View Full Version : Pull Up Your Pants!

5th May 2010, 12:26
In the light of the recent ruling on “wearing trousers so low beneath the waistline that members of the public are able to see his underwear”, do you think the level of a young lad's trousers reflects his intelligence level, or is it just a generational difference?

I'm firmly in the older, "that looks daft, pull your f***ing trousers up, man" camp.


5th May 2010, 12:39
I think it looks stupid, but then we get the other extreme of the retired gentlemen whom seem to think that their trousers are not properly worn unless the belt is fastened just below thier manboobs.

Why is it that only those in the middle of the two extremes can work out where the waist actually is?

5th May 2010, 12:49
Teenagers will always adopt fashions that offend the sensibilities of older generations. It's a rite of passage.

5th May 2010, 12:59

5th May 2010, 14:08
Next time your down the high street see if you can spot all these types of trouser height;

10 year old - perfect at waist level
20 year old - hip level. Under crackers showing
30 year old - hip level. Trying to convince himself that he still has a 32in waist by wearing the jeans under his gut.
40 year old - perfect at waist level, but now 40in waist over the beer belly.
50 year old - waist band now above real waist height.
60 year old - waist band halfway up to the chest.
70 year old - virtually living in his trousers! Just his nose and eyes peeking above the waist band! :D

Its a great game! :)

5th May 2010, 15:20
remember, it's not just a song it's social commentary... :p :


Easy Drifter
5th May 2010, 16:14
They are all in training to become plumbers. :D

6th May 2010, 04:58
I just dont get the reasoning behind it. Maybe it is too upset the older geners but somehow i missed the memo this.must mean I'M OLD ALSO. Yet my waistband is still at my waistline and only love handles hang out not the belly over thing.

6th May 2010, 17:13
They are all in training to become plumbers. :D
I'd bet Easy Drifter is a Low Rider too.

Easy Drifter
6th May 2010, 17:49
Everybody---Take Eki up on the bet.
Make him pay because he would lose! :D :D :D

7th May 2010, 09:27
Wearing halfway down that oversized trousers might be too extreme. Teenager tend to do the things they consider cool to withdraw more attention.
I knew the trend of fashion wearing baggy trousers below than waist since long at high school. I prefer my own uniform of oversized shirt and baggy trousers instead of what school's uniform tailored for us, but still in the proper line of waist, to draw more attention, and it works... :)