View Full Version : Codemaster F1 2010 First Look

18th March 2010, 21:36
Its looking pretty spectacular


Brown, Jon Brow
18th March 2010, 23:10
It does look good. Input from Antony Davidson to make sure it's realistic.

19th March 2010, 19:12
Looks pretty spectacular

21st March 2010, 00:54
Yes this does look amazing so far. Codemasters seemed to be gearing back towards a sim as opposed to the arcade stuff that they've done since the start of the millenium - thankfully. Hope it lives up to these expectations :D

21st March 2010, 19:58
I dont understand why so many says games like dirt2 way too arcade as I think them are even on some things quite realistic what comes to highly powered rally cars(okey,grid is different) but this topic is about F12010 so not more about that....

I would say the F12010 looks awesome and even when Im not such a big F1 fan anymore than I kept to be many years back it looks a must buy to me. Ok still an early version and surely it has made available to play for all so the most realistic setting surely havent been on use. The track looks great and looks like a Monza what we saw from TV cameras. Not too wide and for every corner you actually has to brake to survive. Also the braking distances looks good to me.. I mean that the car wont stop when you press the button.

Im also sure them can fix the AI that the others wont spin so often and make huge pileups even on lap2 but it was awesome how actually cpu driver blocks the overtaking lines and makes it harder.

The rain what Ive seen on one video service,looks spectacular! If not the best,one of the best racing games for sure to come out this year.

Old Eyes
23rd March 2010, 08:14
I've got F1 2009 on the Wii and it's ok. But the graphics look a million times better on this version. I might have to finally get an Xbox or PS3.

28th April 2010, 08:41
F1 2010 Developer Diary # 2


I've put the link for the SD video, but it's really worth to watch it in HD. The HD High Def link is below the video window. So far this game looks spectacular. Hopefully there will be good career and online options. And I really wish they get the handling to proper simulation, and not some weird half-arsed crap to appeal to everyone.

Old Eyes
4th May 2010, 21:06

Looks pretty good to me! Now to buy myself a PS3

5th May 2010, 14:13
I don't like the sound of the "paddock" feature. Makes it seem like they might just trivialise the game rather than go for a full-on sim.

Bruce D
14th May 2010, 09:13
Anyone seen the new video about weather changing - absoultely awesome!

14th May 2010, 11:28
Bruce, I think you're talking about this one? Developer Diary # 3


17th July 2010, 13:12
There is a new video about how the cars and tracks are made here: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/driving/f12010/video/6268301/f1-2010-tracks-and-cars-movie

The onboard shots from the Ferrari and Red Bull look absolutely awesome, but seems pretty easy handling, that means probably it won't be a simulation. Another potential problem could be that this game uses the same Ego engine used for Dirt and GRID, and the handling in GRID was quite awful, so I guess the physics and handling would be somewhere near that. :( Hoping this game doesn't turn out to be a disaster.

Bruce D
18th July 2010, 11:33
Have you seen these videos yet - http://www.virtualr.net/f1-2010-two-new-gameplay-videos-preview-articles/

Looks very promising actually, besides the annoying pit crew, and the AI was set on the lowest and the guy knew what he was doing when driving it. I wouldn't mind getting it. Pity there is no demo coming.

18th July 2010, 12:55
Have you seen these videos yet - http://www.virtualr.net/f1-2010-two-new-gameplay-videos-preview-articles/

Looks very promising actually, besides the annoying pit crew, and the AI was set on the lowest and the guy knew what he was doing when driving it. I wouldn't mind getting it. Pity there is no demo coming.

Hmm, looks interesting, and probably not an easy arcade game either. I don't like the way the steering wheel moves, very restricted, doesn't look like an actual F1 car. If it can feel better -- if not, then at least be somewhere near rFactor's playability with a wheel, then I'm gonna buy it for sure. Anyway I'll buy it. :D

2nd August 2010, 14:19
Latest video: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/driving/f12010/video/6271513/f1-2010-exclusive-developer-diary-5?hd=0

The career mode seems very interesting. However, it would have been better if the top teams were blocked for the first season, so your only options would have been the backmarkers or the midfielders, and if you impress in those cars, you get offered a test or a contract by one of the top teams. This would add to the gameplay hours and make it more interesting IMO.

I am evil Homer
2nd August 2010, 16:43
In the old F1 game they weren't "blocked" as such but even if you won some races and poles in the Midland or STR you wouldn't be offered a drive by Ferrari or McLaren. Usually it was someone like Toyota, Williams or BMW

2nd August 2010, 23:11
In the old F1 game they weren't "blocked" as such but even if you won some races and poles in the Midland or STR you wouldn't be offered a drive by Ferrari or McLaren. Usually it was someone like Toyota, Williams or BMW

If I remember correctly, the career mode in the F1 05 PS2 game, I couldn't straight away drive for Ferrari or Mclaren. So, I had to drive for one of the small teams, and after winning maybe around 4 or 5 pole positions and races, I was offered a test by Mclaren, and I did the last 3 races with them. Or maybe I'm forgetting something. :hmph:

Bruce D
3rd August 2010, 06:50
Still can't wait for this to come out. Looks better every time I see it. I read the designers twitter at least once a day and it's really interesting what little things get revealed there.

Got a laugh yesterday at the idiots in a our local game shop who really don't know what they're talking about. The conversation started about what the process was for me to pre-order the game and then went like this:

Store guy: What do you want to pre-order then?
Me: F1 2010
Store guy: Why?
Me: Cos I'm into simulation racing games and I'm really looking forward to this one.
Store guy: Oh. Why don't you buy Starcraft 2?
Me: No thanks.
Store guy: Why not?
Me: Cos I just told you I'm into simulation racing games and now you're trying to sell me a strategy game thats way overpriced and requires permanent internet access which I don't have.
Store guy - stunned look...


I really hate these morons that work in places and don't understand what they're talking about. Although the best one was still the guy in the PC store who told me that a Dual Core 2.6 ghz processor actually meant I had 5.2 ghz!

3rd August 2010, 18:48
Still can't wait for this to come out. Looks better every time I see it. I read the designers twitter at least once a day and it's really interesting what little things get revealed there.

Got a laugh yesterday at the idiots in a our local game shop who really don't know what they're talking about. The conversation started about what the process was for me to pre-order the game and then went like this:

Store guy: What do you want to pre-order then?
Me: F1 2010
Store guy: Why?
Me: Cos I'm into simulation racing games and I'm really looking forward to this one.
Store guy: Oh. Why don't you buy Starcraft 2?
Me: No thanks.
Store guy: Why not?
Me: Cos I just told you I'm into simulation racing games and now you're trying to sell me a strategy game thats way overpriced and requires permanent internet access which I don't have.
Store guy - stunned look...


I really hate these morons that work in places and don't understand what they're talking about. Although the best one was still the guy in the PC store who told me that a Dual Core 2.6 ghz processor actually meant I had 5.2 ghz!

:rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I think the worst part was when he asked you "Why?" when you said you want to pre-order F1 2010. I absolutely hate these type of patronizing store salespeople who have no idea about what they're selling.

Someone in a PC store told me that Core i7 has 7 cores, and when I argued that they're actually quad core processors, and none of them has 7 cores, and only the Core i7 Extreme has 6 cores, the guy went to the back of the store, returned 5 minutes later with a stupid smile and said, "Yes, you are right." He was also trying to tell me what USB is. :laugh:

I can't believe they'd hire guys like that as salesmen in a PC store. That's shameful.

Bruce D
4th August 2010, 06:36
The problem is they work on the basis that you're a dumb idiot with no clue what game you're getting, just picking it off the shelf and buy it. I don't have the money to be that open about my choices, so I have to be selective.

Bruce D
4th August 2010, 06:48
BTW if you aren't already following it I really suggest following Steve Hood's twitter page, he's the chief game designer and really lets people know the facts about the game and answers questions straight and honestly. I've learnt so much more about the game just reading his page. The link is http://twitter.com/T4RG4

4th August 2010, 08:58
BTW if you aren't already following it I really suggest following Steve Hood's twitter page, he's the chief game designer and really lets people know the facts about the game and answers questions straight and honestly. I've learnt so much more about the game just reading his page. The link is http://twitter.com/T4RG4

Thanks Bruce, I'll check that out.

4th August 2010, 10:20
BTW if you aren't already following it I really suggest following Steve Hood's twitter page, he's the chief game designer and really lets people know the facts about the game and answers questions straight and honestly. I've learnt so much more about the game just reading his page. The link is http://twitter.com/T4RG4

Thanks for the link Bruce. That guy really does answer ALL questions. I guess my confidence has increased in the game after finding out some details, most importantly that you can be faster by 0.3 seconds with a wheel. :D

2nd September 2010, 15:01
Anthony Davidson's been test driving the game again today.


I am evil Homer
2nd September 2010, 16:09
Cloest he'll get to an F1 race seat these days :D ;)