View Full Version : Damon gets hate mail!

18th May 2010, 10:49
With fans like those, who needs enemies? :eek:


Do people honestly have nothing better to do than spit venom in a letter and post it to someone doing a job?

How very sad IMO.

18th May 2010, 11:00
as much as i disagree with the rule, the interpretation of the rule and the penalty, i don't blame Damon for being part of the process, he was there to offer a drivers viewpoint to marginal (racing) incidents, not to guide the FIA on their shambolic procedures - thats whats the other 3 do.

some people really have their heads up their arses - morons

18th May 2010, 11:02
couldn't have happened to a nicer person

18th May 2010, 11:21
How do I send Damon a bottle of scotch? Because of the Schumacher decision I won the Pickem's this week!!! LOL


18th May 2010, 11:22
as much as i disagree with the rule, the interpretation of the rule and the penalty, i don't blame Damon for being part of the process, he was there to offer a drivers viewpoint to marginal (racing) incidents, not to guide the FIA on their shambolic procedures - thats whats the other 3 do.
That's what I assumed, but reading Damon's comments it seems that he was "put in the position of interpreting the regulations".

Having a former driver alongside the stewards was a decision by Jean Todt that I've always supported because they have raced at this level; something the stewards have not. That gives one member of the panel relevant experience and knowledge when judging on-track incidents. The remaining members of the panel should provide knowledge of the FIA rulebook.

As for the so-called "hate mail" - Pathetic :down:

18th May 2010, 12:19
It's not at all surprising that Hill is on the receiving end of this nonsense, and it goes without saying that it is undeserved.

However, I think that some responsibility for this must go to the FIA. They're the ones who have put him up there for people to take pot shots at. In fact, I would go so far as to say that inconsistency in stewarding decisions has not changed at all this year, merely the level of sanction. What's more, they using the good character and reputation of former drivers to lend a sheen of respect to their bad processes. It won't be long before Prost, Hill etc say they don't want to be the ones in the firing line.

18th May 2010, 12:21
My opinion is if former drivers are to participate, then it would be better than they are not in a position to be making rulings against drivers they actively competed against.

and so he questions the presence of former drivers.

All he says is this:

"Partly, of course, my discomfort was because I was called to make a ruling on an incident involving Michael. I acted entirely properly but I have already received some stinging e-mails accusing me of prejudice."

So what? It does not say "hate mails"

Clearly he was involved in a very prejudiced way, that came to my attention when he made the statement about the "wry smile" of MS, showing that Damon did take pleasure in the penalty.

Now if he were saying, oh, i thought he should be required to give the position back and no time penalty, but i just could not convince the others--that would be one thing

This penalty was the harshest issued all season long for an alleged transgresion caused by Charlie Whiting or whoever was pushing the buttons and their own unclear rules, while others with far more potential for serious injury have received a reprimand or nothing at all.

Something some folks around here have buried their head trying to avoid answering. What hypocrites

and under their own rules, the safety car was not deployed at the finish:

40.4 When the order is given to deploy the safety car the message "SAFETY CAR DEPLOYED" will be displayed on the timing monitors and all marshal's posts will display waved yellow flags and "SC" boards for the duration of the intervention.

So the only thing pathetic is Hill :down:

a backstabber and a hypocrite who could not do it on the track

18th May 2010, 13:06
So the only thing pathetic is Hill :down:

a backstabber and a hypocrite who could not do it on the track

Unlike the Shoe, making personal comments (IIRC) about Hill's family back when they were racing in the 90's, knowing full well that one of Damon's Son's has Downs Syndrome.

It would appear then, perhaps, that the Shoe and his fans are from the same mould perhaps?

18th May 2010, 13:12
Unlike the Shoe, making personal comments (IIRC) about Hill's family back when they were racing in the 90's, knowing full well that one of Damon's Son's has Downs Syndrome.

It would appear then, perhaps, that the Shoe and his fans are from the same mould perhaps?
once again, you fail to answer the questions....oh well your silence proves the point.
But yeah, maybe Shoe and Hill are from the same mold....one just clearly has some balls and the other is just pathetic---

wonder why when Shoe has been down in the field, he just did not park a fully functioning race car....so no, maybe shoe is not from the same mold after all

18th May 2010, 13:13
what are you talking about... do have you a link to this as I would love to see it.

The vitriolic rantings on forums are not restricted to fans of any one driver, and they certinally do not represent the driver views or character.

To say so is to be just as guilty of misrepresentation as those you accuse.

To my recolection Schumacher rarely, if ever talked, about his on track rivals let alone their lives away from the track.

18th May 2010, 13:13
I think even Schumacher was ashamed after that, but thats all in the past. I'm sure Michael has not taken it as a form of pay back. He leaves that to the less advantaged amongst his fan base. :)
when he grinned his "wry smile", everyone knew....

18th May 2010, 13:25
when he grinned his "wry smile", everyone knew....

........the size of his chin meant he could not chew.....

18th May 2010, 13:33
so getting personal abot drivers is universal... QED

18th May 2010, 13:48
"Clearly he was involved in a very prejudiced way, that came to my attention when he made the statement about the "wry smile" of MS, showing that Damon did take pleasure in the penalty." This was markabilliy's comment--I messed up the quote thingy.

How does Schumacher's "wry smile" indicate that Damon took pleasure in the penalty? Wouldn't it have to be Damon with the wry smile to indicate that he took pleasure?

From what I read, MS's wry smile came before the penalty was handed down.

Big Ben
18th May 2010, 13:55
wonder why when Shoe has been down in the field, he just did not park a fully functioning race car....so no, maybe shoe is not from the same mold after all

well, he did, but after a certain age it's easier to remember things from 30 years ago then 3.

18th May 2010, 13:59
This is the quote:

"But the 1996 world champion admitted that there was a wry smile from Schumacher when he saw Hill as he entered the stewards' room."

I interpret this as MS being cynical and prejudging Damon's involvement. It's either that or Michael was sucking on some Sour Patch Kids as he walked into the room, and made a face that Damon misinterpreted. :D

18th May 2010, 14:02
"Clearly he was involved in a very prejudiced way, that came to my attention when he made the statement about the "wry smile" of MS, showing that Damon did take pleasure in the penalty." This was markabilliy's comment--I messed up the quote thingy.

How does Schumacher's "wry smile" indicate that Damon took pleasure in the penalty? Wouldn't it have to be Damon with the wry smile to indicate that he took pleasure?

From what I read, MS's wry smile came before the penalty was handed down.
read his comment again.

Bottom line, is that I can see reason for the confusion, I believe that since FA might have had reason not to race, and MS had reason to race and because the FIA screwed up, then put MS back where he was.....despite the fact that MS has by far the more compelling argument, but first I would want the radio transmissions for FA as well as the data showing exactly what fred was doing---was he racing and spun his tires, or was he coasting....?

The issue is that what Damon and his crew did, WAS NOT to do the right thing, or to even try.

That is very clear without question, except for those who feel compelled to defend the pathetic backstabbing hypocrite, but even they know the truth.

18th May 2010, 14:06
This is the quote:
I interpret this as MS being cynical and prejudging Damon's involvement.

Not so cynical as it transpired

18th May 2010, 14:09
This is the quote:

"But the 1996 world champion admitted that there was a wry smile from Schumacher when he saw Hill as he entered the stewards' room."

I interpret this as MS being cynical and prejudging Damon's involvement. It's either that or Michael was sucking on some Sour Patch Kids as he walked into the room, and made a face that Damon misinterpreted. :D

this is the direct quote:

he said after he had heard the arguments from those involved: "Believe me, my only concern is that the right thing is done. If that was the case consistently, things would be better. But there was a wry smile from Michael."

yeah no doubt, MS realized where the show was headed...what a joke

And it should be clear now that damon was lying

and everyone knows the right thing: if MS was not to keep the spot, just give it back without penalty

Said so before the ruling came out.....

and no I am not a fan of his anymore than I am a fan of lewis or the others.

The only one i am a fan of, is the beloved Scotnot Speed, bless his painted little toenails

18th May 2010, 14:10
Now if he were saying, oh, i thought he should be required to give the position back and no time penalty, but i just could not convince the others--that would be one thing

If Schumacher was guilty of the transgression - which they deemed him to be - then the penalty is a drive through or 20 seconds added to their time. That is absolute and can not be reversed.

I am evil Homer
18th May 2010, 14:39
"correct procedure" and "the FIA" aren't usually seen in the same sentence for a good reason.

I believe the issue is there is no rule saying "swap them back" it's only the timed penalty.

18th May 2010, 14:41
Seriously though, what is the official penalty for overtaking during a SC?

What is the penalty for overtaking under waved GREEN flags when yore team has been advise the track is live and the safety car is in the pits with it's lights off.

18th May 2010, 14:48
If it states in the rules that a 20 second drive through penalty is the advised punishment for such an incident, then Hill has followed the book with his 3 colleagues. Just a thought? :)
no, when one driver gains a spot that he should not, then giving back the spot would be as correct as any.

And as i said elsewhere, if the SC signs were still out or something like that, then whatever the penalty should apply, is whatever it should be.

the real problem is the non=appealability of this penalty.

If the penalty is imposed in the middle of the race, logic disctates that it should not be appealed.

But at the end, two hours after the engines are turned off????

BTW--I spoke strenously against the Hamilton Spa penalty, because it was a very wet track with cars on dry tires, doing the best they could, not to slide off in the mud......as well as an after the race penalty.......but nobody listened :dozey:

so all this talk of an appeal and further hand wrangling over this, is just a waste of time as nothing will change...and sometime down the raod maybe the FIA will figure out what the hell they are doing and charlie and the rest, will retire from the scene

18th May 2010, 14:52
Theres only one man who can get to the bottom of this.. :p


Seriously though, what is the official penalty for overtaking during a SC? I have said myself that I would have preferred that the drivers were simply swapped to the correct order, but if an offence has been committed, surely Hill would have been compelled to follow the correct procedure rather than deciding on his own form of punishment? If it states in the rules that a 20 second drive through penalty is the advised punishment for such an incident, then Hill has followed the book with his 3 colleagues. Just a thought? :)

Not any more I am afraid - poor Peter has very advanced Altzheimers. :(

18th May 2010, 14:53
What is the penalty for overtaking under waved GREEN flags when yore team has been advise the track is live and the safety car is in the pits with it's lights off.

Aha - now then, who advised the team....???

Big Ben
18th May 2010, 14:56
yeah billy boy... you do talk a lot of nonsense :rolleyes: ... and I'm talking about the sentences I can understand not the usual pointless drivel

18th May 2010, 14:58
Aha - now then, who advised the team....???
FIA by its actions advised all the teams...anyway, i have had enough.

the whole thing is just a stupid joke,
fake real racing finishes, non appealable after the race decisions with out logic, uneven application of penalties :rolleyes:

18th May 2010, 15:22
Chill out Mark.

Jesus! hehehe

18th May 2010, 15:51
I think you already know the answer to that my friend. The cock up by race control is something we have never seen before, and if more than one driver had attempted to overtake, then I doubt Schuey would have been punished. As it was all the teams apart from Mercedes chose to keep in line and follow the correct procedure. This rule was revised in 2005 and apart from having its chapter number changed, the rule has remained the same.

I thought the penalty was harsh and in an ideal world they would be able to swap position, and I've stated this a couple of times on here. But if there is a protocol for this type of incident, then the stewards are bound by the regulations to follow them. I still think there should be an official release by the FIA explaining why the green flags were used, and the SC option was turned off on the live timing however. :)

the problem is as you put it, is that the lights were turned off, and the only reason to do anything, was because we the FIA made a big stinking mess, and it would be unfair to FA (assuming the data and evidence showed he was not under the impression that a race was on) to leave FA behind MS--not that MS made an illegal pass.
So screw protocal, as the FIA already screwed protocal already with this stinking mess, so it ain't no virgin we are talking about here

all it would take is about a .8 second penalty, and problem solved, and since no appeal, well there we go, time to go home.....

Now the offical FIA press release????Well you would have a point, but that point at this stage would be as pointless as an appeal at this stage.

It changes nothing of substance

What are they to say? We screwed the pooch or geewizz we were so clear there was no need for any rule interpeting (so why was damon doing it as he said) or we do this green light on, so the end looks like a real race for PR purposes??
Or we just pushed the wrong button??

or our IQ being only 60, we should be given some leeway to make a few boo-boos

Any driver so incompetent would not last long...same for all but that one mechanic who left the cooler in buttons car...wonder if he still has a job??

As Taz said, it is history and we are just wasting time here

18th May 2010, 15:53
Chill out Mark.

Jesus! hehehe
need some kool aid.... :beer:

ah, yes there is Luca on the phone to Charlie, "hey charlie let us screw MS and show the old bull the green flag.....the old fool will wet his pants and go for alonso, like a pavolian dog in heat"

18th May 2010, 16:47
i have had enough.

Okey dokey.

18th May 2010, 16:50
need some kool aid.... :beer:

ah, yes there is Luca on the phone to Charlie, "hey charlie let us screw MS and show the old bull the green flag.....the old fool will wet his pants and go for alonso, like a pavolian dog in heat"

Thought you'd given up?

Mia 01
18th May 2010, 18:35
Thats what I have read too. I fail to see how Hill could avoid giving Schuey a 20 second penalty if its inline with the sporting regulations.

I think some fans are getting a little too caught up in the once rivalry these guys had, and are a little too eager to hype up a possible revenge action.

For once, I fully agree with you.

18th May 2010, 19:09
How pathetic eh?
Do the people who sent these letters actually expect us to believe they are Formula One fans? :mad:

There lots of idiots out there. :down:

PS: I do not agree with people blaming him for this, but it looks that he wasn't threatened in any of those letters. So I have to retract my comment above, it's just people who were way too disappointed to think clearly anymore.

19th May 2010, 11:33
We could of course balance this argument out by referencing Tamb's SIlverstone lament - whre he and his fellow workers were 'pelted' with bottles and the like just because he was working on a German's car....

Mia 01
21st May 2010, 14:12
Thoose who send this should be forced to start form the pits.

21st May 2010, 14:45
Thoose who send this should be forced to start form the pits.That my friend is forum gold :up:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

22nd May 2010, 04:32
from Stirling Moss, who still has a pair, unlike the whinger hill

Originally Posted by http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/aria/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0#post0)

"On top of that, ten teams appeared to have advised their drivers to start racing again. By the letter of the law it was safe to race - really the lights should have stayed yellow and there would have been no confusion."

Furthermore, Sir Stirling believes that Schumacher performed in the correct manner under the circumstances. "I'm sure Michael did the right thing at the time and if I was in the same place I would have some exactly the same thing,"

So who you gonna beleive? The whinger or the man?

I do blame him for not standing up against a wrong........explains while Moss has my respect and why he was a true racer..... :up:

while Hill was and remains just a whimpy whinger who frank Williams dumped --FOR THAT VERY SAME GOOD REASON-- and the kind of guy to park a fully functioning race car--- :down:

compare this to Schuie at his last race before he retired in Brazil......in an even worse position than Hill, HE DID NOT PARK IT. :vader:

Indeed, thos same stewarts who were so busy trying to screw schuie, they forgot about the Rubeniho toss...call it hate mail, but i call it truth

23rd May 2010, 20:53
I do blame him for not standing up against a wrong........explains while Moss has my respect and why he was a true racer..... :up:

while Hill was and remains just a whimpy whinger who frank Williams dumped --FOR THAT VERY SAME GOOD REASON-- and the kind of guy to park a fully functioning race car--- :down:

compare this to Schuie at his last race before he retired in Brazil......in an even worse position than Hill, HE DID NOT PARK IT. :vader:

Indeed, thos same stewarts who were so busy trying to screw schuie, they forgot about the Rubeniho toss...call it hate mail, but i call it truth

The Stewarts being a Scots Clan I assume?