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29th March 2010, 08:47
I love back-to-back races. :up:

I would enjoy a wet race here that hopefully lasts the full distance.

I am tipping that there will be a 3rd different winner this season... but who?


Dave B
29th March 2010, 08:49
At least one wet session is a near-certainty, and as we saw in Australia it can certainly spice up the action.

Just for fun, I'd like to see a wet qualifying to shake up the grid order, followed by a dry race to see what happens when the faster guys are out of position. :D

29th March 2010, 09:16
Early forecast:

Valve Bounce
29th March 2010, 09:37
I love back-to-back races. :up:

I would enjoy a wet race here that hopefully lasts the full distance.

I am tipping that there will be a 3rd different winner this season... but who?


Obviously Vettel. That was easy!!

29th March 2010, 10:02
Rain will spice the race a lot. I too think that it is likely to see 3rd different winner and as the holiday is one of Resurrection I tip Michael to win after more reliability issues for RBR.

Old Eyes
29th March 2010, 10:09
However, rain in Malaysia isn't a little shower! If it was like last year, then there won't be much racing.

29th March 2010, 10:10
It maybe heavy rain like China, not necessary a monsoon. I hope for some Schumacher magic.

Mia 01
29th March 2010, 10:33
I would like RBR to gain one win back here.

But rain could mess it up or the car once again.

Others. I´m in favour of Nico to take his maiden win!

29th March 2010, 10:57
Whats the local time this race is at ? if its in the evening like Aus, we can expect some rain ;)

F1boat, its not the monsoon season, but in Malaysia/near the equator normally you have a short duration thundershower - due to all the heat of the day.

Saint Devote
29th March 2010, 11:02
I like Sepang, its one of Tilke's best tracks.
I hope it does not rain and this is a normal dry weekend - fat chance maybe!

Time for a Felipe Massa comenack win? After all he knows HOW to go quickly with two consecutive poles in 2007 and 2008 and he has finished 2nd and 3rd this year.

Saint Devote
29th March 2010, 11:06
I would like RBR to gain one win back here.

But rain could mess it up or the car once again.

Others. I´m in favour of Nico to take his maiden win!

The Brawn-Ilien [aka: Mercedes] are struggling against the other three top teams during a race - they look asthmatic.

It will HAVE to be a clever tactical reach like Jenson did yesterday - which Schumacher is so good at - for Mercedes to win at this stage.

Dave B
29th March 2010, 11:24
Whats the local time this race is at ? if its in the evening like Aus, we can expect some rain ;)
4pm local time. When I was there some years back we had a thunderstorm almost every day in the late afternoon / early evening.

29th March 2010, 11:31
I like Sepang, its one of Tilke's best tracks.
I hope it does not rain and this is a normal dry weekend - fat chance maybe!

Time for a Felipe Massa comenack win? After all he knows HOW to go quickly with two consecutive poles in 2007 and 2008 and he has finished 2nd and 3rd this year.

For me Alonso is the best driver in Malaysia, he won his first Pole there in 2003 and we noted how good he really is. I will never forget that qualifying with Renault scoring 1-2, it was crazy. And of course he was very good there in 2005 as well.

29th March 2010, 11:53
Sepang is one of my favourite circuits. A very long and challenging track for the driver, it also has some kind of a specific athmosphere that I like.

If Vettel hits trouble from the lead again, I wonder, when was the last time something like this happened to the same person in a race lead for three consecutive (!) races? I can remember several cases of two consecutive races, but not three from the top of my head at the moment. It would be a monumental or even historic unluck - it can't keep going forever!

29th March 2010, 11:55
I hope we get rain again, but not a torrential downpour. If I'm getting up early again I'd like to see a full race to make it worthwhile!

My tip is Vettel to finally get a reliable car, that should liven up the title battle.

Garry Walker
29th March 2010, 12:24
Sepang is one of my favourite circuits. A very long and challenging track for the driver, it also has some kind of a specific athmosphere that I like.

If Vettel hits trouble from the lead again, I wonder, when was the last time something like this happened to the same person in a race lead for three consecutive (!) races? I can remember several cases of two consecutive races, but not three from the top of my head at the moment. It would be a monumental or even historic unluck - it can't keep going forever!

Not in row, but kimi had quite many in 2005.

Also, Häkkinen in 2000 - he retired from lead in the first 2 GPs and had some minor technical problem at imola as well.

29th March 2010, 14:12
It would be a monumental or even historic unluck

More like monumental design flaw. Or maybe the decision to hide true pace in testing was bad and the car is getting all sort of problems which should have been sorted in the winter. Who knows?

29th March 2010, 17:23
As Mr. Brockman said, rain in qualifying would be better than rain for the race as it would mix up the grid leaving more excitement for the race. However from the forecasts it looks like more torrential rain for practice, quali and race!

29th March 2010, 19:16
Is 4pm the same start time as last year?

As if it is there is more likley to be heavy rain. As it apparently rains reguarly in the afternoon.

29th March 2010, 20:26
I hope we get rain again, but not a torrential downpour. If I'm getting up early again I'd like to see a full race to make it worthwhile!

My tip is Vettel to finally get a reliable car, that should liven up the title battle.

I agree with you on both counts ;) :up:

Langdale Forest
29th March 2010, 20:59
I would not be suprised if Button won again.

30th March 2010, 01:20
Kubica did have a lot of traction in the rain...

Saint Devote
30th March 2010, 02:11
Kubica did have a lot of traction in the rain...

He was also good in Bahrain. He was in second place and Jenson overtook him yesterday in a lovely manuever.

Kubica is a quick and intelligent driver he did not find the need to try and push Jenson into the barrier like some of the idiots do - Webber in particular is a nasty little critter that way, just ask Alonso.

As proper drivers like Mario say and do: you gotta give a guy room!

I wonder if the improved Renault has something to with their aerodynamic techical partnership with Boeing? They actually used the findings for F1 on the new Dreamliner 787.

Kubica deserves a good car. He reminds me of Jochen Rindt with his absolute disdain for the BS in F1. I think he and Kimi would make an excellent team.

30th March 2010, 06:52
It's still 5 days away, I think it's too early for weather forecasts. It would be more meaningful in a couple of days.

As for the win, I'd like either Mark or Jensen to win.

Dave B
30th March 2010, 10:04
Is 4pm the same start time as last year?
One hour earlier than 2009, the theory being that even if it rains there should be enough daylight left. Last year the rain was compounded by poor visibility, and once the storm had subsided it was too dark to make a restart possible. The two hour time limit put the kybosh on that anyway!

I've got an early start on Friday for FP1 at 3am UK time, then an hour and half to pack for a week away, then a 300-mile dash the moment FP2 finishes, just in time to get stuck in all the Easter traffic - possibly worse than usual if there's a train strike. Why don't I just record these things?!

Dave B
30th March 2010, 10:22
PS, depending on your timezone and commentary options you may wish to play (or adapt) the BBC F1 Drinking Game (http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-BBC-F1-Drinking-Game/112753062075349?v=info#!/pages/The-BBC-F1-Drinking-Game/112753062075349?v=app_2347471856) :D

I'll be sozzled by lunchtime :beer:

30th March 2010, 10:52
PS, depending on your timezone and commentary options you may wish to play (or adapt) the BBC F1 Drinking Game (http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-BBC-F1-Drinking-Game/112753062075349?v=info#!/pages/The-BBC-F1-Drinking-Game/112753062075349?v=app_2347471856) :D

I'll be sozzled by lunchtime :beer:

:eek: that looks like a pretty hard game, the chances of being sozzled before the first round of pit stops look quite high!

On the travel front we've just been told the rail strike isn't starting until the Tuesday after Easter so that might be some small mercy.

Dave B
30th March 2010, 11:00
On the travel front we've just been told the rail strike isn't starting until the Tuesday after Easter so that might be some small mercy.
Nice one :up:

30th March 2010, 11:15
Top eight: Vettel wins it followed by Hamilton, Webber, Alonso, Button, Massa, Schumacher, Rosberg.

30th March 2010, 17:07
I hung out with Noah around Kuala Lumpur. We were wandering the streets and shopping with our respective families. Noah said the Big Guy was doing really well, but was freaking out because He nicked himself shaving. Apparently, He hasn't done that for over 2,010 years! We had one hell, I mean, heck of a time.

Oh, for those of you wondering, his Ark was docked in the marina.

Garry Walker
30th March 2010, 17:16
Should be a fun race, especially as Massa and Alonso are fighting eachother off track already. Oh the fun times.

30th March 2010, 17:23
Just for my own interest through a Worst Case Senario

What is the procedure if it rains so hard that either one or both of Friday Sessions are not able to be run due to conditions.
The same goes with any session i.e Qualifying.

Or even dare I say it that no session are able to be run up to or including the race. Is the whole weekend cancelled as a GP or is it never enter in the record books or What?

I know it would have to be an amazing weekend for all this to happen but thats my question. :vader:

30th March 2010, 19:56
Just for my own interest through a Worst Case Senario

What is the procedure if it rains so hard that either one or both of Friday Sessions are not able to be run due to conditions.
The same goes with any session i.e Qualifying.

Or even dare I say it that no session are able to be run up to or including the race. Is the whole weekend cancelled as a GP or is it never enter in the record books or What?

I know it would have to be an amazing weekend for all this to happen but thats my question. :vader:

Qualifying and GP are usually postponed in such cases, free practices are lost.

Saint Devote
31st March 2010, 04:50
For me Alonso is the best driver in Malaysia, he won his first Pole there in 2003 and we noted how good he really is. I will never forget that qualifying with Renault scoring 1-2, it was crazy. And of course he was very good there in 2005 as well.

Yes, bothe Ferrari's should do well. I see it was also a track that Webber outqualified Vettel in 2009.

Sepang is not a circuit that Hamilton has gone particularly well at in the past.

Schumi definitely goes well there. Perhaps this will be the first race he finds a "firing solution"! Five poles and two wins is his record. Would love to see him get into the mix already.

Imagine a hard fought Alonso versus Schumi battle - I think Bernie would cry in celebration :D

Naturally I want Jenson to win :D :D

Valve Bounce
31st March 2010, 06:24
Maybe Hamilton will do well also, and Massa, and even Rosberg. :confused:

31st March 2010, 07:08
Yes, bothe Ferrari's should do well. I see it was also a track that Webber outqualified Vettel in 2009.

Sepang is not a circuit that Hamilton has gone particularly well at in the past.

Schumi definitely goes well there. Perhaps this will be the first race he finds a "firing solution"! Five poles and two wins is his record. Would love to see him get into the mix already.

Imagine a hard fought Alonso versus Schumi battle - I think Bernie would cry in celebration :D

Naturally I want Jenson to win :D :D

I agree with everything except the Vettel-Webber thing - Seb was penalised last year.

Saint Devote
31st March 2010, 12:04
I agree with everything except the Vettel-Webber thing - Seb was penalised last year.

So if Luscious Liz [she's a lush?!! :eek: ] doesnt fall off the circuit then officialdom WILL get Seb Vet?!

Maybe a torrential downpour stopping the race half-way is the ONLY way Vettel is going to win :D

I think the idiocy of starting a race when it is known that the probability of monsoon conditions are at their highest is the height of silliness.

I think its time for Sebastian to move on to Liz's sister.

I know that "thats motor racing" but if his car does have problems again - whether it be of his making or not - if he is doing well, its will have reached a point of being unfair this time.

31st March 2010, 15:13
Maybe Hamilton will do well also, and Massa, and even Rosberg. :confused:

Nico's gone well at Sepang before so I would not be at all surprised. I don't think Schumacher will get the upper hand over him just yet.

Saint Devote
1st April 2010, 04:03
Thats not strictly true when you look at the scenarios. He finished 2nd in 2007 in only his second race (fastest lap too), and in 2008 he qualified 4th only to have a 5 place grid penalty for an infringement in qualifying. During the race he fought his way back to within contention with the Ferrari's and then had a horrendous pitstop where the team could not release his front right tyre, and eventually he finished 5th. He drove a dog of a car in the 2009 race so I think its a tough call to write off Hamilton just yet.

I'm not so sure the Mclaren is suited this year to Sepang in the dry as it is a similar tilk designed high speed track much like Sakhir. Rain is likely so we may see this order shaken up abit and the great rain drivers like Schuey, Hamilton, Alonso and Vettel should give us another treat. Fingers crossed.. :)

Is finishing second for Hamilton particularly well considering the others mentioned have all won the race or-and pole positions at Sepang?

I do agree that Lewis cannot be ruled out.

The Mclarens are fast down the straight and it is a flowing circuit. They may not be quicker than the Red Bulls or the Ferrari's, but the Mclaren is capable during a race as both Lewis and Jenson have shown this season.

Valve Bounce
1st April 2010, 09:12
Here is the forecast for the weekend: http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?hourly=1&query=zmw:00000.1.48647&yday=93&weekday=Sunday&MR=1

Maybe someone here can supply a radar with up to date information.

I have posted in previous years that KL's showers can be extremely heavy. Visibility could be down to several metres and drivers in F1 cars can expect very difficult conditions. Oh Yeah! there could be lightning and thunder as well.

Valve Bounce
2nd April 2010, 03:19
First Practice has started

Dave B
2nd April 2010, 07:17
I wimped out of FP1 as it was 3am UK time and I've got a very busy day ahead. Doesn't sound like I missed much. FP2 is underway in nice weather, I gather there was a shower between sessions but nothing remotely serious.

I've seen about a dozen conflicting weather forecasts for the race, anything from perfect sunshine to torrential downpours. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

2nd April 2010, 08:54
Is 4pm the same start time as last year?

As if it is there is more likley to be heavy rain. As it apparently rains reguarly in the afternoon.

its a stupid start time with a guarantee for heavy showers and half points ugh :down:

2nd April 2010, 08:56
Should be a fun race, especially as Massa and Alonso are fighting eachother off track already. Oh the fun times.

did I miss something?

2nd April 2010, 11:00
Why the hell do they race in Malaysia at this time of year? Always the cahance of torrential rain in this part of the world in April.

After all, Japan race and several other in that part of the world are near the end of the season. Why can't Malaysia race then?

Or else start at 1.00pm local-time like they do in Europe. It would benefit the locals too - the people that actually go to watch the race in person! The downpours normally arrive 4.00pm onwards, apparently.

Greedy git Ecclestone. In a way, it serves him right if the race gets rained off. Just a shame, F1 fans all over the world will be really disappointed.

2nd April 2010, 12:10
Why the hell do they race in Malaysia at this time of year? Always the cahance of torrential rain in this part of the world in April.

After all, Japan race and several other in that part of the world are near the end of the season. Why can't Malaysia race then?

Or else start at 1.00pm local-time like they do in Europe. It would benefit the locals too - the people that actually go to watch the race in person! The downpours normally arrive 4.00pm onwards, apparently.

Greedy git Ecclestone. In a way, it serves him right if the race gets rained off. Just a shame, F1 fans all over the world will be really disappointed.

Well...since rain seems to be the only element that creates excitement and overtaking, a little bit of rain might not be too bad ;)

did I miss something?

I missed it too...where, what, how?

Mia 01
2nd April 2010, 12:16
I´m singing int the rain, just singing inte rain. WITH JENSON AND SEB!!!

Valve Bounce
2nd April 2010, 12:55
Why the hell do they race in Malaysia at this time of year? Always the cahance of torrential rain in this part of the world in April.

After all, Japan race and several other in that part of the world are near the end of the season. Why can't Malaysia race then?

Or else start at 1.00pm local-time like they do in Europe. It would benefit the locals too - the people that actually go to watch the race in person! The downpours normally arrive 4.00pm onwards, apparently.

Greedy git Ecclestone. In a way, it serves him right if the race gets rained off. Just a shame, F1 fans all over the world will be really disappointed.

The weather in Malaysia has absolutely no affinity to that of Japan. It's like comparing the weather in Florida with Denver.

Also, the races in Europe start at 3 pm and not 1 pm.

I think you'd better have a chat with someone here who knows more about the weather and F1 racing.

2nd April 2010, 13:53
1st session :

.1.Lewis Hamilton (GBR) McLaren MP4/25 Mercedes 1:34.291
.2.Nico Rosberg (GER) Mercedes GP MGP W01 1:35.106
.3.Jenson Button (GBR) McLaren MP4/25 Mercedes 1:35.207
.4.Michael Schumacher (GER Mercedes GP MGP W01 1:35.225
.5.Robert Kubica (POL) Renault R30 1:35.402
.6.Mark Webber (AUS) RBR RB6 Renault 1:35.479
.7.Adrian Sutil (GER) Force India VJM03 Mercedes 1:35.955
.8.Fernando Alonso (ESP) Ferrari F10 1:35.959
.9.Sebastian Vettel (GER) RBR RB6 Renault 1:36.043
10.Sebastien Buemi (SUI) Toro Rosso STR5 Ferrari 1:36.100
11.Felipe Massa (BRA) Ferrari F10 1:36.451
12.Kamui Kobayashi (JPN) BMW Sauber C29 Ferrari 1:36.503
13.Jaime Alguersuari (ESP) Toro Rosso STR5 Ferrari 1:36.645
14.Vitaly Petrov (RUS) Renault R30 1:36.712
15.Paul di Resta (GBR) Force India VJM03 Mercedes 1:36.891
16.Pedro de la Rosa (ESP) BMW Sauber C29 Ferrari 1:36.899
17.Nico Hulkemberg (GER) Williams FW32 Cosworth 1:37.802
18.Rubens Barrichello (BRA) Williams FW32 Cosworth 1:38.278
19.Jarno Trulli (ITA) Lotus T127 Cosworth 1:39.460
20.Timo Glock (GER) Virgin VR01 Cosworth 1:39.755
21.Lucas di Grassi (BRA) Virgin VR01 Cosworth 1:40.159
22.Fairuz Fauzy (MAL) Lotus T127 Cosworth 1:40.721
23.Bruno Senna (BRA) HRT F1 HRT1 Cosworth 1:41.832
24.Karun Chandhok (IND) HRT F1 HRT1 Cosworth 1:41.966

2nd session :

.1. Lewis Hamilton (McLaren) 1'34"175
.2. Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull) 1'34''441
.3. Nico Rosberg (MercedesGP) 1'34''443
.4. Jenson Button (McLaren) 1'34''538
.5. Michael Schumacher (MercedesGP) 1'34''674
.6. Robert Kubica (Renault) 1'35''148
.7. Fernando Alonso (Ferrari) 1'35''581
.8. Sebastian Buemi (Toro Rosso) 1'35''660
.9. Vitaly Petrov (Renault) 1'35''872
10 Adrian Sutil (Force India) 1'35''957
11 Kamui Kobayashi (Sauber) 1'36''018
12 Vitantonio Liuzzi (Force India) 1'36''221
13 Jaime Alguersuari (Toro Rosso) 1'36''325
14 Pedro de la Rosa (Sauber) 1'36''325
15 Felipe Massa (Ferrari) 1'36''602
16 Rubens Barrichello (Williams) 1'36''813
17 Nico Hulkenberg (Williams) 1'37''415
18 Jarno Trulli (Lotus Racing) 1'38''454
19 Heikki Kovalainen (Lotus Racing) 1'38''530
20 Mark Webber (Red Bull) 1'38''786
21 Timo Glock (Virgin Racing) 1'39''061
22 Lucas di Grassi (Virgin Racing) 1'39''158
23 Karun Chandhok (HRT) 1'41''084
24 Bruno Senna (HRT) 1'41''481

2nd April 2010, 14:58
Mercedes seem to have stepped up to the plate, at least in Nico's hands anyway. Be good to see them join a 4 way battle as opposed to a 3 way battle with Mercedes picking up the leftovers.

2nd April 2010, 15:46
Why the hell do they race in Malaysia at this time of year? Always the cahance of torrential rain in this part of the world in April.

After all, Japan race and several other in that part of the world are near the end of the season. Why can't Malaysia race then?

The weather in Malaysia has absolutely no affinity to that of Japan. It's like comparing the weather in Florida with Denver.

Actually, a swap of the 2 races would be better. I used to live in Japan near the Suzuka circuit and got stuck in the typhoon of 2006(?) that caused the Saturday to be canceled. Rainy season is June, and typhoon season runs through July and August, so an April start would be much better. Then the Malaysian race could be later in the year when the weather is better!

2nd April 2010, 19:40
Mercedes seem to have stepped up to the plate, at least in Nico's hands anyway. Be good to see them join a 4 way battle as opposed to a 3 way battle with Mercedes picking up the leftovers.

also striking IMo is the fact that all 8 cosworth cars are at the back of the grid. Now that Sauber and STR are shaping up i think that this might be the norm.

2nd April 2010, 19:53
also striking IMo is the fact that all 8 cosworth cars are at the back of the grid. Now that Sauber and STR are shaping up i think that this might be the norm.

Yep, that's what most people here predicted. A small budget and an engine based on a 2006 model isn't going to set the world alight.

2nd April 2010, 19:54
also striking IMo is the fact that all 8 cosworth cars are at the back of the grid. Now that Sauber and STR are shaping up i think that this might be the norm.

No big surprise there.

Alfa Fan
2nd April 2010, 20:32
Mercedes seem to have stepped up to the plate, at least in Nico's hands anyway.

Yeah cos Schumachers a massive tenth of a second behind him (and remember he had car problems in FP1 that limited running too).

2nd April 2010, 20:38
I don't think you can read out from FP's that STR and Sauber are now better than Williams. If anything, those teams are going to struggle this season too - one of them has to keep designing and building their own cars, other has little money. Even if Cosworth isn't among the best, I expect Williams to continue beating those two over the full season.

2nd April 2010, 21:07
I don't think you can read out from FP's that STR and Sauber are now better than Williams. If anything, those teams are going to struggle this season too - one of them has to keep designing and building their own cars, other has little money. Even if Cosworth isn't among the best, I expect Williams to continue beating those two over the full season.

Plus FP isnt exactly a clear indication of where every'e is in relation to each other, for all we know Williams may have just spent the entire day doing heavy fuel runs

Im very impressed again with the pace of the Lotuses and nice to see Chandhok finally get ahead of Bruno on the timesheets

2nd April 2010, 21:36
Still, as in Oz, I am pretty sure that tomorrow qualy, if dry, will be between Vettel and Alonso. If wet, then it will be a lottery.

2nd April 2010, 22:04
Yeah cos Schumachers a massive tenth of a second behind him (and remember he had car problems in FP1 that limited running too).

Yeah, but if he's a tenth behind in quali that might mean he's 6th on the grid and Rosberg 3rd. That's not an impossible or even improbable siuation. It therefore makes the whole race harder for Michael.

2nd April 2010, 22:54
Yeah, but if he's a tenth behind in quali that might mean he's 6th on the grid and Rosberg 3rd. That's not an impossible or even improbable siuation. It therefore makes the whole race harder for Michael.

didnt nico set his time at the end of the session where there should have been more rubber down? 1tenth is probably going to be alot less tommorow

Valve Bounce
3rd April 2010, 04:25
didnt nico set his time at the end of the session where there should have been more rubber down? 1tenth is probably going to be alot less tommorow

I think the other teams may have been concentrating on set-ups during practice. Wait till quals when everyone is fair dinkum.

3rd April 2010, 06:52
Glock is going very well in practice 3.

3rd April 2010, 07:22
Best of the rest: Glock.

3rd April 2010, 07:31
I've got to say, I'm kind of impressed with Glock and Trulli, being less than 4sec off the pace of the leaders. Who knows how much fuel they're running, but it's still impressive after how they started the year. Good on them!

3rd April 2010, 07:58
I have to revise my predictions for qualy. Now I tip firmly Vettel for Pole, Webbo likely second, Lewis or Alonso third. But who knows what will happen, especially if it rains.

3rd April 2010, 09:24
It certainly is raining...

3rd April 2010, 09:31
Ferrari strategists doing their 'best' again! :laugh:

They must have been listening to Williams' early radio transmission.

Garry Walker
3rd April 2010, 09:31
ferraris and hamilton out, button put it in gravel and out of qualy too.

Wasnt super Alonso expected to lead ferrari, was he not expected to be the super führer? Where was his leadership today?

I am laughing at his (and ferraris) failure.

3rd April 2010, 09:32
WTF were Ferrari and McLaren thinking? Idiotic decision and they got what they deserved. Fools the both of them!

3rd April 2010, 09:32
Wow Ferrari and McLaren really screwed it up......

3rd April 2010, 09:47
Wow Ferrari and McLaren really screwed it up......


I'd have thought McLaren at least would've figured out what to do when it rains now. Hamilton's cock up two years ago in Monza springs to mind.

Well, Alonso and Hamilton overtook a few people last time out. Should be an exciting race.

3rd April 2010, 09:50
Go Michael!!!!!

3rd April 2010, 09:51
Schumacher really slowed down in that last sector :s

Dave B
3rd April 2010, 09:55
Bunch of us screaming "put in a banker lap" at the TV, seemingly lost on Ferrari and McLaren!

Still, it could make for a fascinating race with four of the top cars at the back.

Nice for Virgin and Lotus to see Q2.

3rd April 2010, 09:59
everybody except the arrogant fools at mclaren and ferrari knew that it was important to get a timed lap in early and then figure out the rest later. After several mishaps especially by mclaren. you would have thought they would have learned from their arrogance. I was screaming at my TV for them to get out of the pits as it was clear the weather was going to turn.

i am, so pissed off beyond belief. I simply don;t understand the thought process by mclaren. WTF!!!!!!
up until 4am here and this is what I get.

and as for the race tomorrow. as I said, monsoon conditions and half points

thanks bernie

3rd April 2010, 10:00
Very wet now. This is going to be fun. Red flagged now

Garry Walker
3rd April 2010, 10:02
Pathetic to redflag it, they have raced in far worse conditions, but these days everyone is such a pussy.

3rd April 2010, 10:03
now they have red flagged q3, now that's rich, why on earth did they not learn from the race last year. and push the time back up to a when we ALL KNOW that rain is much less likely.

Race tomorrow will be a joke.

3rd April 2010, 10:04
Pathetic to redflag it, they have raced in far worse conditions, but these days everyone is such a pussy.

I agree. The drivers were driving very well, especially Robert Kubica and Michael Schumacher. But it seems that FIA prefers to award mediocrity.

3rd April 2010, 10:04
Bunch of us screaming "put in a banker lap" at the TV, seemingly lost on Ferrari and McLaren!

That's what happens when race strategists doesn't use their eyes to look at the sky instead of the PC monitors, not to mention their complete lack of common sense!

And now the FIA nany state kicks in! They didn't even wait to see if anyone is losing car control. :down:

3rd April 2010, 10:04
So it's 4.55pm local time. Race starts tomorrow at 4pm local time. And the track is submerged. If only someone had somehow predicted this before they moved the race to this time... :s

3rd April 2010, 10:06
i think they could have continued the session as bad as the conditions are. this is 2 years in a row that FIA have provided a fiasco in Malaysia. The sad thing is if they held the session 2 hours earlier, has it had been for 9 years before, these situations would not occur.

Bravo FIA/ Bernie for their stupidity

3rd April 2010, 10:07
now they have red flagged q3, now that's rich, why on earth did they not learn from the race last year. and push the time back up to a when we ALL KNOW that rain is much less likely.

Race tomorrow will be a joke.

Common sense was never the strong point of either Bernie nor Charlie.
Why doesn't the FIA override mophead's decisions on safety grounds?!

3rd April 2010, 10:07
Berne you are a penis. you need to make sure everything is finished by 5pm local time or this will happen every year.

i have no doubt the race will not run its full distance tomorrow

3rd April 2010, 10:10
Berne you are a penis. you need to make sure everything is finished by 5pm local time or this will happen every year.

i have no doubt the race will not run its full distance tomorrow

Why not reschedule it now?

3rd April 2010, 10:11
Berne you are a penis. you need to make sure everything is finished by 5pm local time or this will happen every year.

i have no doubt the race will not run its full distance tomorrow


I'd rather get up at 3am and watch a full race than 8am and see half.

3rd April 2010, 10:11
Why not reschedule it now?

because he is a cock

3rd April 2010, 10:12
Now let them go NOW don't wait for more rain! FOOLS!

Dave B
3rd April 2010, 10:14
Almost all of predicted this last year; almost all of us predicted more of the same this year. What the hell is wrong with Bernie that he and he alone can't see this?

Selling out is more important to him than putting on a race. Enjoy spending you money Bernie, you can't take it with you.

(Nice clean new shirt for BBC's Sweaty Eddie!)

3rd April 2010, 10:15
Why not reschedule it now?

because that makes too much sense and bernie and his cohorts would have to admit they were wrong. Bernie has already cashed in so he doesn't give a F&*$ and the FIA are incapable of admitting a mistake. or doing something without 10 committee meetings. So they will screw the race, drivers, teams and fans in order to save face, which ironically will only make them look even more stupid.

3rd April 2010, 10:16
And I am pissed that RK and MS lost a very good laps because the marchals are pussies.

3rd April 2010, 10:17
because that makes too much sense and bernie and his cohorts would have to admit they were wrong. Bernie has already cashed in so he doesn't give a F&*$ and the FIA are incapable of admitting a mistake. or doing something without 10 committee meetings. So they will screw the race, drivers, teams and fans in order to save face, which ironically will only make them look even more stupid.

Make it just an hour in advance, he wants crazy race, for that you need a light rain, not a monsoon storm.

3rd April 2010, 10:18
It's stopped raining and they sit there doing jack ****! This sport makes you shake your head in disbelief at times.

3rd April 2010, 10:19
still it will be interesting tomorrow, we have to say.

Garry Walker
3rd April 2010, 10:20
And I am pissed that RK and MS lost a very good laps because the marchals are pussies.

Well, they were not on their hotlaps yet.

Rescheduling the race at the moment is impossible, just impossible, because of the commercial realities.
What is idiotic is that this wasnt thought of earlier.

3rd April 2010, 10:27
VERY disappointed with MS. His fave conditions and he is P8 while Barbie is P2. Pathetic. He shouldn't have come back. :(
Well done for Mark, he killed them.

3rd April 2010, 10:28
Webby! From dud to stud.

I hope tomorrow goes well for RBR.

3rd April 2010, 10:30
I am off to bed.
what a fiasco

3rd April 2010, 10:31
Why not reschedule it now?

TV broadcasters will not be happy.

3rd April 2010, 10:33
everybody except the arrogant fools at mclaren and ferrari knew that it was important to get a timed lap in early

And Mercedes.

3rd April 2010, 10:34
Smashed em!!

3rd April 2010, 10:34
VERY disappointed with MS. His fave conditions and he is P8 while Barbie is P2. Pathetic. He shouldn't have come back. :(

And you shouldn't watch if you don't like it.
And if we are at it how's your idol Butboy doing? He was stranded in the kitty litter? Nah that can't be true, he's the best after all, maybe he was preserving his tires for tomorrow?

3rd April 2010, 10:35
Smashed em!!

Yep, but tomorrow he will somehow manage to smash into at least one of them.

3rd April 2010, 10:37
And Mercedes.

Yep, even the great Ross Brawn almost got caught out, luckily the Mercs got around in time. Of the top teams, only Vettel went out first thing in Q1.

3rd April 2010, 10:37
how's your idol Buttboy doing? He was stranded in the kitty litter? Nah that can't be true, he's the best after all, maybe he was preserving his tires for tomorrow? :laugh: You're one of a kind Ioan.

3rd April 2010, 10:38
Yep, but tomorrow he will somehow manage to smash into at least one of them.

cool wordplay bro

3rd April 2010, 10:38
And you shouldn't watch if you don't like it.
And if we are at it how's your idol Butboy doing? He was stranded in the kitty litter? Nah that can't be true, he's the best after all, maybe he was preserving his tires for tomorrow?

Well, he beat his illustrious teammate LOL. And BTW I am UNHAPPY that Michael failed, not the other way around. As I am unhappy for Ferrari and Jenson, although at least the race looks very, very promising, especially if we have ordinary rain like in the first part of qualy.

Garry Walker
3rd April 2010, 10:38
And you shouldn't watch if you don't like it.
And if we are at it how's your idol Butboy doing? He was stranded in the kitty litter? Nah that can't be true, he's the best after all, maybe he was preserving his tires for tomorrow?


Well, we have to be honest here, I think we are both dissapointed by the performance of MS today. I was sure after Hamilton and Ferraris fell out that he will be in top 3. :(

3rd April 2010, 10:39
:laugh: You're one of a kind Ioan.

We are all one of a kind, but some are kinder and some less when it comes to answer a certain type of posts. ;)

3rd April 2010, 10:39
Of the top teams, only Vettel went out first thing in Q1.

Yep, good thinking from RBR today, both in this situation and with Webber in the end.

3rd April 2010, 10:40
This has undoubtedly lowered Schumacher's reputation in most people's eyes. These are the sort of conditions he used to love, yet he's 6 places behind Rosberg. Take no credit away from Nico though - a great job and he's well set up for the race tomorrow as Brawn said the cars have a wet weather setup if I heard correctly.

How long before Heidfeld is asked to come in and replace Michael though? ;)

3rd April 2010, 10:42
How long before Heidfeld is asked to come in and replace Michael though? ;)

Not too long, I am afraid :( Even the great man can not turn back time :(

Garry Walker
3rd April 2010, 10:44
This has undoubtedly lowered Schumacher's reputation in most people's eyes.

Only if these people have two digit IQs

3rd April 2010, 10:46
The way's cleared for a Red Bull 1-2 tomorrow with Rosberg the only real opposition anywhere near them. Alonso's championship lead should be safe though as the chances of getting anything more than half points are remote indeed.

3rd April 2010, 10:47
1/2 points! I hated that reality last year and will hate it again this year.

Just stop being stupid and setup the race at an appropriate time.

Dave B
3rd April 2010, 10:47
I must admit to disappointment about MS's pace today, I'd have thought that these were ideal conditions for him to strut his stuff. With Nico on the front row it does raise questions.

As I've said, early days; and as I've also said this isn't a gloat - I'm genuinely disappointed. It's a shame I feel the need to constantly point this out, but it's necessary to stop morons taking my comments out of context.

3rd April 2010, 10:50
I must admit to disappointment about MS's pace today, I'd have thought that these were ideal conditions for him to strut his stuff. With Nico on the front row it does raise questions.

As I've said, early days; and as I've also said this isn't a gloat - I'm genuinely disappointed. It's a shame I feel the need to constantly point this out, but it's necessary to stop morons taking my comments out of context.

Same here. I personally still think that Michael was the most special and brilliant driver in the history of F1. But now he is old and rusty and F1 is not the "Rocky" series... I am afraid that it will be like Damon in 1999. I don't believe that Frentzen is a better driver than Hill, but in 1999 Damon was a shadow of his former self. Ironic, that the same seems to happen with his greatest rival.

3rd April 2010, 10:51
The way's cleared for a Red Bull 1-2 tomorrow

Unsure. It it is very wet I think that Renault and Mercedes GP might trouble them. And don't forget reliability issues.

3rd April 2010, 11:07
We can now officially dump the MS destroy NR thread.
If not here in these condition i don´t see when that would happen.

Time for first win for Nico, at least i wish.....

3rd April 2010, 11:09
Only if these people have two digit IQs

Precisely. It just goes to show that does people only look at the fancy colors on the screen.

3rd April 2010, 11:15
As far as Schumacher is concerned I think we should wait for the race. Schumi seems to be very quick today in Q2, in qualifying in such conditions you can easily spoil your best lap.. That doesn't change the fact he was beaten by his teammate in his favourite conditions. I'd give Schumacher more time I think he will get better race after race, but it could be like F1boat wrote - similar to Hill driving in 1999, of course not just bad cause Hill was beaten 59 to 7 by points if I remember correctly.

3rd April 2010, 11:18
As far as Schumacher is concerned I think we should wait for the race.

Smart words. :up:

3rd April 2010, 11:20
Only if these people have two digit IQs

Why? What has he done since his comeback that even suggests he is good enough to challenge Rosberg, let alone challenge for the WDC?

I'm not denying he's the best driver of all time, or at least top 3, but he isn't good enough anymore. It's not just looking at the 'fancy colours on the screen' but the points tables, onboard cameras and the fact he was stuck behind a Toro Rosso for so long. He hasn't got the same talent anymore. These conditions were literally giving a good place to Schumacher, yet he finished below Sutil, Barrichello and Hulkenberg in his 1st ever wet race in an F1 car. He was only 0.05 seconds ahead of Kobayashi in the awful Sauber, and 1.1 seconds behind Rosberg in equal machinery.

How can you possibly fight against these facts?

3rd April 2010, 11:27
Why? What has he done since his comeback that even suggests he is good enough to challenge Rosberg, let alone challenge for the WDC?

He's consistently been in the top 10 after being 3 years away from the sport, and being twice the age of half the grid.

The rubbish some of the haters come up is laughable. You guys hate him but somehow you have higher expectations from him and feel more let down than those who cheered him on for more than a decade! :rotflmao:

3rd April 2010, 11:32
He's consistently been in the top 10 after being 3 years away from the sport, and being twice the age of half the grid.

The rubbish some of the haters come up is laughable. You guys hate him but somehow you have higher expectations from him and feel more let down than those who cheered him on for more than a decade! :rotflmao:

Yeah, but my question was what makes him look like he can challenge Nico or for the WDC, which is what Michael himself, Ross Brawn and most fans would have expected. A couple of top 10 finishes doesn't suggest that at all, otherwise you're saying Liuzzzi is going for the title too.

Age and time away from the sport has nothing to do with it - he expects to challenge but he isn't challenging. And I'm not a hater - I accept others are haters but I'm just being realistic. I'd be very happy for him to show he's still got it and prove me wrong, but he isn't, and those people trying to stand up for HIS CURRENT FORM (not his past) are fighting a losing battle.

3rd April 2010, 11:44
Yeah, but my question was what makes him look like he can challenge Nico or for the WDC, which is what Michael himself, Ross Brawn and most fans would have expected. A couple of top 10 finishes doesn't suggest that at all, otherwise you're saying Liuzzzi is going for the title too.

We've got 17 races to go and you are already drawing the conclusions for this season?
The only conclusion I can draw right now is that Garry is right!

3rd April 2010, 11:53
I have a feeling that Schumacher will be much better when F1 appear in Europe, classic tracks, and still I think he needs more time to deliver after 3 years break. And can't wait for tommorow race it looks like it will be very interesting race, probably in the rain. Wait for Alonso and Hamilton chase, how Schumacher will drive in wet condition in which he always was brillant. Vettel is my favourite for the win tommorow. A bit disappointed by Kubica's Q3 considering his 1st and 2nd place in Q1 and Q2, but he can finish on podium like in Australia. And surprised by Webber - over 1 second ahead of 2nd Rosberg!

3rd April 2010, 11:58
Schumacher only needs one good result and then he will be away. At the moment he's fighting demons which can only be got rid of by having a good result. Once he has a podium or similar his confidence will improve and we will start seeing streaks of the old schumi. There is bound to be a massive element of doubt in himself.

3rd April 2010, 11:59
It will be a great race tomorrow. If it is dry, Mark for sure is the favorite, but if it is wet, I have a good feeling about Kubica...

3rd April 2010, 12:00
We've got 17 races to go and you are already drawing the conclusions for this season?
The only conclusion I can draw right now is that Garry is right!

You are already drawing conclusions too - that the doubters are wrong. Fair enough there are 17 races left, but at the moment the doubters are right. We'll see at the end of the year who was finally right, but at the moment Scumacher looks off the pace.
And we'll see in about 8 months time who has the 2 digit IQ ioan. It is very hard to argue with someone who has 'Michael Schumacher Best F1 Driver Ever' as their signature as there is obvious bias and blind optimism ;)

Anyway, best of luck to Michael and Nico tomorrow - the race is set up very nicely.

3rd April 2010, 12:02
You are already drawing conclusions too ...

About your IQ.

3rd April 2010, 12:03
About your IQ.
I smell a ban coming on *shakes head*

3rd April 2010, 12:06
About your IQ.

Very drôle

Valve Bounce
3rd April 2010, 12:06
:laugh: You're one of a kind Ioan.

Thank God!! :p :

Valve Bounce
3rd April 2010, 12:14
The only time to have a dry race is to have the race in the morning - around 10 am.

Don't forget Sutil is right up there with the big guns!!

3rd April 2010, 12:19
Wow, that was a spectacularly bad call by McLaren, Ferrari and Mercedes. The silver arrows got away with it but McLaren and Ferrari paid the price. Great to see Heikki Kovalainen in the Lotus and Timo Glock in the Virgin out qualify the two teams which have won the opening races of the year.

Great call by Mark Webber to use the intermediates, utterly deserving of his fantastic pole position. Nico Rosberg once again the lead Mercedes and proving to be quicker than Sebastian Vettel. Adrian Sutil and Nico Hulkenberg did well in what is a very German front of the grid. Williams will be happy with Rubens Barrichello up there too.

3rd April 2010, 12:23
The only time to have a dry race is to have the race in the morning - around 10 am.

Don't forget Sutil is right up there with the big guns!!

I actually forgot about him and he is very good in wet conditions. Should be even more dangerous now as Kimi Raikkonen is no longer racing in F1. On the other hand, Vettel has taken his bad luck so he might take Sutil as well lol.

Valve Bounce
3rd April 2010, 12:42
Ferrari claims they relied too much on the weather forecast. In Monsoon conditions, you simply cannot rely on weather forecast - keeping a sharp lookout is the next best thing.

I will never forget a strange experience in Sri Lanka. I was going home to Colombo 7, and was only 10 minutes from home, looked up and saw a tiny cloud changing by the minute into large dark clouds. By the time I arrived home, it was pouring.

Even at the AGP, the weather pattern during the race was strange as the forecast rain did not arrive during the middle of the race.

3rd April 2010, 13:03
It will be a great race tomorrow. If it is dry, Mark for sure is the favorite, but if it is wet, I have a good feeling about Kubica...

Im not going to disagree with you there, also if its wet, watch out for Sutil, he could spring a bit of a suprise.

Also if its wet, I would'nt be suprised to see maybe Kovalainen taking advantage and scoring a point.

3rd April 2010, 13:21
It will be a great race tomorrow. If it is dry, Mark for sure is the favorite, but if it is wet, I have a good feeling about Kubica...
Rain Rain go away come again another day!

That was frentic and nervewracking at the same time - very happy and relieved for now

3rd April 2010, 13:22
The only time to have a dry race is to have the race in the morning - around 10 am.

A wet race wouldn't be a problem, it's just a monsoon that messes things up, like at 5pm-ish every day local time...

Also, an interesting tweet from McLaren

Incidentally, the last time we qualified 17th and 20th? We won the race... I'm not sure about 20th, but Raikkonen started 17th in Japan '05 and won it. I wouldn't be too surprised to see one the McLarens on the podium though, they've been seriously fast in practice.

3rd April 2010, 13:44
A wet race wouldn't be a problem, it's just a monsoon that messes things up, like at 5pm-ish every day local time...

Also, an interesting tweet from McLaren

I'm not sure about 20th, but Raikkonen started 17th in Japan '05 and won it. I wouldn't be too surprised to see one the McLarens on the podium though, they've been seriously fast in practice.

If it is very wet and chaotic, I wouldn't be too surprised if Jenson again outsmarts the opposition and Hamilton will also be very, very dangerous, as he is crazy and never backs down.

3rd April 2010, 13:45
Rain Rain go away come again another day!

My Mum lived many years ago in Ghana and told me that the situation with the weather there was very similar. She told me - no way is not gonna rain tomorrow...

3rd April 2010, 13:48
Wow, what an awesome qualifying session! Both McLaren and Ferrari totally screwed!! Historic! :D When was the last time neither McLarens nor Ferraris were inside Top15? Maybe somewhere around 1980?! :p : Hopefully that Red Bull will be reliable tomorrow, because it's their golden chance to close the gap on the leaders and participate in the championship fight. I fear for a halved race though, which would reduce the chances of chasers to close the gap.

Impressive showing by the rookies. :up: Both Hülkenberg and Kobayashi reached Q3 for the first time in their careers, they also outqualified their team-mate for the first time. Also Petrov was going well, but somehow disappeared by the end of Q2 by not improving his times?!

3rd April 2010, 14:50
Excellent qualifying, good performances from Glock and Heikki. It looks like Ferraris strategy problems didn't go to rallying... ;)

3rd April 2010, 14:53
Why? What has he done since his comeback that even suggests he is good enough to challenge Rosberg, let alone challenge for the WDC?

I'm not denying he's the best driver of all time, or at least top 3, but he isn't good enough anymore. It's not just looking at the 'fancy colours on the screen' but the points tables, onboard cameras and the fact he was stuck behind a Toro Rosso for so long. He hasn't got the same talent anymore. These conditions were literally giving a good place to Schumacher, yet he finished below Sutil, Barrichello and Hulkenberg in his 1st ever wet race in an F1 car. He was only 0.05 seconds ahead of Kobayashi in the awful Sauber, and 1.1 seconds behind Rosberg in equal machinery.

How can you possibly fight against these facts?

Schumacher has been very close to Rosberg so far, they've been pretty evenly matched, so I don't think you can say he isn't good enough any more and you do have to remember he's been out of it for three years. Somehow I don't see Heidfeld doing any better, or anybody else for that matter.

3rd April 2010, 14:55
The strange thing is that it is really difficult to predict the winner if RBR hits trouble again. Rosberg has been fast in wet qualis in the past (Monza'08, Brazil'09), but is yet to put in a consistently strong drive in a genuine wet race. Sutil has a tendency to get involved in crashes, whenever he is in a strong position, etc. Still quite interesting that 4 drivers with German passports are in Top5. :p : I have noticed that German F1 drivers tend to have one common feature - they are all at least good in the wet.

3rd April 2010, 15:00
I enjoyed Qualifying, its a shame that the race tomorrow will almost certainly be ruined by the thunderstorms.

Rain affected races are exciting, but the race for 2011 has to be moved earlier as we can't have a race each year which has very little chance of going the distance. :dozey:

Hopefully Bernie and others come to their senses. :rolleyes:

3rd April 2010, 15:05
Hopefully Bernie and others come to their senses. :rolleyes:

Sounds like wishing that water would start flowing uphill instead of downhill. :p :

3rd April 2010, 15:12
Sounds like wishing that water would start flowing uphill instead of downhill. :p :

Probably more likely.

3rd April 2010, 15:36

How good was that? So much fun I've just watched it again on red button.

Mark Webber - you Beauty! Here's hoping his season can start here and he'll not let the red mist overcome him tomorrow.

Nico R - I think we have a defacto team leader on our hands. If any conditions were going to play into the Schu's hands it was these, but whilst the old master still had the knowledge and the race craft to search out the grippy lines in the wet he look tentative and unsure.

Williams - stated aim was to get both cars into Q3. Job done. BOSH!

What a race we are gonns have tommorow. In my ideal world i'd love a dry start to see the Macs and Ferrari's battle up the grid, and then some rain by lap 15 to really mess with their heads. :D

3rd April 2010, 15:46
I would like to see a wet race, but I don't think we can have a wet race without it being abandoned.

3rd April 2010, 16:16
About your IQ.

Your next ban will be a 3 months ban, you know that...don't you ?

3rd April 2010, 17:19
He's consistently been in the top 10 after being 3 years away from the sport, and being twice the age of half the grid.

Any average driver would be top 10 with Mercedes.. Only results matter. He is most paid driver with Alonso and there are at least 10 better drivers than him at the moment. So no excuses.

3rd April 2010, 17:32
Any average driver would be top 10 with Mercedes.. Only results matter. He is most paid driver with Alonso and there are at least 10 better drivers than him at the moment. So no excuses.

I think that's a fair assessment (aside from the pay thing as I don't think any of us really know how much the drivers earn). That said, this man is a legend and as such should be given the benefit of a half season to get up to speed.

3rd April 2010, 17:56
Tomorrow's starting grid reminds a bit of Suzuka '05, when McLarens, Alonso and Schumacher started from the back.

3rd April 2010, 17:57
Ferrari claims they relied too much on the weather forecast.

They're idiots. One would think they were born without eyes, and a brain.

3rd April 2010, 18:03
finally ioan a proper comment by you!! you could include mclaren also

3rd April 2010, 18:04
Ferrari certainly relied on the weather forecast at Fuji '07 (intermediates!!), Silverstone '08, Malaysia '09, etc as well. Wonder, how long will it take them to start following other forecasts, because the ones they are relying on at the moment, have a track record of leading them into a guaranteed wrong direction. :p :

Also it's worth recalling qualifying for the 2008 Italian Grand Prix, when Hamilton and Räikkönen were left out of Q3 and Massa only narrowly made it. So those two legendary teams certainly have a history of wrong gambles from the recent past, so not much surprising from that point of view. :)

3rd April 2010, 18:31
forecasts are great, but there is no substitute for going outside and seeing what the weather is doing now

3rd April 2010, 20:20
It should be an interesting and event filled race. I honestly don't think that the grid reflects the pace as well as it might if the conditions stayed consistent. A number of drivers got lucky later in the session and beat most of the rain inconsistencies.

At least we ended up with some fast drivers at the rear of the grid. I just hope the rain is less than will red flag the race, but at best I'm expecting a 1/2 points race.

3rd April 2010, 21:19
I must admit to disappointment about MS's pace today, I'd have thought that these were ideal conditions for him to strut his stuff. With Nico on the front row it does raise questions.

As I've said, early days; and as I've also said this isn't a gloat - I'm genuinely disappointed. It's a shame I feel the need to constantly point this out, but it's necessary to stop morons taking my comments out of context.

let me preface this by saying that I am no MSC fan, but I am not ready to bring out the shovel yet since there is a little thing called the race to be held tomorrow. I actually thing this whole situation is showing us how good Nico is rather than how bad MSC is.

As disappointed as I am about Hamilton and mclaren, I cannot deny it should make for an interesting race tomorrow. I think both Alonso and Hamilton will finish in the top 6 when it is all said and done. If it is a wet start, both of these guys will be storming through the filed.

RBR is on a good position. Then again we've said that for the past 2 races. I am actually tipping Vwttel to win the race and think that webber will either have some problem or get into some incident early on. I can just see him trying to block Rosberg or kubica and it all ending in tears.

i am also looking forward to finally seeing some strong races from Hulkenberg and Kobayashi.

3rd April 2010, 21:26
Ferrari certainly relied on the weather forecast at Fuji '07 (intermediates!!), Silverstone '08, Malaysia '09, etc as well. Wonder, how long will it take them to start following other forecasts, because the ones they are relying on at the moment, have a track record of leading them into a guaranteed wrong direction. :p :

Also it's worth recalling qualifying for the 2008 Italian Grand Prix, when Hamilton and Räikkönen were left out of Q3 and Massa only narrowly made it. So those two legendary teams certainly have a history of wrong gambles from the recent past, so not much surprising from that point of view. :)

as I said I think it is less about the weather reports and more about an arrogance about their cars teams and drivers. Even the best drivers in the world cannot compete against mother nature.

It is also a misplaced confidence about their strategy and lolligaging around while other teams did the sensible thing and put in a lap. This better be the last time i see this happening ever again with mclaren.

3rd April 2010, 21:33
All set up for a good race tomorrow, hope it goes the distance.

MS sure was twitchy in the wet. Looks like he's missing the good ole days...when he had 'option 13' at his disposal.

3rd April 2010, 21:38
Tomorrow's starting grid reminds a bit of Suzuka '05, when McLarens, Alonso and Schumacher started from the back.

The race that Kimi won from 17th on the grid, passing fisi on the last lap was it?

3rd April 2010, 21:47
If there is even half the action of Suzuka 2005 then its going to be a great race.

3rd April 2010, 22:33
Firstly do we have a definitive answer on tyre rule for tommorow - do we start what we have or can the drivers change tyre

I must admit to disappointment about MS's pace today, I'd have thought that these were ideal conditons for him to strut his stuff. With Nico on the front row it does raise questions.

As I've said, early days; and as I've also said this isn't a gloat - I'm genuinely disappointed. It's a shame I feel the need to constantly point this out, but it's necessary to stop morons taking my comments out of context.
I hear you and I can understand why but being out of the game for so long this start of the season was bound to happen...its a whole new ball game to when he was racing back then so lets wait till the middle of the season before we start making assumptions - its only 2 races into the season. Goes to show MS fans have been spoiled over the years to be disapointed in 2 races........try being a Webber fan for 7 years (not that I wouldnt be one if I knew then what I know now - I just be a whole more calmer :D !)

Now here is an outrageous statement for the forum, maybe just maybe Nico is better then everyone thinks he is.

Valve Bounce
4th April 2010, 00:20
All set up for a good race tomorrow, hope it goes the distance.

MS sure was twitchy in the wet. Looks like he's missing the good ole days...when he had 'option 13' at his disposal.

The way the car was handling, it seemed to me that his car did not have the optimum setup for the wet conditions, nor were the tyres that suitable.

Valve Bounce
4th April 2010, 00:25
They're idiots. One would think they were born without eyes, and a brain.

Let's not be too hasty with the blame just yet. It could be that the conditions were rapidly changing; I'm just trying to see things from their perspective - they were there on site and we are somewhere else behind a monitor listening to Martin Brundle. But yeah! I think they should have known better and at least played it safe by putting in a banker lap.

4th April 2010, 00:36
Let's not be too hasty with the blame just yet. It could be that the conditions were rapidly changing; I'm just trying to see things from their perspective - they were there on site and we are somewhere else behind a monitor listening to Martin Brundle. But yeah! I think they should have known better and at least played it safe by putting in a banker lap.

Valve these cars were the fastest in any condition they were idiots and you of all people should not be cutting any slack

4th April 2010, 00:37
Kubica will win !!! heard it here first. It is raining like a double bagger and TAD will have some magic in that car!!

Valve Bounce
4th April 2010, 01:57
If the race was held at 2 pm, then the time would be 7 am in London. How does that sound? That might just get ahead of the thunderstorms.

Valve Bounce
4th April 2010, 01:58
Kubica will win !!! heard it here first. It is raining like a double bagger and TAD will have some magic in that car!!

A TADPOLE WIN! :D :D :rotflmao:

Saint Devote
4th April 2010, 02:15
For crying out loud cut the teams some slack! They made errors - it does happen and its easy for the arm chair warriors here to indulge in "monday morning quarterbacking".

They got it wrong - so what?

I thought people here would be cheering because now the grand prix will not be "boring". Too many people are never satisfied - usually they require good whack upside the head y'all!

And once again the bells are chiming for Schumi......
Its his third race, in a car era he had virtually no time to test. He is a human being not a superman - they do not exist.

Give him time. The race is going to be run again at an idiotic time of the day and time of the year, so his wet weather skills can be put to good use.

Jenson once again outqualified Lewis!!!! and has the sole Mclaren win in 2010 - OMG!!! I thought that this was NEVER supposed to occur?!!!

Lets wait for the race and judge ALL on merit.

I do think that Kubica is finally able to show what he is capable of. Very nice. he is a real no BS racer and even Hamilton could not find a way past him at Albert Park.

And Adrian Sutil as well as Rosberg need to show that they can do well consistently.

4th April 2010, 02:32
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

In these conditions you may be right!

Valve Bounce
4th April 2010, 02:33
Nice to see a hysterical fit when all the rest of us do is give our opinions while discussing the day's happenings and generally having some fun.

Saint Devote
4th April 2010, 03:45
Nice to see a hysterical fit when all the rest of us do is give our opinions while discussing the day's happenings and generally having some fun.

I'm finding it tremendously enjoyable :D

Doesnt detract from the idiocy of repeating 2009's Malaysian GP start time and time of year it is held. It is ridiculous to beleive that somehow this is going to be a "great show" because top drivers in two of the top teams are way down the grid.

It spoils the grand prix. Anyone that thinks it is good may as well propose selecting the grid by a lucky draw and just do two days of testing before the "race" begins.

Will you be satisfied if this whole show ends after 25 laps - well maybe both Red Bull and Virgin will :eek:

Valve Bounce
4th April 2010, 04:39
The whole discussion here appears to be agreed that nobody would like to see the race shortened. Many have suggested solutions while others have simply vented their frustrations.

I have already made one suggestion, but in the final analysis, it's up to Bernie and the organisers.

4th April 2010, 04:59
It spoils the grand prix. Anyone that thinks it is good may as well propose selecting the grid by a lucky draw and just do two days of testing before the "race" begins.

Well no, because those are artificial gimmicks, while the qualifying results were due to circumstance.

Did Jim Clark having to rise through the field in Monza '67 spoil the grand prix?
Did Raikkonen, Schumacher and Alonso starting from low grid positions in Suzuka 05 ruin the grand prix?


4th April 2010, 07:25
I'm finding it tremendously enjoyable :D

Doesnt detract from the idiocy of repeating 2009's Malaysian GP start time and time of year it is held. It is ridiculous to beleive that somehow this is going to be a "great show" because top drivers in two of the top teams are way down the grid.

It spoils the grand prix. Anyone that thinks it is good may as well propose selecting the grid by a lucky draw and just do two days of testing before the "race" begins.

Will you be satisfied if this whole show ends after 25 laps - well maybe both Red Bull and Virgin will :eek:

Spot on, why not have a reverse grid base on the last race results.
Virgin to score points, well a point... maybe just half a point.

4th April 2010, 08:07
Well no, because those are artificial gimmicks, while the qualifying results were due to circumstance.

Did Jim Clark having to rise through the field in Monza '67 spoil the grand prix?
Did Raikkonen, Schumacher and Alonso starting from low grid positions in Suzuka 05 ruin the grand prix?


Exactly. Slower cars are at the front on merit and that will make for some fun to watch.

That said I am not against lottery grids as long as the cream still rises to the top. I wouldn't like to see random grids with the current race distance but if the entire GP weekend was given a shake up it might work. Qualifying could become 2 heats with random grid slots. The results from those short races would then make the grid for the main race on Sunday. That way the fastest car start near the front for the big event having worked their way to good positions in the heats.

Not sure if that works for F1 though :-/

Dave B
4th April 2010, 08:39
That said I am not against lottery grids as long as the cream still rises to the top. I wouldn't like to see random grids with the current race distance but if the entire GP weekend was given a shake up it might work. Qualifying could become 2 heats with random grid slots. The results from those short races would then make the grid for the main race on Sunday. That way the fastest car start near the front for the big event having worked their way to good positions in the heats.

Not sure if that works for F1 though :-/

4th April 2010, 08:48
Exactly. Slower cars are at the front on merit and that will make for some fun to watch.

That said I am not against lottery grids as long as the cream still rises to the top. I wouldn't like to see random grids with the current race distance but if the entire GP weekend was given a shake up it might work. Qualifying could become 2 heats with random grid slots. The results from those short races would then make the grid for the main race on Sunday. That way the fastest car start near the front for the big event having worked their way to good positions in the heats.

Not sure if that works for F1 though :-/Go back to bed.

4th April 2010, 09:25
rofl @ Hamilton on the straight :D He really is having a good day :up:

4th April 2010, 09:28
Schumacher out? :( Yep he's out

4th April 2010, 09:31
Hamilton warned for trying to break the tow. Silly IMHO. Didn't see anything wrong with it.

4th April 2010, 09:34
Hamilton was lucky to get away with that in the light of previous decisions. Maybe having a driver among the stewards is changing things.

4th April 2010, 09:37
As was said on the TV he was just breaking the tow and not moving in the braking area and afaik there's nothing against that really.

4th April 2010, 09:40
As was said on the TV he was just breaking the tow and not moving in the braking area and afaik there's nothing against that really.
I'd agree with that, but in the past it probably would have been a stop go penalty.

4th April 2010, 09:42
Is rain coming or not? Computer says no!

4th April 2010, 09:48
Petrov's move was far worse

4th April 2010, 10:02
Hamilton & Alonso are still on the pace. When are they stopping, or are they hoping for rain?

4th April 2010, 10:03
Lewis gets out in front of Button!

4th April 2010, 10:05
There's some good racing going on out there. Great pass by Alguersuari on Hulkenberg :up:

4th April 2010, 10:12
Button in trouble. Go Felipe baby!

4th April 2010, 10:22
Looks like there's a stalemate developing. Sutil/Hamilton, Button/Massa with Alonso closing. Similar to Australia.

4th April 2010, 10:24
Gee lucky the Vic Police weren't stewarding the race, Hamilton would have to hand the keys over again. :p :

4th April 2010, 10:28
Massa through on Button and Alonso through soon. Not gentle enough on your tyres there eh Jenson?

4th April 2010, 10:33
Kubica doing a great job for Renault again.

4th April 2010, 10:44
Alonso out now. Where's this rain?

4th April 2010, 10:45
Yes! Finally.

Garry Walker
4th April 2010, 10:47
Alonso out :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Where are Alonsos "schumacher-like" leading skills now, why hasnt he cured all the problems already?

Congrats to vettel. Webber was probably the faster guy today, but position counts more.

donKey jote
4th April 2010, 10:50
Alonso´s car broke... what happened Schumi´s?
Congrats Red Bull and great stuff Rosberg P3 :)

4th April 2010, 10:51
Well done Red Bull and Vettel.

Where are Alonsos "schumacher-like" leading skills now, why hasnt he cured all the problems already?


Garry Walker
4th April 2010, 11:00
Well done Red Bull and Vettel.


When alonso came to Ferrari and replaced kimi, all his fans were saying how his leading abilities will help Ferrari to a new era and he will make everyone work harder. He will visit the factory and even the cleaning lady will suddenly be able to solve the most complicated problems
So far it is looking not like that at all.

May the jerk have many more failures, I am even enjoying vettels win in the light of alonsos DNF

4th April 2010, 11:01
When alonso came to Ferrari and replaced kimi, all his fans were saying how his leading abilities will help Ferrari to a new era and he will make everyone work harder. He will visit the factory and even the cleaning lady will suddenly be able to solve the most complicated problems
So far it is looking not like that at all.

May the jerk have many more failures, I am even enjoying vettels win in the light of alonsos DNFNever thought I'd see the day...

4th April 2010, 11:03
Massa through on Button and Alonso through soon. Not gentle enough on your tyres there eh Jenson?

Jenson did very well with his tyres, the early stop was strategy and it brought him an OK result. He was a bit weaker than Lewis today, but he did well.
Vettel and RBR for sure were amazing today. Great race for all their fans and the kid deserved it after all the trouble. And about reliability, well done for RBR after all retirements today, including MS and Alonso, to finish the race in 1-2, fantastic for them.
And the race was OK, not great like Oz, but OK and it HAD overtaking.

donKey jote
4th April 2010, 11:04
So far it is looking not like that at all.

Give him half the time you´re so willing to give MS against Rosberg, and we´ll both be laughing :p

Dave B
4th April 2010, 11:06
When alonso came to Ferrari and replaced kimi, all his fans were saying how his leading abilities will help Ferrari to a new era and he will make everyone work harder. He will visit the factory and even the cleaning lady will suddenly be able to solve the most complicated problems
So far it is looking not like that at all.

May the jerk have many more failures, I am even enjoying vettels win in the light of alonsos DNF
All of which is fair enough, but can you please remember this the next time you launch into an attack on any of us for daring to post anything negative about Schumacher or your other favourites. Ta muchly.

4th April 2010, 11:06
So far it is looking not like that at all.
After three races last year Ferrari had the grand total of zero points. Now, they're leading both championships. Things are looking better for them.

4th April 2010, 11:10
When alonso came to Ferrari and replaced kimi, all his fans were saying how his leading abilities will help Ferrari to a new era and he will make everyone work harder. He will visit the factory and even the cleaning lady will suddenly be able to solve the most complicated problems
So far it is looking not like that at all.

Some of his fans did, and by the same token some MS fans thought the same about Schumachers return this year, and that's been much less fruitful thus far. No big deal.

4th April 2010, 11:24
I am thinking (hopefully), it was the new stewards room operation that made the sensible decision to just warn Lewis for his weaving instead of giving him a penalty. looks like its working better.

And I can't believe it NO RAIN!

4th April 2010, 11:41
One word....gutted

Valve Bounce
4th April 2010, 11:42
Hamilton was lucky to get away with that in the light of previous decisions. Maybe having a driver among the stewards is changing things.

I cannot agree. Lewis was not blocking at all - he was trying to break the tow, and what the other guy (Petrov) was doing was more dangerous because he was weaving just as much. But good on Petrov for trying to gain the advantage.

4th April 2010, 11:44
I cannot agree. Lewis was not blocking at all - he was trying to break the tow, and what the other guy (Petrov) was doing was more dangerous because he was weaving just as much. But good on Petrov for trying to gain the advantage.

They were driving like men, for God's sake. Good for them!

4th April 2010, 11:47
Funny, how Alonso's start into the season has been identical to Hirvonen's in WRC - 1st, 4th and nothing. :p :

Well, can't wait, when will Lotus start using their own hydraulics system (arguably should happen for Spain?!), because the Xtrac one (which all new teams use) isn't really working well. Lotus was the most unreliable new team in this race - what a pity.

Valve Bounce
4th April 2010, 11:48
One word....gutted

Oz! Mark made the mistake and he paid for it. What can I say? :(

4th April 2010, 11:49
Lewis was not blocking at all - he was trying to break the tow,

It is still dangerous for the driver behind, because he can't really meaningfully jump out the slipstream if the car in front is weaving. Hamilton's activities were unacceptable IMO.

Valve Bounce
4th April 2010, 11:51
It is still dangerous for the driver behind, because he can't really meaningfully jump out the slipstream if the car in front is weaving. Hamilton's activities were unacceptable IMO.

What? Petrov was weaving to stay in the slipstream. He didn't have to jump - all he had to do was stop weaving after Lewis.

4th April 2010, 11:56
What? Petrov was weaving to stay in the slipstream. He didn't have to jump - all he had to do was stop weaving after Lewis.

So you blame Petrov for weaving, not the driver in front? :p : Of course he had to follow Hamilton, what else could he do if he wanted to be in position to attack in the next corner.

4th April 2010, 11:59
The only think I thought was that if Petrov had held a straight line on the inside with a view to pass while Hamilton was weaving then he would have been cutting Petrov up.
So it was only Petrov following Hamiltons line that kept them both safe.

4th April 2010, 12:00
So you blame Petrov for weaving, not the driver in front? :p : Of course he had to follow Hamilton, what else could he do if he wanted to be in position to attack in the next corner.exactly! Ive seen drivers done for less subtle than Lewis's effort!

Firstly Congrats to Vettel and to Nico

Donkey of the race goes to the pathetic excuse for a pit crew at Redbull - they botched 3 pistops last year when Mark was on level with Seb THEN Oz 2010 when the pitted him to late and now Malaysia. Every team can get pit stops for both drivers right, why not Redbull......and why is it the one driver? With the money they earn and the time they have surely they can get it right????? And some wonder why im paranoid!

Bloody Hell!! :mad: :angryfire

4th April 2010, 12:04
Oz! Mark made the mistake and he paid for it. What can I say? :(
I know I know - if this keeps up I cant say if he will be there half way through 2010 let alone 2011

I cant

4th April 2010, 12:18
exactly! Ive seen drivers done for less subtle than Lewis's effort!

Firstly Congrats to Vettel and to Nico

Donkey of the race goes to the pathetic excuse for a pit crew at Redbull - they botched 3 pistops last year when Mark was on level with Seb THEN Oz 2010 when the pitted him to late and now Malaysia. Every team can get pit stops for both drivers right, why not Redbull......and why is it the one driver? With the money they earn and the time they have surely they can get it right????? And some wonder why im paranoid!

Bloody Hell!! :mad: :angryfire
Wow, I could set my clock by you. The slightest thing goes wrong in relation to Mark and you WILL whinge about it.

4th April 2010, 12:19
Wow, I could set my clock by you. The slightest thing goes wrong in relation to Mark and you WILL whinge about it.
Im making up for the idiots who bag him over the slighest thing...someone has to :mad: So lets set our clocks together shall we!

4th April 2010, 12:24
Well ozrevhead, the race was decided at the start. That pitstop didn't change anything.

Dave B
4th April 2010, 12:27
I reckon Seb would have finished ahead of Mark even without the Aussie leaving the door open on lap one.

4th April 2010, 12:28
Well ozrevhead, the race was decided at the start. That pitstop didn't change anything.
half a chance in 2nd or leapfrogging 1st is better than having no chance thanks to a pitstop bungle

Garry Walker
4th April 2010, 13:23
I reckon Seb would have finished ahead of Mark even without the Aussie leaving the door open on lap one.
How? He did not have any speed advantage and i actually think today Webber was quicker. But bad performance by him at the start, very careless.

4th April 2010, 13:29
How? He did not have any speed advantage and i actually think today Webber was quicker. But bad performance by him at the start, very careless.

At why didn't he pit earlier than Seb, say lap 15? Another open goal missed.

Garry Walker
4th April 2010, 13:36
Why? What has he done since his comeback that even suggests he is good enough to challenge Rosberg, let alone challenge for the WDC?

I'm not denying he's the best driver of all time, or at least top 3, but he isn't good enough anymore. It's not just looking at the 'fancy colours on the screen' but the points tables, onboard cameras and the fact he was stuck behind a Toro Rosso for so long. He hasn't got the same talent anymore. These conditions were literally giving a good place to Schumacher, yet he finished below Sutil, Barrichello and Hulkenberg in his 1st ever wet race in an F1 car. He was only 0.05 seconds ahead of Kobayashi in the awful Sauber, and 1.1 seconds behind Rosberg in equal machinery.

How can you possibly fight against these facts?

How do those "facts" detract from his previous achievements? How will those dampen his reputation that he earned in his "first" career?

Sure, he is struggling a bit at the moment, but give him a bit of time.

4th April 2010, 13:48
How do those "facts" detract from his previous achievements? How will those dampen his reputation that he earned in his "first" career?

Sure, he is struggling a bit at the moment, but give him a bit of time.

They don't detract from his previous achievements at all, hence me still saying he's one of the greatest F1 drivers of all time whatever happens this year. However to new people to the sport, and also the press (who are admittedly idiots), he is losing a bit of his 'unbeatable' reputation.

But seeing him today after his retirement I did gain more respect for him - he was very open, honest. I sure will give him time - all I'm trying to say is that at this current moment in time he's not keeping up with expectations.

4th April 2010, 14:25
At why didn't he pit earlier than Seb, say lap 15? Another open goal missed.
Maybe it was not him deciding this.

4th April 2010, 15:31
How do those "facts" detract from his previous achievements? How will those dampen his reputation that he earned in his "first" career?

Sure, he is struggling a bit at the moment, but give him a bit of time.

Many of us thought he was cheating all throughout his first career. If the old stone does not get it up soon many of us will be saying "Told you So"

4th April 2010, 15:57
At why didn't he pit earlier than Seb, say lap 15? Another open goal missed.

Under normal conditions, such as today, the team chooses who comes in first. They always call in the leading car first, otherwise the team would be showing favouritism to the trailing car. Webber didn't pit before Vettel because the team called Vettel in first, then Webber. To blame this on the driver is just plain silly.

Dave B
4th April 2010, 16:32
Just for fun, I'd like to see a wet qualifying to shake up the grid order, followed by a dry race to see what happens when the faster guys are out of position. :D

All together now: Dreams can come true.... :D :D :D

Saint Devote
4th April 2010, 17:42
There was a reason that the FIA warned Hamilton as he weaved down the straight to blocked Petrov from overtaking him. Vitaly Petrov is definitely good - the Speed commenators were left speechless in the middle of a Hamilton cheerfest when Vitaly RETOOK the Brit - it was really funny.

Yes, Lewis uses dirty tactics such as weaving and running wide to prevent others passing him and, when he messes up he blames his team then apologizes - and there is nothing anyone can do about it - he is what he is: a protege of Ron Dennis. I'll bet he has an underwear drawer that is perfectly neat at ALL times and the labels are exactly in line with each other. lol!!!

Saint Devote
4th April 2010, 17:50
All together now: Dreams can come true.... :D :D :D

Thats when it stops being formula one - its bad enough we still have a compulsory tyre stop - and becomes formula WWF.

It could attract the ignorant unwashed plebians in their droves - Jerry Springer and Judge Judy do after all - but PROPER fans like myself will leave.

I doubt it will happen but it is, given the philosophical collapse in the Western world, not impossible.

Saint Devote
4th April 2010, 18:04
They don't detract from his previous achievements at all, hence me still saying he's one of the greatest F1 drivers of all time whatever happens this year. However to new people to the sport, and also the press (who are admittedly idiots), he is losing a bit of his 'unbeatable' reputation.

But seeing him today after his retirement I did gain more respect for him - he was very open, honest. I sure will give him time - all I'm trying to say is that at this current moment in time he's not keeping up with expectations.

The press were wrong about Schumi even then.

It was never his nonsensical "invincibility" label they applied to him, that was ever real. That is mystical rubbish that is so popular.

The reality is that Schumacher is and was a very human person who like Ross Brawn understands and recognizes that rational thought and application of reality, which is OBJECTIVE, along with trying to be the best [aka: consistently hard work] brings results.

Those who are dismissing Schumi at this stage never understood what he did in the first instance during his first career. They never will.

Just that they ought to look back not so long ago, when a driver named Fisichella stepped into the Ferrari and became one of the worst performing drivers in its history.

What Schumacher has done this season is remarkable. He has a three year contract, it is still early days. Lauda after almost three years away won his third title in his 3rd year back.

Schumi is dialling himself back in, and his incredible logical and rational mind is busy building its database. He is iin process of rebuilding his team.

Racing today is extremely difficult, but the methods he used during his Benetton and Ferrari days are based in good principle, and that remains always consistent and true.

I have no faith in Schumi, because faith is based on emotions and subjective reality. And both calling him "invincible" or having "faith" in him is the utmost disrespect for nim. I have confidence in him. I do not support him - but I will defend him because he deserves it. Especially when it comes to the media who I detest with valid reason to do so.

Dave B
4th April 2010, 18:09
Lets face it - Hamilton can do ANYTHING and he will never get criticized. Its a combination of white guilt and the media - aka: the Obama disease.
Why the heck do you repeatedly bring Lewis' colour into it? Dude, what I want to say would get me banned.... :dozey:

4th April 2010, 18:11
We really do see some absolute neuroses on display here, don't we? Bloody hell.

Saint Devote
4th April 2010, 18:37
Why the heck do you repeatedly bring Lewis' colour into it? Dude, what I want to say would get me banned.... :dozey:

Because I think it is true.

At the start the whole world was excited because Lewis was the first black driver. And since then no matter what he does not a single ciriticsm despite everything.

This is a very racial world and I live in New York City for just over half the year.

If you want to vent then send me your comments in an e-mail - I wont ban you.

4th April 2010, 18:45
At the start the whole world was excited because Lewis was the first black driver. And since then no matter what he does not a single ciriticsm despite everything.

Not a single one? Literally not one?

4th April 2010, 18:51
I've read some silly things on here but this takes the cake. Hamilton is probably the most sanctioned-against racing driver in the history of F1, not to mention one of the most widely-criticised on internet fora.

4th April 2010, 19:44
Lets face it - Hamilton can do ANYTHING and he will never get criticized. Its a combination of white guilt and the media - aka: the Obama disease.

And those that do point fingers will be attacked as the media in the US do to the right wing. Saint Devute: far right winger.

I agree with you. In the eyes of the British Media and some European publications, Hamilton can do no wrong.

It's all about money! His bi-racial background opens up a new market and fan base for modern day F1. He is the European version of Tiger Woods (Pre-scandal). A slap on the wrist is the most punishment he'll receive for now.

Like Tiger Woods, Hamilton is heavily protected by his handlers and the McLaren PR machine. It's amazing that his reputation was kept relatively intact after his tangle with Alonso (2007), Stephneygate & the 2009 Australian GP fiasco.

Hamilton may not carry the global appeal or endorsement dollars of Tiger Woods during his peak years, but he's still an amazing talent and worthy of a seat in F1. But we all know it only takes 1 huge scandal to change everything. Simply look at the Tiger Woods sex scandals. His current reputation amongst the media and endorsement opportunities have taken a beating.

Saint Devote
4th April 2010, 19:47
I've read some silly things on here but this takes the cake. Hamilton is probably the most sanctioned-against racing driver in the history of F1, not to mention one of the most widely-criticised on internet fora.

Provide details where he has been sanctioned directly against through actions on the track. Lying to the FIA and collaborating against Davey Ryan is not on track.

Never mind the Internet - thats not the press. The British media have never criticised him in any way for his actions on track and the Speed commentators virtually chortle with delight regardless - except of course when Petrov retook Hamilton totday - but then they recovered and decided that it had to be the tyres.

Hamilton will continue to get away with anything and we can just hop it will never get a driver killed.

Saint Devote
4th April 2010, 19:50
I agree with you. In the eyes of the British Media and some European publications, Hamilton can do no wrong.

It's all about money! His bi-racial background opens up a new market and fan base for modern day F1. He is the European version of Tiger Woods (Pre-scandal). A slap on the wrist is the most punishment he'll receive for now. Like Tiger Woods, Hamilton is a heavily protected by his handlers and the McLaren PR machine. It's amazing that his reputation was kept relatively intact after Stephneygate & the 2009 Australian GP fiasco.

Lewis is still an amazing talent. Unlike Tiger Woods, Hamilton is paid to drive cars and sometimes crash them. Hamilton may not be a global phenomenon like Tiger but we all know it only takes 1 huge scandal to change everything. Simply look at Tiger Woods and his current reputation amongst the media.

You do say it very eloquently - I am a little too brash - I agree with you.

I might add that Woods' wife deserves whatever she gets now.

4th April 2010, 19:50
The British media have never criticised him in any way for his actions on track

Literally never? Not once?

Seriously, I would like to know whether you genuinely believe what you are writing, or whether it's just hyperbole designed to get a reaction.

Saint Devote
4th April 2010, 19:55
Petrov should have used the old Fittipaldi method to fool Hamilton as the British driver weaved to try and block the Russian.

Move one way and then immediately switch to the other side - problem is Hamilton would probably have hit his car and with open wheels the result would not have been pretty.

On the other hand the big Russian versus the little Brit in pitlane? My money would be on Vitaly :-]

4th April 2010, 20:21
Lets face it - Hamilton can do ANYTHING and he will never get criticized. Its a combination of white guilt and the media - aka: the Obama disease.

And those that do point fingers will be attacked as the media in the US do to the right wing. Saint Devute: far right winger.

There was a reason that the FIA warned Hamilton as he weaved down the straight to blocked Petrov from overtaking him. Vitaly Petrov is definitely good - the Speed commenators were left speechless in the middle of a Hamilton cheerfest when Vitaly RETOOK the Brit - it was really funny.

Yes, Lewis uses dirty tactics such as weaving and running wide to prevent others passing him and, when he messes up he blames his team then apologizes - and there is nothing anyone can do about it - he is what he is: a protege of Ron Dennis. I'll bet he has an underwear drawer that is perfectly neat at ALL times and the labels are exactly in line with each other. lol!!!

so you chose this race to show your true colors
how sad and shameful

nothing else needs to be said about you saint.
time to ignore.