View Full Version : 2010 indycar TV ratings.......

5th March 2010, 18:11
.........might be a little harder to come by this season


*boy thats gonna suck for all the projectionists

5th March 2010, 19:04
.........might be a little harder to come by this season


*boy thats gonna suck for all the projectionists

Oh well, just copy your posts from last year. They might be a little high unless DirectTV and Versus kiss and make up, but they will be close.

Has anyone seen an IndyCar schedule posted in a prominent location in a sports bar?

Mark in Oshawa
5th March 2010, 19:40
This just in...the ratings will suck.

It is a story, I must admit, but how much of one I don't know. Not sure how they get out of the hole but they have to do it soon.

5th March 2010, 20:20
Best news this season for the IRL. Now they can release phoney viewer numbers similar to the 3-day attendance. Just like that Versus tv-dude that claimed 25 million(!) people watched Indycar on Versus in 2009.

Scotty G.
5th March 2010, 22:07
Best news this season for the IRL. Now they can release phoney viewer numbers similar to the 3-day attendance. Just like that Versus tv-dude that claimed 25 million(!) people watched Indycar on Versus in 2009.


Plus they can spout about viewership in China or Boola Boola!!!

6th March 2010, 03:15
Makes sense to me.
Networks, marketers and advertising agencies pay big $$$ for Nielson data. Why should they want Nielson releasing the data for free and also possibly making them and their partners open to criticism and ridicule.

6th March 2010, 12:28
This just in...the ratings will suck.

It is a story, I must admit, but how much of one I don't know. Not sure how they get out of the hole but they have to do it soon.

Don't think it's gonna happen, Mark. Everything being done by the powers that be is to funnel all available revenue to IMS. The only thing the teams have is a big purse for the 500.

The conditions for yet another split is solidifying again...

Dr. Krogshöj
6th March 2010, 12:32

Plus they can spout about viewership in China or Boola Boola!!!

Maybe the IRL should release combined viewership figures from all countries where the races are broadcast. I'm serious.

8th March 2010, 22:18
What are you going to do Ken?

8th March 2010, 22:25
holy Guacamole (do you canucks even know what that is?) the boneronger comes out of retirement...

must of gotten banned at a couple other forums or sumthun'

8th March 2010, 22:32
holy Guacamole (do you canucks even know what that is?) the boneronger comes out of retirement...

must of gotten banned at a couple other forums or sumthun'

Ya the doily patrol couldn't handle the tough questions and I'm in some serious need of Indy Car! :)

8th March 2010, 22:41
Ya the doily patrol couldn't handle the tough questions and I'm in some serious need of Indy Car! :)

well theres a new sheriff in town since you last visited so you best figure out the lay of the land...

and if your looking for some debate just say "black" to garyshell and he'll post "white" quicker than a PT lap PIR....and you'll be off to the races from there

8th March 2010, 22:53
well theres a new sheriff in town since you last visited so you best figure out the lay of the land...

and if your looking for some debate just say "black" to garyshell and he'll post "white" quicker than a PT lap PIR....and you'll be off to the races from there

You don't think they'll like the Loneranger?

Mark in Oshawa
9th March 2010, 10:31
Don't think it's gonna happen, Mark. Everything being done by the powers that be is to funnel all available revenue to IMS. The only thing the teams have is a big purse for the 500.

The conditions for yet another split is solidifying again...
First off, that would be really stupid, and secondly, the teams will have no revenues at all.

I do think IMS and the Hulman family will make sure they get their dough if possible....but I also think they will kill the series if they siphon off anything really.

Then again, these are the same dopes who let Tony spend their money on a fruitless quest to take Indycar racing from equal status with NASCAR in the public's affections to a bit player on the sporting landscape, and only dumped him AFTER he finally got control.....Ladies, where the heck were you 16 years ago!!!???

9th March 2010, 12:09
First off, that would be really stupid, and secondly, the teams will have no revenues at all.

Yes that would be stupid. As stupid as starting the IRL in the first place. As stupid as blowing up a sport that made F1 think twice about their status. As stupid as the past decade and a half.

But then again, people do stupid things when they want control.

I do think IMS and the Hulman family will make sure they get their dough if possible....but I also think they will kill the series if they siphon off anything really.

Well Mark, the Versus deal certainly did not benefit the teams. Any revenue from that deal goes to the league. The IZOD deal is worth only $100k per car to the teams, most likely through existing IRL programs.

All the major sponsorships (money) in the sport belong to the IRL, not the teams (except perhaps Target with Ganassi).

What the IRL provides to the teams is a subsidy worth about a million dollars which is decent enough if they have the sponsorship to fully cover their expenses. So who can blame Coyne for taking on Duno? He'll only put in the effort that's covered by her check and collect $1.3 million for putting Milka on the grid. It's just enough to have a semblance of a series and entice teams to participate in the 500.

In other words, they have just about complete control over most of the revenue that goes into the sport along with the rulebook, which states how (and how much) the teams spend in order to race at the Indy 500.

Mark in Oshawa
9th March 2010, 22:38
Yes that would be stupid. As stupid as starting the IRL in the first place. As stupid as blowing up a sport that made F1 think twice about their status. As stupid as the past decade and a half.

But then again, people do stupid things when they want control.

Well Mark, the Versus deal certainly did not benefit the teams. Any revenue from that deal goes to the league. The IZOD deal is worth only $100k per car to the teams, most likely through existing IRL programs.

All the major sponsorships (money) in the sport belong to the IRL, not the teams (except perhaps Target with Ganassi).

What the IRL provides to the teams is a subsidy worth about a million dollars which is decent enough if they have the sponsorship to fully cover their expenses. So who can blame Coyne for taking on Duno? He'll only put in the effort that's covered by her check and collect $1.3 million for putting Milka on the grid. It's just enough to have a semblance of a series and entice teams to participate in the 500.

In other words, they have just about complete control over most of the revenue that goes into the sport along with the rulebook, which states how (and how much) the teams spend in order to race at the Indy 500.

The said reality is the IRL will be in the black with no teams if this continues. The teams provide the entertainment. Last time I looked, IMS by itself doesn't make enough to make money if they have no cars on the track.....but that is typical of how things have been screwed with in the lat 16 years...You are dead on the money IMO

9th March 2010, 23:36
The said reality is the IRL will be in the black with no teams if this continues.

Just like pre-split days. IMS worries about the 500 and some other entity worries about a series.

And yes, CART had it right. The IRL never did.

10th March 2010, 02:38
Just like pre-split days. IMS worries about the 500 and some other entity worries about a series.

And yes, CART had it right. The IRL never did.

A pity party if I ever saw one.