View Full Version : Donkey of the race

18th April 2010, 09:08
Button for endangering pretty much the whole field with that safety car stunt. What a tosspot of monumental proportions.

18th April 2010, 09:58
Agree 100% with this,how its not being investigated i just dont understand.I guess he should also get driver of the day for his tyre management skills.

Garry Walker
18th April 2010, 10:01

18th April 2010, 10:03
There was plenty of questionable activity today - hard overtakes, pitlane shenanigans, overtaking by cutting the corner on the pitlane entry - but somehow I guessed Button would be the first to get slapped :rolleyes:

Dave B
18th April 2010, 10:07
Anybody who went onto inters too early and had to re-pit to change back to slicks. That's easy to say with hindsight, but once again Jenson (and in fairness Rosberg and the Renaults) made the right call.

I can't see anything wrong with Button's restart, for reasons I've explained on the main thread.

Honourable mention to Alonso's jump start, but he fought back well after his penalty.

18th April 2010, 10:09
Red Bull and Schumacher. Both with poor tactics, and little to no pace in the wet at all.

18th April 2010, 10:11
Sutil and his strategist. Missed good points.

18th April 2010, 10:11
nothing wrong with the restart, all the drivers were responsible, the mid pack were crawling over each other and didn't give space and they slwoed more than Button did.

Lewis and Vettel for racing down the pitlane wasn't clever by either, mostly Lewis. Lewis, Vettel and Webber wasn't clever on the restart.

my donkey is Massa though - nowhere in the race compared to his teammate who had a drive through and was mugged by Alonso into the pits (although that was a bit strong on your teammate, but that says everything you need to know about Alonso the team player)

18th April 2010, 10:12
button should have been given a black flag
in 2000 after the safety car he run off the track and had ago at micheal for backing the pack up

donKey jote
18th April 2010, 10:14
my donkey is Massa though - nowhere in the race compared to his teammate who had a drive through and was mugged by Alonso into the pits (although that was a bit strong on your teammate, but that says everything you need to know about Alonso the team player)

if Alonso hadn´t mugged him, Ferrari would have likely ended P8 and P9 :)

It says everything you need to know about Alonso fed up of being held up by a slower team mate :p

donKey jote
18th April 2010, 10:15
my donkey is Schumi, for the same reason as Garry´s is Alonso :p :laugh:

18th April 2010, 10:16
Schumacher didn't try to take his team mate out on the pit entry did he? :p

18th April 2010, 10:19
Schumacher !

donKey jote
18th April 2010, 10:19
he didn´t need to, he had a "gentlemans agreement" didn´t he ? :p

18th April 2010, 10:22
Button for endangering pretty much the whole field with that safety car stunt. What a tosspot of monumental proportions.

I wonder why the race direction took no measure against that but considered that they need to investigate Vettel vs Hamilton.

18th April 2010, 10:23
Schumacher !

We might get an explanation for this 'strange' claim?

donKey jote
18th April 2010, 10:25
oh and special donkey mention also goes to oz, for having kittens once again in the chat :p

18th April 2010, 10:26
oh and special donkey mention also goes to oz, for having kittens once again in the chat :p
What did I miss? :rotflmao:

18th April 2010, 10:26
my vote is for whoever decided we needed that safety car, either that, or the TV director for not showing us why we needed that safety car.

18th April 2010, 10:26
my donkey is Massa though - nowhere in the race compared to his teammate who had a drive through and was mugged by Alonso into the pits (although that was a bit strong on your teammate, but that says everything you need to know about Alonso the team player)

Not to mention it was outside the track and as such not allowed.
Massa started 7th and finished 8th after quite a few overtaking moves he pulled out on the track, what's to be called donkey about that. Not to mention he had to wait 6 seconds behind Alonso at the first stop which lost him like 7 places or so at the beginning.

18th April 2010, 10:27
I wonder why the race direction took no measure against that but considered that they need to investigate Vettel vs Hamilton.

FmclAren :p

18th April 2010, 10:27
my vote is for whoever decided we needed that safety car, either that, or the TV director for not showing us why we needed that safety car.

That should be Bernhard in this case.

18th April 2010, 10:28
FmclAren :p

More like Bernie's pal Charlie being a complete tool.

18th April 2010, 10:32
More like Bernie's pal Charlie being a complete tool.
Yeah, I can't believe Hamilton being released at basically the time as Vettel (and then getting pushed by Vettel!) is getting investigated and this isn't. If this were Ferrari the forum would collapse under the weight of thousands upon thousands of FIArrari posts :dozey:

18th April 2010, 10:32
Alonso. Had the car to win the race but jumped the start and drove his teammate off the road in a manouvre which will probably earn him a penalty for the next race.

18th April 2010, 10:39
RBR for their woeful strategy calls.

You'd think they'd have learnt in Melbourne to split strategies in changeable conditions but nooooooooooooooo.

Oh and honourable mention to the McLaren boys. Jenson for the pile up and Lewis for nearly mowing over a couple bays of pit mechanics.

And finally a mention to Charlie Whiting for going missing for the second half of the race when a couple penalties may have been needed.....

18th April 2010, 10:39
The Ferrari management may feel it goes to Alonso for a risky move on Massa in the pits, don't think they will be wanting to see that every race.

As for my Donkey.
Button's re start was up there.
Hulkenberg way to many stops and behind a Lotus.

18th April 2010, 10:40
Alonso. Had the car to win the race but jumped the start and drove his teammate off the road in a manouvre which will probably earn him a penalty for the next race.

Alonso's manoeuver on Massa was not even going to be investigated.

18th April 2010, 10:43
Charlie Whiting was a bit sub-par today.

18th April 2010, 10:44
It's not often I'd give donkey of the race to the race winner, but in this case, my vote goes to Button for coming to pretty much a complete stop when everyone behind is getting ready to jump on the throttle, sending some cars off the track to avoid hitting each other.

18th April 2010, 10:45
Alonso's manoeuver on Massa was not even going to be investigated.

That is weird, maybe the stewards had too much to do. I'm sure that didn't do much good to the relationship between the drivers .

18th April 2010, 10:47
Having the safety car out for 5 laps to clean up debris in the pitlane was very stupid.

18th April 2010, 10:49
Having the safety car out for 5 laps to clean up debris in the pitlane was very stupid.
There was debris on the track also.

18th April 2010, 10:50
Charlie Whiting was a bit sub-par today.

So he's been his usual self then.

18th April 2010, 10:51
Some dodgy moves by quite a few drivers. But it would be hard to pick a (true) donkey in this race, IMO.

18th April 2010, 10:52
I'm sure that didn't do much good to the relationship between the drivers .

Certainly not. I hope Domenicali will handle this right before everything explodes.

18th April 2010, 11:07
well, today's race was exciting and insane. so much questionable driving all through the race

Alonso-stuffed his race with a jump start, and got lucky with the 2nd safety car

Button-what on earth was he doing at the restart after the 2nd safety car-that was dangerous, lewis even got on the grass thanks to that

Liuzzi-crashed himself out of the race after a few corners, not great

18th April 2010, 11:09
There was debris on the track also.

Wasn't that for the previous safety car? I did not hear about track debris from the commentators, unless they said it during the ad-break.

Dr. Krogshöj
18th April 2010, 11:35
Liuzzi for the first lap incident. Eliminating hree cars in one go.

18th April 2010, 11:50
Liuzzi for the first lap incident. Eliminating hree cars in one go.

Good point. I'd forgotten about that.

18th April 2010, 11:52
Alonso's manoeuver on Massa was not even going to be investigated.

Nor should it be investigated. The pitlane entry is part of the race track. Pit conditions don't start until the control line.

Alonso caught Massa napping and I 'm glad he did as Massa had no pace compared to Alonso. Without that move Alonso picks up minor points only and the championship, already hard to obtain, gets that much harder.

Donkey? Liuzzi for losing it all on his own and taking out three cars in the process.

18th April 2010, 12:14
I agree with some of you saying Jenson who held up the cars like that during safety car period, give the weather conditions Jenson should have been black flagged, lucky man this time !!

18th April 2010, 12:29
Alonso's manoeuver on Massa was not even going to be investigated.

That was just the designated number 1 overtaking the number 2 driver of the same team. Pretty freaky though.

18th April 2010, 12:39
Having the safety car out for 5 laps to clean up debris in the pitlane was very stupid.

Lovely! We are having debris cautions now! Can't wait to see playoff introduced in F1 LOL.

18th April 2010, 12:59
Others made such calls too, but Red Bull and Ferrari strategists once again stand out, especially as they lost their track position, which is vital in F1.

Among drivers Massa and Schumacher were quite underwhelming. Massa needs to find his groove by Barcelona, if he wants to be a championship threat this season. Liuzzi had a rather subpar weekend - nowhere in qualifying and an immediate crash in the GP.

Wasted Talent
18th April 2010, 13:09
my vote is for whoever decided we needed that safety car, either that, or the TV director for not showing us why we needed that safety car.

Good call.

Nothing wrong with Button at the restart, just look at the replay looking back from his car - he slowed down but didn't brake, weave or block anyone. What do the leading drivers always do when there is a Safety Car - back the pack up and then go for it. If the drivers behind want to fall overthemselves then that is their fault.

As for Webber saying Hamilton shoved him off - classic given his performance in Australia


18th April 2010, 13:18
As for Webber saying Hamilton shoved him off - classic given his performance in Australia


Does that preclude him from saying what happened over the radio?

18th April 2010, 14:14
Nor should it be investigated. The pitlane entry is part of the race track. Pit conditions don't start until the control line.

And the track is delimited by the white lines and getting an advantage by going outside the track has been punished with a 25 seconds penalty in 2008 in Belgium.
Let's be consistent.

This kind of racing on the pit lane entry road is a rather new lunacy that will end one day with two wrecked cars blocking the entrance between the two walls. Still I have the impression that some will say it is OK because they were racing on the track.

Dr. Krogshöj
18th April 2010, 14:41
And the track is delimited by the white lines and getting an advantage by going outside the track has been punished with a 25 seconds penalty in 2008 in Belgium.
Let's be consistent.

This kind of racing on the pit lane entry road is a rather new lunacy that will end one day with two wrecked cars blocking the entrance between the two walls. Still I have the impression that some will say it is OK because they were racing on the track.

I don't think we saw anythink like it in recent past, so it is something that needs to be clarified. I don't think it should be allowed. By the way, Alonso is a cheeky basterd. :)

18th April 2010, 14:45
I don't think we saw anythink like it in recent past, so it is something that needs to be clarified. I don't think it should be allowed. By the way, Alonso is a cheeky *******. :)

Sure we did. After the Spa 2008 penalty on Lewis the FIA stressed that any car that goes outside the white line delimiting the track will have to give up the advantage they might have gained during the process. Also the rule book is clear on this, it's just the FIA and their stewards who are never consistent with the rule book.
Sometimes I even wonder why do they bother making rules and changing them if they only apply them when the outcome makes the race or championship more exciting.

18th April 2010, 14:50
Lots of donkey figurines to hand out in this race, but Liuzzi gets the donkey statue. :p

18th April 2010, 15:45
I agree that Button gets the biggest Donkey (wonder if he is related to mr. Squires who also likes to get Donkey)

But Button clearly deserves driver of the race.

Is this a first?

The donkey of the race and the driver of the race awards going to the same Donk, err I mean, driver?

18th April 2010, 18:28
this years Williams- Cosworth??? a crushing disappointment it's been so far- what a piece of crap that car must be to finish behind a Lotus.........

18th April 2010, 18:36
this years Williams- Cosworth??? a crushing disappointment it's been so far- what a piece of crap that car must be to finish behind a Lotus.........

Well, Hülkenberg made a rookie error by opting for slicks, losing a huge amount of time, which forced him to return back to inters as a result. Hence the loss to Lotus.

18th April 2010, 18:38
Well, Hülkenberg made a rookie error by opting for slicks, losing a huge amount of time, which forced him to return back to inters as a result. Hence the loss to Lotus.

ok- hadn't realised that- Rubens only managed 12th or something like that?? hardly a great success even by the modest standards of recent years. How I miss the days of Mansell, Hill, Honda, Renault etc etc

Mia 01
18th April 2010, 18:43

Forced Mark of the track at the restart and nearly putted Seb ind the sandtrap at the pit entrance.

18th April 2010, 19:08
Nor should it be investigated. The pitlane entry is part of the race track. Pit conditions don't start until the control line.

Alonso caught Massa napping and I 'm glad he did as Massa had no pace compared to Alonso. Without that move Alonso picks up minor points only and the championship, already hard to obtain, gets that much harder.

Donkey? Liuzzi for losing it all on his own and taking out three cars in the process.

I suspect this was pre-arranged by the team. If the pit crew were expecting Massa in first, they would have Massa's tyres ready. But I don't recall there being any kerfuffle in the pits a 'a Irve the Swirve three wheels on my wagon if they had to get Alonso's out instead.....

18th April 2010, 21:24
I suspect this was pre-arranged by the team. If the pit crew were expecting Massa in first, they would have Massa's tyres ready. But I don't recall there being any kerfuffle in the pits a 'a Irve the Swirve three wheels on my wagon if they had to get Alonso's out instead.....

They certainly made it look real. A bunch of great actors - Ferrari I mean. A couple of inches more and both cars would have possibly been out of the race.

Retro Formula 1
18th April 2010, 21:36
Red Bull and Ferrari seem to be committing suicide and Schumacher was just going backwards again.

18th April 2010, 22:44
Donkey? Liuzzi for losing it all on his own and taking out three cars in the process.

Good call! I forgot about that. Definitely Liuzzi!

19th April 2010, 01:33
I would say Luizzi, but honestly when we have a number of teams/drivers that result in 5-7 stops in one race, there is a herd of donkeys to pick from!

19th April 2010, 03:56



Valve Bounce
19th April 2010, 07:56
Agree 100% with this,how its not being investigated i just dont understand.I guess he should also get driver of the day for his tyre management skills.

Ladies and Gentlemen!!!! we now have a tyre management donkey adept at winning F1 races in wet conditions. :p :

19th April 2010, 08:39
MS = slow (wow never expected that of all things)
Alonso = for jump start - still did well to finish p4 and the pitlane thing was ahem..
Hamilton - how stupid was that scrap in the pit-lane proper with all sorts of things hanging around/people close by?

19th April 2010, 09:52
Ladies and Gentlemen!!!! we now have a tyre management donkey adept at winning F1 races in wet conditions. :p :

Why do all the accolades always go to management?

19th April 2010, 14:19
Ladies and Gentlemen!!!! we now have a tyre management donkey adept at winning F1 races in wet conditions. :p :
both awards acheived in the same race..... :D

19th April 2010, 16:21
Has to be Massa for me, 40s off his team mate and thats after Alonso had a drive through.