View Full Version : Rahal says not interested in driving for Dad

30th April 2010, 00:54
New blog entry on autoweek.com from Graham, talking about the races with SFR, and his hopes for the rest of the season. I have a lot of respect for his lack of interest in getting a "free" ride with his Dad's team, not a lot of drivers that would turn that opportunity down, particularly with a top team like RLR:

"I know a lot of people who follow racing wonder what I have lined up at this point. From here on out, we're working on a program to run at least the Indy 500. If we can run the rest of the season from Indy onward, that would be amazing. If we can only run Indy and maybe my home race at Mid-Ohio and maybe do a couple other races, that would also be great. I put my chances of landing a ride for the 500 at 50-50 right now, but I'll be at the Speedway the entire month, ready to go. If none of those scenarios works out, I just have to focus on 2011.

I wish I could give more details, but I can't say anymore; I certainly don't want to see anything fall apart right in front of my eyes because I said something publicly before I should have.

One last thing: People ask often why I don't just drive for my dad's team, Rahal Letterman Racing. There's always the possibility that something might come together to run with my dad. But the one thing I don't want is for my dad--or anybody in my family--to feel as if they're responsible to pay for my year. That's not how I want to go racing, even if we're just talking about Indy. I feel strongly that no matter what I do in this sport, I need to make sure that I have sponsorship and that I stand on my own two feet. To that end, my management team and I have been working extremely hard, and I hope we are rewarded for it one day soon."

Here's the rest of the article:


30th April 2010, 01:01
I've mentioned before how I feel he deserves some respect for his attitude regarding this. I'm not a huge Rahal fan one way or another but I certainly respect him.

Chris R
30th April 2010, 13:18
as if the contrast between Graham and Marco was not already self-evident......

although growing up in a family business, I think these sentiments are a little mis-placed - what else is family for if it is not helping one another out in times of need?? However, I suspect there is somewhat more personal/family issues to this matter than are apparent to the eye (nothing sinister - just family politics...)

30th April 2010, 15:16
it seems we are always focused on the Rahal part of RLR...

what are others thoughts on the Letterman part of the equation...

dude is worth somewhere between 400-525million based on reports.... has an annual salary of $32mil.....

and one would think has big contacts.....

now im not suggesting he should just fund a team to the tune of 5-10 mil per season... that would be silly

anyone around here know if Letterman has ever picked up the phone and helped find a sponsor for HIS team?

1st May 2010, 01:22
Dave is worth a reported $500M for one reason, he knows how to keep it HIS money. Racing is very easy at making it someone elses money.

1st May 2010, 02:04
and one would think has big contacts.....

now im not suggesting he should just fund a team to the tune of 5-10 mil per season... that would be silly

anyone around here know if Letterman has ever picked up the phone and helped find a sponsor for HIS team?

Excellent question. One would think that Dave has some deep contacts through his show and production company.

Screw pride. Graham is just a kid, who apparently doesn't know the ways of the business world quite yet. IMO, he should spend as much time as he can with people like David Letterman and learn how to sell himself and get that money! Back in the day, even his dad was able to charm companies out of sponsorship $. Course, that was back when people still gave a damn about this type of racing. Bob doesn't seem to have the same ability these days. Heck, who knows if anyone has even (seriously) asked Dave to beat the bushes for some $? Unless Letterman is still carrying a grudge, one would think that the IRL would beg him to attend races and show his face on TV during Indy... if they make Indy. Letterman probably gets more viewers in a week than the IRL does in an entire season, including the Indy 500. Even CCWS had enough sense to play up its association with Paul Newman. Oh well... the more things change, the more they remain the same.

1st May 2010, 02:48
Unless Letterman is still carrying a grudge, one would think that the IRL would beg him to attend races and show his face on TV during Indy... if they make Indy. Letterman probably gets more viewers in a week than the IRL does in an entire season, including the Indy 500. Even CCWS had enough sense to play up its association with Paul Newman. Oh well... the more things change, the more they remain the same.

The only OW event at TMS where someone got more PR than Danica, was when CC went to Texas (for the race that never was)....and it was all about Paul Newman and his being there....... drivers?? race?what race?????

Mark in Oshawa
2nd May 2010, 21:53
I think I take Graham at his word. I think he is a serious young guy, and wants to be be seen as making it on his own. Rahal Letterman is only doing a one off at Indy, and sticking to sportscar, so really, is there a great advantage of racing for Dad at Indy?

Graham is doing his own thing, and I respect that. Marco is doing his own thing, and I can still respect him if he produces.....

AS for Letterman making phone calls, I suspect Dave doesn't have the clout Paul did. Not even close because Dave just has his name..and no product to sell. Whereas Newman sold his salad dressings to McD's but had a prid pro quo for them to sponsor the team. Newman had something to use as a weapon besides just his name.

Dave? Well, he has lots of money, but he may just be a silent and not majority partner with RLR. I am sure Bobby would never tell us what the deal is...but I suspect Bobby runs the team and looks for sponsors. Dave just shows up every now and then...it is a toy to him...