View Full Version : USF1's Peter Windsor working at the Australian GP in a media role - What a JOKE!!

Giuseppe F1
26th March 2010, 17:00

He didnt have the balls along with Anderson to address either his own staff and the wider media and fans in order to give a full explanation on what happened/is happening with the team and here he is working at the Oz GP interviewing the Williams drivers at a media event as if nothing ever happened


Dave B
26th March 2010, 17:04
I'm suprised he's got the nerve to show his face after the farce that was (nearly) USF1. What a <self-censored>.

(As an aside, are ClaireVWilliams and MikeGascoyne the best part of Twitter? :D )

26th March 2010, 17:11
Man sees his new business fail, goes back to old job. Whatever next?

Dave B
26th March 2010, 17:29
Man sees his new business fail, goes back to old job. Whatever next?
Isn't it more like: "Man makes an utter and predictable pig's ear of his new business, ruining the livelihood of dozens of employees who he is then too cowardly to talk to face-to-face, then rubs their face in it by taking a cushy little corporate engagement with a sympathetic team"?

Still, he's grown a pair now. He must be a laughing stock in that paddock, and deservedly so, so fair play for showing his face.

26th March 2010, 17:30

Notice how even ex-Autosport/paddock pass hacks have kept schtum on USF1 for quite a while.

Times like this that I can't wait what Pitpass makes of it all.

26th March 2010, 20:17
(As an aside, are ClaireVWilliams and MikeGascoyne the best part of Twitter? :D )

Claire rocks!!!!

26th March 2010, 20:30
What's he supposed to do, commit hari kari?

He took a chance that few -- if any -- of us will ever take, and it didn't pan out. It's unfortunate, but that's life. I feel bad for the people who worked to try to get this project & hope they land on their feet, like he did.

Of course, the optimist in me hopes he sees this as an opportunity to start over more intelligently ;)

26th March 2010, 20:43
So someone still dared to hire him after the USF1 fiasco?

26th March 2010, 21:07
What's he supposed to do, commit hari kari?

Harakiri would be much more appropriate IMO. :p :

26th March 2010, 21:43
So someone still dared to hire him after the USF1 fiasco?

I have nothing against someone, as BBB says, merely returning to an old job after a business failure. But in this case Windsor has surely lost too much credibility for him to perform that old job. As a journalist, he needs to be able to criticise when necessary. How can he do so after what happened with USF1?

26th March 2010, 21:49
Harakiri would be much more appropriate IMO. :p :

lol :p :

26th March 2010, 21:52
I have nothing against someone, as BBB says, merely returning to an old job after a business failure. But in this case Windsor has surely lost too much credibility for him to perform that old job. As a journalist, he needs to be able to criticise when necessary. How can he do so after what happened with USF1?

It'll be interesting to see how he handles that, indeed. Hopefully, he'll manage to avoid "Do as I say & not as I did" and "Pot calling the kettle black" comments.

27th March 2010, 01:04
But in this case Windsor has surely lost too much credibility for him to perform that old job.

Notice his first port of call was Williams.

He's got journo chums like Adam Cooper, Simon Arron and James Allen to look out after him.

27th March 2010, 01:11
So someone still dared to hire him after the USF1 fiasco?
Oh please. CEO's run companies into the ground and jump from one failed company and 7 figure salary to the other all the time.

To be honest, it's a little unfair to pin this whole fiasco on Windsor.

Anderson is the one to lay the majority of the blame on the way I've seen it. He was doing exactly what I expected he would have been. He was teh F1 insider and journalist that was supposed to be the face of the team. THe problems were with the progress of teh design and construction. I'm sure he's far from blameless, but he was also far from alone in that venture.

27th March 2010, 01:15
Oh please. CEO's run companies into the ground and jump from one failed company and 7 figure salary to the other all the time.

A very fair point, I must say. But, as I stated earlier, I still feel it must be difficult for him to perform a journalistic role now.

27th March 2010, 01:59
Anderson is the one to lay the majority of the blame on the way I've seen it. He was doing exactly what I expected he would have been. He was teh F1 insider and journalist that was supposed to be the face of the team. THe problems were with the progress of teh design and construction. I'm sure he's far from blameless, but he was also far from alone in that venture.

True but Windsor bares some responsiblity. Running with Anderson he must've known what he was getting into.

And to be fair he wanted an honest opinion from the shop floor, I give him that.

27th March 2010, 02:51
Funny, but I would have thought the FBI would be looking for him and Ken by now....

Dave B
27th March 2010, 06:41
From a BBC online producer:

@sarahholtf1 Bumped into US F1 boss Peter Windsor & he said he would submit an entry again in 2013 - but walked away before I knew whether he was joking

I hope he was.

27th March 2010, 07:03
Oh please. CEO's run companies into the ground and jump from one failed company and 7 figure salary to the other all the time.

Well, Windsor has been lying so much in recent months that I think it is embarrassing for anyone to still wanting to deal with him. Peter even didn't have the balls to tell his employees that his business is dead and opted for "mysterious disappearance". What a disgrace.

27th March 2010, 09:53
So someone still dared to hire him after the USF1 fiasco?

I'm pretty sure the fiasco wasn't Windsor's fault, blame it on the other guy. I don't get it, he's got to make a living and "media role" is his job. Talking about lying, if you're team doesn't have money, it's not very useful to say it out loud.

27th March 2010, 10:01
I'm pretty sure the fiasco wasn't Windsor's fault, blame it on the other guy. I don't get it, he's got to make a living and "media role" is his job. Talking about lying, if you're team doesn't have money, it's not very useful to say it out loud.

Windsor was lying to the partners (like Lopez) to get money from them knowing fully well they won't make it to the grid. So it was a scam, not just usual "lying" to the media.

Team principal is the person, who should be most responsible for the situation of a team. If say Red Bull goes into bankruptcy, they are going to blame it on technical director Newey? Hell no.

But I get the point of him needing to make living, although I personally wouldn't look forward to dealing with him.

Mark in Oshawa
28th March 2010, 23:31
Peter Windsor didn't have a great rep with people before the USf1 fiasco. I guess tho some people always land on their feet. Too bad a bunch of people bought into the myth in NC and now are NOT working for USF1

29th March 2010, 03:08
Peter Ponzi Windsor would make a great politican in the mode of a Bill Clinton...disbarred by his home state for perjury, one vote away from impeachment,sex, you call a .....that sex...smoked it but never inhaled and he runs around he never ever did it.....

29th March 2010, 05:44
Windsor was doing the circuit commentary at Albert Park, together with Neil Crompton.

From reports from people i know who were at the 75th AGP, he did a great job of it too.