View Full Version : Should Danica race Indycar or Nascar?

22nd June 2010, 16:32
While she's struggled in Nascar, she has only 1 win in Indycar. So is it worth the learning curve to go to Nascar and see what she can do there?

22nd June 2010, 17:26
star mazda

22nd June 2010, 17:38

22nd June 2010, 17:41
RC cars.

22nd June 2010, 17:42
slot cars

22nd June 2010, 18:36
Pinewood Derby cars

22nd June 2010, 18:36
go-karts ;)

22nd June 2010, 19:19
Mario Kart

22nd June 2010, 19:24
RC cars.

Hey now! R/C car racing takes more skill than people realize!

I think Danica should give up on racing altogether. Maybe give Amish Rake Fighting a whirl. She's little and fairly quick on her feet. I think she'd be OK... til she took a rake to the face (those Amish boys do NOT play!).

But back to the OP... I want to see Danica in NASCAR. She made this cutesy comment a year or two ago that she wasn't sure if she wanted to do NASCAR or F1. :rolleyes: Well, she'd never even sat in a stock car at that point and the current IRL car has about the same hp/weight ratio as a GP2 car. And we've seen what an "accomplished" road racer she is. Danica seems to believe her own press releases. So I want to see The Danica go to NASCAR... so I can watch the size of her gigantic, swollen head decrease like a popped balloon. It's bad to cheer for someone's failure. I realize that. But I really can't think of a more deserving person than this overhyped media creation. Well, maybe I can. But I'm determined not to bring politics into this forum. You betcha!!! :D

22nd June 2010, 19:58
While she's struggled in Nascar, she has only 1 win in Indycar. So is it worth the learning curve to go to Nascar and see what she can do there?

She has shown no special ability in Indy Car and most likely show none in NASCAR.

So she should go to whoever pays her the most.

22nd June 2010, 19:59
So she should go to whoever pays her the most.

GoDaddy Commercials :p :

22nd June 2010, 20:01
I like her just about as much as you guys. But it's worth asking, should she stay or take a chance at completely disintigrating what she has left of her career? Personally I think she should jump ship. She will never win an Indycar championship and may not win another race. If she were in Nascar they would treat her like they do Jr. Plus the merchendise $$$ she would generate would be high.

It's ashame a racing career has to resort to thinking about merchendise sales and endorsements but what else does she have? She's in the same boat as Dale Jr.

22nd June 2010, 20:25
God what a bright spot to my day to see such a wonderful thread! Thank You!

BTW, I was thinking maybe soap box derby cars but her giving up racing all together is a more likely scenario.

22nd June 2010, 21:30
Is "nothing" an option yet?

But I do want to see her in NASCAR. And a proper, funded team (say, like, the one she's got a ride in now). Then we can see her riding around in 35th place struggling to stay on the lead lap until the car owners decide despite the money, they kinda prefer winning races.

22nd June 2010, 21:41
I vote: who gives a rat's patootie what the princess does or doesn't do?


22nd June 2010, 22:16
I vote: who gives a rat's patootie what the princess does or doesn't do?



Meeting Chair, "All those in favor of who gives a rat's patootie, say Aye"

22nd June 2010, 22:17

Meeting Chair, "All those in favor of who gives a rat's patootie, say Aye"Aye!

Mark in Oshawa
22nd June 2010, 22:23

That said, If I was her Manager, I would have told her to stay the hell away from NASCAR because she will make a lot of money upfront, and then totally implode her career.

Iam of the Jag Warrior's mindset, I will love watching her implode.

Oh to the gent who said she islike Dale Jr. no...Dale has won a few races...he has a clue about what he is doing...

22nd June 2010, 23:43

That said, If I was her Manager, I would have told her to stay the hell away from NASCAR because she will make a lot of money upfront, and then totally implode her career.

Iam of the Jag Warrior's mindset, I will love watching her implode.

Oh to the gent who said she islike Dale Jr. no...Dale has won a few races...he has a clue about what he is doing...

Danica is going exactly where Go Daddy and her other sponsors have told her to go.

22nd June 2010, 23:48
Danica is going exactly where Go Daddy and her other sponsors have told her to go.

I have to agree. But her only real sponsor is Go Daddy, so there you are. Bob what's-his-name controls the bucks, and her life. Wonder what it feels like to have sold your soul (and body) for 15 minutes or so of fame?

23rd June 2010, 01:00
Dammit! I can't say I don't care. Anti-Danica is the most fun I've had with Indycar in 12 years!!! :D

Easy Drifter
23rd June 2010, 01:03
Well since she very rarely has actually raced anything as opposed to just driving, it is a bit of a moot question.
However I would suggest pedal cars. Then when she gets beaten by a five year old she can claim the 5 year old had a weight advantage.

Chris R
23rd June 2010, 02:27

Meeting Chair, "All those in favor of who gives a rat's patootie, say Aye"


also, I gotta say, Dale Jr. isn't much of a race car driver - but he seems like a decent enough guy who knows where his bread is buttered - not sure I can say the same of Danica (substituting "gal" for "guy").

23rd June 2010, 05:41
Ahh, the best way to start the day out! I was starting to think that everyone was a Danica Drone.

My first thought is off to NASCAR, goodbye and good riddance. BUT I don't want the general US racing population to see the "showcase" of talent from IndyCars. If so many want to be ignorant and think she has talent, let em. Let's not open their eyes up to how bad she really is! Just let her hang out till the girls get saggy and Go Daddy no longer, ehem, supports her.......

Hey Jackie Stewart, how's that pick lookin now?????

23rd June 2010, 05:49
umm, Dario went into Nascar and jumped ship from the IRL, only to get toasted there and return, I do think though Dario go the short end of the deal, but he tried to go straight into the game and got beat harshly, Danica wanted to do the same thing, but Dale Jr was smart enough to give her a few nationwide races, because if she went to Cup, someone would've bought her some owner points for 5 races, and those would be the only 5 she would race during the season (unless she manages to Qualify for Talladega and the second daytona race, since that is 99.8% car, and .2% driver.

The Brand is a hack and a plague to racing

23rd June 2010, 12:20
umm, Dario went into Nascar and jumped ship from the IRL, only to get toasted there and return, I do think though Dario go the short end of the deal, but he tried to go straight into the game and got beat harshly, Danica wanted to do the same thing, but Dale Jr was smart enough to give her a few nationwide races, because if she went to Cup, someone would've bought her some owner points for 5 races, and those would be the only 5 she would race during the season (unless she manages to Qualify for Talladega and the second daytona race, since that is 99.8% car, and .2% driver.

The Brand is a hack and a plague to racingI agree with the last line. While there are some who think she is some kind of savior, IMHO she is more of a plague because of the sleazy image she projects. While that may be good for the "Brand", I think it denigrates the image of the IRL. Danica promotes Danica - period.

Some NASCAR fans are already up in arms over the overpowering hype in the media and asking why an unproven "celebrity" driver gets tons of press while other accomplished racers are ignored. Some are going ga-ga, but the more prevailing opinion seems to be that the Brand is a publicity stunt.

The NASCAR experiment could really backfire for the Brand and JR Motorsports, and by association, the IRL. So far, she has been slow, has crashed regularly, and basically hasn't shown any ability to race anyone at that level. She especially hasn't shown any ability or desire to adapt to a loose car as needed in stock cars.

Someone spent a lot of dough to keep the 7 car in the points so she doesn't have to qualify because she hasn't shown the speed to run quick enough. If she fails in Nationwide (which seems very likely) the people duped into thinking she is the "one" to break the gender barrier in NASCAR are going to have a lot of egg on their faces. Her "success" in Indy cars may have opened doors for other women, while a dismal "failure" may close some doors.

It also doesn't look good for the IRL if a driver who finished first in a race (I didn't say "won") and finished in the top 5 in points isn't even competitive in Nationwide driving one of the best cars in the series. It will just add fuel to the ongoing argument about which series has the best drivers, and not in a positive way.

Sadly, the Brand will be in NASCAR and /or the IRL as long as the money flows in. She certainly has Bob Parsons drooling all over her. For others, she seems to fit into adolescent fantasies about the "hot chick" who can beat the "boys".

In some senses, she is one of the worst of the ride buyers as her attitude alone would have gotten her fired from most teams. When that hype bubble bursts, and teams have to judge her overall performance, we may not to endure her presence much longer.

23rd June 2010, 13:35

also, I gotta say, Dale Jr. isn't much of a race car driver - but he seems like a decent enough guy who knows where his bread is buttered - not sure I can say the same of Danica (substituting "gal" for "guy").

The problem with Dale Jr. is he peaked in the old cars. ~20 wins, 2 B-class championships, but now the times & cars have changed. I don't think Earnhardt, Newman, or Harvick are going to get a championship, & I don't think Kenseth or J. Gordon are getting any more.

Back on topic - I don't think its impossible that Danica could have been a really good driver, I just think that she bought into her own hype & stopped pushing to be better.

Chris R
23rd June 2010, 14:23
Back on topic - I don't think its impossible that Danica could have been a really good driver, I just think that she bought into her own hype & stopped pushing to be better.

I think you are right...

23rd June 2010, 18:23
Hey now! R/C car racing takes more skill than people realize!

I totally agree, but I was just goin' with the flow. I have friends who do it for a living and it's a ton of work.

She'd hand my arse to me on the track, but it's just so much fun to pick on her :)

23rd June 2010, 18:54
All those kinds of racing take skill & dedication to excel at, it was just such a beautiful progression, each level requiring less dedication & suitable for a younger & less skilled person.

star mazda > go-karts > RC cars > slot cars > Pinewood Derby cars > Mario Kart

23rd June 2010, 19:21
I totally agree, but I was just goin' with the flow. I have friends who do it for a living and it's a ton of work.

She'd hand my arse to me on the track, but it's just so much fun to pick on her :)

I was just joking around too. I think you and I talked about R/C car racing several years ago. But at least with R/C cars, Danica could blame a bad radio signal (equipment) when she was slow.

23rd June 2010, 19:46
But at least with R/C cars, Danica could blame a bad radio signal (equipment) when she was slow.


Mark in Oshawa
23rd June 2010, 21:41
a publicity stunt.

The NASCAR experiment could really backfire for the Brand and JR Motorsports, and by association, the IRL. So far, she has been slow, has crashed regularly, and basically hasn't shown any ability to race anyone at that level. She especially hasn't shown any ability or desire to adapt to a loose car as needed in stock cars.......

It also doesn't look good for the IRL if a driver who finished first in a race (I didn't say "won") and finished in the top 5 in points isn't even competitive in Nationwide driving one of the best cars in the series. It will just add fuel to the ongoing argument about which series has the best drivers, and not in a positive way.

I agreed with most of what you said, but I quibble with your paragraph it doesn't look good for the IRL if she fails. Those naive enough to believe because Danica sucks at NASCAR, therefore all IRL drivers suck are not buying into the sport anyhow. They are NASCAR only type of guys, and they like Lee Roy believe no one in the IRL is worth a damn just based on the fact they are not in NASCAR. In short, anyone dumb enough to buy the myth isn't going to be swayed by reason. Tony Stewart is an IRL champion, and he did just fine in NASCAR. Juan Pablo Montoya won a CART championship and was a F1 contender, but I don't see anyone in NASCAR holding him up as evidence of failure.

The IRL's perception of being the weaker series is based on TV ratings and popularity, not on actual evidence in terms of anything substantial. Danica is however so big a story in the eyes of the idiots at ESPN and now Fox, that they may add fuel to the fire, but again, I think anyone dumb enough to believe in her ability as being typical of the IRL is ignoring the evidence. THAT being, she does well when her team figures a way to put a car under her, and it is a race where attrition matters, not racing people hard. She has on occasion shown some of this in the IRL, and to her credit, at Texas she looked pretty racy, but she also blocked like mad and has no respect among her fellow drivers in the IRL from what I have seen. I think anyone paying attention (difficult for some in the NASCAR universe) will know that Danica is not anything typical for an IRL driver in terms of skill, experience or ability.

The two forms of racing are racing, and involve cars, and it is about there the simliarities end....

23rd June 2010, 23:39
Mark, I find your comments well thought out and reasonable and this comment basically nails the whole problem with Danimania.

I think anyone dumb enough to believe in her ability as being typical of the IRL is ignoring the evidence. IMHO, there are a great many people dumb enough to believe she IS representative of the IRL. They think she is just fantastic and regularly bring out the usual polished t*rds to prove their point. If you believe some of what you read and hear, she is the savior of the IRL and a small step away from greatness.

The fact that you and I think that is not accurate doesn't mean much to the polishers. Your description of her ability to race is very accurate, yet the media reports things like "another top 10 for Danica at Iowa" like it is a great accomplishment - failing to mention she was the last car a lap down. It is all in the "presentation", not the actual facts. Many NASCAR types only know what they have read in their media. Read some of that "journalism" and you would think she is going to show up and give the "boys" a lesson.

While that may not directly reflect on the IRL, there will be plenty who will jump all over a dismal failure. There were more that a few clueless naysayers who suggested that since a champion like Dario couldn't "cut it", the competition in the IRl can't be very good. They are wrong, but being wrong never matters to some people.

Mark in Oshawa
24th June 2010, 07:26
Mark, I find your comments well thought out and reasonable and this comment basically nails the whole problem with Danimania.
IMHO, there are a great many people dumb enough to believe she IS representative of the IRL. They think she is just fantastic and regularly bring out the usual polished t*rds to prove their point. If you believe some of what you read and hear, she is the savior of the IRL and a small step away from greatness.

The fact that you and I think that is not accurate doesn't mean much to the polishers. Your description of her ability to race is very accurate, yet the media reports things like "another top 10 for Danica at Iowa" like it is a great accomplishment - failing to mention she was the last car a lap down. It is all in the "presentation", not the actual facts. Many NASCAR types only know what they have read in their media. Read some of that "journalism" and you would think she is going to show up and give the "boys" a lesson.

While that may not directly reflect on the IRL, there will be plenty who will jump all over a dismal failure. There were more that a few clueless naysayers who suggested that since a champion like Dario couldn't "cut it", the competition in the IRl can't be very good. They are wrong, but being wrong never matters to some people.

Oh I know all about the NASCAR media types. All they understand is NASCAR and feeding the hype a lot of them. Then there was guys like the late David Poole who really didn't go with the orthodoxy. I miss him at this point, because I am sure he would break down what was going on. Nate Ryan of USA today covers both the IRL and NASCAR, and I have never gotten the feeling he gives Danica the glowing praise either.

There is however an overwhelming mindset in NASCAR land who are just ignorant of the IRL, and many IRL fans who deride NASCAR. I find neither are right, and it is when there are times like this when someone needs to say what needs to be said. Danica Patrick is at BEST an average IRL talent on ovals, and less than average on road courses. She is going to NASCAR, where she will fight, struggle and never grasp what it is to be comfortable driving a very loose race car fast. The Danica polishers will be stuck for a reason because they dont' seem to understand why she is failing, and the Danica haters will just assume women cannot cut it. Nothing is further from the truth in the latter, and in the case of the former, it serves ESPN and the apple polishers RIGHT for hitching their media train to that lady....

The worst part of all of this is no one will learn one damn thing....

The two worlds of the two forms of racing don't understand each other, and the idiots at ESPN have done nothing to educate America about the two distinct forms of discipline required to succeed in each level because they figure y'all are too stupid to grasp it.

There is utter contempt for the viewer at home IMO, and it only a few smart people on SPEED and occasionally with some of the VS guys who get it....

24th June 2010, 10:23
Oh I know all about the NASCAR media types. All they understand is NASCAR and feeding the hype a lot of them. Then there was guys like the late David Poole who really didn't go with the orthodoxy. I miss him at this point, because I am sure he would break down what was going on. Nate Ryan of USA today covers both the IRL and NASCAR, and I have never gotten the feeling he gives Danica the glowing praise either.

There is however an overwhelming mindset in NASCAR land who are just ignorant of the IRL, and many IRL fans who deride NASCAR. I find neither are right, and it is when there are times like this when someone needs to say what needs to be said. Danica Patrick is at BEST an average IRL talent on ovals, and less than average on road courses. She is going to NASCAR, where she will fight, struggle and never grasp what it is to be comfortable driving a very loose race car fast. The Danica polishers will be stuck for a reason because they dont' seem to understand why she is failing, and the Danica haters will just assume women cannot cut it. Nothing is further from the truth in the latter, and in the case of the former, it serves ESPN and the apple polishers RIGHT for hitching their media train to that lady....

The worst part of all of this is no one will learn one damn thing....

The two worlds of the two forms of racing don't understand each other, and the idiots at ESPN have done nothing to educate America about the two distinct forms of discipline required to succeed in each level because they figure y'all are too stupid to grasp it.

There is utter contempt for the viewer at home IMO, and it only a few smart people on SPEED and occasionally with some of the VS guys who get it....
Are you my long lost brother? :love:

If you ever come to Texas I'll buy the :beer:

24th June 2010, 11:30
Oh I know all about the NASCAR media types. All they understand is NASCAR and feeding the hype a lot of them. Then there was guys like the late David Poole who really didn't go with the orthodoxy. I miss him at this point, because I am sure he would break down what was going on. Nate Ryan of USA today covers both the IRL and NASCAR, and I have never gotten the feeling he gives Danica the glowing praise either.

There is however an overwhelming mindset in NASCAR land who are just ignorant of the IRL, and many IRL fans who deride NASCAR. I find neither are right, and it is when there are times like this when someone needs to say what needs to be said. Danica Patrick is at BEST an average IRL talent on ovals, and less than average on road courses. She is going to NASCAR, where she will fight, struggle and never grasp what it is to be comfortable driving a very loose race car fast. The Danica polishers will be stuck for a reason because they dont' seem to understand why she is failing, and the Danica haters will just assume women cannot cut it. Nothing is further from the truth in the latter, and in the case of the former, it serves ESPN and the apple polishers RIGHT for hitching their media train to that lady....

The worst part of all of this is no one will learn one damn thing....

The two worlds of the two forms of racing don't understand each other, and the idiots at ESPN have done nothing to educate America about the two distinct forms of discipline required to succeed in each level because they figure y'all are too stupid to grasp it.

There is utter contempt for the viewer at home IMO, and it only a few smart people on SPEED and occasionally with some of the VS guys who get it....Well said. I have nothing to add to that.

The best line - "The worst part of all of this is no one will learn one damn thing...."

Chris R
24th June 2010, 12:38
Relative to skill the damage was done to the IRL by Sam Hornish in particular (an Indy 500 winner and champion who is an also ran in NASCAR). There is a pretty long list of other successful open wheelers who have utterly failed at NASCAR. There is already plenty of "evidence" for those who wish to think NASCAR drivers are "better" - what Danica does will not make a difference.... Her failure might be a big setback for women racers in NASCAR but not much else....

Mark in Oshawa
24th June 2010, 21:26
Relative to skill the damage was done to the IRL by Sam Hornish in particular (an Indy 500 winner and champion who is an also ran in NASCAR). There is a pretty long list of other successful open wheelers who have utterly failed at NASCAR. There is already plenty of "evidence" for those who wish to think NASCAR drivers are "better" - what Danica does will not make a difference.... Her failure might be a big setback for women racers in NASCAR but not much else....

Hornish I would wager isn't that good an OW driver. YES...I said it. He drove for the best team in the IRL when 20 car fields were filled with people just hanging on, and they didn't run road courses. I am not saying Hornish sucks, but I would say he would be in tough to win now if he came back to the IRL.

Mark in Oshawa
24th June 2010, 21:29
Are you my long lost brother? :love:

If you ever come to Texas I'll buy the :beer:

You my friend are ON. If you ever got to Ontario, I know a pub or two that serves a little beer with some good wings...

24th June 2010, 22:22
Hornish I would wager isn't that good an OW driver. YES...I said it. He drove for the best team in the IRL when 20 car fields were filled with people just hanging on, and they didn't run road courses. I am not saying Hornish sucks, but I would say he would be in tough to win now if he came back to the IRL.

He never hit me as a Stewart or Montoya skill guy either. Frankly I saw him as I now do Button, nice and consistant enough that if the opportunity arises he was there to take it. But I'm much more into the JPM style of win or nothing. I don't get that big a kick out of the winner of the averages......

Your on Mark! I'll have some Texas BBQ for you. Beef, beer, and did I mention we grow some mighty fine lookin women here too.... ;)

25th June 2010, 02:45
I would have said the Hooters Cup, but USARacing Pro Cup no longer has the Hooters sponsorship.

25th June 2010, 02:58
I would have said the Hooters Cup, but USARacing Pro Cup no longer has the Hooters sponsorship.

It's probably for the best, have u looked at her lately? She's as flat as the straightaway's at Loudon :p :

Mark in Oshawa
25th June 2010, 20:36
He never hit me as a Stewart or Montoya skill guy either. Frankly I saw him as I now do Button, nice and consistant enough that if the opportunity arises he was there to take it. But I'm much more into the JPM style of win or nothing. I don't get that big a kick out of the winner of the averages......

Your on Mark! I'll have some Texas BBQ for you. Beef, beer, and did I mention we grow some mighty fine lookin women here too.... ;)

Button won a few races and a WDC. Hornish....hasn't done diddly outside of a few rare top 5's. Not the same at all.

As for the BBQ...Toss in some good Mexican food and let me girl watch...lol...the wife would object to me doing more than watching...lol

25th June 2010, 21:53
Button won a few races and a WDC. Hornish....hasn't done diddly outside of a few rare top 5's. Not the same at all.

As for the BBQ...Toss in some good Mexican food and let me girl watch...lol...the wife would object to me doing more than watching...lol

I'm talking Hornish in the IRL not tintops. 3 championships in top equipment in the dolldrums of Indycar history is not much to brag about. He only won because he had the best car and as you said little competition. Button won because Brawn is a sly fox. Even with that he STILL almost blew it. IMO Button is having a better year as a driver this year.

Regardless we agree I believe, that Hornish is ok not great. He's only where he is now for the cash period.

You're on for Mexican. I'll even find some that won't set your ass on fire, unless you want the WHOLE experience! My wife wouldn't approve either, but they are alllllll over here so you can't help but, ummmm, acclimate to the culture, yeah that's it.........

Mark in Oshawa
25th June 2010, 22:38
I'm talking Hornish in the IRL not tintops. 3 championships in top equipment in the dolldrums of Indycar history is not much to brag about. He only won because he had the best car and as you said little competition. Button won because Brawn is a sly fox. Even with that he STILL almost blew it. IMO Button is having a better year as a driver this year.

Regardless we agree I believe, that Hornish is ok not great. He's only where he is now for the cash period.

You're on for Mexican. I'll even find some that won't set your ass on fire, unless you want the WHOLE experience! My wife wouldn't approve either, but they are alllllll over here so you can't help but, ummmm, acclimate to the culture, yeah that's it.........

I like my Tex Mex edible, not on fire...just spicy enough to justify the cold draft I have with it...

26th June 2010, 02:02
The Princess should "run" in Nascar. Its apparent she can't "race" anywhere.

26th June 2010, 03:44
Have you ever noticed how so many people seem to dislike Danica, but whenever a thread with her name appears there's an overwhelming need to chime in?

26th June 2010, 04:27
Have you ever noticed how so many people seem to dislike Danica, but whenever a thread with her name appears there's an overwhelming need to chime in?

Ever hear of the expression "Train Wreck?"

Face it.

If we were talking about a Driver named "Dan" Patrick and he arrived in Indy Car with such fanfare and sponsorship backing and then posted the same on-track record the only way he would be in the series today would be as a ride buyer with a back of the pack team.

26th June 2010, 05:46
Ever hear of the expression "Train Wreck?"

Face it.

If we were talking about a Driver named "Dan" Patrick and he arrived in Indy Car with such fanfare and sponsorship backing and then posted the same on-track record the only way he would be in the series today would be as a ride buyer with a back of the pack team.

+1 ^

Just so the Drones don't accidentally miss that.

26th June 2010, 10:29
Ever hear of the expression "Train Wreck?"

Face it.

If we were talking about a Driver named "Dan" Patrick and he arrived in Indy Car with such fanfare and sponsorship backing and then posted the same on-track record the only way he would be in the series today would be as a ride buyer with a back of the pack team.

"Dan" Patrick would make a very underwhelming Maxim shoot. And what about those boys in the GoDaddy commercial :eek:

26th June 2010, 15:58
by now "Dan" Patrick would be on ESPN for Sportscenter :p :

26th June 2010, 16:10
Have you ever noticed how so many people seem to dislike Danica, but whenever a thread with her name appears there's an overwhelming need to chime in?And you posted because.........?

Mark in Oshawa
26th June 2010, 17:03
Have you ever noticed how so many people seem to dislike Danica, but whenever a thread with her name appears there's an overwhelming need to chime in?

We love to much to dislike her, we can talk about it for DAYS....

I can dislike her, and post about it all day...it feels rather cathartic...and then I pick up the local paper, and the racing columnist spends half the article blowing smoke up my butt about her, and I am refuelled with vigour..

Easy Drifter
26th June 2010, 18:10
Now now Mark you shouldn't talk about Dean that way. He just doesn't understand, nor does he know much about anything but taxi cabs.
Norris is a different story and he sees past the hype.

Mark in Oshawa
26th June 2010, 18:16
Now now Mark you shouldn't talk about Dean that way. He just doesn't understand, nor does he know much about anything but taxi cabs.
Norris is a different story and he sees past the hype.

Reading Norris means I have to buy the Saturday birdcage liner..I mean Star. I wish he and McNulty would change jobs...

26th June 2010, 18:30
To me Danica is a big nothing. Any time I see an article about her, an advertisement with her, or a camera cutting to her running 12th and holding up traffic, I am severely bored and change the channel or flip the magazine page. To the non racing fans, she's a pretty face that seems kind of cool because she's a female "pro athlete" in a relatively dangerous sport. To those that follow the sport regularly, she's an advertisement that gets in the way of enjoying our sporting event, but is a necessary evil to help pay the bills.

26th June 2010, 21:26
All I know is, if people would dream up the same excuses for Milka Duno in the IRL as they are (on ESPN) for The Danica, Milka wouldn't seem so bad. 2 laps down by about lap 30, getting passed high and low, running dead last of the cars that are still on the track and yet, she's "doing a nice job"???!!! :rolleyes: :rotflmao:

26th June 2010, 22:15
My spouse made an interesting point. If Danistar increased ticket sales for the Nationwide race by 20%, in normal years NOBODY must go to the Nationwide race at Louden.

26th June 2010, 23:04
That's GoDaddy math, Beachbum. Ya know, like how "winning" 4th place at Indy was even better than 1st.

Easy Drifter
27th June 2010, 00:07
Well she will have a higher finish at the Glen than she did at NH. :D

27th June 2010, 00:49
Does anybody know when her next appearance on the NASCAR junior league comedy tour is going to be?

As hard as the ESPN shills are trying (and they really are chugging the Danica flavored Kool-Aid hard!), putting lipstick on this pig is getting harder and harder. So here's another idea for a fun bet. Who wants to bet whether or not Danica's NASCAR Sprint Cup career is stillborn and she never makes a start?

Using ESPN Shill logic, at this rate of "improvement", she'll be getting her first Social Security check before she's finishing on the lead lap in Nationwide. Might as well forget about Sprint Cup. I'm thinking that GoDaddy might have to just face facts and be content with her "solid Top 20's" in the IRL. :D

27th June 2010, 04:01
Does anybody know when her next appearance on the NASCAR junior league comedy tour is going to be?

It was today and she finished five (5) laps down

27th June 2010, 04:11
And you posted because.........?

I like to remind society of its foibles.

27th June 2010, 05:00
It was today and she finished five (5) laps down

You mean she's already done for the season? :confused:

27th June 2010, 07:05
You mean she's already done for the season? :confused:

No, we're not that lucky.....she has several more, a sprinlking here and there until the end of the IndyCar season, then will run all the remaining Nationwide races after that-that's what Danicar Now on DSPN2 reported earlier this week.

27th June 2010, 10:54
"Dan" Patrick would make a very underwhelming Maxim shoot. And what about those boys in the GoDaddy commercial :eek:
Yeah, somehow or another Tony Stewart in the shower..... :eek:

28th June 2010, 01:28
I was watching NESN's (New England Sports Network) morning show for the Red Sox highlights and was pleased to see them cut to New Hampshire. Unfortunately, they did a 5 minute piece about Danica and Danica-mania. No Modifieds highlights, no Nationwide highlights. Just 5 mins about Danica. Ugh.

28th June 2010, 03:15
I dunno how important Danica is to either series, but she's very important to this board. It seems like she's the topic of 20 percent of the posts here.

28th June 2010, 03:34
I dunno how important Danica is to either series, but she's very important to this board. It seems like she's the topic of 20 percent of the posts here.

It seems like 90% at times. All Danica - all the time. She must be a true superstar if that's all that people can talk about...

28th June 2010, 03:54
I dunno how important Danica is to either series, but she's very important to this board. It seems like she's the topic of 20 percent of the posts here.

It seems like 90% at times. All Danica - all the time. She must be a true superstar if that's all that people can talk about...

Now including both of you.


28th June 2010, 18:47
Stay in IndyCar, Danica, you'll have more chance of "winning" (I use that term very loosely). Personally, she'll do 2011 in IndyCar with some Nationwide races like this year, but I expect her to be full-time Nascar in 2012. Although, she might take up her option for 2012 if the new chassis announcement interests her, but I doubt it.

29th June 2010, 02:46
Now including both of you.


Nope, we posted about all of you posing about Danica. :)

Scotty G.
30th June 2010, 07:38
As hard as the ESPN shills are trying (and they really are chugging the Danica flavored Kool-Aid hard!), putting lipstick on this pig is getting harder and harder. So here's another idea for a fun bet.

Its sickening and flat-out embarrasing that the ESPN shills (and that is ALL ESPN is now, are shills for their own self-interests and blowhards for those they think have "Q" value with advertisers) are ramming the Danica stuff down our throats for each of her NASCAR "appearances".

They make it sound like she is some 16 year old kid, who is just got her learning permit. "Hey, she finished a career best 30th"; she's improving". "Her lap times in the 2nd half of the race were only 1 second off the front-runners instead of the 2 or 3 seconds she was off the pace early on". WOW!!! All of this time, I thought she was a paid professional race driver who had all of these sterling racing accomplishments all over the world. Its not like this woman has never driven a race car before and now is learning to race cars in Nationwide. Yet, they make it sound like each time out, that "Little Danica" is just trying to get as many laps as she can and learn as much as possible and anything besides killing somebody or running into the pace car, will be considered a "solid effort" in this process.

Here is something folks can do... Go back and look at how Erin Crocker did in her first 5 stock car starts and get back to me. Erin came to NASCAR with very limited high-speed experience. Hell, she had limited PAVEMENT experience. She hadn't grown up in full-bodied stock cars either.

Of course back then, it wasn't ESPN blowing smoke up our asses promoting a driver that they think can bring them $$$$. It was just a dorky looking sprint car driver trying her hand with stock cars. No incessent hype. No lame interviews. None of that BS, that Danica is so good at (and ESPN is so good at exploiting).

Facts are, Miss Crocker was much more competitive early on then Miss Patrick is. Crocker had other issues that stunted her NASCAR career. But that is another story.

Another fact is, that Danica Patrick has been embarrassingly lame in NASCAR through 5 races. With a great team and great equipment, she is slow and nowhere close to competitive with the midpackers, let alone the hot dogs. If it wasn't for a locked in qual spot, she would likely struggle to even qualify for several races. She has proven without a doubt, she cannot drive a loose race car. She cannot setup a car to save her life and she is a piss-poor teammate. How in the hell will that translate into a stock car career? If you cannot drive a loose race car (or at least one that slides around and isn't "comfortable") and don't understand setups and don't work well with your team or fellow teammates, you are never going to survive in NASCAR. Not in Cup. Not in Nationwide. Not anywhere. Doesn't matter if you are boy or a girl. Or whether ESPN and their paid shills lie to you or not.

Easy Drifter
30th June 2010, 08:33
Scotty, you old f--t, you just hit the nail on the head. (I can call you that as you are about the only one on here older than me. :D )
I don't know how long the hype will hold up as more and more motorsport writers are realizing it is just hype. Norris MacDonald in the Toronto Star sure has and even McNulty in the Toronto Sun seems to be waking up.
I did years ago but I am strictly an internet writer/columnist and usually (not always) write on historical motorsports anyway.
I had hoped Erin would do better but brown stuff happens. Yes although mostly a road racer type I follow the sprinters too.
Maybe Ali Owens will get a chance to blow the doors off the Princess.

30th June 2010, 09:54
IMO, Scotty G. has hit one out of the park! :up:

30th June 2010, 11:48
Scotty G, you nailed it.

After 10 years racing professionally and in her 6th year in the IRL, you would think she would have learned something about racing. She is new to NASCAR, but has had lots of testing in a stock car so she shouldn't be running last (as she was for most of the race at Loudon).

30th June 2010, 13:36
Scotty G, you nailed it.

After 10 years racing professionally and in her 6th year in the IRL, you would think she would have learned something about racing. She is new to NASCAR, but has had lots of testing in a stock car so she shouldn't be running last (as she was for most of the race at Loudon).
was not her fault, the paint on her fender was damaged

30th June 2010, 15:54
Its sickening and flat-out embarrasing that the ESPN shills (and that is ALL ESPN is now, are shills for their own self-interests and blowhards for those they think have "Q" value with advertisers) are ramming the Danica stuff down our throats for each of her NASCAR "appearances".

They make it sound like she is some 16 year old kid, who is just got her learning permit. "Hey, she finished a career best 30th"; she's improving". "Her lap times in the 2nd half of the race were only 1 second off the front-runners instead of the 2 or 3 seconds she was off the pace early on". WOW!!! All of this time, I thought she was a paid professional race driver who had all of these sterling racing accomplishments all over the world. Its not like this woman has never driven a race car before and now is learning to race cars in Nationwide. Yet, they make it sound like each time out, that "Little Danica" is just trying to get as many laps as she can and learn as much as possible and anything besides killing somebody or running into the pace car, will be considered a "solid effort" in this process.

Here is something folks can do... Go back and look at how Erin Crocker did in her first 5 stock car starts and get back to me. Erin came to NASCAR with very limited high-speed experience. Hell, she had limited PAVEMENT experience. She hadn't grown up in full-bodied stock cars either.

Of course back then, it wasn't ESPN blowing smoke up our asses promoting a driver that they think can bring them $$$$. It was just a dorky looking sprint car driver trying her hand with stock cars. No incessent hype. No lame interviews. None of that BS, that Danica is so good at (and ESPN is so good at exploiting).

Facts are, Miss Crocker was much more competitive early on then Miss Patrick is. Crocker had other issues that stunted her NASCAR career. But that is another story.

Another fact is, that Danica Patrick has been embarrassingly lame in NASCAR through 5 races. With a great team and great equipment, she is slow and nowhere close to competitive with the midpackers, let alone the hot dogs. If it wasn't for a locked in qual spot, she would likely struggle to even qualify for several races. She has proven without a doubt, she cannot drive a loose race car. She cannot setup a car to save her life and she is a piss-poor teammate. How in the hell will that translate into a stock car career? If you cannot drive a loose race car (or at least one that slides around and isn't "comfortable") and don't understand setups and don't work well with your team or fellow teammates, you are never going to survive in NASCAR. Not in Cup. Not in Nationwide. Not anywhere. Doesn't matter if you are boy or a girl. Or whether ESPN and their paid shills lie to you or not.

The thread could be changed to "Should Danica Race".

Easy Drifter
30th June 2010, 16:01
Except the Princess rarely actually races. She mostly just drives a racing car.
Once in a while (Iowa) she does race but not often.

Mark in Oshawa
30th June 2010, 17:47
Its sickening and flat-out embarrasing that the ESPN shills (and that is ALL ESPN is now, are shills for their own self-interests and blowhards for those they think have "Q" value with advertisers) are ramming the Danica stuff down our throats for each of her NASCAR "appearances".

They make it sound like she is some 16 year old kid, who is just got her learning permit. "Hey, she finished a career best 30th"; she's improving". "Her lap times in the 2nd half of the race were only 1 second off the front-runners instead of the 2 or 3 seconds she was off the pace early on". WOW!!! All of this time, I thought she was a paid professional race driver who had all of these sterling racing accomplishments all over the world. Its not like this woman has never driven a race car before and now is learning to race cars in Nationwide. Yet, they make it sound like each time out, that "Little Danica" is just trying to get as many laps as she can and learn as much as possible and anything besides killing somebody or running into the pace car, will be considered a "solid effort" in this process.

Here is something folks can do... Go back and look at how Erin Crocker did in her first 5 stock car starts and get back to me. Erin came to NASCAR with very limited high-speed experience. Hell, she had limited PAVEMENT experience. She hadn't grown up in full-bodied stock cars either.

Of course back then, it wasn't ESPN blowing smoke up our asses promoting a driver that they think can bring them $$$$. It was just a dorky looking sprint car driver trying her hand with stock cars. No incessent hype. No lame interviews. None of that BS, that Danica is so good at (and ESPN is so good at exploiting).

Facts are, Miss Crocker was much more competitive early on then Miss Patrick is. Crocker had other issues that stunted her NASCAR career. But that is another story.

Another fact is, that Danica Patrick has been embarrassingly lame in NASCAR through 5 races. With a great team and great equipment, she is slow and nowhere close to competitive with the midpackers, let alone the hot dogs. If it wasn't for a locked in qual spot, she would likely struggle to even qualify for several races. She has proven without a doubt, she cannot drive a loose race car. She cannot setup a car to save her life and she is a piss-poor teammate. How in the hell will that translate into a stock car career? If you cannot drive a loose race car (or at least one that slides around and isn't "comfortable") and don't understand setups and don't work well with your team or fellow teammates, you are never going to survive in NASCAR. Not in Cup. Not in Nationwide. Not anywhere. Doesn't matter if you are boy or a girl. Or whether ESPN and their paid shills lie to you or not.

Scotty, we may disagree on somethings...but on this one you are all over it. Great post!

I think Kelleye Earnhardt and her brother did the world a favour giving Danica this ride....because it is proving to the fans at large that this ding bat Danica cannot do this.

There is no way in hell ESPN can keep up this much shilling when the results are not there. The queen has no clothes metaphorically.

Erin Crocker has more talent in her pinkie than Danica has in her whole body for driving a race car....

1st July 2010, 10:32
Scotty, we may disagree on somethings...but on this one you are all over it. Great post!

Ahh, Danica bringing people together coast to coast! Agreed, excellent post!

1st July 2010, 12:32
Danica and her handlers have worked hard to build the Danica "brand". She is often referred to as a "brand" and not a "racer". But this can backfire.

I recently read a story about "branding" products. An interesting series of quotes:

"Brands are promises, a guarantee of expectation fulfilled."
"Consumers buy into them as they do into their own beliefs."
"The pressure on brands to deliver expected quality and performance has never been so great"
"Building brands means creating and maintaining trust"

IHMO, the Danica brand was build upon expectations and promise. When she arrived on the scene, she had obvious "talents" both on and off of the track. A lot of people bought into a promise of future success. The had faith that she might indeed be the "one" who could break the glass ceiling in racing. Some fans like DF still have the faith.

BUT....... At some point that promise has to be fulfilled or the brand loses credibility. She has been racing professionally for almost 10 years. It is time to deliver.

Until now, her brand machine managed to hide many of her failings to the faithful. The faithful have hung on a few results - the FF festival 2nd, the "win", the 5th in points and ignored the rest. Her "performance" in ALMS and Grand-Am are carefully glossed over. Her dismal results like Surfers in 2008 and her temper tantrums are gleefully ignored. The fact that she never won anything in lower formulas is never mentioned. Her Wikipedia entry reads like a PR puff piece and only covers the "successes" in Indy Car. A Google search turns up her photos at the top of the page. A cursory search by the unknowing might leave the impression that she is some type of model who just happens to drive race cars on the side. But it doesn't take much digging to, in the words of Paul Harvey, get The Rest of the Story. The brand managers can't hide everything.

Many thought this NASCAR experiment could be her downfall as it has been highly promoted and can't be brushed under the table. It is/was a high risk endeavor. If she succeeds, the upside is huge. But if she fails, the brand may be irreparably damaged - along with her career.

She is failing - miserably. Her recent blowup at Indy, the anger at a gentle man like Morgan Shepherd, the revealing (even bizarre) transcripts of the radio chatter at Loudon, her lack of respect for other drivers on track,and the continued off the pace driving both in NASCAR and road courses in Indy Cars reveals that the brand has been built on false promises. This is no surprise to some, as shown in the messages on this forum and others. It was also inevitable that the false pretenses would be revealed.

The queen has no clothes metaphorically.

There is no way in hell ESPN can keep up this much shilling when the results are not there. Sadly, I think they will keep it up as long as they are still getting mileage out of the promotion. She is a novelty act and the hype will continue until enough fans cry "enough". I know I have had "enough". The backlash by NASCAR fans has already started.

1st July 2010, 15:29
Ahh, Danica bringing people together coast to coast! Agreed, excellent post!

If someone starts singing kumbayah I am gonna



1st July 2010, 17:02
Its sickening and flat-out embarrasing that the ESPN shills (and that is ALL ESPN is now, are shills for their own self-interests and blowhards for those they think have "Q" value with advertisers) are ramming the Danica stuff down our throats for each of her NASCAR "appearances".

They make it sound like she is some 16 year old kid, who is just got her learning permit. "Hey, she finished a career best 30th"; she's improving". "Her lap times in the 2nd half of the race were only 1 second off the front-runners instead of the 2 or 3 seconds she was off the pace early on". WOW!!! All of this time, I thought she was a paid professional race driver who had all of these sterling racing accomplishments all over the world. Its not like this woman has never driven a race car before and now is learning to race cars in Nationwide. Yet, they make it sound like each time out, that "Little Danica" is just trying to get as many laps as she can and learn as much as possible and anything besides killing somebody or running into the pace car, will be considered a "solid effort" in this process.

Here is something folks can do... Go back and look at how Erin Crocker did in her first 5 stock car starts and get back to me. Erin came to NASCAR with very limited high-speed experience. Hell, she had limited PAVEMENT experience. She hadn't grown up in full-bodied stock cars either.

Of course back then, it wasn't ESPN blowing smoke up our asses promoting a driver that they think can bring them $$$$. It was just a dorky looking sprint car driver trying her hand with stock cars. No incessent hype. No lame interviews. None of that BS, that Danica is so good at (and ESPN is so good at exploiting).

Facts are, Miss Crocker was much more competitive early on then Miss Patrick is. Crocker had other issues that stunted her NASCAR career. But that is another story.

Another fact is, that Danica Patrick has been embarrassingly lame in NASCAR through 5 races. With a great team and great equipment, she is slow and nowhere close to competitive with the midpackers, let alone the hot dogs. If it wasn't for a locked in qual spot, she would likely struggle to even qualify for several races. She has proven without a doubt, she cannot drive a loose race car. She cannot setup a car to save her life and she is a piss-poor teammate. How in the hell will that translate into a stock car career? If you cannot drive a loose race car (or at least one that slides around and isn't "comfortable") and don't understand setups and don't work well with your team or fellow teammates, you are never going to survive in NASCAR. Not in Cup. Not in Nationwide. Not anywhere. Doesn't matter if you are boy or a girl. Or whether ESPN and their paid shills lie to you or not.

Pls. click on the link to hear what the late Johnny Carson had to say about Scotty's post: http://www.johnspeedie.com/healy/brilliant.wav

Click here to here what hear Danica Patrick thinks of her fans: http://www.johnspeedie.com/healy/benoit.wav

Click here to learn what Mike Andretti must think of his dysfunctional team: http://www.johnspeedie.com/healy/badteam.wav

1st July 2010, 17:06
I am soooooo sorry Danica for bashing you for like the last tens year just because you haven't won anything and you are a big "brand" phony... please click the link and hear my humble apology:


1st July 2010, 21:26
If someone starts singing kumbayah I am gonna



Kumba..... No no, please make it stop!!!

1st July 2010, 21:29
Kumba..... No no, please make it stop!!!

OMG!!! NO! NO! It's in my brain now. Round and round and round and round. Get it out, get it out NOW!

1st July 2010, 21:31
Danica and her handlers have worked hard to build the Danica "brand". She is often referred to as a "brand" and not a "racer". But this can backfire.

I recently read a story about "branding" products. An interesting series of quotes:

"Brands are promises, a guarantee of expectation fulfilled."
"Consumers buy into them as they do into their own beliefs."
"The pressure on brands to deliver expected quality and performance has never been so great"
"Building brands means creating and maintaining trust"

IHMO, the Danica brand was build upon expectations and promise. When she arrived on the scene, she had obvious "talents" both on and off of the track. A lot of people bought into a promise of future success. The had faith that she might indeed be the "one" who could break the glass ceiling in racing. Some fans like DF still have the faith.

BUT....... At some point that promise has to be fulfilled or the brand loses credibility. She has been racing professionally for almost 10 years. It is time to deliver.

Until now, her brand machine managed to hide many of her failings to the faithful. The faithful have hung on a few results - the FF festival 2nd, the "win", the 5th in points and ignored the rest. Her "performance" in ALMS and Grand-Am are carefully glossed over. Her dismal results like Surfers in 2008 and her temper tantrums are gleefully ignored. The fact that she never won anything in lower formulas is never mentioned. Her Wikipedia entry reads like a PR puff piece and only covers the "successes" in Indy Car. A Google search turns up her photos at the top of the page. A cursory search by the unknowing might leave the impression that she is some type of model who just happens to drive race cars on the side. But it doesn't take much digging to, in the words of Paul Harvey, get The Rest of the Story. The brand managers can't hide everything.

Many thought this NASCAR experiment could be her downfall as it has been highly promoted and can't be brushed under the table. It is/was a high risk endeavor. If she succeeds, the upside is huge. But if she fails, the brand may be irreparably damaged - along with her career.

She is failing - miserably. Her recent blowup at Indy, the anger at a gentle man like Morgan Shepherd, the revealing (even bizarre) transcripts of the radio chatter at Loudon, her lack of respect for other drivers on track,and the continued off the pace driving both in NASCAR and road courses in Indy Cars reveals that the brand has been built on false promises. This is no surprise to some, as shown in the messages on this forum and others. It was also inevitable that the false pretenses would be revealed.

Sadly, I think they will keep it up as long as they are still getting mileage out of the promotion. She is a novelty act and the hype will continue until enough fans cry "enough". I know I have had "enough". The backlash by NASCAR fans has already started.

And you sir have WAY too much time on your hands! But seriously, that is an outstanding post. Couldn't agree more. I would like your name and address so I can write you in on the 2012 ballot. With that kind of logic you could run the hole place. Too bad Mark's a "furrener" or I'd add him on too.

3rd July 2010, 03:56
Well, the Nationwide race at Daytona is over. JR Motorsports was 1st with Dale Jr. in the 3, 10th with Steve Arpin in the 7, and 21st with Greg Sacks (who hasn't run in years and years and years and years) in the 88. Uh, guess what, Danica - it's not the car, or the team. It's not the other drivers, or the spotters, or anyone or anything else. It's you.

Perhaps she should have been just a little bit more humble about the whole thing at the beginning, instead of saying she would only go to NASCAR if she had a ride with a top team. Well, she does, and reality can be a real bit**.

3rd July 2010, 13:06
OMG!!! NO! NO! It's in my brain now. Round and round and round and round. Get it out, get it out NOW!
click on my sig, that will save you

3rd July 2010, 16:14
click on my sig, that will save you

Where's that throw-up icon when I need it?

3rd July 2010, 17:56
somehow i missed this. where were there transcripts of DP's race chatter from the Loudon race?

As an ambivalent former fan of Danica, I have to say I'm a bit surprised at how poorly she' done so far in NASCAR.

3rd July 2010, 18:52
Where's that throw-up icon when I need it?

Well, you weren't the only one to go there. Must. Stop. Following. Instructions. From. Unknown. Persons. On. Internet.

3rd July 2010, 19:09
somehow i missed this. where were there transcripts of DP's race chatter from the Loudon race?

As an ambivalent former fan of Danica, I have to say I'm a bit surprised at how poorly she' done so far in NASCAR.
Linky (http://www.sbnation.com/2010/6/26/1539164/danica-patrick-nascar-new-hampshire-nationwide-2010)

3rd July 2010, 23:36
How clueless is she?????? I mean really, the AP media needs to look at this, along with the people who dont really follow racing, but only her. and all they need to do is read this and see what a fraud she is, she has no clue what type of racing element she is in, if she thinks she wants to go to Nascar, she better spend time in ARCA before anything, cause shes not gonna last in the NWS. and this was a driver saying she was ready to go straight into the Cup series :confused:

3rd July 2010, 23:42
How clueless is she?????? I mean really, the AP media needs to look at this, along with the people who dont really follow racing, but only her. and all they need to do is read this and see what a fraud she is, she has no clue what type of racing element she is in, if she thinks she wants to go to Nascar, she better spend time in ARCA before anything, cause shes not gonna last in the NWS. and this was a driver saying she was ready to go straight into the Cup series :confused:

And don't forget, only for a top team. Right. She got what she asked for, and doesn't have a clue what to do with it.

Easy Drifter
4th July 2010, 01:52
As most of you know I do not have much use for the Princess.
BUT I do think she has, or had, a fair amount of latent talent.
For whatever reason she or her handlers decided to exploit her looks and market her "Brand". If she had buckled down as a racer in her career and tried to understand and develop her skills as to set up I feel she would have developed into a fairly good driver.
She didn't and now is out of her depth and when the car is not exactly as she likes it as she has no clue as to what to do.
It becomes more apparent on road/street courses or when she tries the taxi cabs.
She also appears to be more 'gun shy' now than she used to and will not or very rarely run real close to anyone for more than a few laps.
That you must do in the tin tops and she can't.
Her comments on the radio in her last race also demonstrated that she really does not understand the stock car enviroment.

4th July 2010, 04:19
From Beachbum's link:

Later, when a driver tapped her rear corner to get her loose and make a pass, Danica seemed surprised at the contact.

"Did I do something?" she said. "I mean, why would he hit my corner?"

Eury Jr. explained that NASCAR drivers often loosen other cars in order to make them drift up the track and open the door for a pass.

"So that's like a technique?" she asked.
Like, umm... really? :rolleyes:

How is it that my friend's 10 year old kid knows that bump & run or taking the air off the rear is "like a technique" in stock car racing and a (so called) professional racing driver doesn't? I hate to say it, but he's not an especially bright kid (kind of dense, actually)... but he does know that much. To not be able to execute the move is one thing... and I think that is acceptable, as it would come with experience. But to not even KNOW that it's "like a technique"???!!! Come on now. The more I read words that have come out of Danica's mouth, the more convinced I become that she's almost a TOTAL media and PR creation, like The Monkees from the 60's.I think one of them could sing and maybe one could play an instrument. But they weren't "real".

What I enjoyed most were the comments from her apologists at the bottom of the article. I've often wondered what sort of people followed Jim Jones to his church of death out in the jungle. Now I know. And til the day I die, I won't forget Danica's comments a year or so back, when she was speculating about her future: "I'm not sure what I want to do... Formula One or NASCAR... I'm just not sure." One lifetime win in pro racing, and she was ready to jump straight into Sprint Cup or Formula One. It was like hearing Paris Hilton speculate on whether she wanted to go to the Harvard School of Business or the Darden School of Business, after making a B+ on a third grade spelling test. Delusional people are hella entertaining. I hope she stays in (some form of) racing circles for years to come.

4th July 2010, 21:37
Do you suppose she didn't even watch any NASCAR races before she tried to run one?

4th July 2010, 21:56
Do you suppose she didn't even watch any NASCAR races before she tried to run one?

After reading that article BB posted above, I have to wonder the same thing. I only watch NASCAR here and there, but I'd consider myself more of an expert on NASCAR racing that she is, and that's pretty pathetic.

5th July 2010, 03:56
After reading that article BB posted above, I have to wonder the same thing. I only watch NASCAR here and there, but I'd consider myself more of an expert on NASCAR racing that she is, and that's pretty pathetic.

After considering everything, I know that I know one hundred times more than what she does..... :D

then the spouse shows up and says, well 100 times zero is still zero.... :mad:

yeah, well, what does the spouse know anyway, after all, she is dumb enough to hang around me :rolleyes:

But she finished only ten seconds behind that famous F1 racer, Tato or whoever

5th July 2010, 04:03

What I enjoyed most were the comments from her apologists at the bottom of the article. I've often wondered what sort of people followed Jim Jones to his church of death out in the jungle. Now I know. .
That is the problem with many around here, not enuff kool aid, of the good reverend Jimmie... to see her real talents....

well, drink up and you will see the light.... :beer:

and if that don't work, you can always click on the sig

5th July 2010, 05:10
Nooooooo don't do it! Stop with the sig! Unless you can make her drown in the shower............

Mark in Oshawa
5th July 2010, 05:50
As most of you know I do not have much use for the Princess.
BUT I do think she has, or had, a fair amount of latent talent.
For whatever reason she or her handlers decided to exploit her looks and market her "Brand". If she had buckled down as a racer in her career and tried to understand and develop her skills as to set up I feel she would have developed into a fairly good driver.
She didn't and now is out of her depth and when the car is not exactly as she likes it as she has no clue as to what to do.
It becomes more apparent on road/street courses or when she tries the taxi cabs.
She also appears to be more 'gun shy' now than she used to and will not or very rarely run real close to anyone for more than a few laps.
That you must do in the tin tops and she can't.
Her comments on the radio in her last race also demonstrated that she really does not understand the stock car enviroment.

You give her credit for being a good prospect. The problem is, she has no interest in doing the right things to make her self better. Jag's quotes of her conversation with Tony Eury Jr. says volumes about how naive this woman is. She would have to be be stupid to not understand how the NASCAR boys play rough and I am sure once word got around the garage how little she understands, they are either equally ready to take her out, or just stay the hell away from her as she eventually eats concrete for some reason.

IN the IRL, she managed to hide her lack of setup ability for years within the team because the teams there do more of the setup and the engineers have data to work with. In NASCAR, it is all on the driver to give the right information and know what they want. Danica has no skill in this and has never bothered to learn.

Mr. Drifter, you have to understand, her failure at this level is of her own making. Bobby Rahal put her in an Atlantic, and then in an IRL car for 3 years. She then dumped him I suspect for reasons that come down to the fact Bobby was frustrated with her lack of understanding of what she needed to do to go to the next step. So, She bails, because Bobby was too mean to her, and now she is at Andretti, where she now throws THEM under the bus at every opportunity when things don't go quite right.

The press hasn't really cottoned on to this or are willinfully ignoring it, but in NASCAR land, there is no place to hide, and there will be no joy in Mudville for Ms. Patrick. I said last year she would be an idiot to actually GO to NASCAR rather than just use them as a negotiating ploy. I am now being proven right...

Easy Drifter
5th July 2010, 07:21
I agree Mark. That really was my point. She needed to start learning and understanding what to do about improving handling and how various changes worked back in FF days. She didn't and now is lost.
I almost choked today when the usual ABC commentators said she did a good job avoiding a spun car. The car was totaly out of the way and she was dodging nothing. It just gave those behind her a good run on her.

Scotty G.
5th July 2010, 15:45
She hasn't done any racing in either series in 2010. ;)

Take that Texas race away (still have no idea what got into her in that deal) and she has been dreadfully bad in 2010, no matter what she has been 'driving'.

At least in the past, she could sometimes weasel into a top 6 finish (usually without passing many cars on the track). She wasn't nearly as slow and uncompetitive as she has been this year. And she can't blame the team this year. Her team has 2 wins.

Not sure what is going on with her. She seems confused. Go Daddy (which is the only reason she is employed) wants her in NASCAR. She is clueless there, racing with much more talented drivers then she has ever had to race against before and a type of race car that simply does not fit her extremely narrow talent band.

She probably would rather be in Indy Cars, but the schedule doesn't fit her now and there are fewer and fewer tracks that she can compete at. And there are no fans or money to be made in Indy Car. And its all about the $$$ with her.

So she is stuck. She is half-assing it in NASCAR, until Go-Daddy tells her to go full-time. She is falling further behind in Indy Car.

And now she has a brand new Nationwide chassis to learn, which is supposed to be much looser/tougher to drive. And she could barely hang onto the old car. Not going to be pretty.

Mark in Oshawa
5th July 2010, 16:08
Scotty, she did have a decent finish at Indy. Cant dispute that, no matter how much I agree with you on this one.

Danica has found she is being exposed for the first time in her career, and if not for the idiots who broadcast racing covering for her, she would be likely out of a ride.

The track record of diva behaviour, the lack of results and the general trend of her career is there if you look beyond just the results and see how she got there. No one cares to do it except for us haters on the boards.

The sad part? I am not an anti female guy for women in racing. I like the idea of a woman competing on the top levels. Then Danica comes around...and I found a bad taste in my mouth, and I knew immediately it had nothing do with her skill and she was there BECAUSE she was "hot". I think that is why the hatred for this lady is out there. Her diva routine is annoying, but the fact is if she looked like an old boot, she likely would be long gone from the sport.

Women for decades have fought for equal rights to be recognized for their accomplishments and they want us men to look beyond looks. Danica comes along, and uses her looks to hide her lack of accomplishment. One only has to look at how Sarah Fisher was eclipsed as the media darling of the IRL once Danica showed up. Sarah's results have been less in crappier cars to be sure, but at least Sarah does things the right way. She tries to learn, she has fought much harder to stay in the sport, and she isn't exploiting her looks to hide or mask the lack of talent.

5th July 2010, 16:22
And now she has a brand new Nationwide chassis to learn, which is supposed to be much looser/tougher to drive. And she could barely hang onto the old car. Not going to be pretty.

I think, but I will need to double check, that her Nationwide schedule is such that she has lucked out of having to try to compete with the new cars in 2010. I agree, though, that if she gets that far, it's not going to be pretty at all.

It would, however, be very interesting to watch her try to do Indycar and two different chasses (?) in Nationwide all in the same year. It would be extremely difficult for great racers. But for Danica? The Brand could go down in flames in a few short weeks.

Easy Drifter
5th July 2010, 17:34
My new neighbors daughter was visiting yesterday. Probably mid late 30's with some interest in racing. She asked how the Princess did yesterday. Actually asked about Danica. My sarcastic response using the Princess annoyed her and I got accused of being anti female racers.
I pointed out I was a Sarah and Simona fan and had crewed for a female driver for 10 years.
I really do not think she really knew who Sarah and Simona were.

5th July 2010, 18:15
My new neighbors daughter was visiting yesterday. Probably mid late 30's with some interest in racing. She asked how the Princess did yesterday. Actually asked about Danica. My sarcastic response using the Princess annoyed her and I got accused of being anti female racers.
I pointed out I was a Sarah and Simona fan and had crewed for a female driver for 10 years.
I really do not think she really knew who Sarah and Simona were.

thats how the racing line is... if your not a fan of Danica, your a sexist. yet I'm a fan also of Simona and Sarah, so how can I be sexist :confused: :laugh:

the majority of fans that follow Danica have no clue what racing is, cause its fairly obvious, if "The Brand" is so popular, why are the tracks not sold out to see her. all they have is her Maxim photos

5th July 2010, 20:04
thats how the racing line is... if your not a fan of Danica, your a sexist. yet I'm a fan also of Simona and Sarah, so how can I be sexist :confused: :laugh:

the majority of fans that follow Danica have no clue what racing is, cause its fairly obvious, if "The Brand" is so popular, why are the tracks not sold out to see her. all they have is her Maxim photos

And add to that, there are more than a few women who are anything but Danica fans. Right here we have Beachgirl. I think it's safe to say that she's less of a Danica fan than most of the males here. I don't think it's because she's a self-hating female. I'd say it's for the same reason that most of us don't care for Danica: she's an overhyped under-performer. In the past I've mentioned Angelle Sampey. While she's never publicly gone on an anti-Danica rant, she used to have a fan forum and she was clearly not a fan of Danica's style of using her body to sell her "brand". Angelle is one of those people who believes that abilities should speak first. And at least to my eyes, Angelle is many times more attractive than Danica ever will be. She'd been working out really hard a couple of years ago and posted a photo of herself on her forum where she was wearing a bikini top. She didn't do it for the Wow! factor, only to show that she was physically ready for the upcoming season. When she got lots of Wow! responses, and some people expressed disapproval of her going "sexy", she took it down. I (of course - hey, she's hot!) have it saved, but I would never post it, just out of respect for her. Not only do I not like Danica, I don't respect her. I don't like Alonso either, but I do respect his abilities. But the sight of his face makes me want to mash it in a car door.

Let's see if I'm wrong or not. But if/when Danica's results don't pick up in either the IRL or NASCAR, I predict there'll be a Playboy style spread in her near future. One lifetime pro win for a 28 year old plainly says that Danica hasn't gotten to where she is because of her on track talent. Whether she does nude or just semi-nude, I can't say. But I don't see The Brand fading quietly away. Danica got popular by playing the sex appeal card. Then she won a fuel mileage race, where another driver mysteriously let her pass for the lead. But to win it, she had to be up there. I give her credit for that. But broken clocks are right twice a day too. GoDaddy is a company that thrives on attention and controversy. Danica will not have the results in NASCAR. And even in the IRL, she seems to have lost what little she had. The only thing I can see her playing on is something where the clothes come off again. Hell, it worked before, why not again? We'll see. But unless she has enough to retire, that's how I see her going out.

5th July 2010, 20:46
Thanks, Jag! I'm definitely not a self-hating female! Some of the racers who happen/happened to be female that I admire immensly include Angelle Sampay, too, along with Ashley Force Hood, Sarah Fisher, Simona de Silvestro, Ana Beatriz, Shirley Muldowney, Janet Guthrie, Michelle Mouton, Desiree Wilson, Pat Moss Carlsson, Lyn St. James, Denise McCluggage, and many more.

5th July 2010, 21:22
Thanks, Jag! I'm definitely not a self-hating female! Some of the racers who happen/happened to be female that I admire immensly include Angelle Sampay, too, along with Ashley Force Hood, Sarah Fisher, Simona de Silvestro, Ana Beatriz, Shirley Muldowney, Janet Guthrie, Michelle Mouton, Desiree Wilson, Pat Moss Carlsson, Lyn St. James, Denise McCluggage, and many more.

Denise McCluggage is the leader of that pack! She paved the way for all of them. And what a class act she is. Have you read her book, "By Brooks to Broad for Leaping"? Highly recommended.


Easy Drifter
5th July 2010, 21:26
My ex who was a very successful female racer in club racing (and no desire to go pro) dislikes the Princess intensely

5th July 2010, 23:54
thats how the racing line is... if your not a fan of Danica, your a sexist .

And if you're not a fan of obama, you are a racist.

Welcome to the liberal politics of disagreement by insults and division.

6th July 2010, 02:07
And if you're not a fan of obama, you are a racist.

Welcome to the liberal politics of disagreement by insults and division.

Take the "liberal" out of your comment, and I'll agree wholeheartedly. Mudslinging, insults, and division has been well utilized on both sides of the aisle.

6th July 2010, 02:12
And if you're not a fan of obama, you are a racist.

Welcome to the liberal politics of disagreement by insults and division.

It's not just liberals, my friend. Hyperbole and the creation of strawmen has been commonplace since man first learned to say a bit more than "ugh" around the campfire. I bet you didn't know that I'm an anti-Semite, did you? Well, apparently I am. Since I am opposed to Zionism (especially the radical variety), I am an anti-Semite. Despite my personal relationships with many Jews over the years, and the fact that there are a couple married into my family, I guess I can't escape the truth, eh? My disdain for Ms. Palin is rather well known around these parts too. And according to one poster, I pound on Sarah only because I am "threatened by strong women". Of course that person doesn't know that I was engaged to a (truly) strong woman, am the son of a (truly) strong woman and am seeing a rather strong woman right now. It couldn't be because I see Palin as nothing more than the political version of Danica Patrick, now could it? ;) Anyway, the people who have told me these things over the years are pretty well pegged to the far right of the political spectrum. So no ideology is immune to it.

But with that said, let's not pretend that the world is totally one way or the other. I'm sure that more than a few of the people who dislike Danica really are sexists, just as more than a few of the people who dislike Obama really are racists and more than a few of the people opposed to radical Zionism really are anti-Semites. What I object to is the automatic assumption that just because a person has no use for a particular person or set of ideologies held by certain groups, that person is a bigot. I am not a bigot. I hate everybody equally!

Personally, if Kay Bailey Hutchinson becomes the next President and Simona de Silvestro wins the Indy 500 and the IRL championship that same year, I'd be pretty OK with that. But sub in Sarah and Danica in those spots and you might see me on CNN (or Fox News ;) ) holding hostages. I'm subject to snap at anytime... or so I've been told. :p

6th July 2010, 03:03
:up: :up: :up:

6th July 2010, 04:58
:up: :up: :up:

I'm with grungex on that... right on Jag... right on!


6th July 2010, 06:30
well, we're far afield from the question of should the Princess "race" in Nascar or IRL. I think she should "race" somewhere seeing as just "running" to finish isn't "racing".

6th July 2010, 14:17
My new neighbors daughter was visiting yesterday. Probably mid late 30's with some interest in racing. She asked how the Princess did yesterday. Actually asked about Danica. My sarcastic response using the Princess annoyed her and I got accused of being anti female racers.
I pointed out I was a Sarah and Simona fan and had crewed for a female driver for 10 years.
I really do not think she really knew who Sarah and Simona were.

But that represents the typical racing fan....and even she is probably more knowledgeable than most...

and despite all the flames, that is why I say what I say....I am a little sczhoid anyway, but while i agree with almost all the comments, fact remains as to the PR aspect, like it or not, she is a top err..dog........so rather than tearing down, it would seem better to build it up, and get her working on being a real talent in areas other than the shower........

I have thought that is a key to OW racing survival in this country in the current situ.......and she has more than anyone else, has contributed more to its survival more than anyone else currently driving....

presonally I wish it were different, like i wish the CC/Indy bust up had never occurred--thought that might eventually lead to the current dark situ.......but things are as there are, so why not make the best of it

besides, as the flower gets older, she will lose the appeal, soon enough, (like Hanna Montana and Cyrus and other disney/pop stars) but what is to replace her???????

face it, this is the media age, where image is far more important than reality

6th July 2010, 16:18
It's not just liberals, my friend. Hyperbole and the creation of strawmen has been commonplace since man first learned to say a bit more than "ugh" around the campfire. I bet you didn't know that I'm an anti-Semite, did you? Well, apparently I am. Since I am opposed to Zionism (especially the radical variety), I am an anti-Semite. Despite my personal relationships with many Jews over the years, and the fact that there are a couple married into my family, I guess I can't escape the truth, eh? My disdain for Ms. Palin is rather well known around these parts too. And according to one poster, I pound on Sarah only because I am "threatened by strong women". Of course that person doesn't know that I was engaged to a (truly) strong woman, am the son of a (truly) strong woman and am seeing a rather strong woman right now. It couldn't be because I see Palin as nothing more than the political version of Danica Patrick, now could it? ;) Anyway, the people who have told me these things over the years are pretty well pegged to the far right of the political spectrum. So no ideology is immune to it.

But with that said, let's not pretend that the world is totally one way or the other. I'm sure that more than a few of the people who dislike Danica really are sexists, just as more than a few of the people who dislike Obama really are racists and more than a few of the people opposed to radical Zionism really are anti-Semites. What I object to is the automatic assumption that just because a person has no use for a particular person or set of ideologies held by certain groups, that person is a bigot. I am not a bigot. I hate everybody equally!

Personally, if Kay Bailey Hutchinson becomes the next President and Simona de Silvestro wins the Indy 500 and the IRL championship that same year, I'd be pretty OK with that. But sub in Sarah and Danica in those spots and you might see me on CNN (or Fox News ;) ) holding hostages. I'm subject to snap at anytime... or so I've been told. :p

This has to do with the thread theme, how?

Mark in Oshawa
6th July 2010, 16:29
I have thought that is a key to OW racing survival in this country in the current situ.......and she has more than anyone else, has contributed more to its survival more than anyone else currently driving....

Danica has contributed more to its survival? Ratings are in the toilet, the Glen couldn't draw flies....

Danica has alienated most people from watching Indycar broadcasts. I would dare say when she leaves, we may see ratings go up with people knowing we wont have a constant drone from ABC/ESPN/VS people on giving us Danica updates.

No...her ability to get attention and ratings is overrated over time. To know Danica's PR campaign it to loathe it. She had personal popularity in the Rahal years and the first year or so with AA but now people have reached a point with her where the results don't match the hype, and racing fans want the results.

Most of her fans are like Drifter's neighbour. She knows of Danica, but has no knowledge of the other women in the sport such as Simona or Sarah; because they don't actually WATCH....

Danica is a name outside of the IRL, but no one tunes in the TV or buys tickets to go see her anymore. There is a spike on NASCAR coverage for her now, but as the results are showing, I think it is a lot of us who want to see her finish 5 laps down...and watch the TV talking heads explain their justification for hyping the Princess.

6th July 2010, 19:09
This has to do with the thread theme, how?

Fair point. Perhaps I could have spoken less about the politics of it all, but the point was to address SoCalPVguy's post about charges of bias when one is critical of certain people or groups: it is not restricted to any particular ideology. I'm also saying that I'm not naive enough to believe that SOME of the people who dislike Danica aren't doing so because of sexism. I believe (by their comments) that they are being sexist. But those same people would also dislike Simona de Silvestro, Sarah Fisher, Ashley Force-Hood, Katherine Legge, et al. Danica JUST HAPPENS to be a female.

But personally, I want The Danica to go to NASCAR. As a friend of mine used to say back in college, I believe she's been "perpetratin' a fraud". Having an overhyped fraud as the face of the IRL has hurt, not helped, IMO. Exhibit A: Indy 500 ratings reaching record lows in consecutive years. If she wasn't a fake, why have ratings done nothing but go down after the initial wave of Danicamania? And I believe that the IRL and its various TV partners have been active and willing participants in that fraud over the years. In NASCAR, especially at the Cup level, I don't think all of the PR fluff pieces in the world, ESPN shilling, long prayers at NASCAR HQ or fanboi excuses will be able to gloss over the results when Danica continues to finish laps down to the leaders and well off the pace. And unlike the IRL, especially at the Cup level (assuming this experiment doesn't get called off before she makes the first start), I think Danica's going to get flat knocked out of the way whenever she blocks faster cars in NASCAR Sprint Cup - the way she's done for years in the IRL. And just let her zip back up and tap someone's bumper, like Kyle Busch or Brad Kesolowski, after they've bounced her out of the way. Morgan Shepherd is a nice fellow just out there to have fun. Neither Brad nor Kyle is all that nice and they're not just out there to have fun. Is Tony Eury, Jr. ready to fight an entire crew when some hothead declares open season on The Brat?

Does a person who can't remember from one race to the next where the ignition button is (even when the races are months apart) belong in NASCAR? No! Does a person with one lifetime victory in ANY professional series belong in NASCAR? No! Does a person who can't be bothered to learn the various techniques required to race a stock car (until she is actually in the race) belong in NASCAR? No! But, other than Formula One, is NASCAR the best place to expose Danica for the overhyped marketing machine that she is? Hells yeah! And I'm looking forward to the next race already. :s mokin:

6th July 2010, 19:45
and despite all the flames, that is why I say what I say....I am a little sczhoid anyway, but while i agree with almost all the comments, fact remains as to the PR aspect, like it or not, she is a top err..dog........so rather than tearing down, it would seem better to build it up, and get her working on being a real talent in areas other than the shower........

I agree with you here. We live in the age of Paris Hilton and reality TV crap. More 18-34 year olds probably know who "Da Situation" from Joysie Shoa is than who their Congressman is. But to your point, Michael Andretti gave Danica the chance to drive in A1GP, just as he did for Marco. Marco took it. Reportedly, Danica wanted a fat paycheck. A1GP wasn't about selling t-shirts & posters and getting a fat paycheck, so she opted out. And what do you know, Marco is looking better these days (on road courses) and Danica is now EASILY the weakest member of that team on road courses. Nothing is stopping Danica from doing what Kyle Busch, Tony Stewart and many other (passionate) drivers do, as they race darn near every weekend that they can.

Danica's always talking about how busy she is. Busy doing what exactly? I suspect she's busy working on endorsements and selling more posters and t-shirts - which is her preference. No one can force her to work on the things that she (obviously) needs to work on. She has scant knowledge of car setups, no matter what series we're discussing. And in NASCAR, she didn't even know what the switches on the car did. :eek: The IRL doesn't test these days. So on her off weekends, she could easily be in some kind of car somewhere (she could buy a short track stock car and race at her local track)... if she wanted to. But remember (look at my new sig line), this is a person who believes her own press. She doesn't need to be in a car on off weekends, because she was already prepared for Formula One and/or NASCAR Sprint Cup a year or two ago. She was already too good to be wasting her time and talent in Nationwide or A1GP. Now she says that she's struggling on IRL road courses because "there's so many good drivers out there these days." WTF?! :rolleyes: I had to rewind that and watch it twice. She actually said that and didn't crack a smile!

I don't believe in wasting time trying to help someone who refuses help. If they're drowning and every time they go down they pretend to be an Olympic swimmer, let them drown... and don't feel guilty about it as they take that last breath. :dozey:

7th July 2010, 15:22
^ +1000000
Excellence In Posting!

Mark in Oshawa
8th July 2010, 18:03
I agree with you here. We live in the age of Paris Hilton and reality TV crap. More 18-34 year olds probably know who "Da Situation" from Joysie Shoa is than who their Congressman is. But to your point, Michael Andretti gave Danica the chance to drive in A1GP, just as he did for Marco. Marco took it. Reportedly, Danica wanted a fat paycheck. A1GP wasn't about selling t-shirts & posters and getting a fat paycheck, so she opted out. And what do you know, Marco is looking better these days (on road courses) and Danica is now EASILY the weakest member of that team on road courses. Nothing is stopping Danica from doing what Kyle Busch, Tony Stewart and many other (passionate) drivers do, as they race darn near every weekend that they can.

Danica's always talking about how busy she is. Busy doing what exactly? I suspect she's busy working on endorsements and selling more posters and t-shirts - which is her preference. No one can force her to work on the things that she (obviously) needs to work on. She has scant knowledge of car setups, no matter what series we're discussing. And in NASCAR, she didn't even know what the switches on the car did. :eek: The IRL doesn't test these days. So on her off weekends, she could easily be in some kind of car somewhere (she could buy a short track stock car and race at her local track)... if she wanted to. But remember (look at my new sig line), this is a person who believes her own press. She doesn't need to be in a car on off weekends, because she was already prepared for Formula One and/or NASCAR Sprint Cup a year or two ago. She was already too good to be wasting her time and talent in Nationwide or A1GP. Now she says that she's struggling on IRL road courses because "there's so many good drivers out there these days." WTF?! :rolleyes: I had to rewind that and watch it twice. She actually said that and didn't crack a smile!

I don't believe in wasting time trying to help someone who refuses help. If they're drowning and every time they go down they pretend to be an Olympic swimmer, let them drown... and don't feel guilty about it as they take that last breath. :dozey:

Right on brother...right on....

12th July 2010, 16:21
It all comes down to weather you believe there is, as Hollywood has said, "no such thing as bad publicity". Anyone on this forum is automatically disqualified from their opinions on Danica, I mean The Danica. We know what she is, and how "good". But.....ask anyone who is not a hardcore race fan to name a driver...Danica's name will come up. And maybe Mario Andretti's name. Does that translate into more TV viewing, more interest in the sport, a greater awareness of Indycar.....It can't hurt. And, right now, we need any and all awarness we can get. And seriously, who's worse for the sport, overhyped Danica, or Milka who makes one question rather this is even a real sport.

Scotty G.
12th July 2010, 16:32
Does that translate into more TV viewing, more interest in the sport, a greater awareness of Indycar?

Apparently not.

It would be a modest goal now for Indy Car to just get back to the "pre-Danica" ratings/interest/awareness levels of the early 2000's.

Mark in Oshawa
12th July 2010, 18:55
Apparently not.

It would be a modest goal now for Indy Car to just get back to the "pre-Danica" ratings/interest/awareness levels of the early 2000's.

That has been my point EXACTLY. Danica's popularity with the great unwashed has NOT translated to ratings for the IRL. I think on the contrary, the coverage fawning all over her I think may have actually hurt the ratings...