned and banned a team that officially closed its doors and no longer exists about 2 months ago, and as Rusty says, the FIA will now move to the back of the creditors queue.

If all they wanted to do was make the consequences of a no-show clear to the new applicants then they could just tell them from the off and make them sign something to that effect as they lodge their application. At which point were likely to see ART and Epsilon Euskadi withdraw applications since its taking far too long to sort out and neither team boss would like to see his team forced to close because they couldn't get enough sponsors in time.

25th June 2010, 21:12
This is as close as you can get to beating a dead horse without getting a club and a dead horse.


Yeah, other than as a warning to future teams, I'm not sure that I see the point. So I'm guessing that was the point.

26th June 2010, 04:05
I say pay the fine in Monopoly money its worth more then USF1 anyways

26th June 2010, 05:02

Yeah, other than as a warning to future teams, I'm not sure that I see the point. So I'm guessing that was the point.Yes Jag you win the cupi doll! This charade was going on when I was posting on a different forum.
For the record I posted this apr 11 2010

I am one of the members that has been very critical of USF1. I have claimed there was a conspiracy and collusion. I still think that to some degree it's true. PW got a lot of juice from Speed TV. I’ve played devil’s advocate for a reason
I am an American. I have motives for wanting to see USF1 fail. Not the same ones as some members. There is a very strong anti-American element on this forum. I'm not anti-American. Whatever the reasons are for Anti-Americanism on this forum, it's not important to me. There is an adversarial climate that pervades western society currently. It could be argued that it has always been here. But my point is it does exist now and this forum is simply another grain of evidence to this contention. I won't go into business models crooked politicians in bed with corporate financial interests.
I hold these truths self evident

"The Ugly American" is a real entity. I'm not happy that it is an indisputable truth. I do take exception when non Americans paint me and my countrymen with a too broad a brush. I also understand why this is so prevalent. It is in vogue to magnify the shortcomings of the USA, especially in Europe and Cuba. ;)
The Cuba thing is a metaphor. Something to do with this countries propaganda machine that uses extreme examples to tell me why I can't have health coverage for a reasonable amount of legal tender. It's why I'm self-employed. It's why other Americans my age that are utterly qualified for jobs, see them awarded to younger less qualified applicants that will have a positive effect on their costs to provide health insurance to that companies employees. It's the greed that pervades society today. It's us against them! Socialism is perversion to a great many Americans. Americans that themselves take part in "communalism" every day. It is absolutely hilarious to me (in a sad and frustrating way) that these same people live in roommate situations, and can't see that it is the same thing as social political and institutional socialism. So a lot of my countrymen are ignorant. They are granted that right by The Constitution of the United States of America.
Myself I enjoy a good sniping at Brits and other Euros, but only as the devil’s advocate
Great Britain is the center of the F1 Universe. I applaud this. It's something you do very well. As perverted as F1 is I think as a people you are doing with it the best you can. I don't want an American team based in America. we will find some way to F##k it up! Plus I'm very happy that the only friends interested in F1 that I have are ones I met on F1 forums or meet-up events. We have too many sports based in this country already. I played Hardball until I was 44 years old and only stopped because an injury demanded it.
I like the sanctuary of F1. As weird as that may sound, it's true. I can’t sit through any sporting events unless I'm in attendance, except for golf and F1. I don’t relish the failier of USF1, but I'm damn glad it failed. I'm glad because in not so many words, P.W. said he was going to put an American face on F1. Haven’t we done enough damage in this world to leave F1 to its own devices?

If death be F1's lot, let it at least be a dignified one.

In Christ,

BTW just kidding about the Christ part!

26th June 2010, 12:25
As for the rest of the comments, I’m only sorry they did away with debtors prisons.
Because if they hadn’t I pretty sure that Pee Wee and the rest of his frolicking band of gypsies
would somehow, suddenly find some money that wasn’t on the books.
If not Pee Wee (who was born in Jolly olde) would be wearing a butt-plug!
At his new office!

26th June 2010, 16:27
So a defunct, non existent entity has been fined and banned from competition. Was there much point to this?

A completely useless decision made to give media something to write about and have some 'fans' revel about the FIA's power.

They can not even enforce their decision, and this only shows the lack of power the FIA has in reality over anyone.

26th June 2010, 16:28
This is as close as you can get to beating a dead horse without getting a club and a dead horse.


26th June 2010, 16:29
Too late, but IMO a good decision.

Too late and useless. Nothing good about it.

27th June 2010, 06:02
Too late and useless. Nothing good about it.

A completely useless decision made to give media something to write about and have some 'fans' revel about the FIA's power.

They can not even enforce their decision, and this only shows the lack of power the FIA has in reality over anyone.


Nothing I posted is contrived or a misreresntation of the facts in the article I quoted.
The eventual affect financially on the perps will not completely play out for quite some time.
In the interim thinking that by giving a curtain call to everyone individually will take the heat off of you reminds me of a very old childs song.

All the Kings horses, and all the Kings men could not put Ioan's misguided loyalty into a favorable light! sorrrrrrrrrrry :laugh:

27th June 2010, 11:03
Forgive him, as Ioan is just "dpressed" because his new fav, the USF1, had a small disappointment after ioan came out of the closet from ferrari and gone american, as I am "DPressed" as well, as I was looking forward to seeing Scotsnot and DP doing it together.....could have been a TV reality show, with DP and Scotsnot speed discussing their fav toenail colors and hairstylists....

27th June 2010, 11:29
....and if they could have talked them out of retirement, those guys from Orange County choppers would have looked great putting the cars together back at the shop.....


27th June 2010, 11:32
Forgive him, as Ioan is just "dpressed" because his new fav, the USF1, had a small disappointment after ioan came out of the closet from ferrari and gone american, as I am "DPressed" as well, as I was looking forward to seeing Scotsnot and DP doing it together.....could have been a TV reality show, with DP and Scotsnot speed discussing their fav toenail colors and hairstylists.... I have excused, and I think a lot of people will be feeling better (including myself) if Ferrari and Massa puts a beatdown on Fred. Because Ferrari the last time I checked have two, yes count them two fast pilots!

27th June 2010, 11:33
....and if they could have talked them out of retirement, those guys from Orange County choppers would have looked great putting the cars together back at the shop.....

27th June 2010, 11:40
....and if they could have talked them out of retirement, those guys from Orange County choppers would have looked great putting the cars together back at the shop.....
thank goodness for the german subtitles or I would not be able to understand them....


27th June 2010, 11:47
and hamster and bunsen got nothing on these guys when it comes to putting together cars...screw in those nuts


oh, my, what could have been

27th June 2010, 12:24
and hamster and bunsen got nothing on these guys when it comes to putting together cars...screw in those nuts

oh, my, what could have been

Them 'ole boys are up against Gloomyday's neck of the woods.

I must say they seem like a disfunctional family even for West Coast Bikers.
They could turn that into a reality series :confused: :beer: :s mokin:

28th June 2010, 09:01
As a US F1 fan, I have to tell those of you not from here that whatever YOU make this, funny, long overdue, etc., it is a crappy thing for it to happen of all people to a US team. We, too, want to play with the 'bigboys'.

28th June 2010, 14:31
A completely useless decision made to give media something to write about and have some 'fans' revel about the FIA's power.

They can not even enforce their decision, and this only shows the lack of power the FIA has in reality over anyone.
Frankly I dont see the need to have ever called this hearing in the first place. USF1 tried to put a team together, where badly run and so failed badly, with the result of the team now ceasing to exist in any form. Their failure has not hurt F1 and has only gone on to show, along with the struggles of the other new teams, just how difficult F1 is.

If they had pulled out and decided to go racing somewhere else at the last minute, it would be a different matter altogether though.

29th June 2010, 09:12
Fining a defunct team brings to mind the phrase, "getting blood from a turnip."

29th June 2010, 09:13
....and if they could have talked them out of retirement, those guys from Orange County choppers would have looked great putting the cars together back at the shop.....

...until they started welding the carbon fibre! ;)

30th June 2010, 01:57
...until they started welding the carbon fibre! ;) As ridiculous as these knuckleheads act for this reality show, they are world class designers of "choppers" and have been for decades. I'm pretty sure you know that, just wanted to make sure you didn't mistakenly lumped them in with another segment of American Society! That would be the ones that are afraid of men (and women) on motorcycles or just plain low tech wrench's





30th June 2010, 02:14

I'd say these guys are about as dumb as a fox

30th June 2010, 06:06
Keep it on topic thank you :)