View Full Version : Chopper of the race! Canada

donKey jote
13th June 2010, 19:07
too many to mention, so I´ll be biassed and say Schumi :p

13th June 2010, 19:08
Where's markabilly? :D

donKey jote
13th June 2010, 19:09
with Easy´s missus? :s ailor:

13th June 2010, 19:10
is there a prize that michael knew about for the best chopper in canada that we didn't know about?

13th June 2010, 19:12
he was inspired by Webber's last race

Schuie was trying to out chop the Chopper, but never got close to the title which still goes to Chopper.....

13th June 2010, 19:39
Kube for his pass or run around Sutil as Kube went into the pits after puncturing Sutil rear tire

Probably one of the DUMBEST MOVES ever........Webber will be mad, because looks like Chopper has a contender for the tile, , and Kube seems to have out chopped Chopper, Schuie and everyone else for the season, maybe even over the last 20 years.....

And dangerous as the cars could have gone crashing down pit lane.....

13th June 2010, 19:45
I thought what Schumacher did to Massa was a real cheapshot. But as I look at the posts here and think about it, you'd probably have to review a tape of the race to get the true winner of this "prize". There were just SO many!

13th June 2010, 21:45

I was astonished by Kubica's move, but when looking at the replay it wasn't so bad cause he was already almost one car long ahead of Sutil's car when Sutil started turning. But for destroying Sutil rear tyre of course he's one to get award along with Liuzzi, and maybe also Schumacher and Massa (waiting for replays)

Kube seems to have out chopped Chopper, Schuie and everyone else for the season, maybe even over the last 20 years.....

IMO definitely there were worst incidents this season - for example Webber rammed into Hamilton in Australia or Vettel into Webber in Turkey...

14th June 2010, 00:39
Kubica move wasn't bad IMO, just cheeky akin to Hamilton and Alonso overtaking at pit entry in China.

You can brake much later for pit entry instead so Kubica and some brain and balls.

14th June 2010, 00:45

I was astonished by Kubica's move, but when looking at the replay it wasn't so bad cause he was already almost one car long ahead of Sutil's car when Sutil started turning. But for destroying Sutil rear tyre of course he's one to get award along with Liuzzi, and maybe also Schumacher and Massa (waiting for replays)

IMO definitely there were worst incidents this season - for example Webber rammed into Hamilton in Australia or Vettel into Webber in Turkey...
those were attempts at passes for position, this was a pass to go around sutil to go into the pits---by himself------after he cut the rear tire of Sutil...totally unnecessary, dangerous and stupid. He came within microseconds of tangling tires with Sutile and taking them both down pit road in a twisted mess

14th June 2010, 00:51
Kubica move wasn't bad IMO, just cheeky akin to Hamilton and Alonso overtaking at pit entry in China.

You can brake much later for pit entry instead so Kubica and some brain and balls.
That was stupid, pure and simple--way too stupid and served no purpose.....no where close to the other incidents as it served no purpose

good thing sutil saw his stupidity and managed to slow just enough

14th June 2010, 00:53
with Easy´s missus?
yep, yours had too many customers and the waiting line was way too long.... :s ailor:

14th June 2010, 01:08
That was stupid, pure and simple--way too stupid and served no purpose.....no where close to the other incidents as it served no purpose

good thing sutil saw his stupidity and managed to slow just enough

Sutil had to brake earlier for the chicane

14th June 2010, 01:20
Sutil had to brake earlier for the chicane
I think you are just worried that Kube has chopped old Webber out of the lead of the WCC and taken a clear, dominant lead.........

next thing you will say is that it is okay because sutil should be used to getting rear ended :eek:

(WCC standing for World Chopper Championship)

14th June 2010, 08:25
Kubica's comment after race: "I had a close battle with Michael after my first stop, and then with Sutil before my second one. I was racing him on my in-lap and we were side by side before the last corner. I was on the right, so I backed off and pulled behind him to take my line for the pits, but he braked very early and hard. I had to go round him to avoid causing an accident." So that move was to avoid crash and to judge this we should know Sutil's telemetry from this lap maybe he braked abnormally early.. And, markabilly, for me at least you're exaggerating this incident, the collison can't happen cause Kubica could break much time later and he already overtook Sutil when he started turning. Kubica got a reprimand for this.

14th June 2010, 11:22
The battle with Kubica was imo quite a racing incident, but the one at Massa was very blatant, so even if he had been handed a drive-through penalty, it would have been justified.

By the way, why did Schumi race 35 laps on soft tyres? That was never going to work out. Schumi seems a bit desperate at older age in terms of staying out long, like also Hungary '06. Doesn't really remind me the same man, who used to turn strategies into his favour a decade ago.

14th June 2010, 12:48
The battle with Kubica was imo quite a racing incident, but the one at Massa was very blatant, so even if he had been handed a drive-through penalty, it would have been justified.

By the way, why did Schumi race 35 laps on soft tyres? That was never going to work out. Schumi seems a bit desperate at older age in terms of staying out long, like also Hungary '06. Doesn't really remind me the same man, who used to turn strategies into his favour a decade ago.
Disagree as to the former, but agree as to the latter, except until he tangled with Kube, he was like his old self, jumping from 13 on the grid to 8th, in a lap or so, by passing cars, then up to third before he pitted

and then...... :(

as to why the soft tires for 35, I have no idea,

14th June 2010, 13:58
Schmacher on Massa gets my vote. He already had the corner before chopping to the outside and taking half of Massa's front wing off. None, though, came close to chop of the season - Vettel on Webber in Turkey. Would take a lot to beat that one.

14th June 2010, 22:59
Liuzzi and Massa at the beginning is worthy of a mention too. The bashed each other 3 times in 2 corners!