View Full Version : RBR MF Cup - S2 - Round 6 1000 Lakes Rally Finland

Bruce D
6th April 2010, 06:53

1000 Lakes Rally Finland Event Info
9-11 April 2010
RBR MF Cup Season 2 - Round 6

Open to WRC, S2000, N4-N1 and A7-A5 cars
Tyre choice is free for all stages
Pacenotes - Audio only, not visual
One SuperRally per leg, 3min penalty for each SuperRally used.

Leg 1
SS1 - Tervaniemi (BTB) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 3.0km
SS2 - Mustaselka (Finland) - Mod: Gravel - Weather: Clear - 7.9km
SS3 - Fraizer Wells (USA) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Covered damp - 5.0km
SS4 - Kaihauvaara II (Finland) - Mod: Gravel - Weather: Bad - 6.1km

Leg 2
SS5 - Diamond Creek (USA) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Covered Damp - 7.1km
SS6 - Sikakama (Japan) - Mod: Gravel - Weather: Clear - 10.2km
SS7 - Fraizer Wells II (USA) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 5.0km
SS8 - Autiovaara II (Finland) - Mod: Gravel - Weather: Clear - NIGHT MOD - 6.1km

Leg 3
SS9 - Tervaniemi 15km (BTB) - Mod: Normal - Weather - Clear - 14.5km
SS10 - Mustaselka II (Finland) - Mod: Gravel - Weather: Clear - 7.7km
SS11 - Sikakama II (Japan) - Mod: Gravel - Weather: Clear - 10.2km

Total Distance - 82.8km

Send your entries to BruceD by PM or by email to [email:1sejqxpc]rbrmfcup@gmail.com[/email:1sejqxpc] Entry info as follows: Name, Country, Team, Car.

Submitting times
Start each stage using the "RSRBR2009" button under the "play alone" section, do your stage. The time will be recorded in the window at the bottom of RsCenter. If its not recorded, you did something wrong. Use "public sessions" tab and "Go" button for BTB stages.

Once you have completed the stages you wish to do, select the File menu and click on "Save times" The times are saved to your RBR directory under the folder "MyTimes". Once you have done all the stages, send all your html files to [email:1sejqxpc]rbrmfcup@gmail.com[/email:1sejqxpc] to be scored. Please note that more than 1 html file can be submitted so you don't have to do all the stages at one time.

Entries open immediately. Rally and entries close at midnight Tuesday 13th April 2010

6th April 2010, 15:15
Looking forward to this one...

Haven't decided on whether to run a WRC or an S2000, but a quick glance at a few of the stages on Youtube suggests a WRC will be a shade or two faster...

Bruce D
6th April 2010, 15:58
I thought you and Paddy would be teaming up from now on? He's entered a Dark Drum team and you're still the Memphis one. :S

6th April 2010, 16:04
I thought you and Paddy would be teaming up from now on? He's entered a Dark Drum team and you're still the Memphis one. :S

Hmmmm... ohhhh Paddyyy....

Perhaps he was on a bit of a Dark Drum high when he submitted his entry :p

Bruce D
6th April 2010, 16:05
So you guys are a team then, under Equipe au Memphis for this one and Drum Dark for the SAIRC?

6th April 2010, 18:10
So you guys are a team then, under Equipe au Memphis for this one and Drum Dark for the SAIRC?

Yes-that is correct

I didn't want to drive the cart for both championships-so the SAIRC is his lead :D

6th April 2010, 23:22
Looks like one of those rallies where anything can happen. If you have clean run you can have a very good result but if you make a mistake, you can finish well down the leaderboard because the average speed is quite high. Will look forward to it and especially SS9, though I would like if it had little less lag. It is basicly my home rally so I will try to put up a good show and if it is possible go for the win.

7th April 2010, 01:08
Oooppss. Sorry about that entry mistake. I got a bit confused between the two series. Yes, its Equipe au Memphis in a Ford Focus :)

Looking forward to this rally. Hope I can run in the midfield for this one.

Bruce D
7th April 2010, 06:43
Ah ok will make the changes.

Well so far the great total of 3 entries, doesn't seem like people have noticed it this time.

7th April 2010, 09:18
I'm here for the 1000 Lakes Rally!
Seems It's gonna be a real fast one, just like the real stuff!

7th April 2010, 22:38
I have signed up for this Rally

Tomas Reinicke, Sweden, - , Skoda Fabia S2000 Evo1


Bruce D
8th April 2010, 06:51
Cool, got 8 entries now - will post something just now.

Bruce D
8th April 2010, 06:58

Bruce D
8th April 2010, 12:47
Nice surprise entry from Raybak - welcome back!


8th April 2010, 14:05
Im in aswell.

Entry sent.

Bruce D
8th April 2010, 14:47
Entry recieved. That brings it to 10 entries so far, with Sperger missing from the regulars.


8th April 2010, 16:29
SS1 - Tervaniemi (BTB) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 3.0km

SS9 - Tervaniemi 15km (BTB) - Mod: Normal - Weather - Clear - 14.5km

Was planing to drive the Focus on this round, but in tests on either of the Tervaniemi stages the bloody thing is all over the place, and with the narrow roads and ruts on the side there is no room for error.

May wind up in an S2000 Fiesta for this round....

8th April 2010, 16:34
Cheers Ray! ;)

Bruce D
9th April 2010, 06:45
Did my runs last night. All I can say is that this event is tricker than I thought it would be. I'm very pleased that I've made it through my second consecutive event with no use of SuperRally but I still had some close calls and hit spectators twice. There is one stage in particular that turns out to be very slippery and it's not the raining one, so I was very surprised and took a whlie to get used to that stage. The Finland stages when converted to gravel become much more difficult and you need to be precise about car placement.

As for the Tervainemi stages, well they're just heaven. I had a beautiful run through the 15km stage last night, the first time I've done the stage in under 9min, and I still went off into the ditches twice, both times fortunately at junctions so the speed was slow.

Bruce D
9th April 2010, 08:42
Also had a huge moment on Frazer Wells II, taking a fast left over crest at the absolute max and literally missing a tree on the outside by inches - calmed down a bit after that one.

Bruce D
9th April 2010, 12:09
It's rather quiet around here... :s

9th April 2010, 12:23
As for the Tervainemi stages, well they're just heaven. I had a beautiful run through the 15km stage last night, the first time I've done the stage in under 9min, and I still went off into the ditches twice, both times fortunately at junctions so the speed was slow.

Are you using a wheel, Bruce?

I've just stepped away from the game for a bit after a frustarting hour of trying to get to where I am comfortable withe the Focus or Fiesta on the Tervaainemi stages. I made some progress, but not much. Adjusted filter settings, rise and fall rates for my PS2 controller, but at best only able to go 8/10ths on these stages :(

Winding up the morning on Frazier Wells II was a nice change :up:

Bruce D
9th April 2010, 12:28
Yeah, got a G25 (the only way to fly :p ). I also found the Focus to love the ditches on that stage, but I'm surprised the Fiesta likes them too. Try the Polo or the 207, that should be fine.

How did you find stopping at the end of the stage on Frazier Wells II? Those marshals must be crapping themselves! Hehe...

9th April 2010, 15:06
Yeah, got a G25 (the only way to fly :p ). I also found the Focus to love the ditches on that stage, but I'm surprised the Fiesta likes them too. Try the Polo or the 207, that should be fine.

How did you find stopping at the end of the stage on Frazier Wells II? Those marshals must be crapping themselves! Hehe...

G25-man, postively no way I can drop that cash on gaming....Still working on setups.

Stopping? What stopping? :p :laugh:

Bruce D
9th April 2010, 16:10
Well, I bought it before my wife even got pregnant, so good timing and all that. No kids to worry about then. Times were simpler... ;)

9th April 2010, 17:27
Well, I bought it before my wife even got pregnant, so good timing and all that. No kids to worry about then. Times were simpler... ;)

Truly wise beyond your years.

Me-I the dummy :dozey:

9th April 2010, 22:06
Just completed my runs and I must say that those roads make for a completely different challenge from those I am used too.

I managed to stay away from big mistakes, in the Tervaniemi I missed two junctions and one of them I missed the note and lost myself for maybe 10 seconds. I knew already that I would lose time in this stage so I gave my max on the others ones, and I think a podium is possible.

The night stage was also very scary because you only could see few metres of the road and in that stage with jumps and crest it was quite a scary challenge :p .

Looking foward to the results and too see you guys times.

10th April 2010, 12:42
SS6 - Sikakama (Japan) - Mod: Gravel - Weather: Clear - 10.2km
SS11 - Sikakama II (Japan) - Mod: Gravel - Weather: Clear - 10.2km

You meant Sipirkakim, correct? :p

11th April 2010, 11:15
Just submitted my times.

My car didn't like those ditches on Tervaniemi, but apart form that and a few moments on Fraizer Wells was all ok.

Might have to look at upgrading to a new Citroen though soon, the old Xsara is getting a bit long in the tooth.


11th April 2010, 13:53
In practice the Focus WRC feels quite good on the USA and Finland stages.

Then I have a go at Turvaniemi...

The car goes from mild mannered citizen to a morphine addict having withdrawal..

Jittery, and well nigh unpredictable. Looks as if I'll have one setup for the Turvaniemi stages and one for the rest of the rally..

12th April 2010, 07:29
The first 3 stages of the rally were quite fast, with a good rhythm,
until weather got bad and had to slow down a bit, at the end of day1.

Day 2 started fine with a good run of Diamond Creek but In Sikakama
had an off road, so I needed spectators help to get back Into the road;
Hopefully, no serious damages there...I pushed harder In ss7
but had to slow down again, In the night stage, just to avoid any
unpleasant surprises!

Day 3 started ideally In Tervaniemi, but things could have been a lot
better If I didn't miss a hairpin In a junction, but I'm glad I kept It
fast all the way...The final 2 stages of the rally were fine, though
I had my scary moments...!

Overall, It's been a great rally; fast and Intense as expected!
For me, the most enjoyable event so far!

Photo highlights:


Bruce D
12th April 2010, 09:22
Glad you enjoyed it. So far I've got results in for 4 people of the 11 entries (Sperger made a last minute entry), and I have to say these are some interesting results so far, not the usual in any way.

12th April 2010, 10:00
...I have to say these are some interesting results so far, not the usual in any way.

Bruce, you're such a big teaser..! :D

Bruce D
12th April 2010, 11:59
Well there seems to be a lack of interest around here right now so I have to spice it up somehow

12th April 2010, 12:12
So have been practicing the 15 K Terv stage with no issues...

Woke up this morning, selected the 15k Terv from RScenter, normal load, and I am given cote d-arboz.....

Have no idea why this happens. Currently reloading the stage.

Bruce D
12th April 2010, 12:18
Wish I could wake up first thing on a Monday morning and start playing rally games! Don't get much better than that.

12th April 2010, 12:26
Wish I could wake up first thing on a Monday morning and start playing rally games! Don't get much better than that.

Pity is this 1-2 hour slot is all I typically get day to day, unless I stay awake in the wee hours.

Hoping to do my runs tonight :up:

Bruce D
12th April 2010, 12:36
Know the feel, dude, know the feel...

12th April 2010, 13:37
Hoping to get mine done tonight also :) :)

Bruce D
12th April 2010, 14:09
Should have run this as a online event tonight then... :p

Bruce D
13th April 2010, 09:19
If possible can everyone have their times in in the next 24 hours? I'm away for the weekend from Thursday abd might not get the results up if they're not in by tomorrow.

13th April 2010, 11:57
If possible can everyone have their times in in the next 24 hours? I'm away for the weekend from Thursday abd might not get the results up if they're not in by tomorrow.

Will be submitting mine shortly... :up:

Bruce D
13th April 2010, 12:44
Tannat you are so gonna kick yourself when you see these results.

BTW, anyone seen NeverKnow?

Bruce D
13th April 2010, 12:45


13th April 2010, 14:37
I'm starting my run now, I've been busy lately. I should have it done in a hour or so.

13th April 2010, 15:12
Tannat you are so gonna kick yourself when you see these results.

Not one to cry over spilt milk-I'll come away smiling, regardless of what it is :D

Thanks for the suspense :up:

13th April 2010, 16:46
Finished the rally, don't know about how well I did speed wose but I really liked the rally.

On the first day I didn't had any dramas. Had few moments on SS2 but nothing major.

Second day went also without big problems. Though I had a little issue on SS7 when sometimes co-driver couldn't keep up with the notes, so I eased off sometimes. On SS8 I had few moments when I run wide but I tried to finish without accidents and succeded in that.

Now on the thirds days first stage everything went well at the start and I made a good progress. Until I went too sideways over blind crest and ended up 90 degrees with the road, took me a while to get going there. Later in one of the 4th gear corner I couldn't get the rear out enough and ended understeering into the ditches. I tried to get back on the road but when I did, I stalled the engine because I didn't slipped the clutch enough. Lost about 10-15 seconds due to this mistake.
The rest of the day was rather uneventful with few driving errors.

Can't wait to see the final results.

Here are some pictures from the rally. (http://s274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/t6nns/1000%20Lakes%20Rally%20Finland/)

13th April 2010, 18:07
Off topic-does anyone know how to access saved replays?

Was hoping to post some photos to the thread..

13th April 2010, 18:28
Off topic-does anyone know how to access saved replays?

Was hoping to post some photos to the thread..

Launch Richard Burns Rally SS from the play alone Tab.

Then acess you replays from the Menu.

13th April 2010, 18:52


Nice! I'll join anytime guys! ;)

13th April 2010, 18:54
...does anyone know how to access saved replays?...
Make sure you have selected same mod/weather conditions/car/stage you had when you drove the stage when starting RBR with RSRBR . This is to make sure it loads the replay alright when using custom mods (like snow, tarmac, gravel) and stagess (like Pribram, Fraizer Wells II etc). Though I haven't found a way to load BTB stage replays.
Replays are hidden in the main menu -- Driver Profile -- Load Replay.

13th April 2010, 20:35
Make sure you have selected same mod/weather conditions/car/stage you had when you drove the stage when starting RBR with RSRBR . This is to make sure it loads the replay alright when using custom mods (like snow, tarmac, gravel) and stagess (like Pribram, Fraizer Wells II etc). Though I haven't found a way to load BTB stage replays.
Replays are hidden in the main menu -- Driver Profile -- Load Replay.

Thanks, NKnow.... :up:

13th April 2010, 20:36
Launch Richard Burns Rally SS from the play alone Tab.

Then acess you replays from the Menu.

I'll try this way as well.

Thanks, Francis :up:

13th April 2010, 20:44
I just attempted to do my rally a minute ago but all of the BTB stages are not working. A prompt comes up saying "BTBStages1 File absent !".

Does anybody know how to overcome this problem? I don't want to stall the results so may have to miss this round but for future reference, I would appreciate any solutions. I'm not accustomed to this RSRBRMod yet.

13th April 2010, 20:59
I just attempted to do my rally a minute ago but all of the BTB stages are not working. A prompt comes up saying "BTBStages1 File absent !".

Does anybody know how to overcome this problem? I don't want to stall the results so may have to miss this round but for future reference, I would appreciate any solutions. I'm not accustomed to this RSRBRMod yet.

Try reloading, Paddy...

See above-they misbehaved with me as well...

13th April 2010, 21:14
If that doesn't fix it, you could try installing the stages manually: Tervaniemi 3k (http://forum.rallyesim.fr/viewtopic.php?f=328&t=1612)and Tervaniemi 15k (http://forum.rallyesim.fr/viewtopic.php?f=328&t=1811). Paddy did you got the BTB stages working after Acropolis Rally?

Bruce D
14th April 2010, 06:54
Ok Paddy, shall we wait for you then? You are the only one outstanding still.

Bruce D
14th April 2010, 12:51
Sorry couldn't wait any longer and no reply.

Bruce D
14th April 2010, 13:09
Round 6 of the championship proved to be a cracker, as most do these days, with 4 drivers leading at different times and 5 lead changes during the event. In the end, the 15km Tervaiemi stage settled the rally in favour of NeverKnow but it could have been anyone's rally at that point. In fact, stage times throughout the rally were incredibly close!

The first stage was a good indication of things to come, with 9 drivers being seperated by 15sec! LCD blasted into the lead, just 2sec clear of NeverKnow and Macd who where only 0.03sec apart from each other. NeverKnow snatched a 5sec lead on SS2 from Francis44 and the 2 championship contenders were at it already. LCD and Macd followed, but the surprise of the rally was Tannat, taking 5th overall at this point. Raybak, on his return, was trying to make up lost ground from SS1.

On SS3 Francis44 closed the gap slightly, with Macd sneaking into 3rd and Paul Minnaar overtaking Tannat. But times were so close that only small gains were being made in positions and time. Macd then stormed through SS4 to take a 11sec lead overall from Francis44 who himself was only 0.09sec ahead of NeverKnow overall!

Francis44 won SS5 to take the lead from NeverKnow with Macd dropping to 3rd at this point and LCD starting to lose ground. Francis44 continued to pull out a lead until SS8, where he was 12.93sec ahead (having won ever stage inbetween - see, nobody was getting away on this one!) of NeverKnow, with LCD taking back 3rd from Macd.

Then came Tervaiemi 15km... NeverKnow took the stage win 14sec ahead of LCD, with the next best being BruceD in the S2000 Polo, some 46sec behind! The rest fell off the road a bit too much (Tannat taking a SuperRally). This meant that NeverKnow now took the lead of the rally from LCD, with Francis44 dropping to 4th behind Macd, but fought back on the last stage to count to claim 3rd overall. Paul Minnaar had a quiet rally to 5th with BruceD taking 6th overall and 1st in S2000.

In the S2000 class things were very interesting, with Tannat using his 2nd no-scoring entry to good effect and leading the class quite convincingly until losing 3min on the 15km stage. Even still it wasn't as clear cut as ctbr gave BruceD a real run for his money with some impressive stage times, proving that this class can go any direction. With Sperger being absent from this one, BruceD is now just 4pts behind in the title again, but who knows what will happen on the next event.

As for the overall title, NeverKnow is back in from by 2pts, while OMV continue to pull away in the teams championship.




Bruce D
14th April 2010, 13:11




Bruce D
14th April 2010, 14:45
Paul writes:

Good one all.

I had a topsy turvy rally. Was running very well throught, I thought.

The BTB stages really gave me uphill, my machine realy battles with them and I get incredible lag and bad brake and steering force feedback – so admittedly was going to be slow there.

The night stage sucked ! I did not have a good run there, all the other stages seemed to run quite well, but the last one caught me when I hit a tree and got stuck in 4th gear with a smashed windscreen – battled through the rest of the stage, luckily keeping the engine running.

14th April 2010, 16:02
Very happy with the results but it also nice to see some close battles happening. It could have been anyones rally.
Will look forward to next event.

Bruce, if you still are making the results book, could you send one in my way please.

Bruce D
14th April 2010, 16:09
Yeah I'll make the results book but it'll have to wait until Monday.

14th April 2010, 16:11
Well, 8th and 10th certainly don’t speak well for my performance on this rally, but the individual stage times are encouraging-really happy with this one :D

For my WRC run things looked good for a run for 6th overall, then when calling for assistance on the night stage I keystroked too quickly and wound up retiring. Stupid stupid error. The 15km terv stage was undrivable-a ‘pins and needles’ run. I have no idea what the issue was. Would really love to hear some input from you guys on this matter. So two superallys made for a not so great final result.

For my S2000 run I spent no time on car setup, and it was way too stiff for many of the stages. Getting a 4th, 5th and 6th fastest stage time is great :up: but I didn’t even bother attempting to finish Terv 15km. I made it to the first sector timing point and elected to use superrally. Could I have finished it 45 seconds short of my superrally time to snag 6th overall from Bruce D? I honestly don’t know.

I did some tests before the event to se what would be the faster car on these stages. At least in my hands the WRC seemed to be the best choice, and until my error on SS8 I was ahead of my WRC entry. While I really enjoy the WRCs it might be wiser to stick with an S2000-we’ll see…

Cheers to all for a really, really good rally :beer:


Results book, please :D

14th April 2010, 16:21
Guys-the differences in the drivability of the Terv 15km compared with the rest of the rally was like night and day for me. The car was super nervous, and the grip almost seemed like the surface was ice.

Could you let me know how the stage was for you?

From the times it looks as if it was okay for everyone.

I don't think this is a BTB thing, as Pikes Peak and Mt Herman drive perfectly for me. The Terv 3km wasn't great, but not remotely as diffcult as the 15km.

Would appreciate your input..


14th April 2010, 16:29
A podium for me In Finland! How nice It feels! :D
Seriously, I had a feeling this rally would be awesome, but couldn't Imagine
how much, untill I saw the results! So tight and competative, like no other so far!
Gongrats to all for giving their best!
Bruce, send me the roadbook please...!

14th April 2010, 16:35
Guys-the differences in the drivability of the Terv 15km compared with the rest of the rally was like night and day for me. The car was super nervous, and the grip almost seemed like the surface was ice.

I'd say that Tervaniemi grip Is closer to hard packed gravel.
Yes, there Is a difference between BTB stages and the default ones.
I guess It's a matter of getting used to that difference and handle It by changing a bit your driving style regarding those stages...

14th April 2010, 16:43
What surface are we looking at for the next event? Is it mixed or all tarmac?

14th April 2010, 16:52
I'd say that Tervaniemi grip Is closer to hard packed gravel.
Yes, there Is a difference between BTB stages and the default ones.
I guess It's a matter of getting used to that difference and handle It by changing a bit your driving style regarding those stages...

Thanks, LCD.

I'm going to assault that stage and devise a Terv 15k specific setup.

Congrats on your fine result! :up:

14th April 2010, 17:29
Good result, although I think if I hadn't lost all that time on Tervianimi 15 Km I would be close to the first driver.

Congratulations to everyone, and to NeverKnow, very close times.

The championship now looks harder, Next events will be crucial, I can't wait for the next.

14th April 2010, 18:01
....Next events will be crucial...

Especially the tarmac ones... :s hock:

Bruce D
14th April 2010, 20:23
The next event which is San Remo will be a mixed surface event, Macd. And Tannat I also found the Focus hugged the ditch all the time on that stage.

14th April 2010, 20:32
The next event which is San Remo will be a mixed surface event, Macd. And Tannat I also found the Focus hugged the ditch all the time on that stage.

Thanks Bruce D-I recall you saying this earlier. Had the same problem in my S2000 entry...

Perhaps I'll take a Scooby and a VW for a spin....

Bruce D
15th April 2010, 11:31
I'll give the Fiesta a run through there tonight and see what I can find out. Still your performance everywhere else was brilliant with that car.

15th April 2010, 16:36
I'll give the Fiesta a run through there tonight and see what I can find out. Still your performance everywhere else was brilliant with that car.

You are too kind..

Everyone in S2000 set soem good times. Wish sperger could have made it...

Bruce D
15th April 2010, 20:28
Yeah it's a pity he had to pull out otherwise it would have been a real scrap. But I was quite surprised with ctbr's pace too, I thought he set some really great stages times on this event.

Anyway, drove the stage now in the Fiesta and I must say I didn't find it a problem. Felt fine, even beat my splits for the Polo until the last section when I fell off the road a bit, but still set a 9:13. I think I know what the problem was though, and it's something I only nailed down lately myself - on most stages you generally use the ditches and stuff to hook the car around and gain time that way,especially with S2000 cars where you tend to be wrining the neck off the the thing rather than just trying to keep up with a WRC car, but I've found that the best way through that stage is to stay in the middle of the road and avoid the ditches like the plague, keep it neat and the time comes that way. Don't get too sideways anywhere you should be alright.

BTW I see we have another new guy coming soon, either for the next event or the one after, which means if we can get all the guys to enter the next one we could have 12 cars for the 2nd round of the SAIRC! :D

Like we say here in SA - This one, she be growing!

21st April 2010, 18:45
Thanks for the results book So helpful in finding your fast/slow sectors and putting your performance in perspective :up: