View Full Version : Leukemia

Mp3 Astra
3rd March 2007, 00:19
I understand this may be a sensitive subject for some people, and I'm sorry for that.

A friend in my school year was diagnosed with leukemia last year, and spent at least 6 months off school getting kaemotherapy and a lucky bone marrow transplant. All looked to be on the mend when he returned to school about 5-6 months ago, but just 2 days ago, he went for a checkup and the leukemia has returned :(
It is in his bone marrow, and he has two types. I don't really understand what it all means and haven't been able to find anyone/thing that can tell me what to expect in the coming weeks.

Our year is working together to make his illness as easy as it can be, but releasing a CD, making a video and many other kind things.

I have a number of questions:

1: Does anyone know what his chances and options are?
2: Are too many nice things going to make him feel small and helpless, or will it make him stronger?

Everything seems so trivial now, the biggest problems in my life are no match for what he has and is going through. Oh God...

3rd March 2007, 00:29
I am sorry to hear about your friend, I think all you can do at the moment is be a friend to him and treat him like you allways would, and just be there for him.

Mp3 Astra
3rd March 2007, 00:33
I am sorry to hear about your friend, I think all you can do at the moment is be a friend to him and treat him like you allways would, and just be there for him.

We can't really be there as he has been injected with something that makes any germ a big threat to him :(

3rd March 2007, 00:38
Could you and your friend's send him a tape or something just letting him know you are all thinking of him? Just let him no he is still a mate.

How are you doing?

Mp3 Astra
3rd March 2007, 00:41
Could you and your friend's send him a tape or something just letting him know you are all thinking of him? Just let him no he is still a mate.

How are you doing?

Yes, pretty much everyone in the year has done something (stupid and not stupid) on film for him

3rd March 2007, 00:45
im sorry to hear about your friend, im sorry to say but it always seems to be the nicest people who get the worse luck

when i hear/read this sort of stuff it always make me think of my own life (selfish i know but honest) and what i want to do/will do with 'my time'

3rd March 2007, 01:13
First of all, I'm terribly sorry for your ordeal MP3. I'm sure you're going through a lot right now and not being able to understand how you can help your friend is painful enough.

Leukemia is essentially cancer of the blood cells. There are several types which range in levels of severity depending upon how early they were diagnosed. Your friend has already been through a lot seeing as how he's already been given a bone marrow transplant as well as been put on chemotherapy. It's very difficult, in every way, to go through these procedures but it's good to know he's been getting through it all.

It isn't uncommon, I suppose, for lukemia to go into remission, but with any cancer, there's no telling when it'll "come back" again because the possibility is almost always there.

The drugs your friend is on (that limit his exposure to germs) must be some kind of immunosuppresent to help him deal with his other treatments (I'm guessing), but of course, since they are "suppressing" (as the name suggests) his immune system, he is, as a result, super-sensitive to infection of any kind-that's why you probably can't visit him much. However, chemotherapy also weakens the immune system to a great extent as well, so that could also be another reason.

I'm not an expert on cancer, however, I used to do cancer research part-time. To get more information, I recommend that you look at : http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/373.cfm (I wasn't sure how to make it into a link, but it's Memorial Sloan Kettring Cancer Center's site-and it should, hopefully, help you answer all your questions.)

I hope everything turns out well for your friend. :up: Let him know that he has all your support-I'm sure that will help.

3rd March 2007, 01:19
And definitely try this site too: http://www.cancer.gov/cancer_information/cancer_type/leukemia/

It's the National Cancer Institute's info on Leukemia.

3rd March 2007, 02:02
Give me about 10 minutes and I'll PM you, MP3....

Mp3 Astra
3rd March 2007, 10:32
First of all, I'm terribly sorry for your ordeal MP3. I'm sure you're going through a lot right now and not being able to understand how you can help your friend is painful enough.

Leukemia is essentially cancer of the blood cells. There are several types which range in levels of severity depending upon how early they were diagnosed. Your friend has already been through a lot seeing as how he's already been given a bone marrow transplant as well as been put on chemotherapy. It's very difficult, in every way, to go through these procedures but it's good to know he's been getting through it all.

It isn't uncommon, I suppose, for lukemia to go into remission, but with any cancer, there's no telling when it'll "come back" again because the possibility is almost always there.

The drugs your friend is on (that limit his exposure to germs) must be some kind of immunosuppresent to help him deal with his other treatments (I'm guessing), but of course, since they are "suppressing" (as the name suggests) his immune system, he is, as a result, super-sensitive to infection of any kind-that's why you probably can't visit him much. However, chemotherapy also weakens the immune system to a great extent as well, so that could also be another reason.

I'm not an expert on cancer, however, I used to do cancer research part-time. To get more information, I recommend that you look at : http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/373.cfm (I wasn't sure how to make it into a link, but it's Memorial Sloan Kettring Cancer Center's site-and it should, hopefully, help you answer all your questions.)

I hope everything turns out well for your friend. :up: Let him know that he has all your support-I'm sure that will help.

Thank you for your words of wisdom and links, XRARA, it helps :)

Give me about 10 minutes and I'll PM you, MP3....

Thanks very much Tannat :)

Mp3 Astra
5th March 2007, 18:50
He has been given 2 weeks to live. :bigcry:
It's sickening, absolutely sickening. A great guy who had so, so much to live for. So for the next 2 weeks he is going to try to do a lot of things he has always wanted to do. Words cannot describe the anguish that his family is going through, his twin sister, his mum, his dad, his other sisters.

Our yeargroup is in a shocked semi-silence.

Everything is so trivial, who cares about friend problems and work issues... who the hell cares :mad:

Captain VXR
5th March 2007, 20:28
Absolutly **** news there, the worst diseases always happen to the best people.

5th March 2007, 21:03
He has been given 2 weeks to live. :bigcry:
It's sickening, absolutely sickening. A great guy who had so, so much to live for. So for the next 2 weeks he is going to try to do a lot of things he has always wanted to do. Words cannot describe the anguish that his family is going through, his twin sister, his mum, his dad, his other sisters.

Our yeargroup is in a shocked semi-silence.

Everything is so trivial, who cares about friend problems and work issues... who the hell cares :mad:

MP3, I'm very sad to hear you news. It absolutely sucks, I know what it's like to lose someone you're very close to. It really puts everything else back into perspective.

Only words of advice I can give is make sure that when his time comes, make sure you have no regrets about your friendship with him. It's the easiest way to deal with it. Even tho there is no easy way.

My deepest sympathies go out to you, him, and all his family and friends. :(

5th March 2007, 22:59
He has been given 2 weeks to live. :bigcry:

OMG. :\ :s hock: I even don't know, what to wish. Maybe a lot of bravery to your friend, you and other close people to go through that period.

I didn't know that leukemia can be that disastrous...

6th March 2007, 00:05
That's really sad :( :bigcry:
sympathies for his family and friends

cancer sucks :(

6th March 2007, 12:07
:( I'm so sorry to hear this MP3... keeping you and your friend and family in my thoughts...

6th March 2007, 12:37
Everything is so trivial, who cares about friend problems and work issues... who the hell cares :mad:
On the contrary, I think that all who read this topic were sentisized. Because deep in our souls we are aware that such awful things like illness or losing a dear one may happen to anyone. Maybe some of us already had such experiences. Unfortunately there's no much left to say or to do.

6th March 2007, 14:27
sorry to hear this :(

6th March 2007, 19:57
MP3, im so sorry to hear this ... I dont really know what else to put, its so sad :( :( :(

7th March 2007, 04:33
Awful news. The only advice I would give is, right now everyone around him is sensitive and thinking - as you said - how small every silly problem is. The best thing you could do is to make sure that his ordeal helps all of you people be better persons. Human nature tends to forget about all that after a short time; the best legacy would be to remember, and to change for good.

7th March 2007, 05:46
You have my sympathy MP3 as does your friend who must be doing it very tough. After reading the story, I too felt I have nothing to complain about

oily oaf
7th March 2007, 06:20
Nothing to add.

Chin up MP

7th March 2007, 18:47
lead your friend to the Lord for his eternal comfort and yours to...God Bless!

Mp3 Astra
7th March 2007, 22:08
I'm sure he will be grateful for your comments, as am I. I'm even using God :)