View Full Version : RBR MF Cup - S2 - Round 7 San Remo Rally

Bruce D
3rd May 2010, 06:40

San Remo Rally Event Info
7-9 May 2010
RBR MF Cup Season 2 - Round 7

Open to WRC, S2000, N4-N1 and A7-A5 cars
Tyre choice is free for all stages
Pacenotes - Audio only, not visual
One SuperRally per leg, 3min penalty for each SuperRally used.

Leg 1
SS1 - Pribram 1 (Superspecial) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 1.9km
SS2 - Tanner II (Japan) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 4.0km
SS3 - Bisanne (France) - Mod: Gravel - Weather: Clear - NIGHT MOD - 5.6km

Leg 2
SS4 - Pribram 2 (Superspecial) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 2.7km
SS5 - Pribram (new stage) - Mod: Normal - weather: Bad - 9.1km
SS6 - Saint-Agreve (BTB) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 6.0km
SS7 - East-West (Australia) - Mod: Tar - Weather: Thick Fog - 9.5km

Leg 3
SS8 - Tanner (Japan) - Mod: Tar - Weather: Cloudy Damp - 3.9km
SS9 - Noiker II (Japan) - Mod: Tar - Weather: Cloudy damp - 13.7km
SS10 - Pribram 3 (Superspecial) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 4.2km

Total Distance - 60.6km

Send your entries to BruceD by PM or by email to [email:ffqd9ade]rbrmfcup@gmail.com[/email:ffqd9ade] Entry info as follows: Name, Country, Team, Car.

Submitting times
Start each stage using the "RSRBR2009" button under the "play alone" section, do your stage. The time will be recorded in the window at the bottom of RsCenter. If its not recorded, you did something wrong. Use "public sessions" tab and "Go" button for BTB stages.

Once you have completed the stages you wish to do, select the File menu and click on "Save times" The times are saved to your RBR directory under the folder "MyTimes". Once you have done all the stages, send all your html files to [email:ffqd9ade]rbrmfcup@gmail.com[/email:ffqd9ade] to be scored. Please note that more than 1 html file can be submitted so you don't have to do all the stages at one time.

Entries open immediately. Rally and entries close at midnight Tuesday 11th May 2010

3rd May 2010, 07:25
Looks Interesting but tricky enough...
We've got almost every weather for this one:
clear,bad,fog,damp and a night stage!!!
Glad there are some short stages there, so to take some deep breaths! :D

3rd May 2010, 10:08
Seems that the final 3 rounds, will define the season's podium right?

Bruce D
3rd May 2010, 10:35
So it seems. Certainly somethings got to split those top 2 and this event may be it. I worked out that even with drop points they're still level at the moment so it's getting crazy. There's also the fight for S2000 honours as well. The crazy thing is of the last 3 I'd say Australia will be the easiest yet that's some of the hardest roads with zero margin for error. I'm expecting a mixed up leaderboard on this event. Anybody could win this one.

3rd May 2010, 10:51
Im all over this.

I will send my entry later today or tomorrow.

3rd May 2010, 12:16
Nice! Will send in my entry as soon as I decide on the car.

Bruce D
3rd May 2010, 12:29
Small rally preview on the website right now. http://www.rbrmfcup.sixserve.net

3rd May 2010, 13:42
I'm in.


3rd May 2010, 14:56
I'm returning to Subaru power this round :D

Hopefully the S12c should give us a boost. Feels much better than the Focus on tar. The S14 power will help I think :D

3rd May 2010, 16:00
For certain some tricky stages here. Pribram was a nightmare for us on Corsica, a brief spin on Saint Ageve shows grip similar to Iguesuela, and then the weather....

Definitely plan to do our homework for this one...

3rd May 2010, 16:15
It really does sound like a tough event especially SS7 and entire third leg. I'll compete in the same car I did rally Finland. Though I haven't driven it on tarmac and I really need come up with a good setup for those very bumpy tar stages if I want to be competitive and battle for the win.
Edit: I think the weather also plays a big role who ends up where.

3rd May 2010, 19:40
Any one else that gets a CTD after 9% of Pribram S3?
RSRBR2010, Skoda Fabia S2000.

This looks to be a very hard rally :eek:


3rd May 2010, 19:50
Any one else that gets a CTD after 9% of Pribram S3?
RSRBR2010, Skoda Fabia S2000.

This looks to be a very hard rally :eek:



3rd May 2010, 19:55
Sorry a bit computor language :)
CTD = Crash to Desktop


3rd May 2010, 19:57
Sorry a bit computor language :)
CTD = Crash to Desktop


Thanks for the heads up... :up:

Will give it a go this evening...

Bruce D
4th May 2010, 07:07
Let me know if anyone else gets a problem with it, as it runs fine on RSRBR09.

4th May 2010, 07:37
It works ok on my laptop and I am using RSRBR10.

4th May 2010, 12:23
First time I drove it I had a ctd at 35%.

Second time I made it through with no worries (devil of a stage).

I am on RSRBR10 on a laptop..

5th May 2010, 07:35
Leg1 complete! I'll do Leg2+3 today or tomorrow 'cos I'll be away for the weekend! Sending my times In, on Friday!

5th May 2010, 11:18
"The many faces of Pribram" :p

5th May 2010, 11:21
Anytime I hit a solid barrier on any Pribram stage the game will ctd

Simple solution-don't hit any solid barrier, but it wouldn't be fair to need to use supperally in case of a small driving error

Bruce D
5th May 2010, 12:41
Yeah I noticed that a little while back, kept hitting a fence somewhere and it CTD'd every time.

Bruce D
5th May 2010, 12:53
Latest Entry list - was / is looking thin so I added in those that said they would enter.


5th May 2010, 14:05
A nice varied event. I need to do a recce of these stages beforehand because I'm expecting to have some difficulty loading some of them. Where can you download the stages separately and where do you put the files?

I'm thinking I'll try out a S12 Subaru for this event but will confirm after the recce.

Bruce D
6th May 2010, 12:25
Ok, who the hell came up with this rally?!?!?! Geez, did the first 5 stages last night, what a mission! First 2 stages went ok, Bisanne was more slippery than I thought though. Is it me or do these night stages always seem to have less grip than if run during the day? Pilbram 9km is not my friend, had a few offs and hit 2 spectactors, so lost a bit of time there. Otherwise things are ok so far, looking forward to finishing tonight.

Updated entry list - 11 people so far:


6th May 2010, 15:49
Ok, who the hell came up with this rally?!?!?!

You did! :D
Finished Leg2! Wish me luck for the final act!

6th May 2010, 15:51
I did a few practice runs and I see now that this will be one tough event. Lots of slippy stages and the fog stage is very demanding too. On default setups, I found it difficult to settle on a car. However, I've decided to comply by the entry list and drive an Impreza WRC 2008 (old body shape).

6th May 2010, 15:55
Any one else that gets a CTD after 9% of Pribram S3?
RSRBR2010, Skoda Fabia S2000.

This looks to be a very hard rally :eek:

I have found the problem, it was the gauger plugin (http://www.geocities.jp/v317mt/index.html) that made Pribram S3 CTD.

Strange I haven't had any problems before.

I will do the rally during the weekend, whish me luck :)


6th May 2010, 18:47
...I will do the rally during the weekend, whish me luck :)

Luck Is something we all going to need for this one, Tomas! :D

Bruce D
7th May 2010, 07:02
Finished my rally last night. Luckily I didn't use any SuperRally but it was close. Ended the BTB stage with the water temperature off the clock for the last 5km and ended Noiker II with the right rear wheel not travelling in the same direction as the other 3! Now just to see where I stack up on this one.

I probably had the most unique situation though, I did the first half of the rally in RSRBR09 and the second half in RSRBR2010 - yup downloaded it yesterday, some nice features - that accumulitive damage thing has my attention, as does the dusk setting. Not a fan of the sounds though so I'm downloading the sounds change thing back to 2009 version.

7th May 2010, 09:17
...Ended the BTB stage with the water temperature off the clock for the last 5km...

Had a similar Incident, a few meters before Pribram's finish, where I damaged my gearbox, but luckily, not completely, as I managed to get It to the finish
with only one gear ( think It was the 5th ) available!!!

EDIT: Finishing the rally tonight...

7th May 2010, 15:22
Would love setup tips for Tanner to enable me to be able to take that fairly large jump in the final timed sector flat...... :burnout:

Bruce D
7th May 2010, 18:26
I should imagine you should adjust the damper settings at the front and maybe the rear. But I just lift off. The time you gain by going flat out over there isn't worth the compromise in setup you had to do to achieve it.

7th May 2010, 20:03
I should imagine you should adjust the damper settings at the front and maybe the rear. But I just lift off. The time you gain by going flat out over there isn't worth the compromise in setup you had to do to achieve it.

You are right, Bruce... :up:

7th May 2010, 22:50
I dont know why but my laptop keeps crashing at Pribam S3, so I really dont know what to do, I've tried the stage 6 times and it keeps crashing at 9%.

I guess my rally wont be finished.

8th May 2010, 02:13
Does anybody find the cars are very loose on the gravel section on one of the Pribram stages? It is a fairly straight gravel section with no major turns. You're travelling at a fair speed before braking for a sharp right. It seems like an attempt to keep up the speed is pointless because braking distances are huge when you're not on tar!

Bruce D
8th May 2010, 05:13
Francis I know ctbr was having the same problem but solved it by downloading something. Check this thread a little further back. Otherwise submit and I'll work something out. Paddy, you are on tar slicks for that stage so the gravel is really slippery.

8th May 2010, 06:16
Francis I know ctbr was having the same problem but solved it by downloading something.

No I didn't download anything I removed the gauger plugin, so Francis if you have that installerd try to remove GaugerPlugin.dll from your plugin direcrory

Good luck


8th May 2010, 08:39
No I didn't download anything I removed the gauger plugin, so Francis if you have that installerd try to remove GaugerPlugin.dll from your plugin direcrory

Good luck


Thanks for the tip but it's not there, so perhaps I haven't even installed it in the first place.

However I will try to do the stage today, if it still dosen't work I am screwed :p .

8th May 2010, 10:03
Finished the rally! I'd say I will remember this one for a long long time! :eek:
Media below, speak for themselves!






'Lost In Pribram'!!! ( Don't blame the co-driver for this!!! )

'Silent Finish!!! ( after a cut off engine, a few meters from NoikerII finish )


P.S This was very nice Bruce! ;)

8th May 2010, 13:14
The definition on your photos is outstanding, LCD :up:

Gave a gal in the backyard a smoochie, did you? :laugh:

8th May 2010, 13:20
ha ha! Right! :D

8th May 2010, 14:58
Result are sent in,
this eas difficult but I manged to finish all stages.

Some misses in the Pribram special stages, overshot some harpains.
One real off on East-west and some scary moments.

It will be intersting to see the results.


9th May 2010, 18:49
I'm going to have tomiss thisw one folks. I hope I'll be able to make the next round and the SAIRC. Good luck all

10th May 2010, 15:06
Just submitted my times.

This was an interesting event, loved Noiker II in tarmac, Pibram isn't one of my favourites but seemed to get the hang of it overall. Looks like I will be upgrading to a C4 for the next event.

East West was tough, but always is. Ran it twice on Saturday in a local event and was about the best it's ever been. Although the water splash was a bit deep at over 50cm. Forgot to shut the roof vent and in the water came :)


10th May 2010, 18:24
Finished the rally. I'm really happy I didn't retire because it was a tough one.
I had a pretty much clear run on the first day but it went down hill on the second one.
Had a stall on Pribram and a spin on East-West in a really narrow part of the stage. I clipped the rock face with the rear but I could not catch it well enough and I spun.
3rd day was quite alright but Noiker was a complete disaster. I had three moments when rear stepped out under braking and I went offroading, took me some time to get back to the road. Lost about 40 seconds on this stage.
I'm not expecting much from this rally but I'll wait for the final results.

10th May 2010, 19:24
Some pictures from the rally. (http://s274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/t6nns/San%20Remo%20Rally/)

10th May 2010, 20:36
Just finished my rally too and didn't have any major drama, took Noiker very easy and was always on the brakes which may have hurt my time but managed not ot crash and finish my rally with a super rally.

I dont know where I will stand really, it was a mixed event for me, Im sure I did some fast times but others not so much, let's wait and see.

10th May 2010, 21:19
Neverknow and Francis are echoing a thought I've had since testing:

How on earth can you properly setup these cars so that you can brake on damp/wet tarmac without spinning?

I think I am going to interrupt my runs and make an adjustment on the controller fade settings in the options menu...

11th May 2010, 00:11
Neverknow and Francis are echoing a thought I've had since testing:

How on earth can you properly setup these cars so that you can brake on damp/wet tarmac without spinning?

I think I am going to interrupt my runs and make an adjustment on the controller fade settings in the options menu...

ye cant. Caution and big balls. Throwing it onto the grass to avoid spinning seemed to work for me :L not sure its the quickest way though :eek:

Bruce D
11th May 2010, 07:07
Depends on the car though - most of the S2000 cars have a tendacy to spin under braking whereas the Polo is very stable under braking.

BTW - you guys seen the new update to RSRBR2010 - smoking!!! http://forum.rallyesim.fr/viewtopic.php?f=351&t=4970

Includes the new Fiesta S2000 and the Audi Quattro S1, my all-time favourite rally car.

11th May 2010, 09:18
There are ways to make more stable under hard braking in wet or tricky conditions. Like locking center dif littlebit more, decreasing rear braking pressure, decreasing rear car height, stiffening front dampers or springs etc. Also braking gradually and earlier helps a lot, especially on tricky bits and downhill parts.
I think the moments I had on Noiker were clearly avoidable. I wanted to drive too fast and left braking a little late, well too late. And when I started to brake, I braked too much, unsettling the car and off I went. Stupid mistake on my part but I've hopefully learned to avoid it in the future.

The new update should fix the problem people had with Pribram S3 as well, don't know for certain though.

11th May 2010, 09:46
Since you brought up car's behaviour on tarmac, I think the conversion of default tracks to tarmac, can't be considered an 100% success, as I don't think, that real tarmac surfaces are so full of bumps and hidden curves...

11th May 2010, 10:19
Finished my rally and sent the times to Bruce about 5 minutes ago. The only practice I did for this event was on the Pribram 1 stage to quickly choose the car, that was all. That said, I enjoyed the first 3 stages, went very well on Pribram S1. Tanner II was okay, came VERY close to hitting the bridge just before the finish. On Bisanne, I stuffed up hairpin turns in 3 places, carried too much speed and pulled the handbrake, ended up hitting the barriers, luckily on the side of the car.

Leg 2 was okay. Went very slow on the "new stage" Pribram, since it was very confusing. I thought it's better to take it slow than crash. On East-West I hit a tree, but again on the side, missed the front bumper by an inch when I steered away at the right moment. Steering felt weird for the rest of the stage, so again went a bit slow there.

Leg 3 was atrocious! I have to agree with LCD above, the tarmac mod on gravel rallies is very weird. The vibrations from the bumps and curves was so huge that at one point I thought it was gonna break my Momo. Spun in two places at Tanner and Noiker was a nightmare, many spins, and almost escaped rolling the car when it was in the air sideways. :eek:

Went cautious on Pribram 3 to not crash, didn't practice there, so a new track for me. Only followed the pacenotes with caution.

11th May 2010, 12:03
I adjusted the saturation settings for the footbrake for the controller in the options menu, and that seems to have done the trick, although put a tire on the grass on any of the damp stages and it is spin city..

These stages are very unforgiving for imprecise driving

Bruce D
11th May 2010, 12:16
Getting some times in now, seems to be big gaps between people, not surprisingly really.

Just missing times from LCD, Tannat, 52Paddy and Paul, but Paul has already said he may not make it.

11th May 2010, 16:17
My times are In Bruce! ;)

11th May 2010, 16:43
I just sent mine in too :)

Leg 1: A small roll in Primbram. Fell down a gorge on Tanner (lost 40s). Bisanne was OK but very cautious.

Leg 2: Pribram 2 was fine. Primbram (full stage) was tricky. I had one or two spins in the wet weather but nothing major. Saint Agreve was not too bad but I didn't realise how fast the stage would be. Perhaps I should have attacked harder. East-West was a disaster. I had fallen down a gorge within a few corners of the start line. It cost me 1 minute. I don't think I screwed up badly after that but the damage had been done.

Leg 3: It proved to be the undoing of my rally :( Tanner was a fairly solid run. And Noiker was going pretty well until the final sector. I started to loose the rhythm because of these stupid unseen bumps in the road. I went off twice and was starting to loose my patience. There was a 200m straight facing me so I went flat out but, again, unseen to me, the car hit some bump and was thrown off course at high speed. I ended up hitting a tree and retiring from the stage (98% completion). As you can imagine, I was not happy with this so, for the final stage (Pribram 3), I was pushing quite hard but trying to keep as cool and sensible as possible. For over half the stage, I was happy enough. I had an odd spin and some overshoots, but eventually it became to much when I had taken the correct turn at a junction but "wrong way" showed up on screen. I wasted so much time trying to find the correct direction and when I pressed "call for help", I was facing the direction I had initially been pointing :mad: Again, I decided to push hard and, again, ended up in a tree and damaging the car (75% stage completion). Such a dreadful end to a rally I was really hoping to finish.

Bruce D
12th May 2010, 09:13
Yeah I learnt that lesson, when you make mistakes, back off, don't try and regain the time.

12th May 2010, 09:21
...when you make mistakes, back off, don't try and regain the time.

Only Loeb can do that! :D

12th May 2010, 10:13
Yeah I learnt that lesson, when you make mistakes, back off, don't try and regain the time.

Yeah, but what do you do when you've totally backed off, and doing 40-50 Km/h on a flat straight and spin because your front right hit a mysterious, invisible bump on the side of the road? :p

Bruce D
12th May 2010, 12:12
I didn't think the bumpers were that bad in this event. I found Ireland much worse.

12th May 2010, 12:58
On Pribram they were quite bad in all fairness. But Pribram usually is.

Bruce D
12th May 2010, 14:45
Pribram was made by some guy with serious hate issues, I think. Mind you I tried that new Slovakia stage last night (the tar one) and it was a real beast - bumps everywhere!

13th May 2010, 08:51
Bruce, when can we expect to see the results for this rally?

13th May 2010, 09:45
I didn't think the bumpers were that bad in this event. I found Ireland much worse.

...In my opinion, the best stages, In tarmac mod, are the Australian ones.
Smooth, without hidden bumps - at least not many..!!! ;)

13th May 2010, 09:52
...In my opinion, the best stages, In tarmac mod, are the Australian ones.
Smooth, without hidden bumps - at least not many..!!! ;)

I have to agree, those are my favourite stages, whether we are on gravel or tarmac, perhaps because they remind me of my country, and there fast, spectacular and tricky all at the same time.

NewBobs on tarmac mod is amazing, my favorite stage along with Chirdonhead in RBR.

Bruce can't wait for the results.

Bruce D
13th May 2010, 12:22
Pushing like crazy to get the results out today, I'm trying my best, but seriously snowed under with work too.

13th May 2010, 12:42
Yeah it sucks when work gets in the way :)


13th May 2010, 14:00
Pushing like crazy to get the results out today, I'm trying my best, but seriously snowed under with work too.

Oh sorry I didn't mean to rush you, work is always top priority.

13th May 2010, 14:27
Oh sorry I didn't mean to rush you, work is always top priority.

agreed. i dont think anyone will mind if the results are a day or two late.

Bruce D
13th May 2010, 15:21
Well I definately want them out soon but it'll have to be tomorrow now. Everything is ready but I can get internet access cos our service provider has stuffed our whole system and it'll only be functional again tomorrow morning. I'm writing this on my cellphone.

Bruce D
14th May 2010, 06:59
Ok Results are up but I can't post them here so you must go to the website - http://www.rbrmfcup.sixserve.net


14th May 2010, 07:47
This was a killer one! Positions kept changing hands, stage by stage!
Great times and performance from everyone! :up:

14th May 2010, 09:18
Hi Everyone,

It's time for me to come back, Raybak has been trying to get me to do the last few events. So here I am. At least can do the last 2 events of the season as good practice for next season.

Have just got a new Logitech G27 wheel, starting to get the hang of it and should be up to speed for the Australian Rally.

Bruce, the website looks great.


14th May 2010, 10:07
Another win for Francis. I have a feeling that this years cup will go down to the wire.
For me the result was quite surprising actually but also with lot of what ifs. What if I hadn't stalled, what if I hadn't crashed etc. Anyhow I need to get solid finish on the next rally, first place preferably. :D
It is also nice to see people improving and the whole field is getting more competitive, stage times are getting more and more closer to each other. I think next rally will be very tough where no mistakes are allowed.

14th May 2010, 10:20
I'm looking forward to the next event, my home rally :)

I was all over the place on this rally. Glad to finally get a stage win, it's taken me a while. Not a fan of Pibram at all, probably why it cost me a lot of time.

Well done to my team mate Francis. I think if he can win the championship I will offer him a drive in the real thing :)


PS latest news is that we will be running in the WRC next year in the Charade in Rally Australia. Will be in the allcomers event. Anyone wishing to be on our service crew, we will provide accomodation and meals for the event.

14th May 2010, 10:24
Cheers redrover! :wave:

Great news Ray! ;)

Bruce D
14th May 2010, 10:53
Yeah Redrover, welcome back!! Should make things more interesting the last few rounds. Don't forget we also have the South African Internet Rally Championship running as well, next event at the end of this month.

Ray, wish I could get to Oz, otherwise I'd happily be a service crew for you!!

14th May 2010, 11:05
I didn't expect a stage win at all! I knew my time was good at Pribram S1, but never thought it'd be a stage win. I pretty much closed my eyes on some tight corners and went full throttle. :D

The rest of the rally looks up and down, with some really bad times on some stages and a second place on stage 7. I guess the over-cautiousness caught up. But the car was behaving so bad that if I had pushed, I would have crashed.

Congrats to Francis44 for the win, that's some demon speed on stage 7! :up:

14th May 2010, 12:38
Man-this rally was a killer..

The tricky surfaces did us in. I have some homework to do on wet/damp tarmac...

Good scrap in S2000 between all involved :up: Quite envious of ctbr's time on Saint Agreve.

I'll probably return to a WRC for the next round. Glad to say goodbye to tarmac :D

14th May 2010, 12:41
By the way, I hope to start the fun rally thread sometime Sunday, so you guys 'over there' have a look before going to bed, or to the pub...

14th May 2010, 13:05
Bit disappointed with my time was hoping I could have challenged the leaders. Hope for the best on the next rounds. I think it'll be me who has to separate the two front runners by the end of the season :P

Bruce D
14th May 2010, 14:18
Ah, but will there be team orders? You don't want to get in front of NeverKnow...

14th May 2010, 18:29
Difficult rally, really good competition and congratulation to everyone.

Rayback if I win this I will not forget what you posted :D , I mean really wont forget!!!!

15th May 2010, 12:37
Despite not finishing, I'm quite happy with my results. I reckon I could have been 7th on SS2, close to Paul Minaar, had I not got that off-road penalty. If I just pushed a little harder on Bisanne, I could have made up several places. I have realised that I am slow on all Pribram stages though. I know there is also more speed to be found on St-Agrieve, so, with such close finishing times, it's nice to know. If I take off the minute I lost on East-West, then I land in 6th place.

I'm not being a sore loser by the way. Its just comforting to know that I have the pace to run in the midfield and, with a bit more consistency and less accidents/penalties, I hope to score a nice finishing position at future rallies. But isn't that always the case? :p :

15th May 2010, 12:42
Hey I've just realised we're supposed to be racing on 'reduced' damage. I've been racing on 'realistic' all this time :mark:

15th May 2010, 12:45
Hey I've just realised we're supposed to be racing on 'reduced' damage. I've been racing on 'realistic' all this time :mark:


Please fix that, teammate :D

15th May 2010, 12:47
Indeed. :p :

Bruce D
15th May 2010, 16:51
Doesn't seem to be much difference to me, either way a tree is a tree and the result is the same. I don't think it's sore loser, i think it's an honest evaluation of what you could do, which is good cos it makes you target your potental. Besides, this was a really tough event and we'll see what happens in oz. I'm expecting tight fights throughout the field.

16th May 2010, 17:22
You're right Bruce, a heavy impact will make you suffer either way. But there are times when I could have gotten away lightly on 'reduced' damage, but not on 'realistic'. Meh, press on :)