View Full Version : First picture of new Stefan GP car.....sort of

Giuseppe F1
2nd March 2010, 20:01
http://go2.wordpress.com/?id=725X1342&site=adamcooperf1.wordpress.com&url=http%3A%2F%2Fadamcooperf1.files.wordpress.com% 2F2010%2F03%2Facf1-blog-stefan-gp-dont-steal-this.jpg

Giuseppe F1
2nd March 2010, 20:01

2nd March 2010, 23:41
I am a bit unsure. :confused:

What do people here think the actual chances of Stefan GP being let into 2010, and if there is a chance how late can the announcement be made?

3rd March 2010, 00:35
I am a bit unsure. :confused:

What do people here think the actual chances of Stefan GP being let into 2010, and if there is a chance how late can the announcement be made?

Now with USF1 gone, Stefan has a bit clearer way to the grid, but I still see it quite hard to happen. And if they are allowed to race, the announcement should be ASAP, although maybe we have to wait until next week, which is in my opinion too late. What can you do if the FIA allows you to race 4 days before the start of the season?

Saint Devote
3rd March 2010, 00:53
If they meet the financial and technical requirements why not?

These cars are from Toyota, jobs havebeen saved which means experienced people and the drivers are experienced F1 people.

Jacques Villeneuve - would make him the fifth world champion to race at Sakhir and Kazuki Nakajima are a wise choice by the team.

Although the average knowledgable F1 fan will be reasonably skeptical on how well these two will race?! - even though JV is JV!

3rd March 2010, 10:08
What about paying the entry fee? They may have bought Toyota's cars and engines but the FIA will still want money out of them won't they?

Dave B
3rd March 2010, 12:35
Stefan won't race this year, and rightly so, for reasons that I really can't be bothered to repeat for the 20th time.

3rd March 2010, 14:29
Stefan won't race this year, and rightly so, for reasons that I really can't be bothered to repeat for the 20th time.

Maybe Lotus, Virgin or Campos could buy the Toyota chassis from Stefan then, it would surely be several seconds quicker per lap than the cars the teams currently have....ok, engines and gearboxes make it probably impossible but still....

3rd March 2010, 14:47
Maybe Lotus, Virgin or Campos could buy the Toyota chassis from Stefan then, it would surely be several seconds quicker per lap than the cars the teams currently have....ok, engines and gearboxes make it probably impossible but still....
While a Toyota designed and built chassis may well have some good potential, I think it's by no means a given that it would perform any quicker without any pre-season testing. If StefanGP DOES get to race in Bahrain, I would expect them to be on par with Lotus and Virgin AT BEST. My guess would be that several technical problems would sideline them during most of practice, that they would start at the back, and both cars would not finish the race. Actually, I think it would be a great achievement for ANY of the new "4" teams to get one of their cars to finish the race distance. I would guess Lotus has the best chance of that, they seem a bit more reliable than Virgin so far. Hispania can't be expected to go very far without any test mileage, either.

3rd March 2010, 15:10
Stefan won't race this year, and rightly so, for reasons that I really can't be bothered to repeat for the 20th time.

and you know this how?


apart from your obvious dislike of the man and team, I am not exactly sure what inside knowledge you have about their viability and preparedness to race this year.

Dave B
3rd March 2010, 15:47
No inside knowledge, just a finely tuned bulls--t detector ;)

3rd March 2010, 17:17
well we are about to find out really soon

3rd March 2010, 17:24
well we are about to find out really soon
How soon? :rolleyes: Arrgh, I keep hitting the "reload" button on all motorsport news sites, but still nothing :D I can't take it anymore!!

3rd March 2010, 17:33
No inside knowledge, just a finely tuned bulls--t detector ;)

Best take that detector in for service and calibration , Dave .
It's looking less and less like it's working .

3rd March 2010, 17:55
Best take that detector in for service and calibration , Dave .
It's looking less and less like it's working .
Maybe it's a "USF1 Brand Bull Detector" :cool:

Dave B
4th March 2010, 09:31
Switched it on this morning and it booted up first time and appears to be working perfectly ;)

4th March 2010, 14:58
Switched it on this morning and it booted up first time and appears to be working perfectly ;)

from what the idiots at fIA said, it was nothing to do with the countless reasons you gave, and simply their interpretation of not wanting to seem unfair to other applicants. So your reasons of shady businessman, no car, dodgy financial, no trucks loaded up with parts, etc etc etc, were never the issue. It was simply a poor decision by FIA to not award the 13th grid spot to a team ready to go and in a better situation than HRT F1 all in an attempt to save face and not admit being wrong in the initial selection process. Of course their talk of too close to the start of the season to award a grid slot doesn't really hold water given that HRT F1 might not even maker it the first GP.

so your detector is still way off. It's like predicting that a car won't win the race because their drivers are bad people and the paint scheme is terrible. They then lose the race because another car was faster. and then you come back on claiming victory.and that you were right all along. lol

4th March 2010, 15:15
Switched it on this morning and it booted up first time and appears to be working perfectly ;)

It appears that it's pointed at the FIA .

I expect it will spin wildly until the lights go out in the desert .

Jacques , having been fitted , has been in the garage and seen a capable outfit , contrary to what is being floated around by you journos .

Vultures are not so different to pirranha , both being opportunists in the food chain , performing much the same function .
Head fish Bernie has smelled the fresh meat , and the cash cow is still teetering on the riverbank , ready to fall in at any moment .

Dave B
4th March 2010, 15:21
Well Stefan did say that if they were refused an entry for this year they'd spend 2010 testing (what exactly I don't know) and enter in 2011 - with what, a year-old Toyota with an outlawed diffuser, or will they magic up a new car?

Let's see what they do now. If they can earn a slot on merit, as opposed to trying to circumvent the selection process which they already failed once, then good luck to them.

Big Ben
4th March 2010, 15:23
first... and last probably

Dave B
4th March 2010, 15:28
Incidentally, I wonder if anybody will dig a little deeper into stories eminating from Germany that Zoran may have, erm, exaggerated his credientials to the FIA and Toyota:

Cologne --
EXPRESS revealed: The presented as the savior of the abandoned in November, Formula 1 activities Zoran Stefanovic is an impostor.

The Serbs there from Belgrade with his company AMCO as engineering contractor who in the space and defense technology is active. On their website it is claimed to have developed parts for the Ariane 5 rocket and flying drones of the Bundeswehr.

Equipped with these references, Stefanovic was able to deal with Toyota Motorsport GmbH is a technical cooperation, including use of the ready-2010s cars.

Full story (translated from German):
http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.express.de%2Fsport%2Fmotorsport %2Fbundeswehr-und-zwei-firmen-gehen-gegen-stefanovic-vor%2F-%2F3200%2F1198046%2F-%2Findex.html&sl=de&tl=en

Dave B
4th March 2010, 15:50
So your reasons of shady businessman, no car, dodgy financial, no trucks loaded up with parts, etc etc etc, were never the issue.
I think we've addressed the shady businessman issue in my post above.

Now. No trucks loaded up with parts, you say?

Officials at the track confirmed to me that StefanGP's containers, which the team stated on February 2nd it had sent to Bahrain, have not arrived at the circuit. Of course the containers may still be at customs awaiting their signing out, but the firmly held belief that the team's containers of spare parts for their ex-Toyota racers were already at the Bahrain International Circuit are false. They are not here.

Source: http://willthef1journo.wordpress.com/2010/02/27/stefangp-will-not-race-in-bahrain/

I am evil Homer
4th March 2010, 16:24
It's all smoke and mirrors...there's not enough money to compete, no cars have turned up anywhere for testing. We've seen one pic of Zoran in front of a Toyota and one pic of Naka in a tub. That doesn't make a capable F1 team.

Clearly the FIA don't think he's legit enough to run.

4th March 2010, 16:26
So, looks like the first picture of the StefanGP was also the last.
Was there any word yet as to whether they would return to their original business plan and become a "testing team" this season?

Then again, if they can't get tires, how are they going to seriously test??

I am evil Homer
4th March 2010, 16:27
Call Anthony Hamilton? ;)

4th March 2010, 16:36
Call Anthony Hamilton? ;)
Good point! Where is HE getting his tires? :confused:

I am evil Homer
4th March 2010, 17:02
Bridgestone...he's FOM and FIA approved. Unlike Stefan GP.

4th March 2010, 17:12
I was looking forward to the return of Jacques Villeneuve. :(

Also a shame that the Toyota chassis won't get a chance to proof itself. Imagine that this would have happened with the Honda chassis a year ago ...

4th March 2010, 18:07
I was looking forward to the return of Jacques Villeneuve. :(

Also a shame that the Toyota chassis won't get a chance to proof itself. Imagine that this would have happened with the Honda chassis a year ago ...

IMO Lotus should buy it, I'm sure Fernandez could come up with the money...

4th March 2010, 23:34
if it's smoke and mirrors why is it Jaques says differently? He states that it's a serious team, thats ready to go the whole year. He states the car is very capable and is at the very least a midfield contender without even testing. That goes to show you how much was put into the toyota chassis. Even without testing the toyota chassis from last year being as a basis is good enough to be faster than ALL the new teams at least. And according to insiders the new chassis spent so much time in the windtunnel that it's expected to be amongst the front runners. check this story out http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/formula-1/will-gray/article/2046/

5th March 2010, 02:13
I was looking forward to the return of Jacques Villeneuve. :(

Also a shame that the Toyota chassis won't get a chance to proof itself. Imagine that this would have happened with the Honda chassis a year ago ...

Jaques is starting to sound like Verstappen. His days in F1 are long past.

5th March 2010, 03:18
I'm still not sure why Stefan GP is not allowed to race.

They have the car, money, and drivers. What gives?

if it's smoke and mirrors why is it Jaques says differently? He states that it's a serious team, thats ready to go the whole year. He states the car is very capable and is at the very least a midfield contender without even testing. That goes to show you how much was put into the toyota chassis. Even without testing the toyota chassis from last year being as a basis is good enough to be faster than ALL the new teams at least. And according to insiders the new chassis spent so much time in the windtunnel that it's expected to be amongst the front runners. check this story out http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/formula-1/will-gray/article/2046/Maybe JV is just shooting crap out of his mouth in order to get a ride in F1.
Fat boy should just stick to being the slow driver in LMS.

5th March 2010, 04:34
I doubt JV has anything to gain by saying good things about a car that isn't going to be on the grid. I think someone is just being retarded and that's you. If Stefan were to be on the grid this year they'd be at least at the front of the midfielders. Even an ex toyota employee at ferrari has helped them with their new diffuser which the Tf110/Stefan01 was supposedly running.

5th March 2010, 05:42
I doubt JV has anything to gain by saying good things about a car that isn't going to be on the grid. I think someone is just being retarded and that's you. If Stefan were to be on the grid this year they'd be at least at the front of the midfielders. :D Sure, whatever you say. You must be some kind of oracle that can determine the competitiveness of all the cars.

The article you provided didn't even have anything to do with JV, just stated the short history and affairs of Stefanovich's start-up team. I'm not going to lie, I think JV is a hack and would be a terrible addition to F1. On the other hand, another team that could have added to the mix would have been a great delight.

Even an ex toyota employee at ferrari has helped them with their new diffuser which the Tf110/Stefan01 was supposedly running.Who? I hope you're not talking about Coughlan.

5th March 2010, 07:47
I'm still not sure why Stefan GP is not allowed to race.

They have the car, money, and drivers. What gives?

Maybe JV is just shooting crap out of his mouth in order to get a ride in F1.
Fat boy should just stick to being the slow driver in LMS.

Because there are rules that just cannot be washed away. I would also like to see them but if FIA had allowed them in, it would have been totally unfair for the teams that were turned down last year.

Dave B
5th March 2010, 08:29
if it's smoke and mirrors why is it Jaques says differently? He states that it's a serious team, thats ready to go the whole year. He states the car is very capable and is at the very least a midfield contender without even testing.
He'd hardly say it was a dog, would he? But then again, if Jacques really can look at a tub on a factory floor and make an accurate assessment on its speed, then every team should sack their windtunnel and CFD teams and give the chap a job in the design office. :laugh:

5th March 2010, 08:51
He'd hardly say it was a dog, would he? But then again, if Jacques really can look at a tub on a factory floor and make an accurate assessment on its speed, then every team should sack their windtunnel and CFD teams and give the chap a job in the design office. :laugh:

You forget, he did all the set-up for the Brawn BGP01, according to Fousto.

And he's not ruling out a return in 2011, by which time he will have developed a car that runs on milk.

I am evil Homer
5th March 2010, 09:49
if it's smoke and mirrors why is it Jaques says differently? He states that it's a serious team, thats ready to go the whole year. He states the car is very capable and is at the very least a midfield contender without even testing. That goes to show you how much was put into the toyota chassis. Even without testing the toyota chassis from last year being as a basis is good enough to be faster than ALL the new teams at least. And according to insiders the new chassis spent so much time in the windtunnel that it's expected to be amongst the front runners. check this story out http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/formula-1/will-gray/article/2046/

Ha ha...yeah yeah every year we heard that from Toyota "massive leap forward", "challenge for wins", "this is out year". Remind me what they achieved again with that huge budget? They couldn't even win in a season where McLaren and Ferrari produced some of their worst cars.

Regardless of the PR speak if Stefan GP had the money why didn't they get a slot originally before Toyota left? Sorry but if a professional race outfit like Prodrive can't make it, there's no way Stefan should.