View Full Version : Knox arrested for "slandering" the italian police

2nd June 2010, 04:48
Did not know this, but if you speak ill of italian police and they call it slander, to jail you go

So it is with amanda knox

Lots of politicans in office would love to have this law as being applicable to protecting themselves from criticism....

2nd June 2010, 06:59
amanda seems to be f___ked for life so slandering a cop would not mean much in the scheme of things !!

Just think - Don't do Drugs life can be great. I can't imagine doing drugs. the whole world wants to incarcerate everyone they can. Some weird prosecuting phenomena going on now!! We are the world destroyer with our insatiable appetite for drugs. I have no tolerance to meth and any drug that creates violence. Wanna fix the drug problems? if it grows legalize it and tax it.

2nd June 2010, 20:25
I hope they take her in a back room with no windows and help her get "intimate" with a 40,000 volt cattle prod for what she did to that girl.

Piece of filth. I hope she burns in Hell.

2nd June 2010, 20:31
I hope they take her in a back room with no windows and help her get "intimate" with a 40,000 volt cattle prod for what she did to that girl.

Piece of filth. I hope she burns in Hell.

Oh YEA the smell of burnt pussy :) I didn't know you were so violent Jag.
Probably need you in Afghanistan. Also I take it that you didn't protest waterboarding in gitmo.

5th June 2010, 05:23
Oh YEA the smell of burnt pussy :) I didn't know you were so violent Jag.
Probably need you in Afghanistan. Also I take it that you didn't protest waterboarding in gitmo.

I don't think I'm all that violent. But like most all of God's creatures, I do have the potential for violence - no more and no less than the average person, I would say. What I don't like about the Knox case (based on what I've read) is that she's a spoiled sh##, and now there's a campaign underway to make her the victim, and to try to get the Italians to release her. I have zero sympathy for that POS. But to some, because she doesn't "look" like a killer, they want to get her off. A soc. professor I had in college surmised that the perfect murderer would be a girl who looked like Christy Brinkley (back in my day, she was the "it" girl). As his quasi-theory went, no jury, no combination of men or women, would be willing to give blonde haired, blue eyed Christy the chair, even if she put a gun in someone's mouth and pulled the trigger on live TV. I feel the same way about Knox as I do about Karla Homolka - only Homolka got away with her horrible crimes (and now lives free)... using the same innocent Barbie routine that Knox is relying on. :angryfire

As for Gitmo, once someone has been proven to be a terrorist or a cold blooded murderer, I don't really care what happens to them. But as far as using "enhanced means" to get (reliable) information, several of the CIA's field people have even said that it doesn't work. I'm not one for supporting that which doesn't work.

Mark in Oshawa
5th June 2010, 09:26
I don't think I'm all that violent. But like most all of God's creatures, I do have the potential for violence - no more and no less than the average person, I would say. What I don't like about the Knox case (based on what I've read) is that she's a spoiled sh##, and now there's a campaign underway to make her the victim, and to try to get the Italians to release her. I have zero sympathy for that POS. But to some, because she doesn't "look" like a killer, they want to get her off. A soc. professor I had in college surmised that the perfect murderer would be a girl who looked like Christy Brinkley (back in my day, she was the "it" girl). As his quasi-theory went, no jury, no combination of men or women, would be willing to give blonde haired, blue eyed Christy the chair, even if she put a gun in someone's mouth and pulled the trigger on live TV. I feel the same way about Knox as I do about Karla Homolka - only Homolka got away with her horrible crimes (and now lives free)... using the same innocent Barbie routine that Knox is relying on. :angryfire

As for Gitmo, once someone has been proven to be a terrorist or a cold blooded murderer, I don't really care what happens to them. But as far as using "enhanced means" to get (reliable) information, several of the CIA's field people have even said that it doesn't work. I'm not one for supporting that which doesn't work.

Karla...oh ya...there was a real POS if we ever had one on the loose. The only thing I can say though Jag, is even tho she is out, I doubt highly she will ever reoffend UNLESS she hooks up with some psycho like Paul Bernardo. She is like gasoline...unless there is a lit match, she wont make a fire.....

That said, it is a criminal shame she isn't behind a prison wall still. Damn Crown Attorney's almost botched that whole case and the criminal justice system of Ontario is still bearing the scars from it. I know a cop who helped in the investigation. He just told me that that case almost made him suicidal......

5th June 2010, 12:57
seems both Italian police and prosecutor have been a joke in this case and others....guess I better be careful or the italian police will be after me.... :eek:

Amanda Knox has a connection to Italian serial killer --the “Monster of Florence,” but the link will surprise you. They share the same prosecutor, Guilano Mignini. According to the CBS.com, a verdict Tuesday in the Monster case, might cause some people to ask –Who is the real monster?
CBS.com states that in 2001, Mignini indicted 20 people who he felt had some connection to a serial killer, back in the seventies. He alleged a Satanic conspiracy involving countless people. Those indictments were just thrown out by an Italian court.
Mario Spezi, an Italian, is a co- author of a book called “The Monster of Florence told CBS -- "The great question is: How was it possible that Mignini was able to pursue a case that everyone knew was crazy?" Mignini was convicted of charges of “Abuse of office” in January from the Monster case.
The words “witch hunt” come to mind. Inquisition does as well, regardless of your opinion of the Amanda Knox verdict. CBS.com puts it bluntly “in the past two years, Mignini has hurled satanic charges against 23 people. With Tuesday's dismissals, and his failed arguments in the [Knox] case, the Perugia prosecutor is 0 for 23 on the satanic tally board.”
Spezi, the “Monster” author asks -- "Why are people afraid to stop him? Why was he allowed to work on the Amanda Knox case and present his crazy ideas?"


5th June 2010, 13:02

The second part of the book is less about the Monster and more about this new investigation. Spezi and Preston wrote articles and published this book in Italy, rubbishing the new line of inquiry. Spezi was thrown into prison. Preston was indicted and warned to leave Italy. An old friend of Spezi's was arrested and is currently standing trial, the latest in a long line of improbable Monsters. This friend felt, he said, "like someone who has fallen into a film, knowing nothing of the plot or characters".

5th June 2010, 17:51
so m-billy are you saying amanda is innocent?

5th June 2010, 23:17
so m-billy are you saying amanda is innocent?

I would not know, but given the past behavior of the prosecutor and italian police, we will probably never know... :eek:

But my suspicion is that she may have had some serious involvment along with others.....but just like the Monster of Florence who was killing with the same gun, while someone else was doing time for the crime.....and all that stuff talked about in the articles...she would not be the first falsely accused criminal serial killer ignored or turned back loose by these clowns, while real culprit strolls around.......

and probably not the first real killer turned loose by or ignored by these clowns either

Guede went to prison after his conviction, and he was appearently not closely conected with Knox and the victim's boyfriend...and police found his bloody fingerprints and palm prints, as well as DNA mixed with hers at the scene and told some weird story about holding her as utterred her last words which he wrote on the wall

nevertheless, the italians went after the other two as well and convicted them also........even though initially Gurde told police says it was an uknown man that did it by himself.

he also denied repeatedly any involvemnt of knox until he was up on appeal of his conviction......prosecutor says it was Satan worship....
but unlike with Gurde, there was never any solid forensic evidence about knox

:confused: :( :confused:
so, i guess i better be careful or the italian cops will be after me next........

7th July 2010, 13:53
It seems the same bozo prosecutor is now after the parents because they supported their daughter's accusations against the Italian police....

what a circus is the italian justice system...what is that they say about monkeys trying to make ....with a football????????.....clowns one and all


oppss, those hayseed yahoos will be after me next :rolleyes:

7th July 2010, 17:33
very strange behavior for this wonderful country. Buscolini needs to step in and send all the knox's home and move on. There were too many inconsistencies in the trial for it to be valid.