View Full Version : Driver of the race! Canada

13th June 2010, 20:03
Hamilton, Button, Alonso, Vettel and Webber for providing the best dry race of the year.

Ultimately though, Hamilton.

donKey jote
13th June 2010, 20:03

13th June 2010, 20:07
has to be Hamilton really, although Jenson and Alonso were very good too. Red Bulls ok, nothing spectacular.

Kubica did well with a damaged car, Buemi raced really well to end up in 8th i think, including being the only one to pass MS without getting into contact!

13th June 2010, 20:09
hamilton, he manged to hold up Red Bull with enough blockingfor long enough so they never got by and built a lead, then went on hards and kept them all at bay....

Not sure how vettel ended up so early on softs??????Ruined his chance at a win right there

And Webber had a prtetty good lead, and they should have pitted him earlier, very much, and got his stint on softs over.......done a button, and might have had second.........n

Freddie should have won, if he had managed his situ better

13th June 2010, 20:09
I wouldn't say anyone stood out really, Hamilton, Alonso and Button did a good job looking after the tyres for so long.

Buemi came out of nowhere to get 8th so good job by him I guess. And Kovalainen easily the fastest of the new boys and was running as high as 6th after all the pit stops.

13th June 2010, 20:12
Hamilton, Button, Alonso, Vettel and Webber for providing the best dry race of the year.

Ultimately though, Hamilton.

yup, totally agree. they supplied a sublime race today.

13th June 2010, 20:12
1. HAMILTON - Supreme performance and showed excellenT pace on 40 lap old tyres

2. ALONSO - Gave Ferrari a great morale boosting podium after a wretched few races

3. BUTTON - Again worked his tyres well and took advantage of Alonso's troubles with backmarkers to claim 2nd

4. LIUZZI - Best ever grid start and recovered from a 1st lap nightmare to take a hard earned 9th

5. BUEMI - Storming drive from 15th and beat Schumacher fair and square in their little battle, a fully deserved 4 points

6. KOVALAINEN - Again best of the newbies and ran as high as 6th at one point, also consistently within 2-2.5 seconds of the pace of the leading pack

13th June 2010, 20:14
1. HAMILTON - Supreme performance and showed excellenT pace on 40 lap old tyres

2. ALONSO - Gave Ferrari a great morale boosting podium after a wretched few races

3. BUTTON - Again worked his tyres well and took advantage of Alonso's troubles with backmarkers to claim 2nd

4. LIUZZI - Best ever grid start and recovered from a 1st lap nightmare to take a hard earned 9th

5. BUEMI - Storming drive from 15th and beat Schumacher fair and square in their little battle, a fully deserved 4 points

6. KOVALAINEN - Again best of the newbies and ran as high as 6th at one point, also consistently within 2-2.5 seconds of the pace of the leading pack +1 :up:

13th June 2010, 20:18
I don't think I could put Alonso up there today, he got passed twice on track by cars that seemed to have similar pace to him.

Aside from the usual suspects I think Buemi did really well today. Put a good pass on Schumacher which as we saw was a risky thing to do today!

13th June 2010, 20:24
Has to be Lewis. Great drive. Honorable mentions for Jenson and Fred. The race was amazing, clash of titans!

13th June 2010, 20:29
Hamilton. The only thing I'd mark him down for was the pitlane exit but that's the teams fault and not his. Button was his bitch again.

13th June 2010, 20:31
Jenson drove very well and was nobody's bitch. Lewis was simply better, but Jenson also drove a perfect race.

13th June 2010, 20:33
Jenson drove very well and was nobody's bitch. Lewis was simply better, but Jenson also drove a perfect race.
Jenson tried it on and Lewis always had an answer. As always, dry race, Hamilton on top/

13th June 2010, 20:34
But he tried mightily and lost to maybe the fastest driver in modern Formula One. And also overtook the crafty Alonso. As I said, simply amazing spectacle.

13th June 2010, 20:43
Hamilton, button, Alonso, buemi, liuzzi, webber, sutil

there were some outstanding drives today

13th June 2010, 20:53
For me Button gets driver of the race. Started 5th and finished 2nd in a crazy, difficult race.

Buemi also gets honorable mention. Started 15th and wound up 8th, and like said above, passed Schumi which was a risky move today since more than 1/2 the people that got close to him got ran off the road.

13th June 2010, 21:18
Hands down: Hamilton. I was cursing McLaren at the beginning because of their tire choice. I figured the harder tires would last a LOT longer than they did, and that soft tire choice would kill Lewis in the beginning. Even near the end, when he was leading, I figured he'd wear his tires out more quickly than Jenson and Alonso, and would end up in 3rd by the flag - if he didn't pop a tire and wind up against the wall. Til I saw him approaching the checkered flag, I still wasn't convinced that he was going to win.

I was pleasantly surprised that the guy with the worst rep for being hard on tires did exactly what he needed to do and scored a bullesye!

I haven't checked yet, but did Hamilton also get Fastest Lap?

13th June 2010, 21:19
I haven't checked yet, but did Hamilton also get Fastest Lap?

Kubica got fastest lap in the end, he finished the race on a fresh set of softs and was about 1.5 to 2 seconds a lap quicker than everyone else in the final 6-7 laps

13th June 2010, 21:38
I figured the harder tires would last a LOT longer than they did, and that soft tire choice would kill Lewis in the beginning.

You're not the only one, even Martin Whitmarsh and Ron Dennis thought the hard tyres were going to last a lot longer.

Even near the end, when he was leading, I figured he'd wear his tires out more quickly than Jenson and Alonso, and would end up in 3rd by the flag - if he didn't pop a tire and wind up against the wall. Til I saw him approaching the checkered flag, I still wasn't convinced that he was going to win.

I was pleasantly surprised that the guy with the worst rep for being hard on tires did exactly what he needed to do and scored a bullesye!

It certainly seems that Lewis has learned to manage his car and tyres a lot better than he used too. Which has got to be a major worry for every other driver on the grid. Where are his weaknesses now, 3.5 years into his F1 career, and what hope for anyone else when he's accumulated 5 or 7 or 10 years experience :eek:

13th June 2010, 21:39
1) Hamilton
2) Alonso
3) Liuzzi

13th June 2010, 21:43
It certainly seems that Lewis has learned to manage his car and tyres a lot better than he used too. Which has got to be a major worry for every other driver on the grid. Where are his weaknesses now, 3.5 years into his F1 career, and what hope for anyone else when he's accumulated 5 or 7 or 10 years experience :eek:

He was cool headed today, but I do still worry about his occasional hot headidness. It's been reduced in the past 1 and a 1/2 years, but you never know with lewis.

another weakness may lie in his earrings... :D

13th June 2010, 21:44
Lewis Hamilton without a doubt.

Retro Formula 1
14th June 2010, 00:48
Both McLaren drivers and the team got it right today.

Nobody has said anything about Nico? He was severely blocked by the start incident and down to 15th or so but fought back to good points and embarrassed his team mate.

Doing a solid job this year is young Nico.

14th June 2010, 05:58
hamilton , button , alonso , rosberg , buemi

14th June 2010, 08:12
Buemi and Kovalainen for me. Both great drives.

14th June 2010, 10:14
Nobody has said anything about Nico? He was severely blocked by the start incident and down to 15th or so but fought back to good points and embarrassed his team mate.

Doing a solid job this year is young Nico.

Aye, you're not wrong there.

14th June 2010, 10:32
Kovalainen, drove the best race of his F1 career.

14th June 2010, 12:13
Shame that Liuzzi slightly cocked up in Turn 1 or he would be among the contenders for the award. What a great pace all weekend, probably his strongest drive since his comeback last year, together with Monza '09.

Kovalainen stayed in the points and managed to fend off faster cars for surprisingly long. For instance in early laps even Rosberg couldn't get past Kova and dived into the pitlane instead of passing him?! Situations were changing quickly, but that was the impression I got.

Buemi - he needed this drive to keep his hopes of staying in F1 beyond this season alive.

And of course the drivers at the front, esp Hamilton and Button, who managed to use their opportunities perfectly in terms of track position (strategy, battles, passing, backmarkers). Hamilton is the real master of Montreal - either wins or a crash so far. Button the "tyre-master" suddenly came alive and sneaked into the big game in the end after having been shading others earlier on.

15th June 2010, 00:14
If Webber had pitted for his option tyres earlier, he probably would have made my driver of the race. Alas, no.

My DOTR goes to Kovalainen who has shown that he is the class of the field of new teams. His commitment, even for what seems like an irrelevant 16th position, throughout the whole race shows how seriously he takes his racing. After spending many lacklustre years at McLaren, a team that can be difficult to fit in to, Kovi finally seems to be coming out of his shell, unusually in one of the lower performance teams. May this run of results continue :up:

15th June 2010, 03:27
Hamilton passed for the lead twice in this race. I can't remember the last time I saw that.

15th June 2010, 11:05
Hamilton passed for the lead twice in this race. I can't remember the last time I saw that.

1852? Certainly before the depression!!!

Big Ben
15th June 2010, 12:44
hamilton , button , alonso , rosberg , buemi

them + HK

15th June 2010, 15:32
I don't think there was a particular stand drive because it was like racing and testing rolled into one.

Probably Hamilton gets the nod for having reserves at the end.

Mia 01
18th June 2010, 12:52
Heikki for me.