View Full Version : Racing Room Complete!

10th May 2010, 00:52
Well, I took out all of my racing memorabilia the past week and a half and re-painted the room in lime green,orange, and black. I will now figure out how I am going to re-arrange all my items now. It turned out pretty good I think.

Here are a few pics, I really like the black blinds. The pictures dont do it justice.




Lee Roy
10th May 2010, 01:18
It looks great. Enjoy the season.

10th May 2010, 01:38
Serious question, DF- what are you going to do with all the electric blue and black stuff?

10th May 2010, 05:25
Once again DanicaFan (and I say this sincerely), you really are the kind of fan that this sport needs more of.

I was watching an episode of Man Caves on HGTV or DIY (one of them... can't keep them straight) the other day, and there was a married couple. He was a White Sox fan, while she and her family were Cubs fans. They did up their Man Cave to pay tribute to both teams. It was really amazing. But you have pretty much done the same thing on your own. Very well done! Yeah, when you get your stuff back in there, be sure to share some pics.

You know how I feel about your favorite driver. But I really do have a lot of respect for you as a racing fan. :up:

10th May 2010, 08:16
Thanks Jag and LeeRoy, it took some time to do it. I have some extra little touches to the room I will do this week, like put on my black outlet faceplates, put some little 7 decals on the black border and a checkered flag valance on the window.

I will take some pics when I get all my stuff back in the room.

10th May 2010, 11:42
Very cool.

10th May 2010, 12:24
Serious question, DF- what are you going to do with all the electric blue and black stuff?

I still have it. I will hang some of it up. I have all her color scheme memorabilia. It's all good. :)

10th May 2010, 23:29
I just find this sort of stuff weird and fairly puke inducing myself.

Mark in Oshawa
12th May 2010, 20:47
DF....That green is painful to look at......lol

I love ya man, (in a manly sort of way of course...lol) but there is a limit to the fandom in my mind, and buying THAT color of green and painting a whole room in it??? noooooooo

13th May 2010, 03:01
Once again DanicaFan (and I say this sincerely), you really are the kind of fan that this sport needs more of.

I was watching an episode of Man Caves on HGTV or DIY (one of them... can't keep them straight) the other day, and there was a married couple. He was a White Sox fan, while she and her family were Cubs fans. They did up their Man Cave to pay tribute to both teams. It was really amazing. But you have pretty much done the same thing on your own. Very well done! Yeah, when you get your stuff back in there, be sure to share some pics.

You know how I feel about your favorite driver. But I really do have a lot of respect for you as a racing fan. :up:

If we had 100,000 fans like this for each driver in the series, then race tickets would be very hard to come by. Danica is not the best, but Danicafan is one of the best fans.

13th May 2010, 08:45
If we had 100,000 fans like this for each driver in the series, then race tickets would be very hard to come by. Danica is not the best, but Danicafan is one of the best fans.

Thanks EagleEye!

13th May 2010, 11:51
If we had 100,000 fans like this for each driver in the series, then race tickets would be very hard to come by. Danica is not the best, but Danicafan is one of the best fans.

Perhaps, but that kind of fandom is the little to intense for my liking bordering on unhealthy/obsessive . Perhaps if it was fandom for a driver whose most significant talent was not sex appeal, I wouldn't get that cringing feeling.

13th May 2010, 12:36
Perhaps, but that kind of fandom is the little to intense for my liking bordering on unhealthy/obsessive . Perhaps if it was fandom for a driver whose most significant talent was not sex appeal, I wouldn't get that cringing feeling.

Your view peasant about me being a fan is what makes me mad. Just because Danica is female, Im automatically a weirdo or its a sex thing, and that is just simply not true. Yes, she is a very pretty woman, I wont argue that, however, I like her for who she is, her talent, her personality, and she is fun to be around. If I had the same amount of memorabilia for a male driver, no one would say a thing.

One of my best friends is the biggest Dale Sr. and Dale Jr. fan I know of and he has so much of thier stuff it makes me look like I barely collect any Danica stuff. Do I think he is weird, no, its being a great fan. I see a lot of people painting rooms up with college or pro team colors of various sports, and this is no different, just a racing theme. ;)

Mark in Oshawa
13th May 2010, 16:00
If we had 100,000 fans like this for each driver in the series, then race tickets would be very hard to come by. Danica is not the best, but Danicafan is one of the best fans.

Agreed. We razz the hell out of him, but we all admire the guy's dedication....

13th May 2010, 22:41
Your view peasant about me being a fan is what makes me mad. Just because Danica is female, Im automatically a weirdo or its a sex thing, and that is just simply not true. Yes, she is a very pretty woman, I wont argue that, however, I like her for who she is, her talent, her personality, and she is fun to be around. If I had the same amount of memorabilia for a male driver, no one would say a thing.

One of my best friends is the biggest Dale Sr. and Dale Jr. fan I know of and he has so much of thier stuff it makes me look like I barely collect any Danica stuff. Do I think he is weird, no, its being a great fan. I see a lot of people painting rooms up with college or pro team colors of various sports, and this is no different, just a racing theme. ;)

I've already said my piece on the rest so I'll leave it at that, but honestly you're the first person I've ever seen write or say that about her. Normally it's carefully neutral or quite the opposite

13th May 2010, 22:58
Well, as for being a "good fan", I would suggest that there is no bigger Paul Tracy fan than me, and there was no bigger fan of Rick Mears than me. I idolized Michael Jordan and without the Steelers or Yankees I'm certain the world would cease to rotate on its axis. I go to multiple races per year, subscribe to multiple media outlets, watch pretty much each and every session in one way or another. In short, I doubt anybody here spends much more time or money and dedicates themselves to certain sponsors simply because of their involvement with particular drivers and series. I'm not saying I am THE BIGGEST or BEST fan, I'm saying I am as big of a fan as it comes. Newsflash, I don't do freaky stuff like this. I'm an adult over the age of 18 so to each their own but in no way shape or form does this feakshow stuff determine what kind of fans we need more of. More simply, Indycar (we) need more fans, period. More fans like the majority of the people on these forums, more fans like ME! So lets please stop with the coddling of FakeDanicaFan, it is weird behavior for an adult, period.

13th May 2010, 23:46
Agreed. We razz the hell out of him, but we all admire the guy's dedication....No doubt about the dedication and unlike some who post on forums, he never cuts down another driver. But personally, I just don't get the man cave deal.........

13th May 2010, 23:56
No doubt about the dedication and unlike some who post on forums, he never cuts down another driver. But personally, I just don't get the man cave deal.........

That isn't true BB, he regularly slams Milka although nobody can blame him. It all goes back to Milka standing up to his Princess and throwing a towel in her for him, THE NERVE!! He also quickly jumps on any driver having contact with said Princess (i.e. Lloyd hitting her right front with his left rear at Barber, etc.). In other words, if his driver is involved in any way, he always blames the other guy and ridicules them regardless of fault. But honestly, I don't care about any of that. Those are the topics that make racing a sport and give us all stuff to talk about. We gotta have spirited debates about drivers, don't you think? That is what is all about to me.

BTW, makes me remember arguing with my little bro growing up...PT or Michael...no it was the other guys fault. LOL.

14th May 2010, 01:29
Nice work D-fan. Are you going to have to do this all over again when she heads to Nascar full time? Or is her color scheme the same there also? Jag and the others are right, no one can say your not a hard core fan. Don't know if I could stand that garish color scheme of her sponsors though.

14th May 2010, 09:16
Nice work D-fan. Are you going to have to do this all over again when she heads to Nascar full time? Or is her color scheme the same there also? Jag and the others are right, no one can say your not a hard core fan. Don't know if I could stand that garish color scheme of her sponsors though.

Thanks DBell. Her paint scheme in NASCAR is the same. When I get all my memorabilia back in there, it will look different. A lot of the walls will be covered by shelves, car parts, pictures, etc.

And Turn3, you can never agree with anything I say. You always disagree, argue, make a smart-arse comment, or do all 3. Like I told you before, I dont know what I ever did to you (nothing to be honest) to make you so negative and I cant change that, only you can. So I dont know what YOUR problem is, jealousy, perhaps ? ;)

OK, back on topic. I will post the pics when I get my stuff back in there.

14th May 2010, 12:42
I dont think the room is real.... and i dont think danicafan is real

"he" is nothing more than some intern sitting in a cubicle working for her agent attempting to maintain a presence for "The Brand"

14th May 2010, 14:46
And Turn3, you can never agree with anything I say. You always disagree, argue, make a smart-arse comment, or do all 3. Like I told you before, I dont know what I ever did to you (nothing to be honest) to make you so negative and I cant change that, only you can. So I dont know what YOUR problem is, jealousy, perhaps ? ;)

Don't take it so personal FakeDanicaFan. I would have the same opinions regardless of any adult that behaved in any way expected of a child. My comments weren't directed at you specifically. I was merely making a point to those that think being a great fan means that said fan has to be psychotic. Clearly it doesn't, there are scores of great fans on this forum, right? Most of us don't show it like we're 8 - 10 years old, that was my point.

As for what you "ever did to me"...you're right nothing. I'm absolutely certain I can't explain my despise for you in the public forum though. Going back to the beginning of last season, you might be able to find some hints related to certain health concerns. But really, who cares. When you pouted for 6 months and quit the board I didn't have my daily laughs reading your posts. So it is good to have you here, sort of like reading a comic book. You know it isn't real but it still entertains you. Thanks for all that man!

23rd May 2010, 02:27
Well, I took out all of my racing memorabilia the past week and a half and re-painted the room in lime green,orange, and black. I will now figure out how I am going to re-arrange all my items now. It turned out pretty good I think.

Here are a few pics, I really like the black blinds. The pictures dont do it justice.




Why don't you repaint this room in the colors of the TWO FASTEST WOMEN AT INDY !!! Yes !!!! I mean the fearsome twosome (well you could say foursome... ) of Ana Beatriz and Simona de Silvestro !!!! Don't waste your paint on yesterday's news.

23rd May 2010, 04:06
Reminds me of this...


Sorry, but that tips way too far towards obsession for me, and is a little bit, well, creepy. I mean, I'm a huge Iron Maiden fan, but I haven't turned my house into a shrine to them or painted their logo across my living room in three foot high letters. I just don't get that level of obsession, sorry.

24th May 2010, 01:17
A couple pics of my room in progress. It's coming along slowly but nicely. Im trying to arrange all my stuff how I want it. Anyone know how to mount car parts on the wall ? :) Here is 1 wall in the making..



24th May 2010, 01:42
A couple pics of my room in progress. It's coming along slowly but nicely. Im trying to arrange all my stuff how I want it. Anyone know how to mount car parts on the wall ? :) Here is 1 wall in the making..



That's just downright creepy !!! Having that mug stare at you all day.... I swear serial killer characters on Law & Order are more restrained in their victim shrines... Besides, you forgot the TWO FASTEST WOMEN AT INDY !!! Yes !!!! I mean the fearsome twosome of Ana Beatriz and Simona de Silvestro... where are their posters ?

I AM calling you out, Mr. Fan of #23 Qualifier... I want to hear your spin on this one.

I call your attention to the Link: http://hubpages.com/hub/what-is-a-serial-killer
and I quote:
" Killers Who Keep MementosOften serial killers will keep mementos.... Generally these mementos fall into two categories, souvenirs and trophies. Police classify a souvenir as a personal item from the victim by which ... can relive memories... Trophies are generally something ... can use to build a shrine...."

24th May 2010, 12:39
I'm with hornet on this one.

24th May 2010, 17:20
I don't want get involved really get involved with this

but this is only for the parts on the car, since they are Carbon Fiber, they are prolly pretty light a simple nail and hook system will do just fine, use CA glue (Extra Thin) will be very runny, but a extremely strong hold, and your all set.

I have Racing Stuff all over my room as well, but of race and rally cars, along with a few posters from Petit

24th May 2010, 17:57
I think its cool :up:
I don't like Danica, but hey, to each his own. The colors of the room would have looked better had she still had the Motorola deal, but hey, its all good...

My wife and I were gonna do something similar,, but more of a half/half deal (my half Kevin Harvick, her half Tony Stewart) and even had drawings done up to see how it would look (this was in late 2005, early 2006)....then word got out that Goodwrench may be leaving, so we decided to hold off...

Well, y'all know the rest of the story. Shell /Pennzoil came along has Harvicks sponsor and there was NO way my half of the room was gonna be bright yellow with red trim, expecially with hers orange, black and white.....

Then Tstew left the 20 team and we threw our hands up in the air.....

We have thought about doing smething a little more stable, colorwise, like maybe our favorite NFL teams.......but we'd have to do the half and half deal again, and I just don't see the Chicago Bears and Seattle Seabags colors mixing very well, ,do you?

14th June 2010, 02:01
Well, here is most of it complete. I still have tons of stuff (mags,pics,posters,programs,cards, etc.) that I still dont have room for. Im not sure if I will keep the parts displayed like this or not. That is a pair of Danica's racing gloves on the sidepod car part you see.

I like how I have all of Danica's Indy 500 qualifying pics displayed in the first picture.




14th June 2010, 02:03
And a couple more..



14th June 2010, 03:14
While many here submit that the IRL needs more fans like you and they admire you for your devotion and idolization of a driver, I personally...

Hang on, I just spilt some ice cream on my keyboard...

14th June 2010, 03:21
I have a few prints, but I'm more into diecasts - and I need help with shelves and lighting! Still, you've done a good job there... good use of symmetry! Before it's over with, I bet you're going to end up with the Toyota Celica(?) that she drove in the celeb race at Long Beach several years ago. Wait, you don't already own that, do you?!