View Full Version : CBA with wrc

6th March 2010, 12:29
After the pasting motors tv got with the sweden coverage I would of thought that the coverage would of improved, but I got up this morning to watch day 1 of mexico to find it was crap as sweden, as it was the same annoying commentator, but sounding like he was speaking through a dodgy phone connection. The wrc is now dead in my world and I thank eurosport for the excellent championship that is the IRC.

6th March 2010, 12:43
Thanks for that :o

6th March 2010, 12:44
After the pasting motors tv got with the sweden coverage I would of thought that the coverage would of improved, but I got up this morning to watch day 1 of mexico to find it was crap as sweden, as it was the same annoying commentator, but sounding like he was speaking through a dodgy phone connection. The wrc is now dead in my world and I thank eurosport for the excellent championship that is the IRC.

Well I watched IRC Curtiba.. I fell in sleep after 5 minutes.. it was even worse...

6th March 2010, 12:53

why you connect so closely the sport itself with the coverage ?? Here in greece we don't get any coverage at all apart from a webcast yet i still follow the sport.

TV kids nowadays are confusing me....i am going back to my cave.

6th March 2010, 13:35
Eurosport are good at the live stuff for IRC but they need to work on their highlights shows...

I am also just watching the Motors TV stuff from Mexico and got the same here - no commentary for the first 5 minutes and then the rest sounded like it was done with a mobile phone.

I think I'll stick to the Dave coverage of WRC from now on, can't be bothered sitting through 3 hours of WRC every weekend when Dave will wrap it up in a one hour package and with more slickness. And I never thought I'd say that!

Viridian Black
6th March 2010, 14:06
It really brings it home when you think "I'm gonna watch the Dave coverage because Motors TV aren't really trying". I had the same experience while watching Motor TV this morning, I mean if you can't use a decent mic don't speak at all.

6th March 2010, 15:25
I gave up watching the motors tv coverage after a couple minutes, that was a disgrace! I can only assume they had some kind of technical trouble and had to resort to some dodgy sound system, well thats what I hope any way because everyone could hear how poor it was!

6th March 2010, 16:08
Cba ?

6th March 2010, 16:51
cant be arsed

7th March 2010, 11:51
Perhaps I should of wrote my first post different. What I'm trying to say is that this is meant to be a prestigious world championship. Do you see this type of stuff happening to Formula 1 and MotoGP?

7th March 2010, 12:33
Pitiful is how they handle the WRC footage. It's as lame as.

7th March 2010, 13:59
Just watching the Day 1 coverage now on Motors. Aside from it being bad, it just isn't conveying the story of the rally.

I watch the supposed 'highlights' each day so be put in the picture about the events that day. This just isn't the case on Motors. It's more like a collection of footage thrown together with a garbled commertary.

Putting a full onboard of Loeb going through a stage may seem on the face of it like a good idea. But all it does is serve to make the casual viewer forget what is happening. The onboard wasn't even that exciting. They barely ever are.

Does anyone else find it physically hard to watch? I never thought rallying (my favourite sport) could be poorly packaged to the extent that it makes me want to switch it off. I dont see it getting any better either it is a flawed idea - badly executed - but with limited footage.

Like a few others have said - Roll on the Dave coverage.

7th March 2010, 14:09
Your right, no story. It has too much of "let's ride onboard for the WHOLE stage with so and so..."

I don't need to see that, it's boring and also what is happening down the field? We know Seb is leading, so you don't need to tell us and show him for 70% of the coverage. Other people are competing too.

7th March 2010, 15:32
When I watched the footage I kept thinking what I got on the d/l was some satellite feed with audio track somehow distorted. It appears that something isn't going on right with whoever handles the WRC enough for them to obviously not give enough of a *$#@ to even bother with half assed presentation package.

I think the WRC will be history within the next 2-5 years in favor of IRC. This is absolutely the worst thing I have ever seen.


8th March 2010, 09:57
Hey guys, it's all going to be okay.

They're planning to bring out a WRC video game.

8th March 2010, 11:11
Perhaps I should of wrote my first post different. What I'm trying to say is that this is meant to be a prestigious world championship. Do you see this type of stuff happening to Formula 1 and MotoGP?

No!! Good point - it wouldn't happen.
We have to accept that maybe WRC isn't a prestigious series, otherwise it wouldn't be on MotorsTV. Sad, but probably true.