View Full Version : Fave TV shows update

race aficionado
28th February 2007, 21:18
OK, I can come up with these type of threads also, so sue me!

*I am a USA TV viewer so these are my TV options

TV shows that I miss:
The West Wing

Shows I still watch: (and I thought I would get tired of)

Show I stopped watching:
CSI Miami-nice photography, stupid plots
CSI NY - my town is highlighted, but couldn't get hooked

CSI that still watch:
The Original, still the best

Only reality show that I watch:
. . . . OK and I have watched some Amazing Race all star episodes

Shows that I have to admit that I watch:
The final programs of American Idol

My new faves:
Crossing Jordan
Studio 60

Still one of my faves:
Boston Legal

and my new comic fave;
Third Rock

:s mokin:

28th February 2007, 21:33
TV shows that I miss:
The Amazing Race (the non-All Stars edition :mark: )

Shows I still watch: (and I thought I would get tired of)
Corner Gas
(although I didn't think that I'd necessarily get tired of any othe those)

Show I stopped watching:
American Idol

Only reality show that I watch:

Shows that I have to admit that I watch:
Deal Or No Deal

My new faves:
Boston Legal

Still one of my faves:
Corner Gas

and my new comic fave;

28th February 2007, 21:43
I'm with you totally on NCIS. I can't get enough of that show. Also Law and Order-Criminal Intent, and all of the CSI offshoots.

28th February 2007, 21:57
Yeah, Law And Order is still a good show.

28th February 2007, 22:09
when is the new series of NCIS on tv in uk?

crossing jordon is great as so is without a trace

1st March 2007, 02:10
I used to watch the original Law and Order and CSI but the deluge of cop/lawyer shows on Australian TV turned me off.

I still watch Lost though I am getting increasingly bored with it. I think I only watch it because my wife does.

Supernatural still has me, though I can see it going the same way that the X-Files went and becoming a convoluted mess that is frustrating to watch.

The two shows that I hate to miss are House and Top Gear. I'm pre-disposed to liking Top Gear as it's the only well made show about cars that I have seen. I'm still mildly surprised that I like House so much because I generally despise medical dramas.

I try to avoid reality TV as much as possible but my wife likes The Biggest Loser and Dancing with the Stars so I have to suffer through it from time-to-time.

1st March 2007, 05:32
The only show I watch religiously is Extras

1st March 2007, 13:30
Dragons Den is great :)

1st March 2007, 17:52
Dragon's Den, M*A*S*H and Ralio are fab. Those three are my faves, in that order.

Our house is a reality TV free zone.

1st March 2007, 18:20
and my new comic fave;
Third Rock

Are they making new episodes? Here they are running 2nd reruns of the old ones.

My fave; Mythbusters. Yes, I'm a geek and I think Kari Byron (the one on the right) is HOT:


1st March 2007, 18:29
Mythbusters is good. I like Weaponology too (on Military Channel). I'll watch just about anything on the History Channel too.

race aficionado
1st March 2007, 18:31
Are they making new episodes? Here they are running 2nd reruns of the old ones.

My fave; Mythbusters. Yes, I'm a geek and I think Kari Byron (the one on the right) is HOT:


man, I knew I would be called on that one. I made a typo, it should be "Thirty Rock", it just stated this year - but yes, Third Rock from the Sun is one of my all time favories. It's not on reruns that I know of but it's a classic.

And yes Eki, I've know you're a geek, Oily told me so and also yes, you have god taste, that skeleton looks goooood. :p :

. . . . . and Kari Byron looks good too. ;)

:s mokin:

1st March 2007, 20:11
Gaah, the two shows i actually wait for, House and the Wire have gone or are going on a break.
That leaves OZ reruns, Deadwood and yes, Kari from Mythbusters. :) (never thought about saying that about a Kari :uhoh: )

I'm also out of Seinfed episodes, i used to watch one episode per day, but they haven't been published past season 7.

I'll watch NCIS, but it's really a poor man's JAG.

1st March 2007, 21:56
Mythbusters is good. I like Weaponology too (on Military Channel). I'll watch just about anything on the History Channel too.

Me too, but I noticed that even the History Channel has begun airing reruns of CSI. Cripes that show is now aired on about a half-dozen channels. I mean, c'mon. There's only so much CSI that I can take :mark:

1st March 2007, 23:22
i am really loving dragons den, its so tense and interesting, unlike rip-off shows theyve tried to do on ITV.

Hazell B
1st March 2007, 23:44
Third Rock was on here tonight and I actually made an effort to see it, so count me in on that one.

Avidly watch
Midsommer Murders (don't judge me, it's good stuff)
Columbo (never get bored of him)
The Simpsons
My Name is Earl.

Sometimes watch
Game shows like Countdown, Weakest Link, etc.

Lost all interest in ....
NCIS (second series now showing and it's gone right down hill)
CSI (how many plot mistakes? :eek: )

Don't watch any reality shows or soaps at all.

Never got the chance to see, but would like to ....
Boston Legal.
Most of The West Wing.

NYPD Blue :(

race aficionado
1st March 2007, 23:45
I'll have to check and see if they air "Dragon's Den" in this part of the world.

I just hope it actually has dragons, I like dragons. :)

Hazell B
1st March 2007, 23:57
They're almost dragons ;)

It's on BBC2 here, so maybe on one of the internet replay things they offer? A vague idea of it's content will be on the BBC website.

2nd March 2007, 02:03
I only have 2 English channels to watch over here, but they seem to show most of the latest offerings.

Like to watch
Re-runs of Malcolm In The Middle
National Geographic
Most documentries

Can't stand any of those reality shows, BBBLLLLUUUUUHHHHH.

Ian McC
2nd March 2007, 08:00
Shows I watch:

Battlestar Galactica
Prison Break
Stargate (SG1 and Atlantis)

New shows I watch

Heroes (brilliant!)

Reality shows:

Ugh, none of them


Family Guy

Errr, anyone seen Primeval? :s

2nd March 2007, 10:00
I have a 7yr old who loves primeval :)

2nd March 2007, 11:14
Avidly watch
Midsommer Murders (don't judge me, it's good stuff)

Since we are making confessions here, I avidly watch Emmerdale. I like the atmosphere of the show.

2nd March 2007, 14:59
NYPD Blue :(

Yep, that was a good show.

race aficionado
2nd March 2007, 16:17
Since we are making confessions here, I avidly watch Emmerdale. I like the atmosphere of the show.

confessions . . . .

this is one of the main reasons I like watching "Crossing Jordan" :)

no married man guilt here, my dear wife loves Vigo Mortinson! :dozey:

jim mcglinchey
2nd March 2007, 19:36
Since we are making confessions here, I avidly watch Emmerdale. I like the atmosphere of the show.

mmmm Linda Lusardi, now wherever did I put that Penthouse circa 1986 with a young Ms Lusardi in it?

2nd March 2007, 19:46
There is an All-Star edition of Amazing Race ?? :eek:

2nd March 2007, 23:21
Yeah, Law And Order is still a good show.

Law and Order - Criminal Intent has an atmosphere and style all of its own, and Vincent D'Onofrio is a compelling performer.

race aficionado
2nd March 2007, 23:48
There is an All-Star edition of Amazing Race ?? :eek:

Yep, it's happening right now.
I will watch the final shows - that is, if Boston Rob and his wife from Survivor fame are still in it.

so sue me! :mad:

* as a matter of fact, watching Survivor and the best parts of Amazing Race are shows that my wife and I actually watch together - the rest of our TV faves we each watch at our own opportunity -*Thanks to that amazing digital TV recording box.
(and our working schedules)
:s mokin:

3rd March 2007, 03:58
the young ones... its the greatest television show in history

you ******* vyvien!!!

Ian McC
3rd March 2007, 10:24
I have a 7yr old who loves primeval :)

I guess that sums it up :s

Hazell B
3rd March 2007, 17:09
Since we are making confessions here, I avidly watch Emmerdale. I like the atmosphere of the show.

I used to love it, but stopped watching when Archie died.

If you want sad Emmerdale facts, how about this....
When filming at the old site, the cast used to use the Red Lion in Wetherby for pool matches at lunchtime then film in the afternoon half sozzled :p :
I used to go riding with Frazer Hines as he lived near me.
Cy Chadwick and the guy who played Archie (sorry, I forget his name) had motorcycles and we went to the White Horse at Thirsk with them once after meeting at a milk bar. They were both damned fast but didn't mind waiting for my slower machine :D
My childhood next door neighbour used to play a vet in the show. Her husband was it's producer from the start.