View Full Version : Your 5 a Day

Hazell B
4th March 2007, 17:37
Don't know if other countries have a similar health advice system, but here in the UK we have "Five a Day" to help people think about getting their minimum five portions of fruit and vegetables each day.

Does anyone ever manage five each day?

I'm never sure what a portion actually is for each veg, but try anyway. Fruit juice can count as one, so I drink that most evenings. Then perhaps two or three portions appear as if by magic in the shape of veg or salad in my meals. Thing is, even with some effort I still rarely make up the full five different fruits or veggies unless I eat at a certain farmers market that serves all five in one meal anyhow :mark:

Potatoes not counting are to blame in my case :p :

4th March 2007, 18:26
I don't know about the five a day thing, but eating fresh food, rather than processed, as much as possible is a good way to do things, something I find much easier to do here than when I'm back home in Ireland.

Spanish people's tastebuds are very sensitive and very different to northern European people's. They can taste really subtle differences in food, and don't have a history of throwing lots of sauce on top. So while they can't take spicy food at all (pimientos de padron being the exception) they can spend hours discussing the merits of this or that tomato or olive oil. So it's easier to get different, good quality veg here.

Brown, Jon Brow
4th March 2007, 19:07
So far today I've had a bannano, apple, peas and carrotts. I stole an olive at work put I dont think that counts as a portion. Any inspiration for the 5th? :\
I can see some delicious looking Kiwifruit in the fruit dish.

Captain VXR
4th March 2007, 20:09
Apple juice?

4th March 2007, 20:12
I always eat 5 day.

Usually Twix, Snickers, Double Decker, Lion Bar and Mars.

4th March 2007, 20:26
It's quite difficult, isn't it? :s

Generally, I tend to eat quite healthy anyway. Not in an overkill kind of way, but a balanced diet. If I get up in time, I can have some fruit with my breakfast, then 2x bowls of soup at work, then some with my dinner and some in the evening. Generally 4-5 but sometimes more.

4th March 2007, 20:54
I don't even have one portion a day. :mark: A banana if I'm working, but I haven't been working for 2 weeks, so I'm going to have to overdose on them when I go back. :p :

4th March 2007, 21:10
We have that in New Zealand, and I, as a student nurse, i.e. a health role-model, should be the readiest to take it up.

However, I have vegetables for dinner maybe three times per week and fruit only occasionally :s

4th March 2007, 22:13
I try to have my "five a day", but don't start getting paranoid if I don't manage it. Let's see, today I've had peas, carrots, an apple, some raisins and sultanas - just about done it. To make sure, I'll have some grapes before I go to bed...

4th March 2007, 22:20
I try but it doesn't always fit in with my 'lifestyle' and spending habits. :s I also sometimes use holland & barrett to help on the advice of someone. Not sure how it's all working out but I feel healthy

5th March 2007, 00:38
I always eat 5 day.

Usually Twix, Snickers, Double Decker, Lion Bar and Mars.


i have has 2 bannanas 1 bunch of grapes some peas carrots some green things :S

5th March 2007, 02:20
I would eat fruit constantly if I could afford it :lips:

oily oaf
5th March 2007, 08:31
I can't remember the last time I had a portion :(

Dave B
5th March 2007, 10:17
I have salad in my kebab, and lettuce in my burgers, so I'm doing fine :facelick:

Seriously, I reckon most days I have 2 or 3 "portions", a few days per week I easily exceed the 5. Overall I could do better but it's not as if I'm shoving unhealthy crap down my throat the rest of the time.

I've cut down to one sugar in tea (to be half by the end of the month); and have all but given up sweets and chocolate... almost.

5th March 2007, 10:21
I do try, but I don't always manage it. I eat at least a piece of fruit every day, without fail, but sometimes I'm not hungry enough for five portions.

5th March 2007, 10:35
Being on a diet at the moment I do have more than five a day: apples, pears, strawberries, oranges and tangerines, together with many vegetables, fish and salads. I'm only allowed to eat meat three times a week :(

Theoretically we all should eat 5 times a day therefore if you eat a fruit in each of you meals it is easy to reach the magic number.

5th March 2007, 11:13
I don't... not at all. I reckon the only time I get the full five portions of fruit or veg is when I have a roast dinner and christmas things like that. I don't eat enough fruit or veg, but I try my best, and I always drink fruit juices too. I do like my fruit and veg... through uni I could go a few days without having much fruit or veg and I could feel my body yearning for it, so I do much better these days.

Since I'm smaller than average does that mean I require smaller portions to make up my five a day?

Brown, Jon Brow
5th March 2007, 12:46
Since I'm smaller than average does that mean I require smaller portions to make up my five a day?

Oh bless!! :)

5th March 2007, 19:06
I had 4 bananas today.

oily oaf
5th March 2007, 19:26
I've a feeling I may have mentioned this before but I recently ate 5 mouldy clementines left over from Christmas and spent the following 24 hours yodelling into the chodbin.

What's so healthy about that eh? :mad:

oily oaf
5th March 2007, 19:29
I had 4 bananas today.

I know things aren't going as well as you might hope in the girlfriend stakes mate but there are limits you know :mad:

Ian McC
5th March 2007, 20:45
2 bananas 2 apples and a salad for lunch so I'm there though I think I would prefer Beans version of five a day :D

Captain VXR
5th March 2007, 21:25

6th March 2007, 01:30
had salad with lunch and ate 2 bananas during the day.

I was thinking I had healthy food today :s

6th March 2007, 01:39
Today, I had breakfast at about 07:00, and then a Red Bull at about 11:15, and now it's 13:30... I'm really hungry.

But, it's easily solved: there's food in the cupboards. No fruit, though :(

6th March 2007, 01:45
Does a pound of cookies count?Uch!A customer brought in a whole bagload and I've been munching on them all day!At this time a lack of funds has unfortunately limited my 5 a day.Instant noodles suck!-It's a good thing I have some good friends to mooch off of once in a while! :cheese:

6th March 2007, 11:49
strawberry yogurt thats all i have had thinking of a nice cheese n pickle toastie seeing we are all out of fruit

6th March 2007, 15:13
This goverment "initiative" is a load of codswallop. You don't need to eat 5 portions of fruit or vegetables every day to maintain a healthy body. What you need to do is not live solely on crisps, chips, chocolate bars and pizza.

What the human body needs is a balanced diet where all things are eaten in moderation. It also needs regular exercise. It doesn't have to be strenuous, just something more active than pressing a button on the TV remote!

7th March 2007, 03:53
5 a day... pfft, our gov't is putting ad's on tv to try and get us to eat 7 a day... yep, seven. so as if everything you eat must be fruit or veggies...

ok then i have a 'cheery ripe' 'lemon and lime solo' bag of 'jaffas'... heck theres 3 serves already

Hazell B
7th March 2007, 20:38
Somebody mentioned eating five times a day. I eat four times most days and still get comments from friends about it being unusual. It's just what I've always done - eat when I'm hungry until I'm not hungry any more, whatever the time :p :

Ian McC
7th March 2007, 21:12
What you need to do is not live solely on crisps, chips, chocolate bars and pizza.

Don't you diss pizza or I will set Pino on you! :D

Ian McC
7th March 2007, 21:22
Don't you diss pizza or I will set Pino on you! :D

Indeed, extra toppings for mine please! :D

7th March 2007, 22:01
Indeed, extra toppings for mine please! :D

Like bits of orange, and apple, and kiwifruit...? ;)

Ian McC
7th March 2007, 22:14
Like bits of orange, and apple, and kiwifruit...? ;)


No, but pineapple would be great! :D

7th March 2007, 22:17

No, but pineapple would be great! :D

How about we classify anchovies as fruit so you can feel good about yourself? ;)

And what's wrong with Kiwifruit???????????????

7th March 2007, 22:25
Mmmmm, kiwi fruit.

Does an aubergine count as one portion or two? They're quite big.

7th March 2007, 22:31
Mmmmm, kiwi fruit.

Does an aubergine count as one portion or two? They're quite big.

The portions are meant to be quite large - enough to fill your cupped hands - both of them together. But an aubergine is probably two.

I wish I had some kiwifruit right now........ :)

Ian McC
7th March 2007, 22:41
How about we classify anchovies as fruit so you can feel good about yourself? ;)

:s pass on those thanks

And what's wrong with Kiwifruit???????????????

On a pizza? :eek:

7th March 2007, 22:45
On a pizza? :eek:


Broaden your horizons ;)

Ian McC
7th March 2007, 22:47

Broaden your horizons ;)

You're sick! Ban him already :p : :D

7th March 2007, 22:52
You're sick! Ban him already :p : :D

You're an intolerant conservative! Ban him already :D :p :

8th March 2007, 00:01
We have that in New Zealand, and I, as a student nurse, i.e. a health role-model, should be the readiest to take it up.

However, I have vegetables for dinner maybe three times per week and fruit only occasionally :s

I know your problem, I am a Nurse and have trouble sticking to the 5 a day, and exercise every day, you just dont have the time to keep as healthy as you would like.

8th March 2007, 00:26
Don't you diss pizza or I will set Pino on you! :D

okay then, how about a veggie-style pizza. With onions, peppers (green, red, and yellow), mushrooms, and black olives. Mmmmmmm... :lips:

Two birds, one stone... all done! :D

8th March 2007, 00:30
I know your problem, I am a Nurse and have trouble sticking to the 5 a day, and exercise every day, you just dont have the time to keep as healthy as you would like.

It's a struggle to keep up with the work, and the assignments, and the competencies, and keep fit and healthy. But, working as a nurse constitutes a lot of exercise already.

Oh, and I don't have any excuse: I'm coming to the end of a three-week period of no classes, just assignments :p :

8th March 2007, 00:34
It's a struggle to keep up with the work, and the assignments, and the competencies, and keep fit and healthy. But, working as a nurse constitutes a lot of exercise already.

Oh, and I don't have any excuse: I'm coming to the end of a three-week period of no classes, just assignments :p :

I hated that, assignments, and I am going back to uni to do a BSc and specalist course in Cardiac nursing. Also, I am getting more and more involved in the teaching side of Nursing, I might PM you, I would be intreasted to hear from your experiances, and how you work in another country and see if it is something I could suggest for my ward.

8th March 2007, 00:45
I hated that, assignments, and I am going back to uni to do a BSc and specalist course in Cardiac nursing. Also, I am getting more and more involved in the teaching side of Nursing, I might PM you, I would be intreasted to hear from your experiances, and how you work in another country and see if it is something I could suggest for my ward.

Yeah, it would be good to talk about that. I've just been doing an assignment about cardiac pathophysiology and it's driving me insane! :)

8th March 2007, 11:46
Don't you diss pizza or I will set Pino on you! :D
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with pizza, or chips or crisps or burgers for that matter, so long as they're eaten in moderation.

The problem comes when you eat too much of them too often.

8th March 2007, 18:33
Define "moderation".

I'll eat a burger and fries (chips to you lot) perhaps 4 or 5 times per year :s Others may consume the same thing once a week and call that "in moderation". :mark:

8th March 2007, 18:48
How many servings does the lime wedge in you beer count as? :D :D :D

Hazell B
8th March 2007, 21:22
You're sick! Ban him already :p : :D

Banana on pizza is superb, so why not kiwi fruits? I'd try it :D

Then again, I invented Pimms on baked potato, so I know a thing or two about adding fruit based items to food :p :

9th March 2007, 03:21
here the government try to endorse "2&5" which is two fruits and five vegetables a day. And i think each serving is a standard metric cup.

i easily make up the two fruit section, because i dont really drink soft drinks any more. so it's either cranberry, orange or apple juice, or maybe sometimes a nudie if i stop by the supermarket on the way to work.

The veg is harder, because veggies for breakfast dont really work for me, and i dont usually have time for lunch, so that leaves five servings of veg for one meal. summer it's not so bad because salad makes up a big portion of my dinner, and mixed beans go with everything.

9th March 2007, 04:17
here the government try to endorse "2&5" which is two fruits and five vegetables a day. And i think each serving is a standard metric cup.

i easily make up the two fruit section, because i dont really drink soft drinks any more. so it's either cranberry, orange or apple juice, or maybe sometimes a nudie if i stop by the supermarket on the way to work.

The veg is harder, because veggies for breakfast dont really work for me, and i dont usually have time for lunch, so that leaves five servings of veg for one meal. summer it's not so bad because salad makes up a big portion of my dinner, and mixed beans go with everything.

Now is my dirty mind playing tricks on me here, or should I be rushing to that supermarket and applying for a job? ;) :p

9th March 2007, 05:55
hehe, knew i should have expanded a little more on what a nudie is.

A nudie is a fruit drink made of nothing but smooshed up fruit put in a bottle. naked fruit if you like, hence the name. A days fruit in every bottle. No addatives, preservatives or anything else but fruit. Who can tell that i've been promoting Nudie's recently?


9th March 2007, 08:09
Hey, I like that nudie even before I have had one... Very nice website that has. :)

Maybe I should become a nudie too? :)

Hazell B
9th March 2007, 16:57
Nudies all round, on me!

Well, not on me, but you know what I mean :p :

9th March 2007, 17:01
are they similar to inocent smoothies ?

9th March 2007, 17:42
Innocent smoothies are gorgeous. The supermarket own brand equivalents, although yummy, aren't a patch on them.

Ian McC
9th March 2007, 21:56
Anyone one tried the new Meateor pizza from Dominos? :facelick:

11th March 2007, 07:00
Anyone one tried the new Meateor pizza from Dominos? :facelick:

I was a bit disurbed before properly reading this post - given the topic of the previous few... :eek:

11th March 2007, 19:26
Its a silly thing because if you have a donor kebab with all the trimmings then your fine.

Donor meat + naan bread + lettuce + onions + cucumber + tomato!

And a can of Orange Tango.

Thats five!


By the way I don't eat kebabs thesedays. I don't eat vegetables either, generally, because I don't like them. Get my five usually from fruit.

Hazell B
12th March 2007, 20:36
You don't eat kebabs?

Jeez, I'd go mental without kebab :(

Dave B
12th March 2007, 21:18
Kebabs are great :facelick:

12th March 2007, 21:25
Re: Kebab


Hazell B
12th March 2007, 21:27
Kebabs are great :facelick:

No, strawberry cream cakes are great.
Kebabs are far more important :p :

12th March 2007, 22:26
mmmmmmm... american kebabs. ;)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corn_dog :lips: