View Full Version : Webber blasts 'embarrassing' Formula One

3rd March 2010, 06:18

Webber says the instability of the grid line-up for this season makes the elite series look amateurish and fans need more entertainment rather than uncompetitive new teams.
"It's embarrassing," Webber said. "It's incredible that people who haven't yet turned a wheel take part in grands prix.
"It's the sort of stuff from Mickey Mouse or Tom and Jerry.

"It would make more sense to field (MotoGP champion) Valentino Rossi with his bike on the grid."

3rd March 2010, 06:34
Too right, it is a bloody joke.

I agree with this and the Ferrari website's post. F1 is supposed to be grand, not this joke.

3rd March 2010, 06:41
What Webber says is actually what LdM meant, so I totally agree with him, especially about Valentino :p :

3rd March 2010, 07:14
actually the more uncompetitive new teams on the grid, the more probability for Webber to win :)

on leave of toyota, honda and BMW, I think F1 needs their replacements.

3rd March 2010, 07:29
actually the more uncompetitive new teams on the grid, the more probability for Webber to win :)

Or maybe, while he is leading... They could break apart and fly into him when he is lapping them for the 11th time. :)

3rd March 2010, 07:49
"It would make more sense to field Valentino Rossi with his bike on the grid." I would pay to see that.

3rd March 2010, 08:15
Perhaps Webber wants 14 cars on track to give him more chance of winning. He should keep it quiet chances are he will be begging one of these new teams for a drive in the next year or 2 when Redbull kick him out.

3rd March 2010, 08:26
Meh, I don't see it as a problem, everyone has to start somewhere in a few years these teams may be doing well. Or would you rather see the slow decline we've had in recent years?!!

3rd March 2010, 08:44
Mark Webber has a way of saying what others fear to say, and good for him for saying it :up:

"It's incredible that people who haven't yet turned a wheel take part in grands prix."

Three of the teams - USF1, "Lotus", Stefan - that have been attempting to get onto the grid have never even been racing before, let alone run a F1 car.

3rd March 2010, 09:07
Mike, Webber's saying exactly what LdM said, only his english is better ;)

I am evil Homer
3rd March 2010, 09:10
And he has less of a chip on his shoulder!

3rd March 2010, 09:49
And he has less of a chip on his shoulder!

...and he's not in charge of the most famous F1 Team :p :

3rd March 2010, 09:56
And he has less of a chip on his shoulder!

Yep. I do not like LdM.

3rd March 2010, 10:10
Mike, Webber's saying exactly what LdM said, only his english is better ;)
and because he doesn't work for Ferrari people won't brand him a whiner :)

3rd March 2010, 10:25
I like Mark Webber, but I disagree with him on this occasion.

Dodgy new teams are all part of the fabric of F1. Grand Prix racing would've been a lot less interesting if all the teams were slick, professional operations.

3rd March 2010, 10:37
Originally Posted by http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/aria/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0#post0)
"It would make more sense to field (MotoGP champion) Valentino Rossi with his bike on the grid."

Amen, bring them on and let the real men of racing appear where the human touch and raw courage still dominates the races, and show their stuff

3rd March 2010, 10:43
I like Mark Webber, but I disagree with him on this occasion.

Dodgy new teams are all part of the fabric of F1. Grand Prix racing would've been a lot less interesting if all the teams were slick, professional operations.

Yes, but I think to accept teams that haven't actually turned a wheel in testing into a grand prix weekend is going to cause what will be at best a nuisance for all the other teams, and at worst a serious hazard for other competitors.

3rd March 2010, 10:48
Yes, but I think to accept teams that haven't actually turned a wheel in testing into a grand prix weekend is going to cause what will be at best a nuisance for all the other teams, and at worst a serious hazard for other competitors.

If they're too slow, disqualify them. I've no problem with them turning up and having a crack.

3rd March 2010, 10:48
and because he doesn't work for Ferrari people won't brand him a whiner :)

Exactly ;)

Saint Devote
3rd March 2010, 11:34
He mentions Mickey Mouse and then says F1 should provide more entertainment?!

Given the penchant in the culture these days for brain-dead reality shows, surely a real one like we have IS modern day entertainment?

3rd March 2010, 11:47
If they're too slow, disqualify them. I've no problem with them turning up and having a crack.

I don't have a problem with teams having a crack - but - part of the problem is that there is no 107% rule or prequalifying in place now. At least with those 107% and pre-qualifying rules, the hopelessly out of depth efforts would not mingle and interfere in other teams practice sessions, and the slow teams would not make the grid if they weren't in the 107% time.

Now they are guaranteed a grid spot provided they have cars that show up that conform to the regulations. Is there a blanket FIA rule to DQ slow untested teams at their own disgression?

3rd March 2010, 13:36
I like Mark Webber, but I disagree with him on this occasion.

Dodgy new teams are all part of the fabric of F1. Grand Prix racing would've been a lot less interesting if all the teams were slick, professional operations.

if it weren't for dodgy teams, new or otherwise or teams perceived as really rather uncompetitive, the Webber would have never gotten his chance at F1. He needs to show some humility and appreciation for the sport as a whole and not think of it as a super-elite series where only 10 cars should be running. I like him, but his statement smacks of arrogance and a driver who as all too quickly forgotten his own racing past and those "dodgy" teams that gave him a chance to shine.

3rd March 2010, 13:38
I don't have a problem with teams having a crack - but - part of the problem is that there is no 107% rule or prequalifying in place now. At least with those 107% and pre-qualifying rules, the hopelessly out of depth efforts would not mingle and interfere in other teams practice sessions, and the slow teams would not make the grid if they weren't in the 107% time.

Now they are guaranteed a grid spot provided they have cars that show up that conform to the regulations. Is there a blanket FIA rule to DQ slow untested teams at their own disgression?
the 107% rule was put in place when like 36 cars showed up to a GP. I am glad that rule is gone as in today's F1 world one should be happy to see 26 cars on the grid. I don;t want to see 15 or 16 cars or even a top car not making it because of some qualy issue. Let that era remain in the pasty and lets just go racing please.

3rd March 2010, 15:02
the 107% rule was put in place when like 36 cars showed up to a GP. I am glad that rule is gone as in today's F1 world one should be happy to see 26 cars on the grid. I don;t want to see 15 or 16 cars or even a top car not making it because of some qualy issue. Let that era remain in the pasty and lets just go racing please.

There was always some leeway in the 107% rule though IIRC. If teams who were competitively fast failed to make the cut due to rain, a crash or some other unforeseen circumstance they could be granted dispensation to race anyway. Race stewards could look at free practice times to help them make that kind of decision.

3rd March 2010, 17:01
These new teams have arguably generated more off-season column inches and forum chatter than the same bland faceless manufacturer-backed 10 teams turning up year-in year-out did. Give the new teams a chance.

The whole F1 establishment seems to have its priorities totally the wrong way round, bleating on about standardisation and equalisation and "level playing fields", while at the same time acting all snobbish to anyone who dares try and join the party. It should be the other way round, allowing all-comers and making them stand on their own two feet, sink or swim, all that.

Webber got his F1 break with Minardi, then established as the slowest team on the grid. So were they an embarrassment too Mr. Webber?

3rd March 2010, 18:07
Dear old Webbo will be HAPPY if there are 26 cockpits available once RedBull dump his ass for Raikkonen next year. Even if he doesn't have to go to a "new" team himself, at least some potential rivals for a seat might go there, giving him a better chance of a seat with... say... Force India! :D

That said, I would hate to see one of my favorite drivers (Webber) get replaced with one of my least favorite (Raikkonen).

Anyways, it's easy to bitch about the bottom guys when you're on the top, isn't it? Bad form, though, and reeks of hubris bigtime. I didn't like Ferrari doing it, and I don't like Webbo doing it, no matter how much I like him.

3rd March 2010, 18:15
Or maybe, while he is leading... They could break apart and fly into him when he is lapping them for the 11th time. :)

I'm fairly certain this is exactly Webbers' thought process here. If a slow car does manage to take out a frontrunner, or gets skewered by a SC period, given his penchant for bad luck it would most assuredly be Webber who gets taken out. ;)

3rd March 2010, 18:16
I wonder if Webber is on about the 2 new teams that were struggling to make it and not the 2 that have taken part in pre-season testing.

I certainly would'nt call their efforts embarassing at all.

3rd March 2010, 18:20
I hate the word 'entertainment' when it comes to this. I see it as a 'sport' in which one is better than the other, as simple as that.

In any case, I prefer 26 cars on the grid rather than 20, regardless of their form.

3rd March 2010, 18:56
I think that Lotus and Virgin are solid efforts, but WTF1 and the rest are truly a mockery of the sport.

3rd March 2010, 20:25
I think what's more embarrassing is the countless scandals, squabbles and allegations involved in the whole organisation last year... I don't see what whining about fresh teams is going to do. Just focus on getting F1 back about racing cars. *shrug*

3rd March 2010, 20:55
was this mark webber ?
or mark webber member of the safety committee ?

The Institute currently houses four working groups. The Open Cockpit Research Group supervises all research into safety issues relating to open cockpit racing cars, such as those used in Formula One. Current projects include developing improved high speed barriers for use at all Formula One circuits and improved wheel tethers to ensure that the wheels do not leave the car in an accident.
The Closed Car Research Group supervises all safety research for closed cockpit racing cars such as GT, touring and rally cars. Current projects include dynamic testing of seats, seat back supports and lateral restraints in the cockpit of the cars.
The Karting Research Group supervises safety research for karts. Projects include the development of a helmet specifically for young drivers and an improvement of the front and rear bumpers on karts.
The final group, the Safety Training Working Group, launched in July this year, co-ordinates and supports safety training for motor sport officials. It is focused on improving safety training for marshals and officials worldwide.

3rd March 2010, 21:44
If they're too slow, disqualify them. I've no problem with them turning up and having a crack.

Me neither. Again, I think some people here lack an historical perspective, notably in relation to Ferrari, whose slumps on occasion were highly embarrassing and found the team's cars languishing near the back rather like Lotus and Virgin will be doing at the outset.

3rd March 2010, 21:54
Me neither. Again, I think some people here lack an historical perspective, notably in relation to Ferrari, whose slumps on occasion were highly embarrassing and found the team's cars languishing near the back rather like Lotus and Virgin will be doing at the outset.

Aye, I remember back in the early 1990's when Ferrari's were nearing 2 seconds off the pace of the frontrunners so their comments are a tad hypocritical seeing that they were on many occasions a laughing stock themselves.

What Ferrari (and especially LdM) need to grasp is that new teams have to start somewhere, F1 cannot become a closed shop for the manufacturer giants and it needs new blood to give the sport a fresh impatus and to also open up more opportunities for drivers that are good enough for F1 but cannot get in due to the lack of spaces available added to the reliance on experience.

3rd March 2010, 21:55
I can remember Mark Webber,a couple of years ago calling a young german driver,more or less an idiot,for running into the back of him.Saying something like "They put these young kids in F1 cars ,and this is what you get,they should not be here"That german guy is now his team mate Vettel!

3rd March 2010, 22:39
I hate the word 'entertainment' when it comes to this. I see it as a 'sport' in which one is better than the other, as simple as that.

:up: x infinity

I'd rather see new teams, no matter how rubbish they are, than overtaking lanes, reverse grids and music acts playing before the race.

3rd March 2010, 22:42
Saying something like "They put these young kids in F1 cars ,and this is what you get,they should not be here"That german guy is now his team mate Vettel!

To be fair though, that was before Mark had won a race in his career, and he had been hungry for it for a decade. Then opportunity comes up and he is leading the pack with good pace and a good chance to win his first GP, until...

He's bound to have been angry afterwards. Any human being would have been. To expect otherwise is to expect F1 drivers to be like PR robots, and Mark certainly isn't one of them, which is why so many of us love him.

If Mark is talking about HRT and USF1, I'd have to agree with him. They did make fun of F1 with their efforts. On the other hand, massive respect to Virgin and Lotus, if anything these two (nearly)-failed teams showed what an awesome job Virgin and Lotus have done to design a car scratch and build a team in less than 6 months. Who cares if they are 5 seconds off pace. They'll be solid teams in a few years.

4th March 2010, 00:14
i think it is the teams that have not yet tested

"It's embarrassing," Webber said. "It's incredible that people who haven't yet turned a wheel take part in grands prix.

Stefan GP, It does not have an official entry but has a car developed from Toyota's 2010 car and has announced drivers.
The team was forced to abandon a planned circuit test apparently due to its failure to secure a supply of tyres but is still claiming it will be accepted by the end of this week.

Dave B
4th March 2010, 10:14
There's no problem with new teams, but they need to have properly tested their cars and have driver who know what they're up to.

With Virgin and Lotus I don't forsee any problems, they've got good drivers and have hopefully found their cars' weaknesses by pounding round and round in Spain last month.

HRT must be a concern, the cars haven't turned a wheel and they'll be out in Bahrain completely untested. Had StefanGP been allowed to race their cut'n'shut Toyotas it would have been embarrassing.

New teams should be welcomed - encouraged even - but for everybody's sake they must demonstrate at least some basic competence and safety standards. There needs to be a minimum testing milage, and the criteria for a driver's superlicence must be strictly enforced.

Big Ben
4th March 2010, 11:34
I'm all for free speech even when you have to listen to bitter people like this guy

4th March 2010, 11:40
I'm all for free speech even when you have to listen to bitter people like this guy

Well that's what it's all about. Anyone has the right to say whatever the hell they want, and I/you/we/anyone has an equal right to call them nuts for saying it :p

5th March 2010, 00:52
I like Mark Webber, but I disagree with him on this occasion.

Dodgy new teams are all part of the fabric of F1. Grand Prix racing would've been a lot less interesting if all the teams were slick, professional operations.

Yes but they need to be introduced in the right way and run the right testing etc. Lotus is an example of how to do it and to a lesser Virgin. Virgin have been there and had problems and thats a GOOD thing as it tells them where they are.

When Webber made his comment there was still speculation that USF1 may have made the grid.

It would be stupid to allow teams out there who have had no time testing as they'd just be dangerous, mobile chicanes.

5th March 2010, 00:54
if it weren't for dodgy teams, new or otherwise or teams perceived as really rather uncompetitive, the Webber would have never gotten his chance at F1. He needs to show some humility and appreciation for the sport as a whole and not think of it as a super-elite series where only 10 cars should be running. I like him, but his statement smacks of arrogance and a driver who as all too quickly forgotten his own racing past and those "dodgy" teams that gave him a chance to shine.

Probably some truth in that.

I think he's just saying that it's fine they're there but without going through the right process and protocols it's just creating a recipe for disaster.

5th March 2010, 00:58
I can remember Mark Webber,a couple of years ago calling a young german driver,more or less an idiot,for running into the back of him.Saying something like "They put these young kids in F1 cars ,and this is what you get,they should not be here"That german guy is now his team mate Vettel!

You're right.... after 5 years of driving sheds and a race he genuinely had a chance of winning he showed a little emotion. Bad bad Webber.....

5th March 2010, 03:04
I can remember Mark Webber,a couple of years ago calling a young german driver,more or less an idiot,for running into the back of him.Saying something like "They put these young kids in F1 cars ,and this is what you get,they should not be here"That german guy is now his team mate Vettel!I remember that race really well because, at that moment, it was a difficult time to be a Vettel fan. So, I can understand Webber's outrage since he was pretty much on pace for a podium.

Also, his comment about the new teams, spot on! :cool:
Cut the shenanigans and get to some racing.